diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 1a2bff3530ed897f50814fdfae949ff7d8ef635b..9ce6d9f8314ddbf22f1083c880dad86a349b82d9 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@ PARSERS := \
 	packrat \
+	regex \
 	llk \
 	lalr \
-	regex
+	glr
 	bitreader.o \
@@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ HAMMER_PARTS := \
 	benchmark.o \
 	cfgrammar.o \
 	glue.o \
+	backends/lr.o \
+	backends/lr0.o \
 	$(PARSERS:%=parsers/%.o) \
diff --git a/src/backends/glr.c b/src/backends/glr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..353d0e6433100357287e40487299aa8327baad07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/glr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "lr.h"
+static bool glr_step(HParseResult **result, HSlist *engines,
+                     HLREngine *engine, const HLRAction *action);
+/* GLR compilation (LALR w/o failing on conflict) */
+int h_glr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
+  int result = h_lalr_compile(mm__, parser, params);
+  if(result == -1 && parser->backend_data) {
+    // table is there, just has conflicts? nevermind, that's okay.
+    result = 0;
+  }
+  return result;
+void h_glr_free(HParser *parser)
+  h_lalr_free(parser);
+/* Merging engines (when they converge on the same state) */
+static HLREngine *lrengine_merge(HLREngine *old, HLREngine *new)
+  HArena *arena = old->arena;
+  HLREngine *ret = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLREngine));
+  assert(old->state == new->state);
+  assert(old->input.input == new->input.input);
+  *ret = *old;
+  ret->stack = h_slist_new(arena);
+  ret->merged[0] = old;
+  ret->merged[1] = new;
+  return ret;
+static HSlist *demerge_stack(HSlistNode *bottom, HSlist *stack)
+  HArena *arena = stack->arena;
+  HSlist *ret = h_slist_new(arena);
+  // copy the stack from the top
+  HSlistNode **y = &ret->head;
+  for(HSlistNode *x=stack->head; x; x=x->next) {
+    HSlistNode *node = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HSlistNode));
+    node->elem = x->elem;
+    node->next = NULL;
+    *y = node;
+    y = &node->next;
+  }
+  *y = bottom;  // attach the ancestor stack
+  return ret;
+static inline HLREngine *respawn(HLREngine *eng, HSlist *stack)
+  // NB: this can be a destructive update because an engine is not used for
+  // anything after it is merged.
+  eng->stack = demerge_stack(eng->stack->head, stack);
+  return eng;
+static HLREngine *
+demerge(HParseResult **result, HSlist *engines,
+        HLREngine *engine, const HLRAction *action, size_t depth)
+  // no-op on engines that are not merged
+  if(!engine->merged[0])
+    return engine;
+  HSlistNode *p = engine->stack->head;
+  for(size_t i=0; i<depth; i++) {
+    // if stack hits bottom, respawn ancestors
+    if(p == NULL) {
+      HLREngine *a = respawn(engine->merged[0], engine->stack);
+      HLREngine *b = respawn(engine->merged[1], engine->stack);
+      // continue demerge until final depth reached
+      a = demerge(result, engines, a, action, depth-i);
+      b = demerge(result, engines, b, action, depth-i);
+      // step and stow one ancestor...
+      glr_step(result, engines, a, action);
+      // ...and return the other
+      return b;
+    }
+    p = p->next;
+  }
+  return engine;    // there is enough stack before the merge point
+/* Forking engines (on conflicts */
+HLREngine *fork_engine(const HLREngine *engine)
+  HLREngine *eng2 = h_arena_malloc(engine->tarena, sizeof(HLREngine));
+  eng2->table = engine->table;
+  eng2->state = engine->state;
+  eng2->input = engine->input;
+  // shallow-copy the stack
+  // this works because h_slist_push and h_slist_drop never modify
+  // the underlying structure of HSlistNodes, only the head pointer.
+  // in fact, this gives us prefix sharing for free.
+  eng2->stack = h_arena_malloc(engine->tarena, sizeof(HSlist));
+  *eng2->stack = *engine->stack;
+  eng2->arena = engine->arena;
+  eng2->tarena = engine->tarena;
+  return eng2;
+static const HLRAction *
+handle_conflict(HParseResult **result, HSlist *engines,
+                const HLREngine *engine, const HSlist *branches)
+  // there should be at least two conflicting actions
+  assert(branches->head);
+  assert(branches->head->next);     // this is just a consistency check
+  // fork a new engine for all but the first action
+  for(HSlistNode *x=branches->head->next; x; x=x->next) {
+    HLRAction *act = x->elem; 
+    HLREngine *eng = fork_engine(engine);
+    // perform one step and add to engines
+    glr_step(result, engines, eng, act);
+  } 
+  // return first action for use with original engine
+  return branches->head->elem;
+/* GLR driver */
+static bool glr_step(HParseResult **result, HSlist *engines,
+                     HLREngine *engine, const HLRAction *action)
+  // handle forks and demerges (~> spawn engines)
+  if(action) {
+    if(action->type == HLR_CONFLICT) {
+      // fork engine on conflicts
+      action = handle_conflict(result, engines, engine, action->branches);
+    } else if(action->type == HLR_REDUCE) {
+      // demerge/respawn as needed
+      size_t depth = action->production.length;
+      engine = demerge(result, engines, engine, action, depth);
+    }
+  }
+  bool run = h_lrengine_step(engine, action);
+  if(run) {
+    // store engine in the list, merge if necessary
+    HSlistNode *x;
+    for(x=engines->head; x; x=x->next) {
+      HLREngine *eng = x->elem;
+      if(eng->state == engine->state) {
+        x->elem = lrengine_merge(eng, engine);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if(!x)  // no merge happened
+      h_slist_push(engines, engine);
+  } else if(engine->state == HLR_SUCCESS) {
+    // save the result
+    *result = h_lrengine_result(engine);
+  }
+  return run;
+HParseResult *h_glr_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream* stream)
+  HLRTable *table = parser->backend_data;
+  if(!table)
+    return NULL;
+  HArena *arena  = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // will hold the results
+  HArena *tarena = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // tmp, deleted after parse
+  // allocate engine lists (will hold one engine per state)
+  // these are swapped each iteration
+  HSlist *engines = h_slist_new(tarena);
+  HSlist *engback = h_slist_new(tarena);
+  // create initial engine
+  h_slist_push(engines, h_lrengine_new(arena, tarena, table, stream));
+  HParseResult *result = NULL;
+  while(result == NULL && !h_slist_empty(engines)) {
+    assert(h_slist_empty(engback));
+    // step all engines
+    while(!h_slist_empty(engines)) {
+      HLREngine *engine = h_slist_pop(engines);
+      const HLRAction *action = h_lrengine_action(engine);
+      glr_step(&result, engback, engine, action);
+    }
+    // swap the lists
+    HSlist *tmp = engines;
+    engines = engback;
+    engback = tmp;
+  }
+  if(!result)
+    h_delete_arena(arena);
+  h_delete_arena(tarena);
+  return result;
+HParserBackendVTable h__glr_backend_vtable = {
+  .compile = h_glr_compile,
+  .parse = h_glr_parse,
+  .free = h_glr_free
+// dummy!
+int test_glr(void)
+  HAllocator *mm__ = &system_allocator;
+  /* 
+     E -> E '+' E
+        | 'd'
+  */
+  HParser *d = h_ch('d');
+  HParser *E = h_indirect();
+  HParser *E_ = h_choice(h_sequence(E, h_ch('+'), E, NULL), d, NULL);
+  h_bind_indirect(E, E_);
+  HParser *p = E;
+  printf("\n==== G R A M M A R ====\n");
+  HCFGrammar *g = h_cfgrammar_(mm__, h_desugar_augmented(mm__, p));
+  if(g == NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "h_cfgrammar failed\n");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  h_pprint_grammar(stdout, g, 0);
+  printf("\n==== D F A ====\n");
+  HLRDFA *dfa = h_lr0_dfa(g);
+  if(dfa)
+    h_pprint_lrdfa(stdout, g, dfa, 0);
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr, "h_lalr_dfa failed\n");
+  printf("\n==== L R ( 0 )  T A B L E ====\n");
+  HLRTable *table0 = h_lr0_table(g, dfa);
+  if(table0)
+    h_pprint_lrtable(stdout, g, table0, 0);
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr, "h_lr0_table failed\n");
+  h_lrtable_free(table0);
+  printf("\n==== L A L R  T A B L E ====\n");
+  if(h_compile(p, PB_GLR, NULL)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "does not compile\n");
+    return 2;
+  }
+  h_pprint_lrtable(stdout, g, (HLRTable *)p->backend_data, 0);
+  printf("\n==== P A R S E  R E S U L T ====\n");
+  HParseResult *res = h_parse(p, (uint8_t *)"d+d+d", 5);
+  if(res)
+    h_pprint(stdout, res->ast, 0, 2);
+  else
+    printf("no parse\n");
+  return 0;
diff --git a/src/backends/lalr.c b/src/backends/lalr.c
index 7a1c04ac2b7334683d0fb9a2453eb6f4554407c4..93becf31b23f0ba5a1204441442c96622aa55fe7 100644
--- a/src/backends/lalr.c
+++ b/src/backends/lalr.c
@@ -1,427 +1,6 @@
 #include <assert.h>
-#include "../internal.h"
-#include "../cfgrammar.h"
-#include "../parsers/parser_internal.h"
 #include "contextfree.h"
-/* Data structures */
-typedef HHashSet HLRState;  // states are sets of LRItems
-typedef struct HLRDFA_ {
-  size_t nstates;
-  const HLRState **states;  // array of size nstates
-  HSlist *transitions;
-typedef struct HLRTransition_ {
-  size_t from;              // index into 'states' array
-  const HCFChoice *symbol;
-  size_t to;                // index into 'states' array
-} HLRTransition;
-typedef struct HLRItem_ {
-  HCFChoice *lhs;
-  HCFChoice **rhs;          // NULL-terminated
-  size_t len;               // number of elements in rhs
-  size_t mark;
-} HLRItem;
-typedef struct HLRAction_ {
-  enum {HLR_SHIFT, HLR_REDUCE} type;
-  union {
-    size_t nextstate;   // used with SHIFT
-    struct {
-      HCFChoice *lhs;   // symbol carrying semantic actions etc.
