diff --git a/cfg_utils.py b/cfg_utils.py
index 0cd05ed45758961a0838031ed876305291ee381b..83d7c4c2a008b87501a9c7bd3d727a717ef648f0 100644
--- a/cfg_utils.py
+++ b/cfg_utils.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+assert(1 == 0) # do not use me
 import collections
 import functools
 import random
@@ -5,22 +6,6 @@ from enum import *
-class TreeNode:
-    def __init__(self, language_element, subnodes):
-        self.language_element = language_element
-        self.subnodes = subnodes
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(self.language_element) + " " + str(self.subnodes)
-def walk_the_tree(tree, level = 1):
-    if tree == None:
-        return
-    print("    " * (level -1) + "|---" + str(tree.language_element) + " with " + str(len(tree.subnodes)) + " subnodes")
-    for subnode in tree.subnodes:
-        walk_the_tree(subnode, level + 1)
@@ -237,448 +222,3 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-# Actual Boltzmann sampling goes here.
-# We use the "sandwich" technique in https://notebook.drmaciver.com/posts/2020-07-11-10:49.html
-# to estimate the Boltzmann distribution generating function. However, to enumerate the number of
-# words in the grammar with length n, we use the technique described in:
-# "Generating Strings at Random from a Context Free Grammar" by Bruce McKenzie, 1997
-# There is the more effective method in "Automating Grammar Comparison", where the authors
-# devise a slightly more advanced scheme that uses the Cantor pairing function to
-# encode the parse tree of each generated string in a unitary index. I do not think I need
-# to resort to such a technique just yet.
-# The notation is therefore as follows from that paper:
-# The paper uses the notation ||X||_n to mean "the number of strings of length n generated by
-# the symbol X", but since this is text and not LaTeX, we use the notation "||X||==n" to mean
-# the same.
-# Nonterminals are indexed by i, i = [1, number of nonterminals]
-# Each nonterminal may have multiple ways of generating it. For each nonterminal i,
-# there may be multiple rules that create it. For each i, there is an index j of these
-# multiple ways.
-# Production rules are thus indexed by:
-# (i = [1, number of nonterminals], j = [1, number of ways to generate nonterminal i]).
-# Each production rule is represented by α_ij = X_ij1, X_ij2, ..., X_ijT, with T=T_ij
-# representing the number of symbols in the reduce rule (i, j)
-# We have two functions, and we use memoization in order to evaluate them without
-# pathological cost.
-# The first function, f(i, N), which we will call Fzero, represents the number
-# of strings with length exactly N that can be generated by the expansion of
-# nonterminal number i. It is a list of integers, with one element for each 
-# production rule that generates nonterminal i
-# f(i, N) = [||α_ij||==N for j = [1, number of production rules for nonterminal i]]
-# The second function, f'(i, j, k, N), which we will call Fprim, represents the
-# number of strings with length exactly N that can be generated by the
-# last k symbols of the specific production rule (i, j).
-# We define it as follows, which leads to a simple "peeling off" way of evaluating it
-# by induction. It is a list, with one element for each way to "split" the N characters
-# between the first symbol (the k'th symbol in the entire rule) in the relevant subset
-# of the rule and the k+1'th symbol to the last symbol of the rule:
-# f'(i, j, k, N) = [ (||X_ijk|| == L) * (||X_ij(k+1) X_ij(k+2)...X_ijT|| == N-L) for L = [1, N-T_ij+k]]
-# The * is an ordinary multiplication, not a Kleene star. We note that this looks like
-# a convolution.
-# The "ways to split the length N" is N-T_ij+k because the *entire production rule* has
-# T_ij symbols, the smaller subset from k+1 to T_ij has T_ij-k symbols. Therefore,
-# this smaller subset will *always* generate a list of terminals with length T_ij-k or
-# greater (because we require that there be no epsilon-productions).
-# To evaluate Fzero and Fprim, we define them in terms of each other, analyze cases, and
-# use memoization:
-# Fzero(i, N) = [sum(Fprim(i, j, 1, N)) for all possible j (j = [1, number of rules for nonterminal i])]
-# we index arrays starting at zero. like everyone else, so the 1 is gonna be a zero in the code.
