From f0cefd43523ba7a57ff28fc8c7a19e5708d61a73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kia <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 13:21:11 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] BMC showed us a bug!

 rtl_lib/  | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 rtl_lib/gearbox.sby |  24 +++++++++++
 2 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 rtl_lib/gearbox.sby

diff --git a/rtl_lib/ b/rtl_lib/
index a450852..5af7a95 100644
--- a/rtl_lib/
+++ b/rtl_lib/
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ class ArbitraryGearbox(Elaboratable):
             m.d.comb += upstream_transaction.eq(  self.bus.upstream_ready_out  & self.bus.upstream_valid_in)
             m.d.comb += downstream_transaction.eq(self.bus.downstream_ready_in & self.bus.downstream_valid_out)
-            m.d.comb += self.bus.upstream_ready_out.eq(  shift_reg_len - valid_bit_count >= upstream_width)
-            m.d.comb += self.bus.downstream_valid_out.eq(shift_reg_len                   >= downstream_width)
+            m.d.comb += self.bus.upstream_ready_out.eq(shift_reg_len - valid_bit_count >= upstream_width)
+            m.d.comb += self.bus.downstream_valid_out.eq(              valid_bit_count >= downstream_width)
             m.d.comb += self.bus.data_out.eq(shift_reg[0:downstream_width])
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class IdempotentGearbox(Elaboratable):
         def elaborate(self, platform):
             m = Module()
-            m.submodules.pipe = pipe = PipeStage(width=self.width, registered_ready=True)
+            m.submodules.pipe = pipe = PipeStage(width=self.width, registered_ready=False)
             m.d.comb += pipe.upstream_valid_in.eq(self.bus.upstream_valid_in)
             m.d.comb += pipe.downstream_ready_in.eq(self.bus.downstream_ready_in)
@@ -135,20 +135,59 @@ class GoldenGearboxModel(Elaboratable):
             write_ptr = Signal(range(self.sim_memory_size))
             read_ptr = Signal(range(self.sim_memory_size))
-            with m.If(self.bus.valid_in == 1):
-                m.d.sync += write_ptr.eq(write_ptr + self.upstream_width)
-                with m.Switch(write_ptr):
-                        for cand_wptr in range(0, self.sim_memory_size):
-                            with m.Case(cand_wptr):
+            upstream_width = self.upstream_width
+            downstream_width = self.downstream_width
+            # these are to make fake flow control signals
+            fake_memory = self.upstream_width + self.downstream_width
+            fake_occupied = Signal(range(self.upstream_width + self.downstream_width))
+            upstream_transaction = Signal(1)
+            downstream_transaction = Signal(1)
+            m.d.comb += upstream_transaction.eq(  self.bus.upstream_ready_out  & self.bus.upstream_valid_in)
+            m.d.comb += downstream_transaction.eq(self.bus.downstream_ready_in & self.bus.downstream_valid_out)
+            m.d.comb += self.bus.upstream_ready_out.eq(fake_memory - fake_occupied >= upstream_width)
+            m.d.comb += self.bus.downstream_valid_out.eq(              fake_occupied >= downstream_width)
+            with m.If(upstream_transaction == 1):
+                with m.If(downstream_transaction == 1): # upstream and downstream
+                    # the simultaneous transaction is hard, but updating the valid count isn't
+                    m.d.sync += fake_occupied.eq(fake_occupied + upstream_width - downstream_width)
+                    m.d.sync += read_ptr.eq(read_ptr + self.downstream_width)
+                    m.d.sync += write_ptr.eq(write_ptr + self.upstream_width)
-                                m.d.sync += self.memory.eq(
+                    with m.Switch(write_ptr):
+                            for cand_wptr in range(0, self.sim_memory_size):
+                                with m.Case(cand_wptr):
-                                    Cat(self.memory.bit_select(0, cand_wptr),
-                                        self.bus.data_in))
+                                    m.d.sync += self.memory.eq(
+                                        Cat(self.memory.bit_select(0, cand_wptr),
+                                            self.bus.data_in))
+                with m.Else():                          # upstream, no downstream