-      size_t length;    // # of symbols in rhs
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-      HCFChoice **rhs;  // NB: the rhs symbols are not needed for the parse
-    } production;       // used with REDUCE
-  };
-} HLRAction;
-typedef struct HLRTable_ {
-  size_t     nrows;
-  HHashTable **rows;    // map symbols to HLRActions
-  HLRAction  **forall;  // shortcut to set an action for an entire row
-  HCFChoice  *start;    // start symbol
-  HSlist     *inadeq;   // indices of any inadequate states
-  HArena     *arena;
-  HAllocator *mm__;
-} HLRTable;
-typedef struct HLREnhGrammar_ {
-  HCFGrammar *grammar;  // enhanced grammar
-  HHashTable *tmap;     // maps transitions to enhanced-grammar symbols
-  HHashTable *smap;     // maps enhanced-grammar symbols to transitions
-  HHashTable *corr;     // maps symbols to sets of corresponding e. symbols
-  HArena *arena;
-} HLREnhGrammar;
-// XXX move to internal.h or something
-// XXX replace other hashtable iterations with this
-#define H_FOREACH_(HT) {                                                    \
-    const HHashTable *ht__ = HT;                                            \
-    for(size_t i__=0; i__ < ht__->capacity; i__++) {                        \
-      for(HHashTableEntry *hte__ = &ht__->contents[i__];                    \
-          hte__;                                                            \
-          hte__ = hte__->next) {                                            \
-        if(hte__->key == NULL) continue;
-#define H_FOREACH_KEY(HT, KEYVAR) H_FOREACH_(HT)                            \
-        const KEYVAR = hte__->key;
-        VALVAR = hte__->value;
-#define H_END_FOREACH                                                       \
-      }                                                                     \
-    }                                                                       \
-  }
-// compare symbols - terminals by value, others by pointer
-static bool eq_symbol(const void *p, const void *q)
-  const HCFChoice *x=p, *y=q;
-  return (x==y
-          || (x->type==HCF_END && y->type==HCF_END)
-          || (x->type==HCF_CHAR && y->type==HCF_CHAR && x->chr==y->chr));
-// hash symbols - terminals by value, others by pointer
-static HHashValue hash_symbol(const void *p)
-  const HCFChoice *x=p;
-  if(x->type == HCF_END)
-    return 0;
-  else if(x->type == HCF_CHAR)
-    return x->chr * 33;
-  else
-    return h_hash_ptr(p);
-// compare LALR items by value
-static bool eq_lalr_item(const void *p, const void *q)
-  const HLRItem *a=p, *b=q;
-  if(!eq_symbol(a->lhs, b->lhs)) return false;
-  if(a->mark != b->mark) return false;
-  if(a->len != b->len) return false;
-  for(size_t i=0; i<a->len; i++)
-    if(!eq_symbol(a->rhs[i], b->rhs[i])) return false;
-  return true;
-// compare LALR item sets (DFA states)
-static inline bool eq_lalr_itemset(const void *p, const void *q)
-  return h_hashset_equal(p, q);
-// hash LALR items
-static inline HHashValue hash_lalr_item(const void *p)
-  const HLRItem *x = p;
-  HHashValue hash = 0;
-  hash += hash_symbol(x->lhs);
-  for(HCFChoice **p=x->rhs; *p; p++)
-    hash += hash_symbol(*p);
-  hash += x->mark;
-  return hash;
-// hash LALR item sets (DFA states) - hash the elements and sum
-static HHashValue hash_lalr_itemset(const void *p)
-  HHashValue hash = 0;
-  H_FOREACH_KEY((const HHashSet *)p, HLRItem *item)
-    hash += hash_lalr_item(item);
-  return hash;
-HLRItem *h_lritem_new(HArena *a, HCFChoice *lhs, HCFChoice **rhs, size_t mark)
-  HLRItem *ret = h_arena_malloc(a, sizeof(HLRItem));
-  size_t len = 0;
-  for(HCFChoice **p=rhs; *p; p++) len++;
-  assert(mark <= len);
-  ret->lhs = lhs;
-  ret->rhs = rhs;
-  ret->len = len;
-  ret->mark = mark;
-  return ret;
-static inline HLRState *h_lrstate_new(HArena *arena)
-  return h_hashset_new(arena, eq_lalr_item, hash_lalr_item);
-HLRTable *h_lrtable_new(HAllocator *mm__, size_t nrows)
-  HArena *arena = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // default blocksize
-  assert(arena != NULL);
-  HLRTable *ret = h_new(HLRTable, 1);
-  ret->nrows = nrows;
-  ret->rows = h_arena_malloc(arena, nrows * sizeof(HHashTable *));
-  ret->forall = h_arena_malloc(arena, nrows * sizeof(HLRAction *));
-  ret->inadeq = h_slist_new(arena);
-  ret->arena = arena;
-  ret->mm__ = mm__;
-  for(size_t i=0; i<nrows; i++) {
-    ret->rows[i] = h_hashtable_new(arena, eq_symbol, hash_symbol);
-    ret->forall[i] = NULL;
-  }
-  return ret;
-void h_lrtable_free(HLRTable *table)
-  HAllocator *mm__ = table->mm__;
-  h_delete_arena(table->arena);
-  h_free(table);
-/* Constructing the characteristic automaton (handle recognizer) */
-static HLRItem *advance_mark(HArena *arena, const HLRItem *item)
-  assert(item->rhs[item->mark] != NULL);
-  HLRItem *ret = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRItem));
-  *ret = *item;
-  ret->mark++;
-  return ret;
-static void expand_to_closure(HCFGrammar *g, HHashSet *items)
-  HAllocator *mm__ = g->mm__;
-  HArena *arena = g->arena;
-  HSlist *work = h_slist_new(arena);
-  // initialize work list with items
-  H_FOREACH_KEY(items, HLRItem *item)
-    h_slist_push(work, (void *)item);
-  while(!h_slist_empty(work)) {
-    const HLRItem *item = h_slist_pop(work);
-    HCFChoice *sym = item->rhs[item->mark]; // symbol after mark
-    // if there is a non-terminal after the mark, follow it
-    // NB: unlike LLk, we do consider HCF_CHARSET a non-terminal here
-    if(sym != NULL && (sym->type==HCF_CHOICE || sym->type==HCF_CHARSET)) {
-      // add items corresponding to the productions of sym
-      if(sym->type == HCF_CHOICE) {
-        for(HCFSequence **p=sym->seq; *p; p++) {
-          HLRItem *it = h_lritem_new(arena, sym, (*p)->items, 0);
-          if(!h_hashset_present(items, it)) {
-            h_hashset_put(items, it);
-            h_slist_push(work, it);
-          }
-        }
-      } else {  // HCF_CHARSET
-        for(unsigned int i=0; i<256; i++) {
-          if(charset_isset(sym->charset, i)) {
-            // XXX allocate these single-character symbols statically somewhere
-            HCFChoice **rhs = h_new(HCFChoice *, 2);
-            rhs[0] = h_new(HCFChoice, 1);
-            rhs[0]->type = HCF_CHAR;
-            rhs[0]->chr = i;
-            rhs[1] = NULL;
-            HLRItem *it = h_lritem_new(arena, sym, rhs, 0);
-            h_hashset_put(items, it);
-            // single-character item needs no further work
-          }
-        }
-        // if sym is a non-terminal, we need a reshape on it
-        // this seems as good a place as any to set it
-        sym->reshape = h_act_first;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-HLRDFA *h_lr0_dfa(HCFGrammar *g)
-  HArena *arena = g->arena;
-  HHashSet *states = h_hashset_new(arena, eq_lalr_itemset, hash_lalr_itemset);
-      // maps itemsets to assigned array indices
-  HSlist *transitions = h_slist_new(arena);
-  // list of states that need to be processed
-  // to save lookups, we push two elements per state, the itemset and its
-  // assigned index.
-  HSlist *work = h_slist_new(arena);
-  // make initial state (kernel)
-  HLRState *start = h_lrstate_new(arena);
-  assert(g->start->type == HCF_CHOICE);
-  for(HCFSequence **p=g->start->seq; *p; p++)
-    h_hashset_put(start, h_lritem_new(arena, g->start, (*p)->items, 0));
-  expand_to_closure(g, start);
-  h_hashtable_put(states, start, 0);
-  h_slist_push(work, start);
-  h_slist_push(work, 0);
-  // while work to do (on some state)
-  //   determine edge symbols
-  //   for each edge symbol:
-  //     advance respective items -> destination state (kernel)
-  //     compute closure
-  //     if destination is a new state:
-  //       add it to state set
-  //       add transition to it
-  //       add it to the work list
-  while(!h_slist_empty(work)) {
-    size_t state_idx = (uintptr_t)h_slist_pop(work);
-    HLRState *state = h_slist_pop(work);
-    // maps edge symbols to neighbor states (item sets) of s
-    HHashTable *neighbors = h_hashtable_new(arena, eq_symbol, hash_symbol);
-    // iterate over state (closure) and generate neighboring sets
-    H_FOREACH_KEY(state, HLRItem *item)
-      HCFChoice *sym = item->rhs[item->mark]; // symbol after mark
-      if(sym != NULL) { // mark was not at the end
-        // find or create prospective neighbor set
-        HLRState *neighbor = h_hashtable_get(neighbors, sym);
-        if(neighbor == NULL) {
-          neighbor = h_lrstate_new(arena);
-          h_hashtable_put(neighbors, sym, neighbor);
-        }
-        // ...and add the advanced item to it
-        h_hashset_put(neighbor, advance_mark(arena, item));
-      }
-    // merge expanded neighbor sets into the set of existing states
-    H_FOREACH(neighbors, HCFChoice *symbol, HLRState *neighbor)
-      expand_to_closure(g, neighbor);
-      // look up existing state, allocate new if not found
-      size_t neighbor_idx;
-      if(!h_hashset_present(states, neighbor)) {
-        neighbor_idx = states->used;
-        h_hashtable_put(states, neighbor, (void *)(uintptr_t)neighbor_idx);
-        h_slist_push(work, neighbor);
-        h_slist_push(work, (void *)(uintptr_t)neighbor_idx);
-      } else {
-        neighbor_idx = (uintptr_t)h_hashtable_get(states, neighbor);
-      }
-      // add transition "state --symbol--> neighbor"
-      HLRTransition *t = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRTransition));
-      t->from = state_idx;
-      t->to = neighbor_idx;
-      t->symbol = symbol;
-      h_slist_push(transitions, t);
-  } // end while(work)
-  // fill DFA struct
-  HLRDFA *dfa = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRDFA));
-  dfa->nstates = states->used;
-  dfa->states = h_arena_malloc(arena, dfa->nstates*sizeof(HLRState *));
-  H_FOREACH(states, HLRState *state, void *v)
-    size_t idx = (uintptr_t)v;
-    dfa->states[idx] = state;
-  dfa->transitions = transitions;
-  return dfa;
-/* LR(0) table generation */
-static HLRAction *shift_action(HArena *arena, size_t nextstate)
-  HLRAction *action = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRAction));
-  action->type = HLR_SHIFT;
-  action->nextstate = nextstate;
-  return action;
-static HLRAction *reduce_action(HArena *arena, const HLRItem *item)
-  HLRAction *action = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRAction));
-  action->type = HLR_REDUCE;
-  action->production.lhs = item->lhs;
-  action->production.length = item->len;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  action->production.rhs = item->rhs;
-  return action;
-HLRTable *h_lr0_table(HCFGrammar *g, const HLRDFA *dfa)
-  HAllocator *mm__ = g->mm__;
-  HLRTable *table = h_lrtable_new(mm__, dfa->nstates);
-  HArena *arena = table->arena;
-  // remember start symbol
-  table->start = g->start;
-  // add shift entries
-  for(HSlistNode *x = dfa->transitions->head; x; x = x->next) {
-    // for each transition x-A->y, add "shift, goto y" to table entry (x,A)
-    HLRTransition *t = x->elem;
-    HLRAction *action = shift_action(arena, t->to);
-    h_hashtable_put(table->rows[t->from], t->symbol, action);
-  }
-  // add reduce entries, record inadequate states
-  for(size_t i=0; i<dfa->nstates; i++) {
-    // find reducible items in state
-    H_FOREACH_KEY(dfa->states[i], HLRItem *item)
-      if(item->mark == item->len) { // mark at the end
-        // check for conflicts
-        // XXX store more informative stuff in the inadeq records?