-# There are two types of special cases for Fprim(i, j, k, N), and they can both occur at
-# the same time . We use these special cases to evaluate Fprim efficiently:
-# Special case 1: k is T_ij, and thus x_ijk is the last symbol in the production rule.
-# Special case 2: The symbol x_ijk is a terminal symbol.
-# The exhaustive case analysis is as follows.
-#                        /----------------------------------------------------------\
-#                        |X_ijk is a terminal symbol | X_ijk is a nonterminal symbol|
-#                        |---------------------------|------------------------------|
-# X_ijk is the last      |        Case A             |         Case C               |
-# symbol in production   |                           |  Reduces to analysis for the |
-# rule (i,j)             | Extremely easy base case  |  production rule for the     |
-#                        |                           |  nonterminal @ X_ijk         |
-# X_ijk is not the last  |        Case B             |         Case D               |
-# symbol in the          | A terminal always has len | The difficult case. We must  |
-# production rule (i,j)  | 1 and no possibilities so | evaluate the full convolution|
-#                        | this reduces to           | for both X_ijk and remaining |
-#                        | Fprim(i, j, k+1, N-1)     | symbols in the subset of rule|
-#                        \----------------------------------------------------------/
-# We also note that for the degenerate case N=0, we always can and must return the empty array []
-# In pseudocode (taken from the paper, with the correction that on top of page 5
-# the "if N==0 then return [1]" seems like it should be "if N==1 then return [1]"):
-# Fprim(i, j, k, N):
-# if (N==0) return []
-# if X_ijk is a terminal:
-#    if k==T_ij:
-#        # CASE A
-#        if N==1 return [1], else return [0]
-#    if k != T_ij:
-#        # CASE B
-#        return [sum(Fprim(i, j, k+1, N-1))]
-# else if X_ijk is a nonterminal:
-#    if k=T_ij:
-#        # CASE C
-#        return [sum(Fzero(index of nonterminal at index k, N))]
-#    if k != T_ij
-#        # CASE D
-#        return [sum(Fzero(index of nonterminal at index k, L)) *
-#                sum(Fprim(i, j, k+1, N-L)) for L = [1, N - T_ij + k]]
-# First, we preprocess the grammar by grouping all the rules for each nonterminal together.
-class CFGBoltzmann:
-    def __init__(self, rules, nonterminals, terminals):
-        self.unitary_rules = rules
-        self.nonterminals = nonterminals
-        self.terminals = terminals
-    def preprocessor(self):
-        unitary_rules = self.unitary_rules
-        factorized_rulepack = {}
-        for rule in unitary_rules:
-            nonterminal = rule[0]
-            rhs         = rule[1]
-            if (nonterminal not in factorized_rulepack):
-                factorized_rulepack[nonterminal] = [rhs]
-            else:
-                factorized_rulepack[nonterminal].append(rhs)
-        rulepack_list = []
-        list_of_terminals_in_sync_with_rulepack = []
-        for x in factorized_rulepack:
-            rulepack_list.append((x, factorized_rulepack[x]))
-            list_of_terminals_in_sync_with_rulepack.append(x)
-        self.nonterminals_ordered = list_of_terminals_in_sync_with_rulepack
- #       print("ORDERED nonterminal list is", self.nonterminals_ordered)
-        self.processed_rulepack = rulepack_list
-    # We recall that:
-    # Fzero(i, N) = [sum(Fprim(i, j, 1, N)) for all possible j (j = [1, number of rules for nonterminal i])]
-    @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=8192)
-    def Fzero(self, nonterminal_index, exact_length_total):
-        # First find the nonterminal in the rulepack
-        possible_RHSes = self.processed_rulepack[nonterminal_index][1]
-      #  print(possible_RHSes)
-        assert(possible_RHSes != [])
-        retlist = []
-        for rhs_index in range(len(possible_RHSes)):
-#            print("IN Fzero, trying rhs_index", rhs_index)
-            retlist.append(sum(self.Fprim(nonterminal_index, rhs_index, 0, exact_length_total))) # we index arrays starting at zero. like everyone else.
-#        print ("Fzero returns", retlist)
-        return retlist
-    # Fprim is where the complicated case analysis lives.
