diff --git a/SConstruct b/SConstruct
index 9349525eb22aa978f1a64015dbf3f6ce6cca97e3..0aa5670f6c3020afbea5290b16ce2b82e0aac5b2 100644
--- a/SConstruct
+++ b/SConstruct
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
 import os
 import os.path
 import platform
+import subprocess
 import sys
@@ -21,6 +22,17 @@ tools = ['default', 'scanreplace']
 if 'dotnet' in ARGUMENTS.get('bindings', []):
+# add the clang tool if necessary
+if os.getenv('CC') == 'clang' or platform.system() == 'Darwin':
+	tools.append('clang')
+	# try to detect if cc happens to be clang by inspecting --version
+	cc = os.getenv('CC') or 'cc'
+	ver = subprocess.run([cc, '--version'], capture_output=True).stdout
+	if b'clang' in ver.split():
+		tools.append('clang')
+		os.environ['CC'] = cc	# make sure we call it as we saw it
 envvars = {'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']}
 if 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' in os.environ:
     envvars['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH']
@@ -99,10 +111,7 @@ AddOption('--tests',
 env['CC'] = os.getenv('CC') or env['CC']
 env['CXX'] = os.getenv('CXX') or env['CXX']
-if os.getenv('CC') == 'clang' or env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
-    env.Replace(CC='clang',
-                CXX='clang++')
+env['CFLAGS'] = os.getenv('CFLAGS') or env['CFLAGS']
 # Language standard and warnings
 if env['CC'] == 'cl':
diff --git a/src/allocator.c b/src/allocator.c
index 93c94e1de7d79cf35542faf54e67938f5a0d5a4a..b4dd94f3401b5aa3ab329935f4971a5dc2ee4c4d 100644
--- a/src/allocator.c
+++ b/src/allocator.c
@@ -61,7 +61,14 @@ static void * h_arena_malloc_raw(HArena *arena, size_t size, bool need_zero);
 void* h_alloc(HAllocator* mm__, size_t size) {
   void *p = mm__->alloc(mm__, size);
-    h_platform_errx(1, "memory allocation failed (%uB requested)\n", (unsigned int)size);
+    h_platform_errx(1, "memory allocation failed (%zuB requested)\n", size);
+  return p;
+void* h_realloc(HAllocator* mm__, void* ptr, size_t size) {
+  void *p = mm__->realloc(mm__, ptr, size);
+  if(!p)
+    h_platform_errx(1, "memory reallocation failed (%zuB requested)\n", size);
   return p;
diff --git a/src/allocator.h b/src/allocator.h
index 8ebde72308997aa5ac56885d1fa5d45078659170..f98ec899bb872acb105e7b16120f448d34c2d8ca 100644
--- a/src/allocator.h
+++ b/src/allocator.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ typedef struct HAllocator_ {
 } HAllocator;
 void* h_alloc(HAllocator* allocator, size_t size) ATTR_MALLOC(2);
+void* h_realloc(HAllocator* allocator, void* ptr, size_t size);
 typedef struct HArena_ HArena ; // hidden implementation
diff --git a/src/backends/packrat.c b/src/backends/packrat.c
index d4e918dfe72411d2a9a6c0bd4db7df7d5bcf1784..e69e02b4dc5e522cf2ff7f28caac8536d7691fdd 100644
--- a/src/backends/packrat.c
+++ b/src/backends/packrat.c
@@ -34,37 +34,39 @@ HParserCacheValue *cached_lr(HParseState *state, HLeftRec *lr) {
   return ret;
-// Really library-internal tool to perform an uncached parse, and handle any common error-handling.
-static inline HParseResult* perform_lowlevel_parse(HParseState *state, const HParser *parser) {
-  // TODO(thequux): these nested conditions are ugly. Factor this appropriately, so that it is clear which codes is executed when.
-  HParseResult *tmp_res;
-  if (parser) {
-    HInputStream bak = state->input_stream;
-    tmp_res = parser->vtable->parse(parser->env, state);
-    if (tmp_res) {
-      tmp_res->arena = state->arena;
-      if (!state->input_stream.overrun) {
-	size_t bit_length = h_input_stream_pos(&state->input_stream) - h_input_stream_pos(&bak);
-	if (tmp_res->bit_length == 0) { // Don't modify if forwarding.