-        if(table->forall[i]) {
-          // reduce/reduce conflict with a previous item
-          h_slist_push(table->inadeq, (void *)(uintptr_t)i);
-        } else if(!h_hashtable_empty(table->rows[i])) {
-          // shift/reduce conflict with one of the row's entries
-          h_slist_push(table->inadeq, (void *)(uintptr_t)i);
-        }
-        // set reduce action for the entire row
-        table->forall[i] = reduce_action(arena, item);
-      }
-  }
-  return table;
+#include "lr.h"
@@ -434,9 +13,23 @@ static inline size_t seqsize(void *p_)
   return n+1;
+static HLRAction *
+lrtable_lookup(const HLRTable *table, size_t state, const HCFChoice *symbol)
+  switch(symbol->type) {
+  case HCF_END:
+    return table->tmap[state]->end_branch;
+  case HCF_CHAR:
+    return h_stringmap_get(table->tmap[state], &symbol->chr, 1, false);
+  default:
+    // nonterminal case
+    return h_hashtable_get(table->ntmap[state], symbol);
+  }
 static size_t follow_transition(const HLRTable *table, size_t x, HCFChoice *A)
-  HLRAction *action = h_hashtable_get(table->rows[x], A);
+  HLRAction *action = lrtable_lookup(table, x, A);
   assert(action != NULL);
   assert(action->type == HLR_SHIFT);
   return action->nextstate;
@@ -489,19 +82,7 @@ static void transform_productions(const HLRTable *table, HLREnhGrammar *eg,
   xAy->seq = seq;
-static bool eq_transition(const void *p, const void *q)
-  const HLRTransition *a=p, *b=q;
-  return (a->from == b->from && a->to == b->to && eq_symbol(a->symbol, b->symbol));
-static HHashValue hash_transition(const void *p)
-  const HLRTransition *t = p;
-  return (hash_symbol(t->symbol) + t->from + t->to); // XXX ?
-HCFChoice *new_enhanced_symbol(HLREnhGrammar *eg, const HCFChoice *sym)
+static HCFChoice *new_enhanced_symbol(HLREnhGrammar *eg, const HCFChoice *sym)
   HArena *arena = eg->arena;
   HCFChoice *esym = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HCFChoice));
@@ -509,13 +90,14 @@ HCFChoice *new_enhanced_symbol(HLREnhGrammar *eg, const HCFChoice *sym)
   HHashSet *cs = h_hashtable_get(eg->corr, sym);
   if(!cs) {
-    cs = h_hashset_new(arena, eq_symbol, hash_symbol);
+    cs = h_hashset_new(arena, h_eq_symbol, h_hash_symbol);
     h_hashtable_put(eg->corr, sym, cs);
   h_hashset_put(cs, esym);
   return esym;
 static HLREnhGrammar *enhance_grammar(const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRDFA *dfa,
                                       const HLRTable *table)
@@ -523,9 +105,9 @@ static HLREnhGrammar *enhance_grammar(const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRDFA *dfa,
   HArena *arena = g->arena;
   HLREnhGrammar *eg = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLREnhGrammar));
-  eg->tmap = h_hashtable_new(arena, eq_transition, hash_transition);
+  eg->tmap = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_transition, h_hash_transition);
   eg->smap = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_ptr, h_hash_ptr);
-  eg->corr = h_hashtable_new(arena, eq_symbol, hash_symbol);
+  eg->corr = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_symbol, h_hash_symbol);
   // XXX must use h_eq/hash_ptr for symbols! so enhanced CHARs are different
   eg->arena = arena;
@@ -562,32 +144,60 @@ static inline bool has_conflicts(HLRTable *table)
   return !h_slist_empty(table->inadeq);
-// place a new entry in tbl; records conflicts in tbl->inadeq
+// for each lookahead symbol (fs), put action into tmap
 // returns 0 on success, -1 on conflict
 // ignores forall entries
-int h_lrtable_put(HLRTable *tbl, size_t state, HCFChoice *x, HLRAction *action)
+static int terminals_put(HStringMap *tmap, const HStringMap *fs, HLRAction *action)
-  HLRAction *prev = h_hashtable_get(tbl->rows[state], x);
-  if(prev && prev != action) {
-    // conflict
-    h_slist_push(tbl->inadeq, (void *)(uintptr_t)state);
-    return -1;
-  } else {
-    h_hashtable_put(tbl->rows[state], x, action);
-    return 0;
+  int ret = 0;
+  if(fs->epsilon_branch) {
+    HLRAction *prev = tmap->epsilon_branch;
+    if(prev && prev != action) {
+      // conflict
+      tmap->epsilon_branch = h_lr_conflict(tmap->arena, prev, action);
+      ret = -1;
+    } else {
+      tmap->epsilon_branch = action;
+    }
+  if(fs->end_branch) {
+    HLRAction *prev = tmap->end_branch;
+    if(prev && prev != action) {
+      // conflict
+      tmap->end_branch = h_lr_conflict(tmap->arena, prev, action);
+      ret = -1;
+    } else {
+      tmap->end_branch = action;
+    }
+  }
+  H_FOREACH(fs->char_branches, void *key, HStringMap *fs_)
+    HStringMap *tmap_ = h_hashtable_get(tmap->char_branches, key);
+    if(!tmap_) {
+      tmap_ = h_stringmap_new(tmap->arena);
+      h_hashtable_put(tmap->char_branches, key, tmap_);
+    }
+    if(terminals_put(tmap_, fs_, action) < 0)
+      ret = -1;
+  return ret;
 // check whether a sequence of enhanced-grammar symbols (p) matches the given
 // (original-grammar) production rhs and terminates in the given end state.