-    @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=8192)
-    def Fprim(self, nonterminal_index, which_RHS, how_far_into_the_RHS, exact_length_total):
-        #print("arguments are", nonterminal_index, which_RHS, how_far_into_the_RHS, exact_length_total)
-        # first, handle the ultimate degenerate case:
-        if (exact_length_total == 0):
-            #print("LENGTH ZERO RETURNING []")
-            return []
-        # The case analysis hinges on what is at X_ijk.
-        RHS_in_question = self.processed_rulepack[nonterminal_index][1][which_RHS]
-        #print("Our RHS is", RHS_in_question)
-        #print("WE ARE PROCESSING index", how_far_into_the_RHS, "and our remaining lengthis", exact_length_total)
-        xijk = RHS_in_question[how_far_into_the_RHS]
-        if (xijk in self.terminals):
-         #   print("xijk", xijk, "is a terminal, hokay")
-        #    print("lenghts of RHS In question is", len(RHS_in_question))
-            # are we at the end of the rule
-            if (how_far_into_the_RHS == (len(RHS_in_question) - 1)):
-                # CASE A
-                if (exact_length_total == 1):
-#                    print("CASE A LEN 1")
-#                    print ("Fprim returns SPECIAL CASE", [1])
-                    return [1]
-                else:
- #                   print("CASE A LEN NON-ONE")
- #                   print ("Fprim returns BAD SPECIAL CASE", [0])
-                    return [0]
-            else:
-                # CASE B
-  #              print("CASE B")
-                reduct = self.Fprim(nonterminal_index, which_RHS, how_far_into_the_RHS + 1, exact_length_total - 1)
-                retlist = [sum(reduct)]
-   #             print ("Fprim returns", retlist)
-                return retlist
-        else:
-            assert (xijk in self.nonterminals)
-       #     print("xijk", xijk, "is a NONterminal!")
-       #     print("lenghts of RHS In question is", len(RHS_in_question))
-            #print("how far?", how_far_into_the_RHS)
-            ## we now calculate the index of nonterminal at index K, we need it for both cases
-            new_nonterminal_index = self.nonterminals_ordered.index(xijk)
-           # print("NEW NONTERMINAL INDDEX IS", new_nonterminal_index)
-            if (how_far_into_the_RHS == (len(RHS_in_question) - 1)):
-                # CASE C
-    #            print("CASE C")
-                reduct = self.Fzero(new_nonterminal_index, exact_length_total)
-                retlist = [sum(reduct)]
-     #           print ("Fprim returns", retlist)
-                return retlist
-            else:
-                # CASE D
-                # Here we must do the full convolution to account for every
-                # possible way that the total length of the desired string can
-                # be split between the nonterminal at X_ijk and the remaining
-                # segment of the rule (from k+1 to the end of the rule)
-                # Here, L will be the number of characters produced by X_ijk
-                # L will therefore go from 1 (we disallow epsilon-productions so
-                # X_ijk must produce at least one character) (INCLUSIVE) to (INCLUSIVE):
-                # Total Characters Requested - (minimum number of characters generated by k+1 to end of rule)
-                # which will be:
-                # Total Characters Requested - (T_ij -(k+1)+1) = TCR - (T_ij-k)
-                # But T_ij is the INDEX of the last element of the rule, aka len(rule)-1
-                # so the expression is
-                # Total Characters Requested - (len(rule)-k-1)
-                # exact_length_total - len(rule) + how_far_into_the_RHS + 1
-    #            print("CASE D")
-                retlist = []
-                #print(exact_length_total - len(RHS_in_question) + how_far_into_the_RHS + 2)
-                for l in range(1, exact_length_total - len(RHS_in_question) + how_far_into_the_RHS + 2):
-     #               print("L IS", l)
-                    nonterminal_possibilities = sum(self.Fzero(new_nonterminal_index, l))
-                    remainder_possibilities   = sum(self.Fprim(nonterminal_index, which_RHS, how_far_into_the_RHS + 1, exact_length_total - l))
-                    retlist.append(nonterminal_possibilities * remainder_possibilities)
-      #          print ("Fprim returns", retlist)
-                return retlist
-    # Now we do generation of the strings.
