From de8db18db4a3c3cc4a59878f09fac61a4964f5f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Meredith L. Patterson" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 22:29:25 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Refactored tests; make just builds library, make test
 builds/runs tests

---         |   9 +-         |   2 +-
 src/Makefile      |  19 +--
 src/bitreader.c   |  69 --------
 src/bitwriter.c   | 121 --------------
 src/hammer.c      | 403 ---------------------------------------------
 src/internal.h    |  14 ++
 src/t_benchmark.c |  10 +-
 src/t_bitreader.c |  67 ++++++++
 src/t_bitwriter.c | 108 +++++++++++++
 src/t_parser.c    | 404 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/test_suite.c  |   2 +
 12 files changed, 613 insertions(+), 615 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/t_bitreader.c
 create mode 100644 src/t_bitwriter.c
 create mode 100644 src/t_parser.c

diff --git a/ b/
index 972466ef..a57429db 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,17 +5,12 @@ endif
 include $(TOPLEVEL)/
-TEST_CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0) -DINCLUDE_TESTS
-TEST_LDFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --libs glib-2.0)
+TEST_CFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0) -DINCLUDE_TESTS
+TEST_LDFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --libs glib-2.0)
 CFLAGS := -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-attributes
-ifneq ($(INCLUDE_TESTS),0)
 CC ?= gcc
 $(info CC=$(CC))
 # Set V=1 for verbose mode...
diff --git a/ b/
index 54248f98..5161bda1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index f24f23b8..128de050 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -41,7 +41,11 @@ HAMMER_PARTS := \
 	$(PARSERS:%=parsers/%.o) \
-TESTS := t_benchmark.o
+TESTS := t_benchmark.o \
+	 t_bitreader.o \
+	 t_bitwriter.o \
+	 t_parser.o \
+	 test_suite.o
 OUTPUTS := libhammer.a \
 	   test_suite.o \
@@ -53,6 +57,8 @@ TOPLEVEL := ../
 include ../
 all: libhammer.a
@@ -61,15 +67,10 @@ libhammer.a: $(HAMMER_PARTS)
 bitreader.o: test_suite.h
 hammer.o: hammer.h
-ifneq ($(INCLUDE_TESTS),0)
-all: test_suite
-benchmark: t_benchmark.o libhammer.a
-	$(call hush, "Linking $@") $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
+all: libhammer.a
 test: test_suite
 	./test_suite -v
-test_suite: test_suite.o libhammer.a
-	$(call hush, "Linking $@") $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
+test_suite: $(TESTS) libhammer.a
+	$(call hush, "Linking $@") $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
diff --git a/src/bitreader.c b/src/bitreader.c
index b0018f2d..4971076e 100644
--- a/src/bitreader.c
+++ b/src/bitreader.c
@@ -108,72 +108,3 @@ long long h_read_bits(HInputStream* state, int count, char signed_p) {
   out <<= final_shift;
   return (out ^ msb) - msb; // perform sign extension
-#include <glib.h>
-#define MK_INPUT_STREAM(buf,len,endianness_)   \
-  {					      \
-    .input = (uint8_t*)buf,					\
-      .length = len,						\
-      .index = 0,						\
-      .bit_offset = (((endianness_) & BIT_BIG_ENDIAN) ? 8 : 0),	\
-      .endianness = endianness_					\
-      }
-static void test_bitreader_ints(void) {
-  HInputStream is = MK_INPUT_STREAM("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFE\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
-  g_check_cmplong(h_read_bits(&is, 64, true), ==, -0x200000000);
-static void test_bitreader_be(void) {
-  HInputStream is = MK_INPUT_STREAM("\x6A\x5A", 2, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 3, false), ==, 0x03);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 8, false), ==, 0x52);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0x1A);
-static void test_bitreader_le(void) {
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 3, false), ==, 0x02);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 8, false), ==, 0x4D);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0x0B);
-static void test_largebits_be(void) {
-  HInputStream is = MK_INPUT_STREAM("\x6A\x5A", 2, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 11, false), ==, 0x352);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0x1A);
-static void test_largebits_le(void) {
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 11, false), ==, 0x26A);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0x0B);
-static void test_offset_largebits_be(void) {
-  HInputStream is = MK_INPUT_STREAM("\x6A\x5A", 2, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0xD);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 11, false), ==, 0x25A);
-static void test_offset_largebits_le(void) {
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0xA);
-  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 11, false), ==, 0x2D3);
-void register_bitreader_tests(void)  {
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/be", test_bitreader_be);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/le", test_bitreader_le);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/largebits-be", test_largebits_be);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/largebits-le", test_largebits_le);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/offset-largebits-be", test_offset_largebits_be);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/offset-largebits-le", test_offset_largebits_le);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/ints", test_bitreader_ints);
-#endif // #ifdef INCLUDE_TESTS
diff --git a/src/bitwriter.c b/src/bitwriter.c
index 956f2ea9..9374a88a 100644
--- a/src/bitwriter.c
+++ b/src/bitwriter.c
@@ -7,18 +7,6 @@
 #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
 #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
-// This file provides the logical inverse of bitreader.c
-struct HBitWriter_ {
-  uint8_t* buf;
-  HAllocator *mm__;
-  size_t index;
-  size_t capacity;
-  char bit_offset; // unlike in bit_reader, this is always the number
-		   // of used bits in the current byte. i.e., 0 always
-		   // means that 8 bits are available for use.