-	  tmp_res->bit_length = bit_length;
-	}
-	if (tmp_res->ast && tmp_res->ast->bit_length != 0) {
-	  ((HParsedToken*)(tmp_res->ast))->bit_length = bit_length;
-	}
-      } else
-	tmp_res->bit_length = 0;
-    }
-  } else
-    tmp_res = NULL;
-  if (state->input_stream.overrun)
-    return NULL; // overrun is always failure.
-  if (!tmp_res) {
-    state->input_stream = INVALID;
-    state->input_stream.input = key->input_pos.input;
+// internal helper to perform an uncached parse and common error-handling
+static inline
+HParseResult *perform_lowlevel_parse(HParseState *state, const HParser *parser)
+  HParseResult *res;
+  HInputStream bak;
+  size_t len;
+  if (!parser)
+    return NULL;
+  bak = state->input_stream;
+  res = parser->vtable->parse(parser->env, state);
+  if (!res)
+    return NULL;	// NB: input position is considered invalid on failure
+  // combinators' parse functions by design do not have to check for overrun.
+  // turn such bogus successes into parse failure.
+  if (state->input_stream.overrun) {
+    res->bit_length = 0;
+    return NULL;
-  return tmp_res;
+  // update result length
+  res->arena = state->arena;
+  len = h_input_stream_pos(&state->input_stream) - h_input_stream_pos(&bak);
+  if (res->bit_length == 0)	// Don't modify if forwarding.
+    res->bit_length = len;
+  if (res->ast && res->ast->bit_length != 0)
+    ((HParsedToken *)(res->ast))->bit_length = len;
+  return res;
 HParserCacheValue* recall(HParserCacheKey *k, HParseState *state, HHashValue keyhash) {
@@ -326,6 +328,7 @@ HParseResult *h_packrat_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStr
   parse_state->arena = arena;
   parse_state->symbol_table = NULL;
   HParseResult *res = h_do_parse(parser, parse_state);
+  *input_stream = parse_state->input_stream;
   // tear down the parse state
@@ -336,10 +339,118 @@ HParseResult *h_packrat_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStr
   return res;
+// The following naive implementation of the iterative (chunked) parsing API
+// concatenates chunks and blindly re-runs the full parse on every call to
+// h_packrat_parse_chunk.
+// NB: A full implementation will still have to concatenate the chunks to
+// support arbitrary backtracking, but should be able save much, if not all, of
+// the HParseState between calls.
+// Cutting unneeded past input should also be possible but is complicated by
+// the fact that only higher-order combinators are saved to the packrat cache,
+// so former input to bare primitive combinators must remain available.
+// Note: The iterative API expects us to always consume an entire input chunk
+// when we suspend, even if packrat later backtracks into it. We will produce
+// the correct parse result and accurately consume from a final chunk, but all
+// earlier chunks will be reported as fully consumed and as being part of the
+// HParseResult in terms of its bit_length field.
+void h_packrat_parse_start(HSuspendedParser *s)
+  // nothing to do here, we allocate lazily below
+bool h_packrat_parse_chunk(HSuspendedParser *s, HInputStream *input)
+  HAllocator *mm__ = s->mm__;
+  HParseResult *res;
+  HInputStream *cat;
+  size_t newlen;
+  if (s->backend_state == NULL) {	// this is the first chunk
+    // attempt to finish the parse on just the given input.
+    res = h_packrat_parse(mm__, s->parser, input);
+    if (input->last_chunk || !input->overrun) {
+      s->backend_state = res;		// pass on the result
+      return true;			// and signal we're done
+    }
+    // we ran out of input and are expecting more
+    // allocate and initialize an input stream to concatenate the chunks
+    cat = h_new(HInputStream, 1);
+    *cat = *input;
+    cat->input = h_alloc(mm__, input->length);
+    memcpy((void *)cat->input, input->input, input->length);
+    s->backend_state = cat;
+    goto suspend;
+  }
+  // we have received additional input - append it to the saved stream
+  cat = s->backend_state;
+  assert(input->pos == cat->length);
+  if (input->length > SIZE_MAX - cat->length)
+    h_platform_errx(1, "input length would overflow");
+  newlen = cat->length + input->length;
+  cat->input = h_realloc(mm__, (void *)cat->input, newlen);
+  memcpy((void *)cat->input + cat->length, input->input, input->length);
+  cat->length = newlen;
+  cat->last_chunk = input->last_chunk;
+  // reset our input stream and call the parser on it (again)
+  cat->index      = 0;
+  cat->bit_offset = 0;
+  cat->margin     = 0;
+  cat->endianness = DEFAULT_ENDIANNESS;
+  cat->overrun    = false;
+  res = h_packrat_parse(mm__, s->parser, cat);
+  assert(cat->index <= cat->length);
+  input->overrun    = cat->overrun;
+  // suspend if the parser still needs more input
+  if (input->overrun && !input->last_chunk)
+    goto suspend;
+  // otherwise the parse is finished...
