diff --git a/src/backends/glr.c b/src/backends/glr.c
index 44b0c50cafd08486866eedf17e29c50236434f9b..ea69ea37ebb9275387b2eb67cf0e21fc64ac8960 100644
--- a/src/backends/glr.c
+++ b/src/backends/glr.c
@@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ HParseResult *h_glr_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream*
       HLREngine *engine = h_slist_pop(engines);
       const HLRAction *action = h_lrengine_action(engine);
       glr_step(&result, engback, engine, action);
+      // XXX detect ambiguous results - two engines terminating at the same pos
+      // -> kill both engines, i.e. ignore if there is a later unamb. success
     // swap the lists
diff --git a/src/backends/lalr.c b/src/backends/lalr.c
index ba10e0ca8587c866b72e96d03c1351a9a037d8a2..79a2eca50c1690fab329870bf3e8f7e994927ad3 100644
--- a/src/backends/lalr.c
+++ b/src/backends/lalr.c
@@ -338,7 +338,11 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
             const HStringMap *fs = h_follow(1, eg->grammar, lhs);
             assert(fs != NULL);
             assert(fs->epsilon_branch == NULL);
-            assert(!h_stringmap_empty(fs));
+            // NB: there is a case where fs can be empty: when reducing by lhs
+            // would lead to certain parse failure, by means of h_nothing_p()
+            // for instance. in that case, the below code correctly adds no
+            // reduce action.
+            assert(!h_stringmap_empty(fs)); // XXX
             // for each lookahead symbol, put action into table cell
             if(terminals_put(table->tmap[state], fs, action) < 0)
@@ -351,6 +355,8 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
         h_slist_push(table->inadeq, (void *)(uintptr_t)state);
+    h_cfgrammar_free(eg->grammar);
diff --git a/src/cfgrammar.c b/src/cfgrammar.c
index aea45a452987a5d5e7728146a84253ad0d23f416..bd69588a70395e007cd8cf83eaa5a3cce69e771e 100644
--- a/src/cfgrammar.c
+++ b/src/cfgrammar.c
@@ -6,10 +6,25 @@
 #include <ctype.h>
+// type of pairs used as memoization keys by h_follow and h_first
+struct k_nt {size_t k; const HCFChoice *nt;};
 // a special map value for use when the map is used to represent a set
 static void * const INSET = (void *)(uintptr_t)1;
+static bool eq_k_nt(const void *p, const void *q)
+  const struct k_nt *a=p, *b=q;
+  return a->k == b->k && a->nt == b->nt;
+static HHashValue hash_k_nt(const void *p)
+  const struct k_nt *x = p;
+  return h_hash_ptr(x->nt) * x->k;
 HCFGrammar *h_cfgrammar_new(HAllocator *mm__)
   HCFGrammar *g = h_new(HCFGrammar, 1);
@@ -20,14 +35,17 @@ HCFGrammar *h_cfgrammar_new(HAllocator *mm__)
   g->nts    = h_hashset_new(g->arena, h_eq_ptr, h_hash_ptr);
   g->start  = NULL;
   g->geneps = NULL;
-  g->first  = NULL;
-  g->follow = NULL;
-  g->kmax   = 0;    // will be increased as needed by ensure_k
+  g->first  = h_hashtable_new(g->arena, eq_k_nt, hash_k_nt);
+  g->follow = h_hashtable_new(g->arena, eq_k_nt, hash_k_nt);
   HStringMap *eps = h_stringmap_new(g->arena);
   h_stringmap_put_epsilon(eps, INSET);
   g->singleton_epsilon = eps;
+  HStringMap *end = h_stringmap_new(g->arena);
+  h_stringmap_put_end(end, INSET);
+  g->singleton_end = end;
   return g;
@@ -132,42 +150,6 @@ static void collect_nts(HCFGrammar *grammar, HCFChoice *symbol)
-/* Increase g->kmax if needed, allocating enough first/follow slots. */
-static void ensure_k(HCFGrammar *g, size_t k)
-  if (k <= g->kmax) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // NB: we don't actually use first/follow[0] but allocate it anyway
-  // so indices of the array correspond neatly to values of k
-  // allocate the new arrays
-  HHashTable **first  = h_arena_malloc(g->arena, (k+1)*sizeof(HHashTable *));
-  HHashTable **follow = h_arena_malloc(g->arena, (k+1)*sizeof(HHashTable *));
-  if (g->kmax > 0) {
-    // we are resizing, copy the old tables over
-    for(size_t i=0; i<=g->kmax; i++) {
-      first[i]  = g->first[i];
-      follow[i] = g->follow[i];
-    }
-  } else {