-  char flags;
 // h_bit_writer_
 HBitWriter *h_bit_writer_new(HAllocator* mm__) {
   HBitWriter *writer = h_new(HBitWriter, 1);
@@ -110,112 +98,3 @@ void h_bit_writer_free(HBitWriter* w) {
-#include <glib.h>
-typedef struct {
-  unsigned long long data;
-  size_t nbits;
-} bitwriter_test_elem; // should end with {0,0}
-void run_bitwriter_test(bitwriter_test_elem data[], char flags) {
-  size_t len;
-  const uint8_t *buf;
-  HBitWriter *w = h_bit_writer_new(&system_allocator);
-  int i;
-  w->flags = flags;
-  for (i = 0; data[i].nbits; i++) {
-    h_bit_writer_put(w, data[i].data, data[i].nbits);
-  }
-  buf = h_bit_writer_get_buffer(w, &len);
-  HInputStream input = {
-    .input = buf,
-    .index = 0,
-    .length = len,
-    .bit_offset = (flags & BIT_BIG_ENDIAN) ? 8 : 0,
-    .endianness = flags,
-    .overrun = 0
-  };
-  for (i = 0; data[i].nbits; i++) {
-    g_check_cmpulonglong ((unsigned long long)h_read_bits(&input, data[i].nbits, FALSE), ==,  data[i].data);
-  }
-static void test_bitwriter_ints(void) {
-  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
-    { -0x200000000, 64 },
-    { 0,0 }
-  };
-  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
-static void test_bitwriter_be(void) {
-  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
-    { 0x03, 3 },
-    { 0x52, 8 },
-    { 0x1A, 5 },
-    { 0, 0 }
-  };
-  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
-static void test_bitwriter_le(void) {
-  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
-    { 0x02, 3 },
-    { 0x4D, 8 },
-    { 0x0B, 5 },
-    { 0, 0 }
-  };
-  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_LITTLE_ENDIAN | BYTE_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
-static void test_largebits_be(void) {
-  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
-    { 0x352, 11 },
-    { 0x1A, 5 },
-    { 0, 0 }
-  };
-  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
-static void test_largebits_le(void) {
-  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
-    { 0x26A, 11 },
-    { 0x0B, 5 },
-    { 0, 0 }
-  };
-  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_LITTLE_ENDIAN | BYTE_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
-static void test_offset_largebits_be(void) {
-  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
-    { 0xD, 5 },
-    { 0x25A, 11 },
-    { 0, 0 }
-  };
-  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
-static void test_offset_largebits_le(void) {
-  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
-    { 0xA, 5 },
-    { 0x2D3, 11 },
-    { 0, 0 }
-  };
-  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_LITTLE_ENDIAN | BYTE_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
-void register_bitwriter_tests(void) {
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/be", test_bitwriter_be);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/le", test_bitwriter_le);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/largebits-be", test_largebits_be);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/largebits-le", test_largebits_le);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/offset-largebits-be", test_offset_largebits_be);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/offset-largebits-le", test_offset_largebits_le);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/ints", test_bitwriter_ints);
-#endif // #ifdef INCLUDE_TESTS
diff --git a/src/hammer.c b/src/hammer.c
index d3782681..14db6a80 100644
--- a/src/hammer.c
+++ b/src/hammer.c
@@ -272,407 +272,4 @@ void h_parse_result_free(HParseResult *result) {
-#include <glib.h>
-#include "test_suite.h"
-static void test_token(void) {
-  const HParser *token_ = h_token((const uint8_t*)"95\xa2", 3);
-  g_check_parse_ok(token_, "95\xa2", 3, "<39.35.a2>");
-  g_check_parse_failed(token_, "95", 2);
-static void test_ch(void) {
-  const HParser *ch_ = h_ch(0xa2);
-  g_check_parse_ok(ch_, "\xa2", 1, "u0xa2");
-  g_check_parse_failed(ch_, "\xa3", 1);
-static void test_ch_range(void) {
-  const HParser *range_ = h_ch_range('a', 'c');
-  g_check_parse_ok(range_, "b", 1, "u0x62");
-  g_check_parse_failed(range_, "d", 1);
-static void test_int64(void) {
-  const HParser *int64_ = h_int64();
-  g_check_parse_ok(int64_, "\xff\xff\xff\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8, "s-0x200000000");
-  g_check_parse_failed(int64_, "\xff\xff\xff\xfe\x00\x00\x00", 7);
-static void test_int32(void) {
-  const HParser *int32_ = h_int32();
-  g_check_parse_ok(int32_, "\xff\xfe\x00\x00", 4, "s-0x20000");
-  g_check_parse_failed(int32_, "\xff\xfe\x00", 3);
-static void test_int16(void) {
-  const HParser *int16_ = h_int16();
-  g_check_parse_ok(int16_, "\xfe\x00", 2, "s-0x200");
-  g_check_parse_failed(int16_, "\xfe", 1);
-static void test_int8(void) {
-  const HParser *int8_ = h_int8();
-  g_check_parse_ok(int8_, "\x88", 1, "s-0x78");
-  g_check_parse_failed(int8_, "", 0);
-static void test_uint64(void) {
-  const HParser *uint64_ = h_uint64();
-  g_check_parse_ok(uint64_, "\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8, "u0x200000000");
-  g_check_parse_failed(uint64_, "\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00", 7);
-static void test_uint32(void) {
-  const HParser *uint32_ = h_uint32();
-  g_check_parse_ok(uint32_, "\x00\x02\x00\x00", 4, "u0x20000");
-  g_check_parse_failed(uint32_, "\x00\x02\x00", 3);
-static void test_uint16(void) {
-  const HParser *uint16_ = h_uint16();
-  g_check_parse_ok(uint16_, "\x02\x00", 2, "u0x200");
-  g_check_parse_failed(uint16_, "\x02", 1);
-static void test_uint8(void) {
-  const HParser *uint8_ = h_uint8();
-  g_check_parse_ok(uint8_, "\x78", 1, "u0x78");
-  g_check_parse_failed(uint8_, "", 0);
-static void test_int_range(void) {
-  const HParser *int_range_ = h_int_range(h_uint8(), 3, 10);
-  g_check_parse_ok(int_range_, "\x05", 1, "u0x5");
-  g_check_parse_failed(int_range_, "\xb", 1);
-#if 0
-static void test_float64(void) {
-  const HParser *float64_ = h_float64();
-  g_check_parse_ok(float64_, "\x3f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8, 1.0);
-  g_check_parse_failed(float64_, "\x3f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 7);
-static void test_float32(void) {
-  const HParser *float32_ = h_float32();
-  g_check_parse_ok(float32_, "\x3f\x80\x00\x00", 4, 1.0);
-  g_check_parse_failed(float32_, "\x3f\x80\x00");
-static void test_whitespace(void) {
-  const HParser *whitespace_ = h_whitespace(h_ch('a'));