+  // report final input position
+  if (cat->index < input->pos) {	// parser just needed some lookahead
+    input->index      = 0;		// don't consume this last chunk
+    input->bit_offset = 0;
+    input->margin     = 0;
+  } else {
+    input->index      = cat->index - input->pos;
+    input->bit_offset = cat->bit_offset;
+    input->margin     = cat->margin;
+    input->endianness = cat->endianness;
+  }
+  // clean up and return the result
+  h_free((void *)cat->input);
+  h_free(cat);
+  s->backend_state = res;
+  return true;				// don't call me again.
+  input->index = input->length;		// consume the entire chunk on suspend
+  input->margin = 0;
+  input->bit_offset = 0;
+  return false;				// come back with more input.
+HParseResult *h_packrat_parse_finish(HSuspendedParser *s)
+  return s->backend_state;
 HParserBackendVTable h__packrat_backend_vtable = {
   .compile = h_packrat_compile,
   .parse = h_packrat_parse,
   .free = h_packrat_free,
+  .parse_start = h_packrat_parse_start,
+  .parse_chunk = h_packrat_parse_chunk,
+  .parse_finish = h_packrat_parse_finish,
   /* Name/param resolution functions */
   .backend_short_name = "packrat",
   .backend_description = "Packrat parser with Warth's recursion",
diff --git a/src/hammer.c b/src/hammer.c
index 50453392aad5d997849b508fb900ea2f5637823e..648dbe2773a754103d6e85d750a9e2bf5a367316 100644
--- a/src/hammer.c
+++ b/src/hammer.c
@@ -558,8 +558,6 @@ HParserBackendWithParams * h_get_backend_with_params_by_name(const char *name_wi
 HParseResult* h_parse(const HParser* parser, const uint8_t* input, size_t length) {
   return h_parse__m(&system_allocator, parser, input, length);
diff --git a/src/internal.h b/src/internal.h
index c2244d4f81f91c889156aee89248c9ed932cc1a5..a53c5914ad9ee2d5996dfe6c2d76aa51242ef43b 100644
--- a/src/internal.h
+++ b/src/internal.h
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ extern HAllocator system_allocator;
 typedef struct HCFStack_ HCFStack;
 typedef struct HInputStream_ {
   // This should be considered to be a really big value type.
   const uint8_t *input;
@@ -368,12 +370,14 @@ int64_t h_read_bits(HInputStream* state, int count, char signed_p);
 void h_skip_bits(HInputStream* state, size_t count);
 void h_seek_bits(HInputStream* state, size_t pos);
 static inline size_t h_input_stream_pos(HInputStream* state) {
-  assert(state->index < SIZE_MAX / 8);
-  return state->index * 8 + state->bit_offset + state->margin;
+  assert(state->pos <= SIZE_MAX - state->index);
+  assert(state->pos + state->index < SIZE_MAX / 8);
+  return (state->pos + state->index) * 8 + state->bit_offset + state->margin;
 static inline size_t h_input_stream_length(HInputStream *state) {
-  assert(state->length <= SIZE_MAX / 8);
-  return state->length * 8;
+  assert(state->pos <= SIZE_MAX - state->length);
+  assert(state->pos + state->length <= SIZE_MAX / 8);
+  return (state->pos + state->length) * 8;
 // need to decide if we want to make this public. 
