From 719197a407fd08bdd54d53dbd93f5949ebdb48e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kia <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 16:44:04 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] more work on parse tree

 unoptimized_lr/ | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/unoptimized_lr/ b/unoptimized_lr/
index 700af89..2e03063 100644
--- a/unoptimized_lr/
+++ b/unoptimized_lr/
@@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
 # An example parse tree looks like:
-#                       nonterminal A                   
-#                      *      |      *                  
-#                     *       |       *                 
-#                    *    terminal K   *                
-#                   *                   *               
-#            nonterminal B          nonterminal D       
-#           /          *                   *            
-#          /            *                   *           
-#         /           nonterminal C          *          
-#        /               \                    *         
-#       /                 \                  terminal L 
-#    terminal I            \                            
-#                      terminal J                       
+#                            nonterminal A                          
+#                          **      |   **                           
+#                       **         |      **                        
+#                    **            |         **                     
+#                  *               |           *                    
+#            nonterminal B    terminal K    nonterminal D           
+#           /          *                                   *        
+#          /            *                                   *       
+#    terminal I       nonterminal C                      terminal L 
+#                        \                                          
+#                         \                                         
+#                       terminal J                                  
 # As it is parsed, we serialize it on the fly. The serialization scheme represents the tree
 # as a sequence of records, each of which corresponds to a reduction. In other words, each
 # be stitched in this way.
+# The parameters for instantiating the tree serializer are as follows:
+# parameters dependent only on the language:
+#     * number of nonterminals
+#     * number of terminals
+#     * list of language rules
+# parameters dependent on the use case:
+#    * bitwidth of parse tree memory
+#    * length of parse tree memory
+#    * maximum possible number of emitted records per parse
+# If the latter is not provided, a pessimistic estimate will be calculated:
+# (number of bits in memory) / (number of bits to represent the smallest possible record)
+# In general, the bitwidth of the record fields do not correspond to the bitwidth of memory available
+# to the FPGA. In order to address this, we split up the records across multiple memory addresses as
+# is necessary. This means that the records of the serialized parse tree won't necessarily be in any
+# sort of alignment. If it is desired, we can add functionality to do alignment. But I do not think it
+# is a big deal since this data structure anyway needs to be decoded from the start -- there's no random
+# access possible.
 class TreeSerializer(Elaboratable):