-  g_check_parse_ok(whitespace_, "a", 1, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_ok(whitespace_, " a", 2, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_ok(whitespace_, "  a", 3, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_ok(whitespace_, "\ta", 2, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_failed(whitespace_, "_a", 2);
-static void test_left(void) {
-  const HParser *left_ = h_left(h_ch('a'), h_ch(' '));
-  g_check_parse_ok(left_, "a ", 2, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_failed(left_, "a", 1);
-  g_check_parse_failed(left_, " ", 1);
-  g_check_parse_failed(left_, "ab", 2);
-static void test_right(void) {
-  const HParser *right_ = h_right(h_ch(' '), h_ch('a'));
-  g_check_parse_ok(right_, " a", 2, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_failed(right_, "a", 1);
-  g_check_parse_failed(right_, " ", 1);
-  g_check_parse_failed(right_, "ba", 2);
-static void test_middle(void) {
-  const HParser *middle_ = h_middle(h_ch(' '), h_ch('a'), h_ch(' '));
-  g_check_parse_ok(middle_, " a ", 3, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, "a", 1);
-  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, " ", 1);
-  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, " a", 2);
-  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, "a ", 2);
-  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, " b ", 3);
-  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, "ba ", 3);
-  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, " ab", 3);
-#include <ctype.h>
-const HParsedToken* upcase(const HParseResult *p) {
-  switch(p->ast->token_type) {
-  case TT_SEQUENCE:
-    {
-      HParsedToken *ret = a_new_(p->arena, HParsedToken, 1);
-      HCountedArray *seq = h_carray_new_sized(p->arena, p->ast->seq->used);
-      ret->token_type = TT_SEQUENCE;
-      for (size_t i=0; i<p->ast->seq->used; ++i) {
-	if (TT_UINT == ((HParsedToken*)p->ast->seq->elements[i])->token_type) {
-	  HParsedToken *tmp = a_new_(p->arena, HParsedToken, 1);
-	  tmp->token_type = TT_UINT;
-	  tmp->uint = toupper(((HParsedToken*)p->ast->seq->elements[i])->uint);
-	  h_carray_append(seq, tmp);
-	} else {
-	  h_carray_append(seq, p->ast->seq->elements[i]);
-	}
-      }
-      ret->seq = seq;
-      return (const HParsedToken*)ret;
-    }
-  case TT_UINT:
-    {
-      HParsedToken *ret = a_new_(p->arena, HParsedToken, 1);
-      ret->token_type = TT_UINT;
-      ret->uint = toupper(p->ast->uint);
-      return (const HParsedToken*)ret;
-    }
-  default:
-    return p->ast;
-  }
-static void test_action(void) {
-  const HParser *action_ = h_action(h_sequence(h_choice(h_ch('a'), 
-							h_ch('A'), 
-							NULL), 
-					       h_choice(h_ch('b'), 
-							h_ch('B'), 
-						      NULL), 
-					       NULL), 
-				    upcase);
-  g_check_parse_ok(action_, "ab", 2, "(u0x41 u0x42)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(action_, "AB", 2, "(u0x41 u0x42)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(action_, "XX", 2);
-static void test_in(void) {
-  uint8_t options[3] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
-  const HParser *in_ = h_in(options, 3);
-  g_check_parse_ok(in_, "b", 1, "u0x62");
-  g_check_parse_failed(in_, "d", 1);
-static void test_not_in(void) {
-  uint8_t options[3] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
-  const HParser *not_in_ = h_not_in(options, 3);
-  g_check_parse_ok(not_in_, "d", 1, "u0x64");
-  g_check_parse_failed(not_in_, "a", 1);
-static void test_end_p(void) {
-  const HParser *end_p_ = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_end_p(), NULL);
-  g_check_parse_ok(end_p_, "a", 1, "(u0x61)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(end_p_, "aa", 2);
-static void test_nothing_p(void) {
-  const HParser *nothing_p_ = h_nothing_p();
-  g_check_parse_failed(nothing_p_, "a", 1);
-static void test_sequence(void) {
-  const HParser *sequence_1 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL);
-  const HParser *sequence_2 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_whitespace(h_ch('b')), NULL);
-  g_check_parse_ok(sequence_1, "ab", 2, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(sequence_1, "a", 1);
-  g_check_parse_failed(sequence_1, "b", 1);
-  g_check_parse_ok(sequence_2, "ab", 2, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(sequence_2, "a b", 3, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(sequence_2, "a  b", 4, "(u0x61 u0x62)");  
-static void test_choice(void) {
-  const HParser *choice_ = h_choice(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL);
-  g_check_parse_ok(choice_, "a", 1, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_ok(choice_, "b", 1, "u0x62");
-  g_check_parse_failed(choice_, "c", 1);
-static void test_butnot(void) {
-  const HParser *butnot_1 = h_butnot(h_ch('a'), h_token((const uint8_t*)"ab", 2));
-  const HParser *butnot_2 = h_butnot(h_ch_range('0', '9'), h_ch('6'));
-  g_check_parse_ok(butnot_1, "a", 1, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_failed(butnot_1, "ab", 2);
-  g_check_parse_ok(butnot_1, "aa", 2, "u0x61");
-  g_check_parse_failed(butnot_2, "6", 1);
-static void test_difference(void) {
-  const HParser *difference_ = h_difference(h_token((const uint8_t*)"ab", 2), h_ch('a'));
-  g_check_parse_ok(difference_, "ab", 2, "<61.62>");
-  g_check_parse_failed(difference_, "a", 1);
-static void test_xor(void) {
-  const HParser *xor_ = h_xor(h_ch_range('0', '6'), h_ch_range('5', '9'));
-  g_check_parse_ok(xor_, "0", 1, "u0x30");
-  g_check_parse_ok(xor_, "9", 1, "u0x39");
-  g_check_parse_failed(xor_, "5", 1);
-  g_check_parse_failed(xor_, "a", 1);
-static void test_many(void) {
-  const HParser *many_ = h_many(h_choice(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL));
-  g_check_parse_ok(many_, "adef", 4, "(u0x61)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(many_, "bdef", 4, "(u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(many_, "aabbabadef", 10, "(u0x61 u0x61 u0x62 u0x62 u0x61 u0x62 u0x61)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(many_, "daabbabadef", 11, "()");
-static void test_many1(void) {
-  const HParser *many1_ = h_many1(h_choice(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL));
-  g_check_parse_ok(many1_, "adef", 4, "(u0x61)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(many1_, "bdef", 4, "(u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(many1_, "aabbabadef", 10, "(u0x61 u0x61 u0x62 u0x62 u0x61 u0x62 u0x61)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(many1_, "daabbabadef", 11);  
-static void test_repeat_n(void) {
-  const HParser *repeat_n_ = h_repeat_n(h_choice(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL), 2);
-  g_check_parse_failed(repeat_n_, "adef", 4);