 HParseResult* h_do_parse(const HParser* parser, HParseState *state);
diff --git a/src/parsers/and.c b/src/parsers/and.c
index e07bc9fcd36c91005d01eeef8d554a8202dce9ae..e27b59a6add6d3371fb5d714644423c910751e5e 100644
--- a/src/parsers/and.c
+++ b/src/parsers/and.c
@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@
 static HParseResult *parse_and(void* env, HParseState* state) {
   HInputStream bak = state->input_stream;
   HParseResult *res = h_do_parse((HParser*)env, state);
+  if (!res)
+    return NULL;	// propagate failed input state, esp. overrun
   state->input_stream = bak;
-  if (res)
-    return make_result(state->arena, NULL);
-  return NULL;
+  return make_result(state->arena, NULL);
 static const HParserVtable and_vt = {
   .parse = parse_and,
   .isValidRegular = h_false, /* TODO: strictly speaking this should be regular,
-				but it will be a huge amount of work and difficult
-				to get right, so we're leaving it for a future
-				revision. --mlp, 18/12/12 */
+				but it will be a huge amount of work and
+				difficult to get right, so we're leaving it for
+				a future revision. --mlp, 18/12/12 */
   .isValidCF = h_false,      /* despite TODO above, this remains false. */
   .compile_to_rvm = h_not_regular,
   .higher = true,
diff --git a/src/parsers/butnot.c b/src/parsers/butnot.c
index 24ece4bec6f7f80b0905401be6e72b10f73769f8..1e809f5ebc141ec0dc6bef978f5badb68aa9a28b 100644
--- a/src/parsers/butnot.c
+++ b/src/parsers/butnot.c
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ typedef struct {
   const HParser *p2;
 } HTwoParsers;
 static HParseResult* parse_butnot(void *env, HParseState *state) {
   HTwoParsers *parsers = (HTwoParsers*)env;
   // cache the initial state of the input stream
@@ -19,15 +18,18 @@ static HParseResult* parse_butnot(void *env, HParseState *state) {
   HInputStream after_p1_state = state->input_stream;
   state->input_stream = start_state;
   HParseResult *r2 = h_do_parse(parsers->p2, state);
-  // TODO(mlp): I'm pretty sure the input stream state should be the post-p1 state in all cases
+  // don't touch the input state (overrun flag) if we must suspend
+  if (want_suspend(state)) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // in all other cases, the input stream should be in the post-p1 state
   state->input_stream = after_p1_state;
-  // if p2 failed, restore post-p1 state and bail out early
   if (NULL == r2) {
     return r1;
   size_t r1len = token_length(r1);
   size_t r2len = token_length(r2);
-  // if both match but p1's text is shorter than than p2's (or the same length), fail
+  // if both match but p1's text no longer than p2's, fail
   if (r1len <= r2len) {
     return NULL;
   } else {
diff --git a/src/parsers/choice.c b/src/parsers/choice.c
index bb6d9c94f5f80c9bc9e85b0af71f125dc2ddc3d7..882ecbf85162c6ad11493141a0a406f9dd5c2a29 100644
--- a/src/parsers/choice.c
+++ b/src/parsers/choice.c
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ static HParseResult* parse_choice(void *env, HParseState *state) {
     HParseResult *tmp = h_do_parse(s->p_array[i], state);
     if (NULL != tmp)
       return tmp;
+    if (want_suspend(state))
+      return NULL;		// bail out early, leaving overrun flag
   // nothing succeeded, so fail
   return NULL;
diff --git a/src/parsers/difference.c b/src/parsers/difference.c
index a24f5acf378c6b801677364f7a5902ae49ec60f1..bdc7a40a1bc23ba60306d5de6a421dfaa363f0e1 100644
--- a/src/parsers/difference.c
+++ b/src/parsers/difference.c
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ static HParseResult* parse_difference(void *env, HParseState *state) {
   HInputStream after_p1_state = state->input_stream;
   state->input_stream = start_state;
   HParseResult *r2 = h_do_parse(parsers->p2, state);
-  // TODO(mlp): I'm pretty sure the input stream state should be the post-p1 state in all cases
+  // don't touch the input state (overrun flag) if we must suspend
+  if (want_suspend(state)) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // in all other cases, the input stream should be in the post-p1 state
   state->input_stream = after_p1_state;
-  // if p2 failed, restore post-p1 state and bail out early
   if (NULL == r2) {
     return r1;
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ static HParseResult* parse_difference(void *env, HParseState *state) {
-static HParserVtable difference_vt = {
+static const HParserVtable difference_vt = {
   .parse = parse_difference,
   .isValidRegular = h_false,
   .isValidCF = h_false, // XXX should this be true if both p1 and p2 are CF?