-bool match_production(HLREnhGrammar *eg, HCFChoice **p,
-                      HCFChoice **rhs, size_t endstate)
+static bool match_production(HLREnhGrammar *eg, HCFChoice **p,
+                             HCFChoice **rhs, size_t endstate)
   size_t state = endstate;  // initialized to end in case of empty rhs
   for(; *p && *rhs; p++, rhs++) {
     HLRTransition *t = h_hashtable_get(eg->smap, *p);
     assert(t != NULL);
-    if(!eq_symbol(t->symbol, *rhs))
+    if(!h_eq_symbol(t->symbol, *rhs))
       return false;
     state = t->to;
@@ -597,7 +207,7 @@ bool match_production(HLREnhGrammar *eg, HCFChoice **p,
 // desugar parser with a fresh start symbol
 // this guarantees that the start symbol will not occur in any productions
-static HCFChoice *augment(HAllocator *mm__, HParser *parser)
+HCFChoice *h_desugar_augmented(HAllocator *mm__, HParser *parser)
   HCFChoice *augmented = h_new(HCFChoice, 1);
@@ -621,7 +231,7 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
   // build LR(0) table
   // if necessary, resolve conflicts "by conversion to SLR"
-  HCFGrammar *g = h_cfgrammar_(mm__, augment(mm__, parser));
+  HCFGrammar *g = h_cfgrammar_(mm__, h_desugar_augmented(mm__, parser));
   if(g == NULL)     // backend not suitable (language not context-free)
     return -1;
@@ -653,6 +263,7 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
     for(HSlistNode *x=inadeq->head; x; x=x->next) {
       size_t state = (uintptr_t)x->elem;
+      bool inadeq = false;
       // clear old forall entry, it's being replaced by more fine-grained ones
       table->forall[state] = NULL;
@@ -663,7 +274,7 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
         // action to place in the table cells indicated by lookahead
-        HLRAction *action = reduce_action(arena, item);
+        HLRAction *action = h_reduce_action(arena, item);
         // find all LR(0)-enhanced productions matching item
         HHashSet *lhss = h_hashtable_get(eg->corr, item->lhs);
@@ -684,23 +295,13 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
             // for each lookahead symbol, put action into table cell
-            if(fs->end_branch) {
-              HCFChoice *terminal = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HCFChoice));
-              terminal->type = HCF_END;
-              h_lrtable_put(table, state, terminal, action);
-            }
-            H_FOREACH(fs->char_branches, void *key, HStringMap *m)
-              if(!m->epsilon_branch)
-                continue;
-              HCFChoice *terminal = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HCFChoice));
-              terminal->type = HCF_CHAR; 
-              terminal->chr = key_char((HCharKey)key);
-              h_lrtable_put(table, state, terminal, action);
-            H_END_FOREACH  // lookahead character
+            if(terminals_put(table->tmap[state], fs, action) < 0)
+              inadeq = true;
         } H_END_FOREACH // enhanced production
       H_END_FOREACH  // reducible item
+      if(inadeq)
+        h_slist_push(table->inadeq, (void *)(uintptr_t)state);
@@ -719,273 +320,6 @@ void h_lalr_free(HParser *parser)
-/* LR driver */
-const HLRAction *
-h_lr_lookup(const HLRTable *table, size_t state, const HCFChoice *symbol)
-  assert(state < table->nrows);
-  if(table->forall[state]) {
-    assert(h_hashtable_empty(table->rows[state]));  // that would be a conflict
-    return table->forall[state];
-  } else {
-    return h_hashtable_get(table->rows[state], symbol);
-  }
-HParseResult *h_lr_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream* stream)
-  HLRTable *table = parser->backend_data;
-  if(!table)
-    return NULL;
-  HArena *arena  = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // will hold the results
-  HArena *tarena = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // tmp, deleted after parse
-  HSlist *left = h_slist_new(tarena);   // left stack; reductions happen here
-  HSlist *right = h_slist_new(tarena);  // right stack; input appears here
-  // stack layout:
-  // on the left stack, we put pairs:  (saved state, semantic value)
-  // on the right stack, we put pairs: (symbol, semantic value)
-  // run while the recognizer finds handles in the input
-  size_t state = 0;
-  while(1) {
-    // make sure there is input on the right stack
-    if(h_slist_empty(right)) {
-      // XXX use statically-allocated terminal symbols
-      HCFChoice *x = h_arena_malloc(tarena, sizeof(HCFChoice));
-      HParsedToken *v;
-      uint8_t c = h_read_bits(stream, 8, false);
-      if(stream->overrun) {     // end of input
-        x->type = HCF_END;
-        v = NULL;
-      } else {
-        x->type = HCF_CHAR;
-        x->chr = c;
-        v = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HParsedToken));
-        v->token_type = TT_UINT;
-        v->uint = c;
-      }
-      h_slist_push(right, v);
-      h_slist_push(right, x);
-    }
-    // peek at input symbol on the right side
-    HCFChoice *symbol = right->head->elem;
-    // table lookup
-    const HLRAction *action = h_lr_lookup(table, state, symbol);
-    if(action == NULL)
-      break;    // no handle recognizable in input, terminate parsing
-    if(action->type == HLR_SHIFT) {
-      h_slist_push(left, (void *)(uintptr_t)state);
-      h_slist_pop(right);                       // symbol (discard)
-      h_slist_push(left, h_slist_pop(right));   // semantic value
-      state = action->nextstate;
-    } else {
-      assert(action->type == HLR_REDUCE);
-      size_t len = action->production.length;
-      HCFChoice *symbol = action->production.lhs;
-      // semantic value of the reduction result
-      HParsedToken *value = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HParsedToken));
-      value->token_type = TT_SEQUENCE;
-      value->seq = h_carray_new_sized(arena, len);
-      // pull values off the left stack, rewinding state accordingly
-      HParsedToken *v = NULL;
-      for(size_t i=0; i<len; i++) {
-        v = h_slist_pop(left);
-        state = (uintptr_t)h_slist_pop(left);
-        // collect values in result sequence
-        value->seq->elements[len-1-i] = v;
-        value->seq->used++;
-      }
-      if(v) {
-        // result position equals position of left-most symbol
-        value->index = v->index;
-        value->bit_offset = v->bit_offset;
-      } else {
-        // XXX how to get the position in this case?
-      }
-      // perform token reshape if indicated
-      if(symbol->reshape)
-        value = (HParsedToken *)symbol->reshape(make_result(arena, value));
-      // call validation and semantic action, if present
-      if(symbol->pred && !symbol->pred(make_result(tarena, value)))
-        break;  // validation failed -> no parse
-      if(symbol->action)
-        value = (HParsedToken *)symbol->action(make_result(arena, value));
-      // push result (value, symbol) onto the right stack
-      h_slist_push(right, value);
-      h_slist_push(right, symbol);
-    }
-  }
-  // parsing was successful iff the start symbol is on top of the right stack
-  HParseResult *result = NULL;
-  if(h_slist_pop(right) == table->start) {
-    // next on the right stack is the start symbol's semantic value
-    assert(!h_slist_empty(right));
-    HParsedToken *tok = h_slist_pop(right);
-    result = make_result(arena, tok);
-  } else {
-    h_delete_arena(arena);
-    result = NULL;
-  }
-  h_delete_arena(tarena);
-  return result;
-/* Pretty-printers */
-void h_pprint_lritem(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRItem *item)
-  h_pprint_symbol(f, g, item->lhs);
-  fputs(" ->", f);
-  HCFChoice **x = item->rhs;
-  HCFChoice **mark = item->rhs + item->mark;
-  if(*x == NULL) {
-    fputc('.', f);
-  } else {
-    while(*x) {
-      if(x == mark)
-        fputc('.', f);
-      else
-        fputc(' ', f);
-      if((*x)->type == HCF_CHAR) {
-        // condense character strings
-        fputc('"', f);
-        h_pprint_char(f, (*x)->chr);
-        for(x++; *x; x++) {
-          if(x == mark)
-            break;
-          if((*x)->type != HCF_CHAR)
-            break;
-          h_pprint_char(f, (*x)->chr);
-        }
-        fputc('"', f);
-      } else {
-        h_pprint_symbol(f, g, *x);
-        x++;
-      }
-    }
-    if(x == mark)
-      fputs(".", f);
-  }
-void h_pprint_lrstate(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g,
-                      const HLRState *state, unsigned int indent)
-  bool first = true;
-  H_FOREACH_KEY(state, HLRItem *item)
-    if(!first)
-      for(unsigned int i=0; i<indent; i++) fputc(' ', f);
-    first = false;
-    h_pprint_lritem(f, g, item);
-    fputc('\n', f);
-static void pprint_transition(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRTransition *t)
-  fputs("-", f);
-  h_pprint_symbol(f, g, t->symbol);
-  fprintf(f, "->%lu", t->to);
-void h_pprint_lrdfa(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g,
-                    const HLRDFA *dfa, unsigned int indent)
-  for(size_t i=0; i<dfa->nstates; i++) {
-    unsigned int indent2 = indent + fprintf(f, "%4lu: ", i);
-    h_pprint_lrstate(f, g, dfa->states[i], indent2);
-    for(HSlistNode *x = dfa->transitions->head; x; x = x->next) {
-      const HLRTransition *t = x->elem;
-      if(t->from == i) {
-        for(unsigned int i=0; i<indent2-2; i++) fputc(' ', f);
-        pprint_transition(f, g, t);
-        fputc('\n', f);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void pprint_lraction(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRAction *action)
-  if(action->type == HLR_SHIFT) {
-    fprintf(f, "s%lu", action->nextstate);
-  } else {
-    fputs("r(", f);
-    h_pprint_symbol(f, g, action->production.lhs);
-    fputs(" -> ", f);
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-    // if we can't print the production, at least print its length
-    fprintf(f, "[%lu]", action->production.length);
-    HCFSequence seq = {action->production.rhs};
-    h_pprint_sequence(f, g, &seq);
-    fputc(')', f);
-  }
-void h_pprint_lrtable(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRTable *table,
-                      unsigned int indent)
-  for(size_t i=0; i<table->nrows; i++) {
-    for(unsigned int j=0; j<indent; j++) fputc(' ', f);
-    fprintf(f, "%4lu:", i);
-    if(table->forall[i]) {
-      fputs(" - ", f);
-      pprint_lraction(f, g, table->forall[i]);
-      fputs(" -", f);
-      if(!h_hashtable_empty(table->rows[i]))
-        fputs(" !!", f);
-    }
-    H_FOREACH(table->rows[i], HCFChoice *symbol, HLRAction *action)
-      fputc(' ', f);    // separator
-      h_pprint_symbol(f, g, symbol);
-      fputc(':', f);
-      if(table->forall[i]) {
-        fputc(action->type == HLR_SHIFT? 's' : 'r', f);
-        fputc('/', f);
-        fputc(table->forall[i]->type == HLR_SHIFT? 's' : 'r', f);
-      } else {
-        pprint_lraction(f, g, action);
-      }
-    fputc('\n', f);
-  }
-#if 0
-  fputs("inadeq=", f);
-  for(HSlistNode *x=table->inadeq->head; x; x=x->next) {
-    fprintf(f, "%lu ", (uintptr_t)x->elem);
-  }
-  fputc('\n', f);
 HParserBackendVTable h__lalr_backend_vtable = {
   .compile = h_lalr_compile,
   .parse = h_lr_parse,
@@ -998,6 +332,8 @@ HParserBackendVTable h__lalr_backend_vtable = {
 // dummy!
 int test_lalr(void)
+  HAllocator *mm__ = &system_allocator;
      E -> E '-' T
         | T
@@ -1013,7 +349,7 @@ int test_lalr(void)
   HParser *p = E;
   printf("\n==== G R A M M A R ====\n");
-  HCFGrammar *g = h_cfgrammar(&system_allocator, p);
+  HCFGrammar *g = h_cfgrammar_(mm__, h_desugar_augmented(mm__, p));
   if(g == NULL) {
     fprintf(stderr, "h_cfgrammar failed\n");
     return 1;
diff --git a/src/backends/llk.c b/src/backends/llk.c
index 4f73c469829f6cb7a86d0f3edc1a07ea25753943..c0cf6afef75aae37c9b9479cdc44223244326ab7 100644
--- a/src/backends/llk.c
+++ b/src/backends/llk.c
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ typedef struct HLLkTable_ {
 /* Interface to look up an entry in the parse table. */
 const HCFSequence *h_llk_lookup(const HLLkTable *table, const HCFChoice *x,
-                                HInputStream lookahead)
+                                const HInputStream *stream)
   const HStringMap *row = h_hashtable_get(table->rows, x);
   assert(row != NULL);  // the table should have one row for each nonterminal
@@ -29,28 +29,7 @@ const HCFSequence *h_llk_lookup(const HLLkTable *table, const HCFChoice *x,
   assert(!row->epsilon_branch); // would match without looking at the input
                                 // XXX cases where this could be useful?
-  const HStringMap *m = row;
-  while(m) {
-    if(m->epsilon_branch) {     // input matched
-      // assert: another lookahead would not bring a more specific match.
-      //         this is for the table generator to ensure.
-      return m->epsilon_branch;
-    }
-    // note the lookahead stream is passed by value, i.e. a copy.