-  g_check_parse_ok(repeat_n_, "abdef", 5, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(repeat_n_, "dabdef", 6);
-static void test_optional(void) {
-  const HParser *optional_ = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_optional(h_choice(h_ch('b'), h_ch('c'), NULL)), h_ch('d'), NULL);
-  g_check_parse_ok(optional_, "abd", 3, "(u0x61 u0x62 u0x64)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(optional_, "acd", 3, "(u0x61 u0x63 u0x64)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(optional_, "ad", 2, "(u0x61 null u0x64)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(optional_, "aed", 3);
-  g_check_parse_failed(optional_, "ab", 2);
-  g_check_parse_failed(optional_, "ac", 2);
-static void test_ignore(void) {
-  const HParser *ignore_ = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_ignore(h_ch('b')), h_ch('c'), NULL);
-  g_check_parse_ok(ignore_, "abc", 3, "(u0x61 u0x63)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(ignore_, "ac", 2);
-static void test_sepBy1(void) {
-  const HParser *sepBy1_ = h_sepBy1(h_choice(h_ch('1'), h_ch('2'), h_ch('3'), NULL), h_ch(','));
-  g_check_parse_ok(sepBy1_, "1,2,3", 5, "(u0x31 u0x32 u0x33)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(sepBy1_, "1,3,2", 5, "(u0x31 u0x33 u0x32)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(sepBy1_, "1,3", 3, "(u0x31 u0x33)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(sepBy1_, "3", 1, "(u0x33)");
-static void test_epsilon_p(void) {
-  const HParser *epsilon_p_1 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_epsilon_p(), h_ch('b'), NULL);
-  const HParser *epsilon_p_2 = h_sequence(h_epsilon_p(), h_ch('a'), NULL);
-  const HParser *epsilon_p_3 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_epsilon_p(), NULL);
-  g_check_parse_ok(epsilon_p_1, "ab", 2, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(epsilon_p_2, "a", 1, "(u0x61)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(epsilon_p_3, "a", 1, "(u0x61)");
-static void test_attr_bool(void) {
-static void test_and(void) {
-  const HParser *and_1 = h_sequence(h_and(h_ch('0')), h_ch('0'), NULL);
-  const HParser *and_2 = h_sequence(h_and(h_ch('0')), h_ch('1'), NULL);
-  const HParser *and_3 = h_sequence(h_ch('1'), h_and(h_ch('2')), NULL);
-  g_check_parse_ok(and_1, "0", 1, "(u0x30)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(and_2, "0", 1);
-  g_check_parse_ok(and_3, "12", 2, "(u0x31)");
-static void test_not(void) {
-  const HParser *not_1 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_choice(h_ch('+'), h_token((const uint8_t*)"++", 2), NULL), h_ch('b'), NULL);
-  const HParser *not_2 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'),
-				   h_choice(h_sequence(h_ch('+'), h_not(h_ch('+')), NULL),
-					  h_token((const uint8_t*)"++", 2),
-					  NULL), h_ch('b'), NULL);
-  g_check_parse_ok(not_1, "a+b", 3, "(u0x61 u0x2b u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_failed(not_1, "a++b", 4);
-  g_check_parse_ok(not_2, "a+b", 3, "(u0x61 (u0x2b) u0x62)");
-  g_check_parse_ok(not_2, "a++b", 4, "(u0x61 <2b.2b> u0x62)");
-void register_parser_tests(void) {
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/token", test_token);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/ch", test_ch);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/ch_range", test_ch_range);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int64", test_int64);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int32", test_int32);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int16", test_int16);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int8", test_int8);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/uint64", test_uint64);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/uint32", test_uint32);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/uint16", test_uint16);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/uint8", test_uint8);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int_range", test_int_range);
-#if 0
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/float64", test_float64);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/float32", test_float32);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/whitespace", test_whitespace);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/left", test_left);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/right", test_right);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/middle", test_middle);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/action", test_action);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/in", test_in);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/not_in", test_not_in);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/end_p", test_end_p);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/nothing_p", test_nothing_p);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/sequence", test_sequence);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/choice", test_choice);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/butnot", test_butnot);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/difference", test_difference);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/xor", test_xor);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/many", test_many);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/many1", test_many1);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/repeat_n", test_repeat_n);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/optional", test_optional);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/sepBy1", test_sepBy1);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/epsilon_p", test_epsilon_p);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/attr_bool", test_attr_bool);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/and", test_and);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/not", test_not);
-  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/ignore", test_ignore);
-#endif // #ifdef INCLUDE_TESTS
diff --git a/src/internal.h b/src/internal.h
index 68b7d974..269bc4f5 100644
--- a/src/internal.h
+++ b/src/internal.h
@@ -179,6 +179,20 @@ typedef struct HParserCacheValue_t {
 } HParserCacheValue;
+// This file provides the logical inverse of bitreader.c
+struct HBitWriter_ {
+  uint8_t* buf;
+  HAllocator *mm__;
+  size_t index;
+  size_t capacity;
+  char bit_offset; // unlike in bit_reader, this is always the number
+		   // of used bits in the current byte. i.e., 0 always
+		   // means that 8 bits are available for use.
