From cce90d5b9ab6cd12dd8b145d61ef22a4ae89464c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kia <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 19:09:01 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] renames and add utility function for tree index dereferencing

--- | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 8821033..f4df62d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -361,18 +361,36 @@ class CFGBoltzmann:
     def Gzero_shimmed(self, nonterminal, requested_length):
         nonterminal_index = self.nonterminals_ordered.index(nonterminal)
         root_of_tree = TreeNode("START",[])
-        operation_site = []
+        operation_site_index = []
-        return (self.Gzero(nonterminal_index, requested_length, 0, root_of_tree, operation_site), root_of_tree)
+        return (self.Gzero(nonterminal_index, requested_length, 0, root_of_tree, operation_site_index), root_of_tree)
-    def Gzero(self, nonterminal_index, requested_length, depth, root_of_tree, operation_site):
+    def Gzero(self, nonterminal_index, requested_length, depth, root_of_tree, operation_site_index):
         possibilities = self.Fzero(nonterminal_index, requested_length)
         chosen_production = self.normalized_choice(possibilities)
         print("    "* depth +"Gzero entering, with nonterminal", nonterminal_index, "and production rule number", chosen_production)
+        # We already know we will have this nonterminal show up in our derivation tree; so we add it now
+        # First, dereference the location to get the operation site:
+        opsite = self.indexes_to_item(root_of_tree, operation_site_index)
         generated_string = self.Gprim(nonterminal_index, chosen_production, depth, requested_length, depth)
         return generated_string
+    def indexes_to_item(tree, location):
+        opsite = tree
+        if (location != []):
+            for depth_index in location:
+                opsite = opsite.subnodes[depth_index]
+                #print("TMP index ", depth_index, " gives ",opsite)
+        else:
+            opsite = tree
+        return opsite
     # Like Fprim, Gprim takes a nonterminal index, a production index for the nonterminal,
     # and an index into the production rule (and of course, a requested length).
     # This lets us walk through the production rule symbol by symbol.