-    // reading bits from it does not consume them from the real input.
-    uint8_t c = h_read_bits(&lookahead, 8, false);
-    if(lookahead.overrun) {     // end of input
-      // XXX assumption of byte-wise grammar and input
-      return m->end_branch;
-    }
-    // no match yet, descend
-    m = h_stringmap_get_char(m, c);
-  }
-  return NULL;
+  return h_stringmap_get_lookahead(row, *stream);
 /* Allocate a new parse table. */
@@ -321,7 +300,7 @@ HParseResult *h_llk_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream*
       seq = h_carray_new(arena);
       // look up applicable production in parse table
-      const HCFSequence *p = h_llk_lookup(table, x, *stream);
+      const HCFSequence *p = h_llk_lookup(table, x, stream);
       if(p == NULL)
         goto no_parse;
diff --git a/src/backends/lr.c b/src/backends/lr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c89d19d70030a1475c1a1e3cccc92ed58bdef58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/lr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "../parsers/parser_internal.h"
+#include "lr.h"
+/* Comparison and hashing functions */
+// compare symbols - terminals by value, others by pointer
+bool h_eq_symbol(const void *p, const void *q)
+  const HCFChoice *x=p, *y=q;
+  return (x==y
+          || (x->type==HCF_END && y->type==HCF_END)
+          || (x->type==HCF_CHAR && y->type==HCF_CHAR && x->chr==y->chr));
+// hash symbols - terminals by value, others by pointer
+HHashValue h_hash_symbol(const void *p)
+  const HCFChoice *x=p;
+  if(x->type == HCF_END)
+    return 0;
+  else if(x->type == HCF_CHAR)
+    return x->chr * 33;
+  else
+    return h_hash_ptr(p);
+// compare LR items by value
+static bool eq_lr_item(const void *p, const void *q)
+  const HLRItem *a=p, *b=q;
+  if(!h_eq_symbol(a->lhs, b->lhs)) return false;
+  if(a->mark != b->mark) return false;
+  if(a->len != b->len) return false;
+  for(size_t i=0; i<a->len; i++)
+    if(!h_eq_symbol(a->rhs[i], b->rhs[i])) return false;
+  return true;
+// hash LALR items
+static inline HHashValue hash_lr_item(const void *p)
+  const HLRItem *x = p;
+  HHashValue hash = 0;
+  hash += h_hash_symbol(x->lhs);
+  for(HCFChoice **p=x->rhs; *p; p++)
+    hash += h_hash_symbol(*p);
+  hash += x->mark;
+  return hash;
+// compare item sets (DFA states)
+bool h_eq_lr_itemset(const void *p, const void *q)
+  return h_hashset_equal(p, q);
+// hash LR item sets (DFA states) - hash the elements and sum
+HHashValue h_hash_lr_itemset(const void *p)
+  HHashValue hash = 0;
+  H_FOREACH_KEY((const HHashSet *)p, HLRItem *item)
+    hash += hash_lr_item(item);
+  return hash;
+bool h_eq_transition(const void *p, const void *q)
+  const HLRTransition *a=p, *b=q;
+  return (a->from == b->from && a->to == b->to && h_eq_symbol(a->symbol, b->symbol));
+HHashValue h_hash_transition(const void *p)
+  const HLRTransition *t = p;
+  return (h_hash_symbol(t->symbol) + t->from + t->to); // XXX ?
+/* Constructors */
+HLRItem *h_lritem_new(HArena *a, HCFChoice *lhs, HCFChoice **rhs, size_t mark)
+  HLRItem *ret = h_arena_malloc(a, sizeof(HLRItem));
+  size_t len = 0;
+  for(HCFChoice **p=rhs; *p; p++) len++;
+  assert(mark <= len);
+  ret->lhs = lhs;
+  ret->rhs = rhs;
+  ret->len = len;
+  ret->mark = mark;
+  return ret;
+HLRState *h_lrstate_new(HArena *arena)
+  return h_hashset_new(arena, eq_lr_item, hash_lr_item);
+HLRTable *h_lrtable_new(HAllocator *mm__, size_t nrows)
+  HArena *arena = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // default blocksize
+  assert(arena != NULL);
+  HLRTable *ret = h_new(HLRTable, 1);
+  ret->nrows = nrows;
+  ret->ntmap = h_arena_malloc(arena, nrows * sizeof(HHashTable *));
+  ret->tmap = h_arena_malloc(arena, nrows * sizeof(HStringMap *));
+  ret->forall = h_arena_malloc(arena, nrows * sizeof(HLRAction *));
+  ret->inadeq = h_slist_new(arena);
+  ret->arena = arena;
+  ret->mm__ = mm__;
+  for(size_t i=0; i<nrows; i++) {
+    ret->ntmap[i] = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_symbol, h_hash_symbol);
+    ret->tmap[i] = h_stringmap_new(arena);
+    ret->forall[i] = NULL;
+  }
+  return ret;
+void h_lrtable_free(HLRTable *table)
+  HAllocator *mm__ = table->mm__;
+  h_delete_arena(table->arena);
+  h_free(table);
+HLRAction *h_shift_action(HArena *arena, size_t nextstate)
+  HLRAction *action = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRAction));
+  action->type = HLR_SHIFT;
+  action->nextstate = nextstate;
+  return action;
+HLRAction *h_reduce_action(HArena *arena, const HLRItem *item)
+  HLRAction *action = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRAction));
+  action->type = HLR_REDUCE;
+  action->production.lhs = item->lhs;
+  action->production.length = item->len;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  action->production.rhs = item->rhs;
+  return action;
+// adds 'new' to the branches of 'action'
+// returns a 'action' if it is already of type HLR_CONFLICT
+// allocates a new HLRAction otherwise
+HLRAction *h_lr_conflict(HArena *arena, HLRAction *action, HLRAction *new)
+  if(action->type != HLR_CONFLICT) {
+    HLRAction *old = action;
+    action = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRAction));
+    action->type = HLR_CONFLICT;
+    action->branches = h_slist_new(arena);
+    h_slist_push(action->branches, old);
+    h_slist_push(action->branches, new);
+  } else {
+    // check if 'new' is already among branches
+    HSlistNode *x;
+    for(x=action->branches->head; x; x=x->next) {
+      if(x->elem == new)
+        break;
+    }
+    // add 'new' if it is not already in list
+    if(x == NULL)
+      h_slist_push(action->branches, new);
+  }
+  return action;
+bool h_lrtable_row_empty(const HLRTable *table, size_t i)
+  return (h_hashtable_empty(table->ntmap[i])
+          && h_stringmap_empty(table->tmap[i]));
+/* LR driver */
+HLREngine *h_lrengine_new(HArena *arena, HArena *tarena, const HLRTable *table,
+                          const HInputStream *stream)
+  HLREngine *engine = h_arena_malloc(tarena, sizeof(HLREngine));
+  engine->table = table;
+  engine->state = 0;
+  engine->stack = h_slist_new(tarena);
+  engine->input = *stream;
+  engine->merged[0] = NULL;
+  engine->merged[1] = NULL;
+  engine->arena = arena;
+  engine->tarena = tarena;
+  return engine;
+static const HLRAction *
+terminal_lookup(const HLREngine *engine, const HInputStream *stream)
+  const HLRTable *table = engine->table;
+  size_t state = engine->state;
+  assert(state < table->nrows);
+  if(table->forall[state]) {
+    assert(h_lrtable_row_empty(table, state));  // that would be a conflict
+    return table->forall[state];
+  } else {
+    return h_stringmap_get_lookahead(table->tmap[state], *stream);
+  }
+static const HLRAction *
+nonterminal_lookup(const HLREngine *engine, const HCFChoice *symbol)
+  const HLRTable *table = engine->table;
+  size_t state = engine->state;
+  assert(state < table->nrows);
+  assert(!table->forall[state]);    // contains only reduce entries
+                                    // we are only looking for shifts
+  return h_hashtable_get(table->ntmap[state], symbol);
+const HLRAction *h_lrengine_action(const HLREngine *engine)
+  return terminal_lookup(engine, &engine->input);
+static HParsedToken *consume_input(HLREngine *engine)
+  HParsedToken *v;
+  uint8_t c = h_read_bits(&engine->input, 8, false);
+  if(engine->input.overrun) {     // end of input
+    v = NULL;
+  } else {
+    v = h_arena_malloc(engine->arena, sizeof(HParsedToken));
+    v->token_type = TT_UINT;
+    v->uint = c;
+  }
+  return v;
+// run LR parser for one round; returns false when finished
+bool h_lrengine_step(HLREngine *engine, const HLRAction *action)
+  // short-hand names
+  HSlist *stack = engine->stack;
+  HArena *arena = engine->arena;
+  HArena *tarena = engine->tarena;
+  if(action == NULL)
+    return false;   // no handle recognizable in input, terminate
+  assert(action->type == HLR_SHIFT || action->type == HLR_REDUCE);
+  if(action->type == HLR_REDUCE) {
+    size_t len = action->production.length;
+    HCFChoice *symbol = action->production.lhs;
+    // semantic value of the reduction result
+    HParsedToken *value = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HParsedToken));
+    value->token_type = TT_SEQUENCE;
+    value->seq = h_carray_new_sized(arena, len);
+    // pull values off the stack, rewinding state accordingly
+    HParsedToken *v = NULL;
+    for(size_t i=0; i<len; i++) {
+      v = h_slist_drop(stack);
+      engine->state = (uintptr_t)h_slist_drop(stack);
+      // collect values in result sequence
+      value->seq->elements[len-1-i] = v;
+      value->seq->used++;
+    }
+    if(v) {
+      // result position equals position of left-most symbol
+      value->index = v->index;
+      value->bit_offset = v->bit_offset;
+    } else {
+      // XXX how to get the position in this case?
+    }
+    // perform token reshape if indicated
+    if(symbol->reshape)
+      value = (HParsedToken *)symbol->reshape(make_result(arena, value));
+    // call validation and semantic action, if present
+    if(symbol->pred && !symbol->pred(make_result(tarena, value)))
+      return false;     // validation failed -> no parse; terminate
+    if(symbol->action)
+      value = (HParsedToken *)symbol->action(make_result(arena, value));
+    // this is LR, building a right-most derivation bottom-up, so no reduce can
+    // follow a reduce. we can also assume no conflict follows for GLR if we
+    // use LALR tables, because only terminal symbols (lookahead) get reduces.