+  char flags;
+// }}}
 // Backends {{{
 extern HParserBackendVTable h__packrat_backend_vtable;
 // }}}
diff --git a/src/t_benchmark.c b/src/t_benchmark.c
index 4101829f..60d22c51 100644
--- a/src/t_benchmark.c
+++ b/src/t_benchmark.c
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-// At this point, this is just a compile/link test.
+#include <glib.h>
 #include "hammer.h"
+#include "test_suite.h"
 HParserTestcase testcases[] = {
   {(unsigned char*)"1,2,3", 5, "(u0x31 u0x32 u0x33)"},
@@ -9,14 +10,13 @@ HParserTestcase testcases[] = {
   { NULL, 0, NULL }
-void test_benchmark_1() {
+static void test_benchmark_1() {
   const HParser *parser = h_sepBy1(h_choice(h_ch('1'), h_ch('2'), h_ch('3'), NULL), h_ch(',')); 
   HBenchmarkResults *res = h_benchmark(parser, testcases);
   h_benchmark_report(stderr, res);
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-  test_benchmark_1();
-  return 0;
+void register_benchmark_tests(void) {
+  g_test_add_func("/core/benchmark/1", test_benchmark_1);
diff --git a/src/t_bitreader.c b/src/t_bitreader.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84e10571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/t_bitreader.c
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "hammer.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#include "test_suite.h"
+#define MK_INPUT_STREAM(buf,len,endianness_)   \
+  {					      \
+    .input = (uint8_t*)buf,					\
+      .length = len,						\
+      .index = 0,						\
+      .bit_offset = (((endianness_) & BIT_BIG_ENDIAN) ? 8 : 0),	\
+      .endianness = endianness_					\
+      }
+static void test_bitreader_ints(void) {
+  HInputStream is = MK_INPUT_STREAM("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFE\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
+  g_check_cmplong(h_read_bits(&is, 64, true), ==, -0x200000000);
+static void test_bitreader_be(void) {
+  HInputStream is = MK_INPUT_STREAM("\x6A\x5A", 2, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 3, false), ==, 0x03);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 8, false), ==, 0x52);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0x1A);
+static void test_bitreader_le(void) {
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 3, false), ==, 0x02);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 8, false), ==, 0x4D);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0x0B);
+static void test_largebits_be(void) {
+  HInputStream is = MK_INPUT_STREAM("\x6A\x5A", 2, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 11, false), ==, 0x352);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0x1A);
+static void test_largebits_le(void) {
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 11, false), ==, 0x26A);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0x0B);
+static void test_offset_largebits_be(void) {
+  HInputStream is = MK_INPUT_STREAM("\x6A\x5A", 2, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0xD);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 11, false), ==, 0x25A);
+static void test_offset_largebits_le(void) {
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 5, false), ==, 0xA);
+  g_check_cmpint(h_read_bits(&is, 11, false), ==, 0x2D3);
+void register_bitreader_tests(void)  {
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/be", test_bitreader_be);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/le", test_bitreader_le);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/largebits-be", test_largebits_be);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/largebits-le", test_largebits_le);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/offset-largebits-be", test_offset_largebits_be);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/offset-largebits-le", test_offset_largebits_le);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitreader/ints", test_bitreader_ints);
diff --git a/src/t_bitwriter.c b/src/t_bitwriter.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d38c53c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/t_bitwriter.c
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "hammer.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#include "test_suite.h"
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned long long data;
+  size_t nbits;
+} bitwriter_test_elem; // should end with {0,0}
+void run_bitwriter_test(bitwriter_test_elem data[], char flags) {
+  size_t len;
+  const uint8_t *buf;
+  HBitWriter *w = h_bit_writer_new(&system_allocator);
+  int i;
+  w->flags = flags;
+  for (i = 0; data[i].nbits; i++) {
+    h_bit_writer_put(w, data[i].data, data[i].nbits);
+  }
+  buf = h_bit_writer_get_buffer(w, &len);
+  HInputStream input = {
+    .input = buf,
+    .index = 0,
+    .length = len,
+    .bit_offset = (flags & BIT_BIG_ENDIAN) ? 8 : 0,
+    .endianness = flags,
+    .overrun = 0
+  };
+  for (i = 0; data[i].nbits; i++) {
+    g_check_cmpulonglong ((unsigned long long)h_read_bits(&input, data[i].nbits, FALSE), ==,  data[i].data);
+  }
+static void test_bitwriter_ints(void) {
+  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
+    { -0x200000000, 64 },
+    { 0,0 }
+  };
+  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
+static void test_bitwriter_be(void) {
+  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
+    { 0x03, 3 },
+    { 0x52, 8 },
+    { 0x1A, 5 },
+    { 0, 0 }
+  };
+  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
+static void test_bitwriter_le(void) {
+  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
+    { 0x02, 3 },
+    { 0x4D, 8 },
+    { 0x0B, 5 },
+    { 0, 0 }
+  };
+  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_LITTLE_ENDIAN | BYTE_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
+static void test_largebits_be(void) {
+  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
+    { 0x352, 11 },
+    { 0x1A, 5 },
+    { 0, 0 }
+  };
+  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
+static void test_largebits_le(void) {