diff --git a/src/parsers/end.c b/src/parsers/end.c
index 35e4186d430d8b48fe5cd1e41552403d6f95e562..754bb7f5353e5e06e3fa61f6444244c982187bc1 100644
--- a/src/parsers/end.c
+++ b/src/parsers/end.c
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
 #include "parser_internal.h"
-static HParseResult* parse_end(void *env, HParseState *state) {
-  if (state->input_stream.index == state->input_stream.length) {
+static HParseResult* parse_end(void *env, HParseState *state)
+  if (state->input_stream.index < state->input_stream.length)
+    return NULL;
+  assert(state->input_stream.index == state->input_stream.length);
+  if (state->input_stream.last_chunk) {
     HParseResult *ret = a_new(HParseResult, 1);
     ret->ast = NULL;
     ret->bit_length = 0;
     ret->arena = state->arena;
     return ret;
   } else {
+    state->input_stream.overrun = true;	// need more input
     return NULL;
diff --git a/src/parsers/many.c b/src/parsers/many.c
index 655dd1497667f44b3de6694a0109c6f58804167d..f879211f6aa5d750ab9b78216b65696cfb707cb5 100644
--- a/src/parsers/many.c
+++ b/src/parsers/many.c
@@ -21,17 +21,16 @@ static HParseResult *parse_many(void* env, HParseState *state) {
     if (count > 0 && env_->sep != NULL) {
       HParseResult *sep = h_do_parse(env_->sep, state);
       if (!sep)
-	goto err0;
+	goto stop;
     HParseResult *elem = h_do_parse(env_->p, state);
     if (!elem)
-      goto err0;
+      goto stop;
     if (elem->ast)
       h_carray_append(seq, (void*)elem->ast);
-  if (count < env_->count)
-    goto err;
+  assert(count == env_->count);
   ; // necessary for the label to be here...
   HParsedToken *res = a_new(HParsedToken, 1);
@@ -41,13 +40,13 @@ static HParseResult *parse_many(void* env, HParseState *state) {
   res->bit_length = 0;
   res->bit_offset = 0;
   return make_result(state->arena, res);
- err0:
+ stop:
+  if (want_suspend(state))
+    return NULL;		// bail out early, leaving overrun flag
   if (count >= env_->count) {
     state->input_stream = bak;
     goto succ;
- err:
-  state->input_stream = bak;
   return NULL;
diff --git a/src/parsers/not.c b/src/parsers/not.c
index 8c2003dec77b946c50db3d0f62b7117a8ff12f69..a64f917725a17eafcd7eb558a96c73494a04e9ba 100644
--- a/src/parsers/not.c
+++ b/src/parsers/not.c
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ static HParseResult* parse_not(void* env, HParseState* state) {
   HInputStream bak = state->input_stream;
   if (h_do_parse((HParser*)env, state))
     return NULL;
-  else {
-    state->input_stream = bak;
-    return make_result(state->arena, NULL);
-  }
+  if (want_suspend(state))
+    return NULL;		// bail out early, leaving overrun flag
+  // regular parse failure -> success
+  state->input_stream = bak;
+  return make_result(state->arena, NULL);
 static const HParserVtable not_vt = {
diff --git a/src/parsers/optional.c b/src/parsers/optional.c
index 6a2789e2d0a86a8c4e6b141825fd3abc075af5d0..e37446a43dcdbb193b7068e6597eee12878d3a36 100644
--- a/src/parsers/optional.c
+++ b/src/parsers/optional.c
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ static HParseResult* parse_optional(void* env, HParseState* state) {
   HParseResult *res0 = h_do_parse((HParser*)env, state);
   if (res0)
     return res0;
+  if (want_suspend(state))
+    return NULL;		// bail out early, leaving overrun flag
   state->input_stream = bak;
   HParsedToken *ast = a_new(HParsedToken, 1);
   ast->token_type = TT_NONE;
diff --git a/src/parsers/parser_internal.h b/src/parsers/parser_internal.h
index ebc5f4b32992d77cae4e6b512d17e3a39729e14f..945d48f695b3470a3c25a8642c1a3aa9656d9710 100644
--- a/src/parsers/parser_internal.h
+++ b/src/parsers/parser_internal.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
  * NOTE: This is an internal header and installed for use by extensions. The
  * API is not guaranteed stable.