+    const HLRAction *shift = nonterminal_lookup(engine, symbol);
+    if(shift == NULL)
+      return false;     // parse error
+    assert(shift->type == HLR_SHIFT);
+    // piggy-back the shift right here, never touching the input
+    h_slist_push(stack, (void *)(uintptr_t)engine->state);
+    h_slist_push(stack, value);
+    engine->state = shift->nextstate;
+    // check for success
+    if(engine->state == HLR_SUCCESS) {
+      assert(symbol == engine->table->start);
+      return false;
+    }
+  } else {
+    assert(action->type == HLR_SHIFT);
+    HParsedToken *value = consume_input(engine);
+    h_slist_push(stack, (void *)(uintptr_t)engine->state);
+    h_slist_push(stack, value);
+    engine->state = action->nextstate;
+  }
+  return true;
+HParseResult *h_lrengine_result(HLREngine *engine)
+  // parsing was successful iff the engine reaches the end state
+  if(engine->state == HLR_SUCCESS) {
+    // on top of the stack is the start symbol's semantic value
+    assert(!h_slist_empty(engine->stack));
+    HParsedToken *tok = engine->stack->head->elem;
+    return make_result(engine->arena, tok);
+  } else {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+HParseResult *h_lr_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream* stream)
+  HLRTable *table = parser->backend_data;
+  if(!table)
+    return NULL;
+  HArena *arena  = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // will hold the results
+  HArena *tarena = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // tmp, deleted after parse
+  HLREngine *engine = h_lrengine_new(arena, tarena, table, stream);
+  // iterate engine to completion
+  while(h_lrengine_step(engine, h_lrengine_action(engine)));
+  HParseResult *result = h_lrengine_result(engine);
+  if(!result)
+    h_delete_arena(arena);
+  h_delete_arena(tarena);
+  return result;
+/* Pretty-printers */
+void h_pprint_lritem(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRItem *item)
+  h_pprint_symbol(f, g, item->lhs);
+  fputs(" ->", f);
+  HCFChoice **x = item->rhs;
+  HCFChoice **mark = item->rhs + item->mark;
+  if(*x == NULL) {
+    fputc('.', f);
+  } else {
+    while(*x) {
+      if(x == mark)
+        fputc('.', f);
+      else
+        fputc(' ', f);
+      if((*x)->type == HCF_CHAR) {
+        // condense character strings
+        fputc('"', f);
+        h_pprint_char(f, (*x)->chr);
+        for(x++; *x; x++) {
+          if(x == mark)
+            break;
+          if((*x)->type != HCF_CHAR)
+            break;
+          h_pprint_char(f, (*x)->chr);
+        }
+        fputc('"', f);
+      } else {
+        h_pprint_symbol(f, g, *x);
+        x++;
+      }
+    }
+    if(x == mark)
+      fputs(".", f);
+  }
+void h_pprint_lrstate(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g,
+                      const HLRState *state, unsigned int indent)
+  bool first = true;
+  H_FOREACH_KEY(state, HLRItem *item)
+    if(!first)
+      for(unsigned int i=0; i<indent; i++) fputc(' ', f);
+    first = false;
+    h_pprint_lritem(f, g, item);
+    fputc('\n', f);
+static void pprint_transition(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRTransition *t)
+  fputs("-", f);
+  h_pprint_symbol(f, g, t->symbol);
+  fprintf(f, "->%lu", t->to);
+void h_pprint_lrdfa(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g,
+                    const HLRDFA *dfa, unsigned int indent)
+  for(size_t i=0; i<dfa->nstates; i++) {
+    unsigned int indent2 = indent + fprintf(f, "%4lu: ", i);
+    h_pprint_lrstate(f, g, dfa->states[i], indent2);
+    for(HSlistNode *x = dfa->transitions->head; x; x = x->next) {
+      const HLRTransition *t = x->elem;
+      if(t->from == i) {
+        for(unsigned int i=0; i<indent2-2; i++) fputc(' ', f);
+        pprint_transition(f, g, t);
+        fputc('\n', f);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void pprint_lraction(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRAction *action)
+  switch(action->type) {
+  case HLR_SHIFT:
+    if(action->nextstate == HLR_SUCCESS)
+      fputs("s~", f);
+    else
+      fprintf(f, "s%lu", action->nextstate);
+    break;
+  case HLR_REDUCE:
+    fputs("r(", f);
+    h_pprint_symbol(f, g, action->production.lhs);
+    fputs(" -> ", f);
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+    // if we can't print the production, at least print its length
+    fprintf(f, "[%lu]", action->production.length);
+    HCFSequence seq = {action->production.rhs};
+    h_pprint_sequence(f, g, &seq);
+    fputc(')', f);
+    break;
+    fputc('!', f);
+    for(HSlistNode *x=action->branches->head; x; x=x->next) {
+      HLRAction *branch = x->elem;
+      assert(branch->type != HLR_CONFLICT); // no nesting
+      pprint_lraction(f, g, branch);
+      if(x->next) fputc('/', f);            // separator
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    assert_message(0, "not reached");
+  }
+static void valprint_lraction(FILE *file, void *env, void *val)
+  const HLRAction *action = val;
+  const HCFGrammar *grammar = env;
+  pprint_lraction(file, grammar, action);
+static void pprint_lrtable_terminals(FILE *file, const HCFGrammar *g,
+                                     const HStringMap *map)
+  h_pprint_stringmap(file, ' ', valprint_lraction, (void *)g, map);
+void h_pprint_lrtable(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRTable *table,
+                      unsigned int indent)
+  for(size_t i=0; i<table->nrows; i++) {
+    for(unsigned int j=0; j<indent; j++) fputc(' ', f);
+    fprintf(f, "%4lu:", i);
+    if(table->forall[i]) {
+      fputc(' ', f);
+      pprint_lraction(f, g, table->forall[i]);
+      if(!h_lrtable_row_empty(table, i))
+        fputs(" !!", f);
+    }
+    H_FOREACH(table->ntmap[i], HCFChoice *symbol, HLRAction *action)
+      fputc(' ', f);    // separator
+      h_pprint_symbol(f, g, symbol);
+      fputc(':', f);
+      pprint_lraction(f, g, action);
+    fputc(' ', f);    // separator
+    pprint_lrtable_terminals(f, g, table->tmap[i]);
+    fputc('\n', f);
+  }
+#if 0
+  fputs("inadeq=", f);
+  for(HSlistNode *x=table->inadeq->head; x; x=x->next) {
+    fprintf(f, "%lu ", (uintptr_t)x->elem);
+  }
+  fputc('\n', f);
diff --git a/src/backends/lr.h b/src/backends/lr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f1eadd9059330b23c77e58aedfd680690b07950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/lr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#include "../hammer.h"
+#include "../cfgrammar.h"
+#include "../internal.h"
+typedef HHashSet HLRState;  // states are sets of LRItems
+typedef struct HLRDFA_ {
+  size_t nstates;
+  const HLRState **states;  // array of size nstates
+  HSlist *transitions;
+typedef struct HLRTransition_ {
+  size_t from;              // index into 'states' array
+  const HCFChoice *symbol;
+  size_t to;                // index into 'states' array
+} HLRTransition;
+typedef struct HLRItem_ {
+  HCFChoice *lhs;
+  HCFChoice **rhs;          // NULL-terminated
+  size_t len;               // number of elements in rhs
+  size_t mark;
+} HLRItem;
+typedef struct HLRAction_ {
+  union {
+    // used with HLR_SHIFT
+    size_t nextstate;
+    // used with HLR_REDUCE
+    struct {
+      HCFChoice *lhs;   // symbol carrying semantic actions etc.