+  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
+    { 0x26A, 11 },
+    { 0x0B, 5 },
+    { 0, 0 }
+  };
+  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_LITTLE_ENDIAN | BYTE_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
+static void test_offset_largebits_be(void) {
+  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
+    { 0xD, 5 },
+    { 0x25A, 11 },
+    { 0, 0 }
+  };
+  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_BIG_ENDIAN | BYTE_BIG_ENDIAN);
+static void test_offset_largebits_le(void) {
+  bitwriter_test_elem data[] = {
+    { 0xA, 5 },
+    { 0x2D3, 11 },
+    { 0, 0 }
+  };
+  run_bitwriter_test(data, BIT_LITTLE_ENDIAN | BYTE_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
+void register_bitwriter_tests(void) {
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/be", test_bitwriter_be);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/le", test_bitwriter_le);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/largebits-be", test_largebits_be);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/largebits-le", test_largebits_le);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/offset-largebits-be", test_offset_largebits_be);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/offset-largebits-le", test_offset_largebits_le);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/bitwriter/ints", test_bitwriter_ints);
diff --git a/src/t_parser.c b/src/t_parser.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff05e710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/t_parser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "hammer.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#include "test_suite.h"
+#include "parsers/parser_internal.h"
+static void test_token(void) {
+  const HParser *token_ = h_token((const uint8_t*)"95\xa2", 3);
+  g_check_parse_ok(token_, "95\xa2", 3, "<39.35.a2>");
+  g_check_parse_failed(token_, "95", 2);
+static void test_ch(void) {
+  const HParser *ch_ = h_ch(0xa2);
+  g_check_parse_ok(ch_, "\xa2", 1, "u0xa2");
+  g_check_parse_failed(ch_, "\xa3", 1);
+static void test_ch_range(void) {
+  const HParser *range_ = h_ch_range('a', 'c');
+  g_check_parse_ok(range_, "b", 1, "u0x62");
+  g_check_parse_failed(range_, "d", 1);
+static void test_int64(void) {
+  const HParser *int64_ = h_int64();
+  g_check_parse_ok(int64_, "\xff\xff\xff\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8, "s-0x200000000");
+  g_check_parse_failed(int64_, "\xff\xff\xff\xfe\x00\x00\x00", 7);
+static void test_int32(void) {
+  const HParser *int32_ = h_int32();
+  g_check_parse_ok(int32_, "\xff\xfe\x00\x00", 4, "s-0x20000");
+  g_check_parse_failed(int32_, "\xff\xfe\x00", 3);
+static void test_int16(void) {
+  const HParser *int16_ = h_int16();
+  g_check_parse_ok(int16_, "\xfe\x00", 2, "s-0x200");
+  g_check_parse_failed(int16_, "\xfe", 1);
+static void test_int8(void) {
+  const HParser *int8_ = h_int8();
+  g_check_parse_ok(int8_, "\x88", 1, "s-0x78");
+  g_check_parse_failed(int8_, "", 0);
+static void test_uint64(void) {
+  const HParser *uint64_ = h_uint64();
+  g_check_parse_ok(uint64_, "\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8, "u0x200000000");
+  g_check_parse_failed(uint64_, "\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00", 7);
+static void test_uint32(void) {
+  const HParser *uint32_ = h_uint32();
+  g_check_parse_ok(uint32_, "\x00\x02\x00\x00", 4, "u0x20000");
+  g_check_parse_failed(uint32_, "\x00\x02\x00", 3);
+static void test_uint16(void) {
+  const HParser *uint16_ = h_uint16();
+  g_check_parse_ok(uint16_, "\x02\x00", 2, "u0x200");
+  g_check_parse_failed(uint16_, "\x02", 1);
+static void test_uint8(void) {
+  const HParser *uint8_ = h_uint8();
+  g_check_parse_ok(uint8_, "\x78", 1, "u0x78");
+  g_check_parse_failed(uint8_, "", 0);
+static void test_int_range(void) {
+  const HParser *int_range_ = h_int_range(h_uint8(), 3, 10);
+  g_check_parse_ok(int_range_, "\x05", 1, "u0x5");
+  g_check_parse_failed(int_range_, "\xb", 1);
+#if 0
+static void test_float64(void) {
+  const HParser *float64_ = h_float64();
+  g_check_parse_ok(float64_, "\x3f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 8, 1.0);
+  g_check_parse_failed(float64_, "\x3f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 7);
+static void test_float32(void) {
+  const HParser *float32_ = h_float32();
+  g_check_parse_ok(float32_, "\x3f\x80\x00\x00", 4, 1.0);
+  g_check_parse_failed(float32_, "\x3f\x80\x00");
+static void test_whitespace(void) {
+  const HParser *whitespace_ = h_whitespace(h_ch('a'));
+  g_check_parse_ok(whitespace_, "a", 1, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_ok(whitespace_, " a", 2, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_ok(whitespace_, "  a", 3, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_ok(whitespace_, "\ta", 2, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_failed(whitespace_, "_a", 2);
+static void test_left(void) {
+  const HParser *left_ = h_left(h_ch('a'), h_ch(' '));
+  g_check_parse_ok(left_, "a ", 2, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_failed(left_, "a", 1);
+  g_check_parse_failed(left_, " ", 1);
+  g_check_parse_failed(left_, "ab", 2);
+static void test_right(void) {
+  const HParser *right_ = h_right(h_ch(' '), h_ch('a'));
+  g_check_parse_ok(right_, " a", 2, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_failed(right_, "a", 1);
+  g_check_parse_failed(right_, " ", 1);
+  g_check_parse_failed(right_, "ba", 2);
+static void test_middle(void) {
+  const HParser *middle_ = h_middle(h_ch(' '), h_ch('a'), h_ch(' '));
+  g_check_parse_ok(middle_, " a ", 3, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, "a", 1);
+  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, " ", 1);
+  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, " a", 2);
+  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, "a ", 2);
+  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, " b ", 3);