-    // we are initializing, allocate the first (in fact, dummy) tables
-    first[0]  = h_hashtable_new(g->arena, h_eq_ptr, h_hash_ptr);
-    follow[0] = h_hashtable_new(g->arena, h_eq_ptr, h_hash_ptr);
-  }
-  // allocate the new tables
-  for(size_t i=g->kmax+1; i<=k; i++) {
-    first[i]  = h_hashtable_new(g->arena, h_eq_ptr, h_hash_ptr);
-    follow[i] = h_hashtable_new(g->arena, h_eq_ptr, h_hash_ptr);
-  }
-  g->first = first;
-  g->follow = follow;
-  g->kmax = k;
 bool h_derives_epsilon(HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *symbol)
   // XXX this can now also be implemented in terms of h_first:
@@ -314,6 +296,7 @@ HStringMap *h_stringmap_new(HArena *a)
   m->end_branch = NULL;
   m->char_branches = h_hashtable_new(a, h_eq_ptr, h_hash_ptr);
   m->arena = a;
+  m->taint = false;
   return m;
@@ -470,30 +453,65 @@ bool h_stringmap_empty(const HStringMap *m)
           && h_hashtable_empty(m->char_branches));
-const HStringMap *h_first(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *x)
+static bool eq_stringmap(const void *a, const void *b)
+  return h_stringmap_equal(a, b);
+bool h_stringmap_equal(const HStringMap *a, const HStringMap *b)
+  if (a->epsilon_branch != b->epsilon_branch)
+    return false;
+  if (a->end_branch != b->end_branch)
+    return false;
+  return h_hashtable_equal(a->char_branches, b->char_branches, eq_stringmap);
+// helper for h_follow and h_first
+bool workset_equal(HHashTable *a, HHashTable *b)
+  if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
+    return (a == b);
+  else
+    return h_hashtable_equal(a, b, eq_stringmap);
+static const HStringMap *
+h_first_seq_work(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, HCFChoice **s);
+static const HStringMap *
+h_first_work(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, const HCFChoice *x)
+  HHashTable *ws = *pws;
   HStringMap *ret;
   HCFSequence **p;
   uint8_t c;
+  struct k_nt kx = {k,x};
+  struct k_nt *pkx = NULL;
+  bool taint = false;
   // shortcut: first_0(X) is always {""}
   if (k==0) {
     return g->singleton_epsilon;
-  // memoize via g->first
-  ensure_k(g, k);
-  ret = h_hashtable_get(g->first[k], x);
+  // shortcut: first_k($) is always {$}
+  if (x->type == HCF_END) {
+    return g->singleton_end;
+  }
+  // check memoization and workset
+  ret = h_hashtable_get(g->first, &kx);
+  if (ret == NULL && ws != NULL)
+    ret = h_hashtable_get(ws, &kx);
   if (ret != NULL) {
     return ret;
+  // not found, create result
   ret = h_stringmap_new(g->arena);
   assert(ret != NULL);
-  h_hashtable_put(g->first[k], x, ret);
   switch(x->type) {
-  case HCF_END:
-    h_stringmap_put_end(ret, INSET);
-    break;
   case HCF_CHAR:
     h_stringmap_put_char(ret, x->chr, INSET);
@@ -507,30 +525,75 @@ const HStringMap *h_first(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *x)
   case HCF_CHOICE:
     // this is a nonterminal
+    // to avoid recursive loops, taint ret and place it in workset
+    ret->taint = true;
+    if (ws == NULL)
+      ws = *pws = h_hashtable_new(g->arena, eq_k_nt, hash_k_nt);
+    pkx = h_arena_malloc(g->arena, sizeof kx);
+    *pkx = kx;
+    h_hashtable_put(ws, pkx, ret);
     // return the union of the first sets of all productions
-    for(p=x->seq; *p; ++p)
-      h_stringmap_update(ret, h_first_seq(k, g, (*p)->items));
+    for(p=x->seq; *p; ++p) {
+      const HStringMap *first_rhs = h_first_seq_work(k, g, pws, (*p)->items);
+      assert(ws == *pws); // call above did not change the workset pointer
+      taint |= first_rhs->taint;
+      h_stringmap_update(ret, first_rhs);
+    }
   default:  // should not be reached
-    assert_message(0, "unknown HCFChoice type");
+    assert_message(0, "unexpected HCFChoice type");
+  }
+  // immediately memoize ret and remove it from ws if untainted by recursion
+  if (!taint) {
+    if (pkx == NULL) {
+      pkx = h_arena_malloc(g->arena, sizeof kx);
+      *pkx = kx;
+    } else if (ws != NULL) {
+      // we already had a key, so ret might (will) be in ws; remove it.