+      size_t length;    // # of symbols in rhs
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+      HCFChoice **rhs;  // NB: the rhs symbols are not needed for the parse
+    } production;
+    // used with HLR_CONFLICT
+    HSlist *branches;   // list of possible HLRActions
+  };
+} HLRAction;
+typedef struct HLRTable_ {
+  size_t     nrows;     // dimension of the pointer arrays below
+  HHashTable **ntmap;   // map nonterminal symbols to HLRActions, per row
+  HStringMap **tmap;    // map lookahead strings to HLRActions, per row
+  HLRAction  **forall;  // shortcut to set an action for an entire row
+  HCFChoice  *start;    // start symbol
+  HSlist     *inadeq;   // indices of any inadequate states
+  HArena     *arena;
+  HAllocator *mm__;
+} HLRTable;
+typedef struct HLREnhGrammar_ {
+  HCFGrammar *grammar;  // enhanced grammar
+  HHashTable *tmap;     // maps transitions to enhanced-grammar symbols
+  HHashTable *smap;     // maps enhanced-grammar symbols to transitions
+  HHashTable *corr;     // maps symbols to sets of corresponding e. symbols
+  HArena *arena;
+} HLREnhGrammar;
+typedef struct HLREngine_ {
+  const HLRTable *table;
+  size_t state;
+  HSlist *stack;        // holds pairs: (saved state, semantic value)
+  HInputStream input;
+  struct HLREngine_ *merged[2]; // ancestors merged into this engine
+  HArena *arena;        // will hold the results
+  HArena *tarena;       // tmp, deleted after parse
+} HLREngine;
+#define HLR_SUCCESS ((size_t)~0)    // parser end state
+// XXX move to internal.h or something
+// XXX replace other hashtable iterations with this
+#define H_FOREACH_(HT) {                                                    \
+    const HHashTable *ht__ = HT;                                            \
+    for(size_t i__=0; i__ < ht__->capacity; i__++) {                        \
+      for(HHashTableEntry *hte__ = &ht__->contents[i__];                    \
+          hte__;                                                            \
+          hte__ = hte__->next) {                                            \
+        if(hte__->key == NULL) continue;
+#define H_FOREACH_KEY(HT, KEYVAR) H_FOREACH_(HT)                            \
+        const KEYVAR = hte__->key;
+        VALVAR = hte__->value;
+#define H_END_FOREACH                                                       \
+      }                                                                     \
+    }                                                                       \
+  }
+HLRItem *h_lritem_new(HArena *a, HCFChoice *lhs, HCFChoice **rhs, size_t mark);
+HLRState *h_lrstate_new(HArena *arena);
+HLRTable *h_lrtable_new(HAllocator *mm__, size_t nrows);
+void h_lrtable_free(HLRTable *table);
+HLREngine *h_lrengine_new(HArena *arena, HArena *tarena, const HLRTable *table,
+                          const HInputStream *stream);
+HLRAction *h_reduce_action(HArena *arena, const HLRItem *item);
+HLRAction *h_shift_action(HArena *arena, size_t nextstate);
+HLRAction *h_lr_conflict(HArena *arena, HLRAction *action, HLRAction *new);
+bool h_lrtable_row_empty(const HLRTable *table, size_t i);
+bool h_eq_symbol(const void *p, const void *q);
+bool h_eq_lr_itemset(const void *p, const void *q);
+bool h_eq_transition(const void *p, const void *q);
+HHashValue h_hash_symbol(const void *p);
+HHashValue h_hash_lr_itemset(const void *p);
+HHashValue h_hash_transition(const void *p);
+HLRDFA *h_lr0_dfa(HCFGrammar *g);
+HLRTable *h_lr0_table(HCFGrammar *g, const HLRDFA *dfa);
+HCFChoice *h_desugar_augmented(HAllocator *mm__, HParser *parser);
+int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params);
+void h_lalr_free(HParser *parser);
+const HLRAction *h_lrengine_action(const HLREngine *engine);
+bool h_lrengine_step(HLREngine *engine, const HLRAction *action);
+HParseResult *h_lrengine_result(HLREngine *engine);
+HParseResult *h_lr_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream* stream);
+HParseResult *h_glr_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream* stream);
+void h_pprint_lritem(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRItem *item);
+void h_pprint_lrstate(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g,
+                      const HLRState *state, unsigned int indent);
+void h_pprint_lrdfa(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g,
+                    const HLRDFA *dfa, unsigned int indent);
+void h_pprint_lrtable(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRTable *table,
+                      unsigned int indent);
diff --git a/src/backends/lr0.c b/src/backends/lr0.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c86484e61300ec40362a9abb47105424ddff2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backends/lr0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "lr.h"
+/* Constructing the characteristic automaton (handle recognizer) */
+static HLRItem *advance_mark(HArena *arena, const HLRItem *item)
+  assert(item->rhs[item->mark] != NULL);
+  HLRItem *ret = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRItem));
+  *ret = *item;
+  ret->mark++;
+  return ret;
+static void expand_to_closure(HCFGrammar *g, HHashSet *items)
+  HAllocator *mm__ = g->mm__;
+  HArena *arena = g->arena;
+  HSlist *work = h_slist_new(arena);
+  // initialize work list with items
+  H_FOREACH_KEY(items, HLRItem *item)
+    h_slist_push(work, (void *)item);
+  while(!h_slist_empty(work)) {
+    const HLRItem *item = h_slist_pop(work);
+    HCFChoice *sym = item->rhs[item->mark]; // symbol after mark
+    // if there is a non-terminal after the mark, follow it
+    // NB: unlike LLk, we do consider HCF_CHARSET a non-terminal here
+    if(sym != NULL && (sym->type==HCF_CHOICE || sym->type==HCF_CHARSET)) {
+      // add items corresponding to the productions of sym
+      if(sym->type == HCF_CHOICE) {
+        for(HCFSequence **p=sym->seq; *p; p++) {
+          HLRItem *it = h_lritem_new(arena, sym, (*p)->items, 0);
+          if(!h_hashset_present(items, it)) {
+            h_hashset_put(items, it);
+            h_slist_push(work, it);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {  // HCF_CHARSET
+        for(unsigned int i=0; i<256; i++) {
+          if(charset_isset(sym->charset, i)) {
+            // XXX allocate these single-character symbols statically somewhere
+            HCFChoice **rhs = h_new(HCFChoice *, 2);
+            rhs[0] = h_new(HCFChoice, 1);
+            rhs[0]->type = HCF_CHAR;
+            rhs[0]->chr = i;
+            rhs[1] = NULL;
+            HLRItem *it = h_lritem_new(arena, sym, rhs, 0);
+            h_hashset_put(items, it);
+            // single-character item needs no further work
+          }
+        }
+        // if sym is a non-terminal, we need a reshape on it
+        // this seems as good a place as any to set it
+        sym->reshape = h_act_first;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+HLRDFA *h_lr0_dfa(HCFGrammar *g)
+  HArena *arena = g->arena;
+  HHashSet *states = h_hashset_new(arena, h_eq_lr_itemset, h_hash_lr_itemset);
+      // maps itemsets to assigned array indices
+  HSlist *transitions = h_slist_new(arena);
+  // list of states that need to be processed
+  // to save lookups, we push two elements per state, the itemset and its
+  // assigned index.
+  HSlist *work = h_slist_new(arena);
+  // make initial state (kernel)
+  HLRState *start = h_lrstate_new(arena);
+  assert(g->start->type == HCF_CHOICE);
+  for(HCFSequence **p=g->start->seq; *p; p++)
+    h_hashset_put(start, h_lritem_new(arena, g->start, (*p)->items, 0));
+  expand_to_closure(g, start);
+  h_hashtable_put(states, start, 0);
+  h_slist_push(work, start);
+  h_slist_push(work, 0);
+  // while work to do (on some state)
+  //   determine edge symbols
+  //   for each edge symbol:
+  //     advance respective items -> destination state (kernel)
+  //     compute closure
+  //     if destination is a new state:
+  //       add it to state set
+  //       add transition to it
+  //       add it to the work list
+  while(!h_slist_empty(work)) {
+    size_t state_idx = (uintptr_t)h_slist_pop(work);
+    HLRState *state = h_slist_pop(work);
+    // maps edge symbols to neighbor states (item sets) of s
+    HHashTable *neighbors = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_symbol, h_hash_symbol);
+    // iterate over state (closure) and generate neighboring sets
+    H_FOREACH_KEY(state, HLRItem *item)
+      HCFChoice *sym = item->rhs[item->mark]; // symbol after mark
+      if(sym != NULL) { // mark was not at the end
+        // find or create prospective neighbor set
+        HLRState *neighbor = h_hashtable_get(neighbors, sym);
+        if(neighbor == NULL) {
+          neighbor = h_lrstate_new(arena);
+          h_hashtable_put(neighbors, sym, neighbor);
+        }
+        // ...and add the advanced item to it
+        h_hashset_put(neighbor, advance_mark(arena, item));
+      }
+    // merge expanded neighbor sets into the set of existing states
+    H_FOREACH(neighbors, HCFChoice *symbol, HLRState *neighbor)
+      expand_to_closure(g, neighbor);
+      // look up existing state, allocate new if not found
+      size_t neighbor_idx;
+      if(!h_hashset_present(states, neighbor)) {
+        neighbor_idx = states->used;
+        h_hashtable_put(states, neighbor, (void *)(uintptr_t)neighbor_idx);
+        h_slist_push(work, neighbor);
+        h_slist_push(work, (void *)(uintptr_t)neighbor_idx);
+      } else {
+        neighbor_idx = (uintptr_t)h_hashtable_get(states, neighbor);
+      }
+      // add transition "state --symbol--> neighbor"
+      HLRTransition *t = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRTransition));
+      t->from = state_idx;
+      t->to = neighbor_idx;
+      t->symbol = symbol;
+      h_slist_push(transitions, t);
+  } // end while(work)
+  // fill DFA struct
+  HLRDFA *dfa = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRDFA));
+  dfa->nstates = states->used;
+  dfa->states = h_arena_malloc(arena, dfa->nstates*sizeof(HLRState *));
+  H_FOREACH(states, HLRState *state, void *v)
+    size_t idx = (uintptr_t)v;
+    dfa->states[idx] = state;
+  dfa->transitions = transitions;
+  return dfa;
+/* LR(0) table generation */
+static inline
+void put_shift(HLRTable *table, size_t state, const HCFChoice *symbol,
+               size_t nextstate)
+  HLRAction *action = h_shift_action(table->arena, nextstate);
+  switch(symbol->type) {
+  case HCF_END:
+    h_stringmap_put_end(table->tmap[state], action);
+    break;
+  case HCF_CHAR:
+    h_stringmap_put_char(table->tmap[state], symbol->chr, action);
+    break;
+  default:
+    // nonterminal case
+    h_hashtable_put(table->ntmap[state], symbol, action);
+  }
+HLRTable *h_lr0_table(HCFGrammar *g, const HLRDFA *dfa)
+  HAllocator *mm__ = g->mm__;
+  HLRTable *table = h_lrtable_new(mm__, dfa->nstates);
+  HArena *arena = table->arena;
+  // remember start symbol
+  table->start = g->start;
+  // shift to the accepting end state for the start symbol
+  put_shift(table, 0, g->start, HLR_SUCCESS);
+  // add shift entries
+  for(HSlistNode *x = dfa->transitions->head; x; x = x->next) {
+    // for each transition x-A->y, add "shift, goto y" to table entry (x,A)
+    HLRTransition *t = x->elem;
+    put_shift(table, t->from, t->symbol, t->to);
+  }
+  // add reduce entries, record inadequate states
+  for(size_t i=0; i<dfa->nstates; i++) {
+    bool inadeq = false;
+    // find reducible items in state
+    H_FOREACH_KEY(dfa->states[i], HLRItem *item)
+      if(item->mark == item->len) { // mark at the end
+        HLRAction *reduce = h_reduce_action(arena, item);
+        // check for reduce/reduce conflict on forall
+        if(table->forall[i]) {
+          reduce = h_lr_conflict(arena, table->forall[i], reduce);
+          inadeq = true;
+        }
+        table->forall[i] = reduce;
+        // check for shift/reduce conflict with other entries
+        // NOTE: these are not recorded as HLR_CONFLICTs at this point
+        if(!h_lrtable_row_empty(table, i))
+          inadeq = true;
+      }
+    if(inadeq)
+      h_slist_push(table->inadeq, (void *)(uintptr_t)i);
+  }
+  return table;
diff --git a/src/cfgrammar.c b/src/cfgrammar.c
index 199ef5f1295b96774d1cbd6b3d1499a8f739b9b1..196d9d3c8b6ee9cb77b24a98ff365b8b4634ac45 100644
--- a/src/cfgrammar.c
+++ b/src/cfgrammar.c
@@ -321,6 +321,31 @@ void *h_stringmap_get(const HStringMap *m, const uint8_t *str, size_t n, bool en
   return m->epsilon_branch;
+void *h_stringmap_get_lookahead(const HStringMap *m, HInputStream lookahead)
+  while(m) {
+    if(m->epsilon_branch) {     // input matched
+      // assert: another lookahead would not bring a more specific match.