+ */
 #include "../hammer.h"
 #include "../internal.h"
 #include "../backends/regex.h"
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ static inline size_t token_length(HParseResult *pr) {
+// tell if we should suspend a parser, i.e. overrun occured before final input
+static inline bool want_suspend(HParseState *state) {
+  return state->input_stream.overrun && !state->input_stream.last_chunk;
 /* Epsilon rules happen during desugaring. This handles them. */
 static inline void desugar_epsilon(HAllocator *mm__, HCFStack *stk__, void *env) {
@@ -41,4 +46,4 @@ static inline void desugar_epsilon(HAllocator *mm__, HCFStack *stk__, void *env)
diff --git a/src/parsers/permutation.c b/src/parsers/permutation.c
index a50f4c1582af85434e4d9856407677273eba496c..f6f170a6093001d0d0c9941c4885e237445ddee2 100644
--- a/src/parsers/permutation.c
+++ b/src/parsers/permutation.c
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ static int parse_permutation_tail(const HSequence *s,
     if(set[i]) {
       match = h_do_parse(ps[i], state);
+      if (want_suspend(state))
+        return 0;		// bail out early, leaving overrun flag
       // save result
 	seq->elements[i] = (void *)match->ast;
diff --git a/src/parsers/seek.c b/src/parsers/seek.c
index d5bc02840f0145dc3089e82c11068359932b454c..e1459d80a6275e27e5237fe23483100bc0ddad18 100644
--- a/src/parsers/seek.c
+++ b/src/parsers/seek.c
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ static HParseResult *parse_seek(void *env, HParseState *state)
     pos = 0;
   case SEEK_END:
+    if (!stream->last_chunk) {	/* the end is not yet known! */
+      stream->overrun = true;	/* we need more input */
+      return NULL;
+    }
     pos = h_input_stream_length(stream);
   case SEEK_CUR:
diff --git a/src/parsers/whitespace.c b/src/parsers/whitespace.c
index 970a32c8b57209a66f3588bddb4ea30de9f87454..e54c2170258532d7796a8bfa13923ea8075b77b0 100644
--- a/src/parsers/whitespace.c
+++ b/src/parsers/whitespace.c
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ static HParseResult* parse_whitespace(void* env, HParseState *state) {
   do {
     bak = state->input_stream;
     c = h_read_bits(&state->input_stream, 8, false);
+    if (want_suspend(state))
+      return NULL;		// bail out early, leaving overrun flag
     if (state->input_stream.overrun)
   } while (isspace((int)c));
diff --git a/src/parsers/xor.c b/src/parsers/xor.c
index 3a3f21d27a928bf6d2d180eeb39763c918275fd0..08d791cce9ab7ae327d9c9d782b4ff64aa164d48 100644
--- a/src/parsers/xor.c
+++ b/src/parsers/xor.c
@@ -11,10 +11,14 @@ static HParseResult* parse_xor(void *env, HParseState *state) {
   // cache the initial state of the input stream
   HInputStream start_state = state->input_stream;
   HParseResult *r1 = h_do_parse(parsers->p1, state);
+  if (want_suspend(state))
+    return NULL;		// bail out early, leaving overrun flag
   HInputStream after_p1_state = state->input_stream;
   // reset input stream, parse again
   state->input_stream = start_state;
   HParseResult *r2 = h_do_parse(parsers->p2, state);
+  if (want_suspend(state))
+    return NULL;		// bail out early, leaving overrun flag
   if (NULL == r1) {
     if (NULL != r2) {
       return r2;
diff --git a/src/t_parser.c b/src/t_parser.c
index 356c38f1674d6d3f90e3b0da672646455437f7a2..dbeaabde7c4573018d0564383ec1a7f5d3069017 100644
--- a/src/t_parser.c
+++ b/src/t_parser.c
@@ -507,7 +507,72 @@ static void test_rightrec(gconstpointer backend) {
   g_check_parse_match(rr_, (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend), "aaa", 3, "(u0x61 (u0x61 (u0x61)))");
-static void test_iterative(gconstpointer backend) {
+static void test_iterative_single(gconstpointer backend) {
+  HParserBackend be = (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend);
+  HParser *p;
+  p = h_token((uint8_t*)"foobar", 6);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "foobar",6, "<66.6f.6f.62.61.72>");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "foobarbaz",9, "<66.6f.6f.62.61.72>");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "foubar",6);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "foopar",6);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "foobaz",6);
+  p = h_sequence(h_ch('f'), h_token((uint8_t*)"ooba", 4), h_ch('r'), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "foobar",6, "(u0x66 <6f.6f.62.61> u0x72)");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "foobarbaz",9, "(u0x66 <6f.6f.62.61> u0x72)");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "foubar",6);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "foopar",6);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "foobaz",6);
+  p = h_choice(h_token((uint8_t*)"foobar", 6),
+               h_token((uint8_t*)"phupar", 6), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "foobar",6, "<66.6f.6f.62.61.72>");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "foobarbaz",9, "<66.6f.6f.62.61.72>");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "phupar",6, "<>");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "foubar",6);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "foobaz",6);
+  p = h_sequence(h_ch('f'), h_choice(h_token((uint8_t*)"oo", 2),
+                                     h_token((uint8_t*)"uu", 2), NULL), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "foo",3, "(u0x66 <6f.6f>)");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_match(p, be, "fuu",3, "(u0x66 <75.75>)");
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "goo",3);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "fou",3);
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, "fuo",3);
+// this test applies to backends that support the iterative API, but not actual
+// chunked operation. in such cases, passing multiple chunks should fail the
+// parse rather than treating the end of the first chunk as the end of input.