-    # This returns an *index* (not the item at the index) from a list, weighted
-    # by the integer at each element.
-    def normalized_choice(self, inlist):
-        #total_weight = sum(inlist)
-        #weights = [x / total_weight for x in inlist]
-        choice = random.choices(range(len(inlist)), weights=inlist)
-        return choice[0]
-    # Similar to Fzero and Fprim, we have Gzero and Gprim.
-    # the first function, Gzero(nonterminal index, requested length) serves only to
-    # select (weighted appropriately) which production rule for a nonterminal will
-    # be used. It then calls out to GPrim, which actually generates the string.
-    def Gzero_shimmed(self, nonterminal, requested_length):
-        nonterminal_index = self.nonterminals_ordered.index(nonterminal)
-        return self.Gzero(nonterminal_index, requested_length, 0)
-    def Gzero(self, nonterminal_index, requested_length, depth):
-        print("    "* depth +"ENTERING Gzero")
-        possibilities = self.Fzero(nonterminal_index, requested_length)
-        chosen_production = self.normalized_choice(possibilities)
-        generated_string = self.Gprim(nonterminal_index, chosen_production, 0, requested_length, depth)
-        return generated_string
-    # Like Fprim, Gprim takes a nonterminal index, a production index for the nonterminal,
-    # and an index into the production rule (and of course, a requested length).
-    # This lets us walk through the production rule symbol by symbol.
-    # As in Fprim, there is a case analysis based on if the index represents the last
-    # symbol in the rule, and if the index points to a terminal or to a nonterminal.
-    # There are two types of special cases for Fprim(i, j, k, N), and they can both occur at
-    # the same time . We use these special cases to evaluate Fprim efficiently:
-    # Special case 1: k is T_ij, and thus x_ijk is the last symbol in the production rule.
-    # Special case 2: The symbol x_ijk is a terminal symbol.
-    # The exhaustive case analysis is as follows.
-    #                        /----------------------------------------------------------\
-    #                        |X_ijk is a terminal symbol | X_ijk is a nonterminal symbol|
-    #                        |---------------------------|------------------------------|
-    # X_ijk is the last      |        Case A             |         Case C               |
-    # symbol in production   |                           | Reduces to Gzero for the     |
-    # rule (i,j)             |  The easiest base case.   | production rule for the      |
-    #                        |                           | nonterminal @ X_ijk          |
-    #------------------------|---------------------------|------------------------------|
-    # X_ijk is not the last  |        Case B             |         Case D               |
-    # symbol in the          | A terminal always has len | Like the convolution, but use|
-    # production rule (i,j)  | 1 and no possibilities so | Fprim and weighted-choice on |
-    #                        | this reduces to           | [X_ijk, last symbol in the   |
-    #                        | Gprim(i, j, k+1, N-1)     | production rule] to find out |
-    #                        |                           | how many symbols we're having|
-    #                        |                           | X_ijk generate. Then we use  |
-    #                        |                           | Gzero on X_ijk and Gprim on  |
-    #                        |                           | (k+1) to end of rule         |
-    #                        \----------------------------------------------------------/
-    def Gprim(self, nonterminal_index, chosen_production, how_far_into_the_RHS, exact_length_total, depth):
-        print("    "* depth + "GPRIM arguments are", nonterminal_index, chosen_production, how_far_into_the_RHS, exact_length_total)
-        # first, handle the ultimate degenerate case:
-        assert(exact_length_total != 0)
-        # The case analysis hinges on what is at X_ijk.
-        RHS_in_question = self.processed_rulepack[nonterminal_index][1][chosen_production]
-        print("    "* depth +"Our RHS is", RHS_in_question)
-        print("    "* depth +"WE ARE PROCESSING index", how_far_into_the_RHS, "and our remaining lengthis", exact_length_total)
-        xijk = RHS_in_question[how_far_into_the_RHS]
-        if (xijk in self.terminals):
-         #   print("xijk", xijk, "is a terminal, hokay")
-        #    print("lenghts of RHS In question is", len(RHS_in_question))
-            # are we at the end of the rule
-            if (how_far_into_the_RHS == (len(RHS_in_question) - 1)):
-                # CASE A
-                print("    "* depth +"GPRIM CASE A RETURNING", [xijk])
-                return [xijk]
-            else:
-                # CASE B
-                print("    "* depth +"GPRIM CASE B pointing @", [xijk])
-                reduct = self.Gprim(nonterminal_index, chosen_production, how_far_into_the_RHS + 1, exact_length_total - 1, depth+1)
-                retstring = [xijk] + reduct
-                print("    "* depth +"GPRIM CASE B RETURNING", retstring)
-                return retstring
-        else:
-            assert (xijk in self.nonterminals)
-       #     print("xijk", xijk, "is a NONterminal!")