+      //         this is for the table generator to ensure. (LLk)
+      return m->epsilon_branch;
+    }
+    // note the lookahead stream is passed by value, i.e. a copy.
+    // reading bits from it does not consume them from the real input.
+    uint8_t c = h_read_bits(&lookahead, 8, false);
+    if(lookahead.overrun) {     // end of input
+      // XXX assumption of byte-wise grammar and input
+      return m->end_branch;
+    }
+    // no match yet, descend
+    m = h_stringmap_get_char(m, c);
+  }
+  return NULL;
 bool h_stringmap_present(const HStringMap *m, const uint8_t *str, size_t n, bool end)
   return (h_stringmap_get(m, str, n, end) != NULL);
@@ -813,27 +838,43 @@ void h_pprint_symbolset(FILE *file, const HCFGrammar *g, const HHashSet *set, in
 #define BUFSIZE 512
 static bool
-pprint_stringset_elems(FILE *file, bool first, char *prefix, size_t n,
-                       const HStringMap *set)
+pprint_stringmap_elems(FILE *file, bool first, char *prefix, size_t n, char sep,
+                       void (*valprint)(FILE *f, void *env, void *val), void *env,
+                       const HStringMap *map)
   assert(n < BUFSIZE-4);
-  if(set->epsilon_branch) {
-    if(!first) fputc(',', file); first=false;
-    if(n==0)
-      fputs("''", file);
-    else
+  if(map->epsilon_branch) {
+    if(!first) fputc(sep, file); first=false;
+    if(n==0) {
+      fputs("\"\"", file);
+    } else {
+      fputs("\"", file);
       fwrite(prefix, 1, n, file);
+      fputs("\"", file);
+    }
+    if(valprint) {
+      fputc(':', file);
+      valprint(file, env, map->epsilon_branch);
+    }
-  if(set->end_branch) {
-    if(!first) fputc(',', file); first=false;
+  if(map->end_branch) {
+    if(!first) fputs(",\"", file); first=false;
+    if(n>0) fputs("\"\"", file);
     fwrite(prefix, 1, n, file);
-    fputc('$', file);
+    if(n>0) fputs("\"\"", file);
+    fputs("$", file);
+    if(valprint) {
+      fputc(':', file);
+      valprint(file, env, map->end_branch);
+    }
-  // iterate over set->char_branches
-  HHashTable *ht = set->char_branches;
+  // iterate over map->char_branches
+  HHashTable *ht = map->char_branches;
   size_t i;
   HHashTableEntry *hte;
   for(i=0; i < ht->capacity; i++) {
@@ -859,20 +900,28 @@ pprint_stringset_elems(FILE *file, bool first, char *prefix, size_t n,
           n_ += sprintf(prefix+n_, "\\x%.2X", c);
-      first = pprint_stringset_elems(file, first, prefix, n_, ends);
+      first = pprint_stringmap_elems(file, first, prefix, n_,
+                                     sep, valprint, env, ends);
   return first;
+void h_pprint_stringmap(FILE *file, char sep,
+                        void (*valprint)(FILE *f, void *env, void *val), void *env,
+                        const HStringMap *map)
+  char buf[BUFSIZE];
+  pprint_stringmap_elems(file, true, buf, 0, sep, valprint, env, map);
 void h_pprint_stringset(FILE *file, const HStringMap *set, int indent)
   int j;
   for(j=0; j<indent; j++) fputc(' ', file);
-  char buf[BUFSIZE];
   fputc('{', file);
-  pprint_stringset_elems(file, true, buf, 0, set);
+  h_pprint_stringmap(file, ',', NULL, NULL, set);
   fputs("}\n", file);
diff --git a/src/cfgrammar.h b/src/cfgrammar.h
index 57f6f68bf55ed574edbc6596f4c1321b24f39b58..193f8ca327d2f9c0b74518b9942b5fe3f37c407b 100644
--- a/src/cfgrammar.h
+++ b/src/cfgrammar.h
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ void h_stringmap_put_char(HStringMap *m, uint8_t c, void *v);
 void h_stringmap_update(HStringMap *m, const HStringMap *n);
 void h_stringmap_replace(HStringMap *m, void *old, void *new);
 void *h_stringmap_get(const HStringMap *m, const uint8_t *str, size_t n, bool end);
+void *h_stringmap_get_lookahead(const HStringMap *m, HInputStream lookahead);
 bool h_stringmap_present(const HStringMap *m, const uint8_t *str, size_t n, bool end);
 bool h_stringmap_present_epsilon(const HStringMap *m);
 bool h_stringmap_empty(const HStringMap *m);
@@ -97,4 +98,7 @@ void h_pprint_sequence(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HCFSequence *seq);
 void h_pprint_symbol(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *x);
 void h_pprint_symbolset(FILE *file, const HCFGrammar *g, const HHashSet *set, int indent);
 void h_pprint_stringset(FILE *file, const HStringMap *set, int indent);
+void h_pprint_stringmap(FILE *file, char sep,
+                        void (*valprint)(FILE *f, void *env, void *val), void *env,
+                        const HStringMap *map);
 void h_pprint_char(FILE *file, char c);
diff --git a/src/datastructures.c b/src/datastructures.c
index 075b966bc7c67d3fc266b2bce2938b64f78862b4..94bc9015d48038f2e1c8a01369457adadc754f83 100644
--- a/src/datastructures.c
+++ b/src/datastructures.c
@@ -62,6 +62,16 @@ HSlist* h_slist_copy(HSlist *slist) {
   return ret;
+// like h_slist_pop, but does not deallocate the head node
+void* h_slist_drop(HSlist *slist) {
+  HSlistNode *head = slist->head;
+  if (!head)
+    return NULL;
+  void* ret = head->elem;
+  slist->head = head->next;
+  return ret;
 void* h_slist_pop(HSlist *slist) {
   HSlistNode *head = slist->head;
   if (!head)
diff --git a/src/hammer.c b/src/hammer.c
index 7d5b4e90b2edd224f6f28a57d0b65bacf2de94b7..7fc80dba0c86ec76a2376d0d69914f235bf08afc 100644
--- a/src/hammer.c
+++ b/src/hammer.c
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ static HParserBackendVTable *backends[PB_MAX + 1] = {
+  &h__glr_backend_vtable,
diff --git a/src/hammer.h b/src/hammer.h
index a5ebcfff640bd33ba4459b1b59ea106033cb5eb2..67fb8e4bff34eb741d7f14d3c64fcba160598369 100644
--- a/src/hammer.h
+++ b/src/hammer.h
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ typedef enum HParserBackend_ {
-  PB_GLR,	// Not Implemented
+  PB_GLR,
 } HParserBackend;
 typedef enum HTokenType_ {
diff --git a/src/internal.h b/src/internal.h
index 2f3018df2aebe3e61b2af74c3b4b5a70997211f2..a897e9fc6a9d23660a2d6a86a36ff43f48478782 100644
--- a/src/internal.h
+++ b/src/internal.h
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ struct HBitWriter_ {
 extern HParserBackendVTable h__packrat_backend_vtable;
 extern HParserBackendVTable h__llk_backend_vtable;
 extern HParserBackendVTable h__lalr_backend_vtable;
+extern HParserBackendVTable h__glr_backend_vtable;
 // }}}
 // TODO(thequux): Set symbol visibility for these functions so that they aren't exported.
@@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ void h_carray_append(HCountedArray *array, void* item);
 HSlist* h_slist_new(HArena *arena);
 HSlist* h_slist_copy(HSlist *slist);
 void* h_slist_pop(HSlist *slist);
+void* h_slist_drop(HSlist *slist);
 void h_slist_push(HSlist *slist, void* item);
 bool h_slist_find(HSlist *slist, const void* item);
 HSlist* h_slist_remove_all(HSlist *slist, const void* item);
diff --git a/src/t_parser.c b/src/t_parser.c
index a0e4040b2d5378c423b07d0699001b6a5018594e..59adf36a69d1e34f9a460088a7021d8d14ff6df5 100644
--- a/src/t_parser.c
+++ b/src/t_parser.c
@@ -428,6 +428,19 @@ static void test_rightrec(gconstpointer backend) {
   g_check_parse_ok(rr_, (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend), "aaa", 3, "(u0x61 (u0x61 (u0x61)))");
+static void test_ambiguous(gconstpointer backend) {
+  HParser *d_ = h_ch('d');
+  HParser *p_ = h_ch('+');
+  HParser *E_ = h_indirect();
+  h_bind_indirect(E_, h_choice(h_sequence(E_, p_, E_, NULL), d_, NULL));
+  HParser *expr_ = h_action(E_, h_act_flatten);
+  g_check_parse_ok(expr_, (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend), "d", 1, "(u0x64)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(expr_, (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend), "d+d", 3, "(u0x64 u0x2b u0x64)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(expr_, (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend), "d+d+d", 5, "(u0x64 u0x2b u0x64 u0x2b u0x64)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(expr_, (HParserBackend)GPOINTER_TO_INT(backend), "d+", 2);
 void register_parser_tests(void) {
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/token", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_token);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/packrat/ch", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_PACKRAT), test_ch);
@@ -585,4 +598,43 @@ void register_parser_tests(void) {
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/ignore", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_ignore);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/leftrec", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_leftrec);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/lalr/rightrec", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LALR), test_rightrec);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/token", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_token);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/ch", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_ch);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/ch_range", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_ch_range);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/int64", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_int64);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/int32", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_int32);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/int16", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_int16);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/int8", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_int8);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/uint64", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_uint64);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/uint32", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_uint32);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/uint16", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_uint16);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/uint8", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_uint8);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/int_range", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_int_range);
+#if 0
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/float64", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_float64);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/float32", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_float32);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/whitespace", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_whitespace);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/left", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_left);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/right", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_right);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/middle", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_middle);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/action", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_action);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/in", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_in);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/not_in", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_not_in);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/end_p", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_end_p);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/nothing_p", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_nothing_p);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/sequence", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_sequence);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/choice", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_choice);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/many", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_many);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/many1", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_many1);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/optional", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_optional);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/sepBy", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_sepBy);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/sepBy1", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_sepBy1);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/epsilon_p", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_epsilon_p);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/attr_bool", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_attr_bool);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/ignore", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_ignore);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/leftrec", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_leftrec);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/rightrec", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_rightrec);
+  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/glr/ambiguous", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_GLR), test_ambiguous);