+  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, "ba ", 3);
+  g_check_parse_failed(middle_, " ab", 3);
+#include <ctype.h>
+const HParsedToken* upcase(const HParseResult *p) {
+  switch(p->ast->token_type) {
+  case TT_SEQUENCE:
+    {
+      HParsedToken *ret = a_new_(p->arena, HParsedToken, 1);
+      HCountedArray *seq = h_carray_new_sized(p->arena, p->ast->seq->used);
+      ret->token_type = TT_SEQUENCE;
+      for (size_t i=0; i<p->ast->seq->used; ++i) {
+	if (TT_UINT == ((HParsedToken*)p->ast->seq->elements[i])->token_type) {
+	  HParsedToken *tmp = a_new_(p->arena, HParsedToken, 1);
+	  tmp->token_type = TT_UINT;
+	  tmp->uint = toupper(((HParsedToken*)p->ast->seq->elements[i])->uint);
+	  h_carray_append(seq, tmp);
+	} else {
+	  h_carray_append(seq, p->ast->seq->elements[i]);
+	}
+      }
+      ret->seq = seq;
+      return (const HParsedToken*)ret;
+    }
+  case TT_UINT:
+    {
+      HParsedToken *ret = a_new_(p->arena, HParsedToken, 1);
+      ret->token_type = TT_UINT;
+      ret->uint = toupper(p->ast->uint);
+      return (const HParsedToken*)ret;
+    }
+  default:
+    return p->ast;
+  }
+static void test_action(void) {
+  const HParser *action_ = h_action(h_sequence(h_choice(h_ch('a'), 
+							h_ch('A'), 
+							NULL), 
+					       h_choice(h_ch('b'), 
+							h_ch('B'), 
+						      NULL), 
+					       NULL), 
+				    upcase);
+  g_check_parse_ok(action_, "ab", 2, "(u0x41 u0x42)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(action_, "AB", 2, "(u0x41 u0x42)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(action_, "XX", 2);
+static void test_in(void) {
+  uint8_t options[3] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
+  const HParser *in_ = h_in(options, 3);
+  g_check_parse_ok(in_, "b", 1, "u0x62");
+  g_check_parse_failed(in_, "d", 1);
+static void test_not_in(void) {
+  uint8_t options[3] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
+  const HParser *not_in_ = h_not_in(options, 3);
+  g_check_parse_ok(not_in_, "d", 1, "u0x64");
+  g_check_parse_failed(not_in_, "a", 1);
+static void test_end_p(void) {
+  const HParser *end_p_ = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_end_p(), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_ok(end_p_, "a", 1, "(u0x61)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(end_p_, "aa", 2);
+static void test_nothing_p(void) {
+  const HParser *nothing_p_ = h_nothing_p();
+  g_check_parse_failed(nothing_p_, "a", 1);
+static void test_sequence(void) {
+  const HParser *sequence_1 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL);
+  const HParser *sequence_2 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_whitespace(h_ch('b')), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_ok(sequence_1, "ab", 2, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(sequence_1, "a", 1);
+  g_check_parse_failed(sequence_1, "b", 1);
+  g_check_parse_ok(sequence_2, "ab", 2, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(sequence_2, "a b", 3, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(sequence_2, "a  b", 4, "(u0x61 u0x62)");  
+static void test_choice(void) {
+  const HParser *choice_ = h_choice(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_ok(choice_, "a", 1, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_ok(choice_, "b", 1, "u0x62");
+  g_check_parse_failed(choice_, "c", 1);
+static void test_butnot(void) {
+  const HParser *butnot_1 = h_butnot(h_ch('a'), h_token((const uint8_t*)"ab", 2));
+  const HParser *butnot_2 = h_butnot(h_ch_range('0', '9'), h_ch('6'));
+  g_check_parse_ok(butnot_1, "a", 1, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_failed(butnot_1, "ab", 2);
+  g_check_parse_ok(butnot_1, "aa", 2, "u0x61");
+  g_check_parse_failed(butnot_2, "6", 1);
+static void test_difference(void) {
+  const HParser *difference_ = h_difference(h_token((const uint8_t*)"ab", 2), h_ch('a'));
+  g_check_parse_ok(difference_, "ab", 2, "<61.62>");
+  g_check_parse_failed(difference_, "a", 1);
+static void test_xor(void) {
+  const HParser *xor_ = h_xor(h_ch_range('0', '6'), h_ch_range('5', '9'));
+  g_check_parse_ok(xor_, "0", 1, "u0x30");
+  g_check_parse_ok(xor_, "9", 1, "u0x39");
+  g_check_parse_failed(xor_, "5", 1);
+  g_check_parse_failed(xor_, "a", 1);
+static void test_many(void) {
+  const HParser *many_ = h_many(h_choice(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL));
+  g_check_parse_ok(many_, "adef", 4, "(u0x61)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(many_, "bdef", 4, "(u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(many_, "aabbabadef", 10, "(u0x61 u0x61 u0x62 u0x62 u0x61 u0x62 u0x61)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(many_, "daabbabadef", 11, "()");
+static void test_many1(void) {
+  const HParser *many1_ = h_many1(h_choice(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL));
+  g_check_parse_ok(many1_, "adef", 4, "(u0x61)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(many1_, "bdef", 4, "(u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(many1_, "aabbabadef", 10, "(u0x61 u0x61 u0x62 u0x62 u0x61 u0x62 u0x61)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(many1_, "daabbabadef", 11);  
+static void test_repeat_n(void) {
+  const HParser *repeat_n_ = h_repeat_n(h_choice(h_ch('a'), h_ch('b'), NULL), 2);
+  g_check_parse_failed(repeat_n_, "adef", 4);
+  g_check_parse_ok(repeat_n_, "abdef", 5, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(repeat_n_, "dabdef", 6);
+static void test_optional(void) {
+  const HParser *optional_ = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_optional(h_choice(h_ch('b'), h_ch('c'), NULL)), h_ch('d'), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_ok(optional_, "abd", 3, "(u0x61 u0x62 u0x64)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(optional_, "acd", 3, "(u0x61 u0x63 u0x64)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(optional_, "ad", 2, "(u0x61 null u0x64)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(optional_, "aed", 3);