+                    m.d.sync += fake_occupied.eq(fake_occupied + upstream_width)
+                    m.d.sync += write_ptr.eq(write_ptr + self.upstream_width)
+                    with m.Switch(write_ptr):
+                            for cand_wptr in range(0, self.sim_memory_size):
+                                with m.Case(cand_wptr):
+                                    m.d.sync += self.memory.eq(
+                                        Cat(self.memory.bit_select(0, cand_wptr),
+                                            self.bus.data_in))
+            with m.Else():
+                with m.If(downstream_transaction == 1): # no upstream, downstream
+                    m.d.sync += fake_occupied.eq(fake_occupied - downstream_width)
+                    m.d.sync += read_ptr.eq(read_ptr + self.downstream_width)
+            m.d.comb += self.bus.data_out.eq(self.memory.bit_select(read_ptr, self.downstream_width))
-            with m.If(self.bus.ready_in == 1):
-                m.d.comb += self.bus.data_out.eq(self.memory.bit_select(read_ptr,self.downstream_width))
-                m.d.sync += read_ptr.eq(read_ptr + self.downstream_width)
             return m
@@ -163,24 +202,37 @@ class DummyPlug(Elaboratable):
     def elaborate(self, platform):
         m = Module()
-        width = 7
+        upstream_width   = 5
+        downstream_width = 9
+        sim_memory_size = 32
-        m.submodules.gearbox = gearbox = ArbitraryGearbox(upstream_width=width, downstream_width=width)
-        m.submodules.idempotent = idempotent = IdempotentGearbox(width=width)
+        expiration_date = int(sim_memory_size/upstream_width)-1
-        m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.data_in.eq(AnySeq(width))
+        number_of_writes = Signal(range(2*expiration_date))
+        wrapped = Signal(1)
+        m.submodules.gearbox = gearbox = ArbitraryGearbox(upstream_width=upstream_width, downstream_width=downstream_width)
+        m.submodules.golden = golden = GoldenGearboxModel(upstream_width=upstream_width, downstream_width=downstream_width, sim_memory_size=sim_memory_size)
+        m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.data_in.eq(AnySeq(upstream_width))
         m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.downstream_ready_in.eq(AnySeq(1))
         m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.upstream_valid_in.eq(AnySeq(1))
-        m.d.comb += idempotent.bus.data_in.eq(gearbox.bus.data_in)
-        m.d.comb += idempotent.bus.downstream_ready_in.eq(gearbox.bus.downstream_ready_in)
-        m.d.comb += idempotent.bus.upstream_valid_in.eq(gearbox.bus.upstream_valid_in)
+        m.d.comb += golden.bus.data_in.eq(gearbox.bus.data_in)
+        m.d.comb += golden.bus.downstream_ready_in.eq(gearbox.bus.downstream_ready_in)
+        m.d.comb += golden.bus.upstream_valid_in.eq(gearbox.bus.upstream_valid_in)
+        with m.If(gearbox.bus.upstream_valid_in & gearbox.bus.upstream_ready_out == 1):
+            m.d.sync += number_of_writes.eq(number_of_writes + 1)
+            with m.If(number_of_writes > expiration_date):
+                m.d.sync += wrapped.eq(1)
-        m.d.comb += Assert(gearbox.bus.upstream_ready_out == idempotent.bus.upstream_ready_out)
-        m.d.comb += Assert(gearbox.bus.downstream_valid_out == idempotent.bus.downstream_valid_out)
+        with m.If(wrapped == 0):
+            m.d.comb += Assert(gearbox.bus.upstream_ready_out == golden.bus.upstream_ready_out)
+            m.d.comb += Assert(gearbox.bus.downstream_valid_out == golden.bus.downstream_valid_out)
-        with m.If(gearbox.bus.downstream_valid_out == 1):
-            m.d.comb += Assert(gearbox.bus.data_out == idempotent.bus.data_out)
+            with m.If(gearbox.bus.downstream_valid_out == 1):
+                m.d.comb += Assert(gearbox.bus.data_out == golden.bus.data_out)
         return m
diff --git a/rtl_lib/gearbox.sby b/rtl_lib/gearbox.sby
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3042f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl_lib/gearbox.sby
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#mode prove
+mode bmc
+depth 32
+multiclock off
+#abc pdr
+#abc bmc3
+prep -top top
+show -format dot -notitle -prefix ./
\ No newline at end of file