diff --git a/unoptimized_lr/simple_lr_stack.py b/unoptimized_lr/simple_lr_stack.py
index 9b1eab548b83656098fa808814d05b42aa6f15f1..a8e5bff8e837eeaa000bc97c61baf61f370cbf74 100644
--- a/unoptimized_lr/simple_lr_stack.py
+++ b/unoptimized_lr/simple_lr_stack.py
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ class ParseStack(Elaboratable):
         self.depth = depth
         # Control inputs
-        self.command_port = Signal(3)
         # The commands are as follows:
         # 0: push
         # 1: pop
@@ -72,6 +71,7 @@ class ParseStack(Elaboratable):
         m.submodules.rport = rport = (self.mem).read_port()
         m.submodules.wport = wport = (self.mem).write_port()
         stack_pointer = Signal(range(self.depth), reset=0)
+        popsigg = Signal(1)
         # To represent the state of a k-item stack, we need an additional bit of state to
@@ -124,23 +124,27 @@ class ParseStack(Elaboratable):
             with m.State("AT_LEAST_ONE_ITEM"):
                 with m.If(self.bus.valid_in == 1):
-                    with m.Switch(self.command_port):
+                    with m.Switch(self.bus.command_in):
                         with m.Case(self.PUSH):
                             m.d.sync += stack_pointer.eq(stack_pointer + 1)
                             m.d.comb += wport.addr.eq(stack_pointer + 1)
                             m.d.comb += wport.data.eq(self.bus.data_in)
                             m.d.comb += wport.en.eq(1)
+                            m.d.comb += popsigg.eq(0)
                             m.next = "AT_LEAST_ONE_ITEM"
                         with m.Case(self.POP):
+                            m.d.comb += popsigg.eq(1)
                             m.d.comb += rport.addr.eq(stack_pointer)
                             m.d.comb += self.bus.data_out.eq(rport.data)
                             m.d.comb += self.bus.valid_out.eq(1)
                             with m.If(stack_pointer == 0):
                                 m.next = "EMPTY"
                             with m.Else():
                                 m.next = "AT_LEAST_ONE_ITEM"
                                 m.d.sync += stack_pointer.eq(stack_pointer - 1)
                         with m.Case(self.MULTIPOP):
                             with m.If((self.bus.index_in - 1 ) > stack_pointer):
                                 m.d.comb += self.bus.internal_fault.eq(1)
@@ -210,8 +214,10 @@ class DummyPlug(Elaboratable):
             m.d.comb += m.submodules.stack.bus.data_in.eq(44)
         with m.If(counter==4):
-            m.d.comb += m.submodules.stack.bus.command_in.eq(ParseStack.POP)
+            m.d.comb += m.submodules.stack.bus.command_in.eq(ParseStack.PUSH)
             m.d.comb += m.submodules.stack.bus.valid_in.eq(1)
+            m.d.comb += m.submodules.stack.bus.data_in.eq(69)
         with m.If(counter==5):
             m.d.comb += m.submodules.stack.bus.command_in.eq(ParseStack.POP)