+  g_check_parse_failed(optional_, "ab", 2);
+  g_check_parse_failed(optional_, "ac", 2);
+static void test_ignore(void) {
+  const HParser *ignore_ = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_ignore(h_ch('b')), h_ch('c'), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_ok(ignore_, "abc", 3, "(u0x61 u0x63)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(ignore_, "ac", 2);
+static void test_sepBy1(void) {
+  const HParser *sepBy1_ = h_sepBy1(h_choice(h_ch('1'), h_ch('2'), h_ch('3'), NULL), h_ch(','));
+  g_check_parse_ok(sepBy1_, "1,2,3", 5, "(u0x31 u0x32 u0x33)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(sepBy1_, "1,3,2", 5, "(u0x31 u0x33 u0x32)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(sepBy1_, "1,3", 3, "(u0x31 u0x33)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(sepBy1_, "3", 1, "(u0x33)");
+static void test_epsilon_p(void) {
+  const HParser *epsilon_p_1 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_epsilon_p(), h_ch('b'), NULL);
+  const HParser *epsilon_p_2 = h_sequence(h_epsilon_p(), h_ch('a'), NULL);
+  const HParser *epsilon_p_3 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_epsilon_p(), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_ok(epsilon_p_1, "ab", 2, "(u0x61 u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(epsilon_p_2, "a", 1, "(u0x61)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(epsilon_p_3, "a", 1, "(u0x61)");
+static void test_attr_bool(void) {
+static void test_and(void) {
+  const HParser *and_1 = h_sequence(h_and(h_ch('0')), h_ch('0'), NULL);
+  const HParser *and_2 = h_sequence(h_and(h_ch('0')), h_ch('1'), NULL);
+  const HParser *and_3 = h_sequence(h_ch('1'), h_and(h_ch('2')), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_ok(and_1, "0", 1, "(u0x30)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(and_2, "0", 1);
+  g_check_parse_ok(and_3, "12", 2, "(u0x31)");
+static void test_not(void) {
+  const HParser *not_1 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'), h_choice(h_ch('+'), h_token((const uint8_t*)"++", 2), NULL), h_ch('b'), NULL);
+  const HParser *not_2 = h_sequence(h_ch('a'),
+				    h_choice(h_sequence(h_ch('+'), h_not(h_ch('+')), NULL),
+					  h_token((const uint8_t*)"++", 2),
+					  NULL), h_ch('b'), NULL);
+  g_check_parse_ok(not_1, "a+b", 3, "(u0x61 u0x2b u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_failed(not_1, "a++b", 4);
+  g_check_parse_ok(not_2, "a+b", 3, "(u0x61 (u0x2b) u0x62)");
+  g_check_parse_ok(not_2, "a++b", 4, "(u0x61 <2b.2b> u0x62)");
+void register_parser_tests(void) {
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/token", test_token);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/ch", test_ch);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/ch_range", test_ch_range);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int64", test_int64);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int32", test_int32);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int16", test_int16);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int8", test_int8);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/uint64", test_uint64);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/uint32", test_uint32);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/uint16", test_uint16);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/uint8", test_uint8);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/int_range", test_int_range);
+#if 0
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/float64", test_float64);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/float32", test_float32);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/whitespace", test_whitespace);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/left", test_left);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/right", test_right);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/middle", test_middle);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/action", test_action);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/in", test_in);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/not_in", test_not_in);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/end_p", test_end_p);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/nothing_p", test_nothing_p);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/sequence", test_sequence);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/choice", test_choice);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/butnot", test_butnot);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/difference", test_difference);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/xor", test_xor);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/many", test_many);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/many1", test_many1);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/repeat_n", test_repeat_n);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/optional", test_optional);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/sepBy1", test_sepBy1);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/epsilon_p", test_epsilon_p);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/attr_bool", test_attr_bool);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/and", test_and);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/not", test_not);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/parser/ignore", test_ignore);
diff --git a/src/test_suite.c b/src/test_suite.c
index 16b3ef7c..8d2913a5 100644
--- a/src/test_suite.c
+++ b/src/test_suite.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 extern void register_bitreader_tests();
 extern void register_bitwriter_tests();
 extern void register_parser_tests();
+extern void register_benchmark_tests();
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL);
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  register_benchmark_tests();