+#if 0
+static void test_iterative_dummy(gconstpointer backend) {
+  HParserBackend be = (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend);
+  HParser *p;
+  HParser *x = h_ch('x');
+  HParser *y = h_ch('y');
+  HParser *e = h_epsilon_p();
+  p = h_many(x);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "xxx",3, "xxx",3);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "xxx",3, "",0);
+  p = h_optional(x);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "",0, "xxx",3);
+  p = h_choice(x, e, NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "",0, "xxx",3);
+  // these are ok because the parse succeeds without overrun.
+  p = h_choice(e, x, NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "",0, "xxx",3, "NULL");
+  p = h_choice(y, x, NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "y",1, "xxx",3, "u0x79");
+static void test_iterative_multi(gconstpointer backend) {
   HParserBackend be = (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend);
   HParser *p;
@@ -567,6 +632,39 @@ static void test_iterative_lookahead(gconstpointer backend) {
   g_check_parse_chunks_failed_(p, "fo",2, "b",1);
+static void test_iterative_seek(gconstpointer backend) {
+  HParserBackend be = (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend);
+  const HParser *p;
+  // seeking should work across chunk boundaries...
+  p = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_seek(40, SEEK_SET), h_ch('f'), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "a",1, "bcdef",5, "(u0x61 u0x28 u0x66)");
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "a",1, "bcdex",5);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "a",1, "bc",2);
+  p = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_seek(40, SEEK_SET), h_end_p(), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "ab",2, "cde",3, "(u0x61 u0x28)");
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "ab",2, "cdex",4);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "ab",2, "c",1);
+  p = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_seek(0, SEEK_END), h_end_p(), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "abc",3, "de",2, "(u0x61 u0x28)");
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "abc",3, "",0, "(u0x61 u0x18)");
+  p = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_seek(-16, SEEK_END), h_ch('x'), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "abcd",4, "xy",2, "(u0x61 u0x20 u0x78)");
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "abxy",4, "",0, "(u0x61 u0x10 u0x78)");
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "a",1, "bc",2);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "",0, "x",1);
+  p = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_seek(32, SEEK_CUR), h_ch('f'), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_match(p, be, "abcde",5, "f",1, "(u0x61 u0x28 u0x66)");
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "xbcde",5, "f",1);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "abcde",5, "x",1);
+  g_check_parse_chunks_failed(p, be, "abc",3, "",0);
 static void test_iterative_result_length(gconstpointer backend) {
   HParserBackend be = (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend);
   HParser *p = h_token((uint8_t*)"foobar", 6);
@@ -933,6 +1031,11 @@ void register_parser_tests(void) {
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/bind", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_bind);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/result_length", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_result_length);
   //g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/token_position", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_token_position);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/iterative/single", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_iterative_single);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/iterative/multi", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_iterative_multi);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/iterative/lookahead", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_iterative_lookahead);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/iterative/seek", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_iterative_seek);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/iterative/result_length", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_iterative_result_length);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/skip", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_skip);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/seek", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_seek);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/tell", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_tell);
@@ -978,7 +1081,8 @@ void register_parser_tests(void) {
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/rightrec", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_rightrec);
  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/result_length", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_result_length);
   //g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/token_position", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_token_position);