-       #     print("lenghts of RHS In question is", len(RHS_in_question))
-            #print("how far?", how_far_into_the_RHS)
-            ## we now calculate the index of nonterminal at index K, we need it for both cases
-            new_nonterminal_index = self.nonterminals_ordered.index(xijk)
-           # print("NEW NONTERMINAL INDDEX IS", new_nonterminal_index)
-            if (how_far_into_the_RHS == (len(RHS_in_question) - 1)):
-                # CASE C
-                print("    "* depth +"CASE C STARTING")
-                retstring = self.Gzero(new_nonterminal_index, exact_length_total, depth+1)
-                print("    "* depth +"CASE C returning", retstring)
-                return retstring
-            else:
-                # CASE D
-                print("    "* depth +"CASE D STARTING")
-                splitting_possibilities = self.Fprim(nonterminal_index, chosen_production, how_far_into_the_RHS, exact_length_total)
-                print ("    "* depth +"CASE D; SPLIT POSSIBILITIES ARE", splitting_possibilities)
-                split_choice = 1+ self.normalized_choice(splitting_possibilities)
-                print ("    "* depth +"CASE D; SPLITTING WITH LENGTH", split_choice)
-                # hit the nonterminal X_ijk with Gzero
-                nonterminal_generates = self.Gzero(new_nonterminal_index, split_choice, depth+1)
-                print ("    "* depth +"CASE D NONTERMINAL @ XIJK generates", nonterminal_generates)
-                # and then the remaining part of the rule
-                rest_of_rule_generates = self.Gprim(nonterminal_index, chosen_production, how_far_into_the_RHS + 1, exact_length_total - split_choice, depth+1)
-                print ("CASE D REST OF RULE generates", rest_of_rule_generates)
-                retstring = nonterminal_generates + rest_of_rule_generates
-                print ("    "* depth +"CASE D RETURNING", retstring)
-                return retstring
-z = CFGBoltzmann(rules, list_of_nonterminals, list_of_terminals)
-rulepack_cooked = z.preprocessor()
-qq =  z.Gzero_shimmed(nonterminals.EXPRESSION, 11)
-print ("AND THE FINAL ANSWER IS","\n\n\n",qq, "\n\n\n")
-# Furthermore, we also note that the description of a context-free grammar is *itself* context-free
-# so if we take the CFG-description grammar (BNF or something isomorphic to it), and use Boltzmann
-# sampling on *it*, we will generate candidate grammars; which will be used to test the FPGA-based
-# parser generator against a reference LR parser generator implementation. Naturally, this procedure 
-# may not produce LR-parseable grammars or even deterministic context-free grammars; but if the grammar
-# is rejected by both the FPGA parser generator and reference parser generator; this is fine, we just
-# move on to the next one.
-# Once we randomly generate a CFG, we randomly generate strings that are valid strings, but also
-# generate exemplars that are potentially *invalid* strings (both by mutating valid strings but
-# also by generating random sequences ab initio from the terminal symbols). The potentially invalid
-# strings are tested against the reference parser, those that are accidentally valid are discarded,
-# and those that are invalid are used in the automatic equivalence testing.
-# We fail our candidate parser generator if:
-# 1. During the generation phase, it rejects a grammar the reference generator doesn't reject, or
-#    accepts a grammar the reference generator rejects.
-# 2. During the execution phase, it rejects a string the reference generated parser doesn't reject,
-#    or accepts a string the reference generated parser rejects.
-# 3. During the execution phase, it accepts a string that the reference generated parser accepts; but
-#    the parse tree it generates is not identical to the parse tree that the reference generated parser
-#    produced.