diff --git a/CFGBoltzmann.py b/CFGBoltzmann.py
index ed0d9953308971b84639b3f2207a87fef3c5100f..04602ef5036cb795bae9b1cff8f752a2ad9584d8 100644
--- a/CFGBoltzmann.py
+++ b/CFGBoltzmann.py
@@ -471,6 +471,82 @@ rulepack_cooked = z.preprocessor()
 qq =  z.Gzero_shimmed(nonterminals.EXPRESSION, 11)
 print ("AND THE FINAL ANSWER IS","\n\n\n",qq, "\n\n\n")
+# We now can calculate the number of strings generated c(n) for each length n. We also can generate
+# a random string from the language given n. We now add the Boltzmann-sampling proper.
+# We have the generating function for a combinatorial class:
+# G(z) = ∑ c(n) * z^n (from n=0 to n=infinity)
+# where n is a length, z is the parameter, and c(n) is the number of members of that class with
+# length exactly n. This sum converges for valid values of the parameter z to a value, call it
+# G.
+# To generate a Boltzmann sample, we choose a random real number t∈[0,G] and then find the
+# first integer K such that the partial sum of the first K terms of the sum G(z) is greater than t
+# K will be the length of our sample, and to generate the actual object, we randomly choose
+# amongst the members of the combinatorial class with length K and return it.
+# The difficulty here lies with the limit of the sum G(z) -- it is not clear how to find a
+# closed-form expression for it for an arbitrary grammar. However, we can estimate it
+# with a procedure that is adequate enough for our needs:
+# To better deal with these series and their sums, we define the following notation:
+# G(z, a, b) is the partial sum of the generating function, with parameter z, calculated
+# on indices [a,b] inclusive.
+#                n = b
+#             _________
+#             \       /
+#              \
+#               \                n
+#    G(z,a,b)=  /        c(n) * z
+#              /
+#             /
+#             -------\
+#              n = a
+# Motivated by https://notebook.drmaciver.com/posts/2020-07-11-10:49.html, we note that
+# c(n) is always less than or equal to ||A||^n -- the maximum number of strings with 
+# length n composed of an alphabet with size ||A||:
+# c(n) * z^n ≤ ||A||^n * z^n = ( ||A|| * z )^n
+# We note that each term of G(z) is less than or equal to the corresponding
+# term of a a geometric series with ratio R = ||A|| * z
+# We have closed form expressions for partial sums of this geometric series GS:
+# GS(R, 0, B - 1) = (1 -R^N) / (1-R)
+# and its limit
+# GS(R, 0, infinity) = 1 / (1-R)
+# To bound the limit of the generating function, G(z, 0, infinity), we find two sequences that
+# both have limits of G(z, 0, infinity) with the following property to use the sandwich theorem:
+# LB(z, 0, b) ≤ G(z, 0, b) ≤ UB(z, 0, b) for all b.
+# For LB(z, 0, b), we take G(z, 0, b) itself -- which trivially satisfies the inequality condition
+# and the same-limit condition.
+# UB(z, 0, b) is defined as G(z, 0, b) + GS(z, b+1, infinity). We can see that this satisfies the
+# inequality condition because GS(z, b+1, infinity) will always have non-negative terms, so it cannot
+# force UB(z, 0, b) to be smaller than G(z, 0, b).
+# As for the limit condition, we note that UB is constructed in a special way -- the terms
+# [0, b] are from the original generating function, G(z), but the terms from [b + 1, infinity]
+# are from the geometric series. As b tends to infinity
 # Furthermore, we also note that the description of a context-free grammar is *itself* context-free
 # so if we take the CFG-description grammar (BNF or something isomorphic to it), and use Boltzmann
 # sampling on *it*, we will generate candidate grammars; which will be used to test the FPGA-based