-  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/iterative", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_iterative);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/iterative/single", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_iterative_single);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/iterative/multi", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_iterative_multi);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/iterative/lookahead", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_iterative_lookahead);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/iterative/result_length", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_iterative_result_length);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/drop_from", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_drop_from);
@@ -1064,7 +1168,8 @@ void register_parser_tests(void) {
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/rightrec", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_rightrec);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/result_length", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_result_length);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/token_position", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_token_position);
-  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/iterative", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_iterative);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/iterative/single", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_iterative_single);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/iterative/multi", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_iterative_multi);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/iterative/lookahead", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_iterative_lookahead);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/iterative/result_length", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_iterative_result_length);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/drop_from", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_drop_from);
diff --git a/src/test_suite.h b/src/test_suite.h
index 775c8818a1f79cb2fb50275a55c0e8e1f8a235fe..93f3e19de01db05e8eb8aa3bc51371cee7a5a635 100644
--- a/src/test_suite.h
+++ b/src/test_suite.h
@@ -327,6 +327,97 @@
     }									\
   } while(0)
+#define g_check_parse_chunk_failed__m(mm__, parser, backend, chunk1, c1_len) do { \
+    int skip = h_compile__m(mm__, (HParser *)(parser), (HParserBackend)backend, NULL); \
+    if(skip) {								\
+      g_test_message("Compile failed");					\
+      g_test_fail();							\
+      break;								\
+    }									\
+    g_check_parse_chunk_failed___m(mm__, parser, chunk1, c1_len); \
+  } while(0)
+#define g_check_parse_chunk_failed___m(mm__, parser, chunk1, c1_len) do { \
+    HSuspendedParser *s = h_parse_start__m(mm__, (HParser *)(parser));		\
+    if(!s) {								\
+      g_test_message("Chunk-wise parsing not available");		\
+      g_test_fail();							\
+      break;								\
+    }									\
+    h_parse_chunk(s, (const uint8_t*)chunk1, c1_len);			\
+    HParseResult *res = h_parse_finish(s);				\
+    if (NULL != res) {							\
+      h_parse_result_free(res);						\
+      g_test_message("Check failed: shouldn't have succeeded, but did"); \
+      g_test_fail();							\
+    }									\
+  } while(0)
+#define g_check_parse_chunk_failed(p, be, c1, c1_len) \
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed__m(&system_allocator, p, be, c1, c1_len)
+#define g_check_parse_chunk_failed_(p, c1, c1_len) \
+  g_check_parse_chunk_failed___m(&system_allocator, p, c1, c1_len)
+#define g_check_parse_chunk_ok(parser, backend, chunk1, c1_len) do {	\
+    int skip = h_compile((HParser *)(parser), (HParserBackend)backend, NULL); \
+    if(skip) {								\
+      g_test_message("Compile failed");					\
+      g_test_fail();							\
+      break;								\
+    }									\
+    g_check_parse_chunk_ok_(parser, chunk1, c1_len); \
+  } while(0)
+#define g_check_parse_chunk_ok_(parser, chunk1, c1_len) do {	\
+    HSuspendedParser *s = h_parse_start((HParser *)(parser));			\
+    if(!s) {								\
+      g_test_message("Chunk-wise parsing not available");		\
+      g_test_fail();							\
+      break;								\
+    }									\
+    h_parse_chunk(s, (const uint8_t*)chunk1, c1_len);			\
+    HParseResult *res = h_parse_finish(s);				\
+    if (!res) {								\
+      g_test_message("Parse failed on line %d", __LINE__);		\
+      g_test_fail();							\
+    } else {								\
+      print_arena_stats(res->arena);					\
+      h_parse_result_free(res);						\
+    }									\
+  } while(0)
+#define g_check_parse_chunk_match(parser, backend, chunk1, c1_len, result) do { \
+    int skip = h_compile((HParser *)(parser), (HParserBackend) backend, NULL); \
+    if(skip) {								\
+      g_test_message("Compile failed");					\
+      g_test_fail();							\
+      break;								\
+    }									\
+    g_check_parse_chunk_match_(parser, chunk1, c1_len, result); \
+  } while(0)
+#define g_check_parse_chunk_match_(parser, chunk1, c1_len, result) do { \
+    HSuspendedParser *s = h_parse_start((HParser *)(parser));			\
+    if(!s) {								\
+      g_test_message("Chunk-wise parsing not available");		\
+      g_test_fail();							\
+      break;								\
+    }									\
+    h_parse_chunk(s, (const uint8_t*)chunk1, c1_len);			\
+    HParseResult *res = h_parse_finish(s);				\
+    if (!res) {								\
+      g_test_message("Parse failed on line %d", __LINE__);		\
+      g_test_fail();							\
+    } else {								\
+      char* cres = h_write_result_unamb(res->ast);			\
+      g_check_string(cres, ==, result);					\
+      (&system_allocator)->free(&system_allocator, cres);		\
+      print_arena_stats(res->arena);					\
+      h_parse_result_free(res);						\
+    }									\
+  } while(0)
 #define g_check_hashtable_present(table, key) do {			\
     if(!h_hashtable_present(table, key)) {				\
       g_test_message("Check failed: key should have been in table, but wasn't"); \