+      h_hashtable_del(ws, pkx);
+    }
+    ret->taint = false;
+    h_hashtable_put(g->first, pkx, ret);
   return ret;
+const HStringMap *h_first(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *x)
+  HHashTable *ws, *bak;
+  const HStringMap *ret;
+  // fixpoint iteration on workset
+  ws = NULL;
+  do {
+    bak = ws;
+    ws = NULL;
+    ret = h_first_work(k, g, &ws, x);
+  } while(!workset_equal(ws, bak));
+  assert(ret != NULL);
+  return ret;
 // helpers for h_first_seq, definitions below
 static bool is_singleton_epsilon(const HStringMap *m);
 static bool any_string_shorter(size_t k, const HStringMap *m);
 // pointer to functions like h_first_seq
-typedef const HStringMap *(*StringSetFun)(size_t, HCFGrammar *, HCFChoice **);
+typedef const HStringMap *
+    (*StringSetFun)(size_t, HCFGrammar *, HHashTable **, HCFChoice **);
 // helper for h_first_seq and h_follow
-static void stringset_extend(HCFGrammar *g, HStringMap *ret,
+static bool stringset_extend(HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, HStringMap *ret,
                              size_t k, const HStringMap *as,
                              StringSetFun f, HCFChoice **tail);
-const HStringMap *h_first_seq(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HCFChoice **s)
+static const HStringMap *
+h_first_seq_work(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, HCFChoice **s)
   // shortcut: the first set of the empty sequence, for any k, is {""}
   if (*s == NULL) {
@@ -541,11 +604,11 @@ const HStringMap *h_first_seq(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HCFChoice **s)
   HCFChoice *x = s[0];
   HCFChoice **tail = s+1;
-  const HStringMap *first_x = h_first(k, g, x);
+  const HStringMap *first_x = h_first_work(k, g, pws, x);
   // shortcut: if first_k(X) = {""}, just return first_k(tail)
   if (is_singleton_epsilon(first_x)) {
-    return h_first_seq(k, g, tail);
+    return h_first_seq_work(k, g, pws, tail);
   // shortcut: if no elements of first_k(X) have length <k, just return first_k(X)
@@ -557,11 +620,28 @@ const HStringMap *h_first_seq(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HCFChoice **s)
   HStringMap *ret = h_stringmap_new(g->arena);
   // extend the elements of first_k(X) up to length k from tail
-  stringset_extend(g, ret, k, first_x, h_first_seq, tail);
+  ret->taint = stringset_extend(g, pws, ret, k, first_x, h_first_seq_work, tail);
   return ret;
+const HStringMap *h_first_seq(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HCFChoice **s)
+  HHashTable *ws, *bak;
+  const HStringMap *ret;
+  // fixpoint iteration on workset
+  ws = NULL;
+  do {
+    bak = ws;
+    ws = NULL;
+    ret = h_first_seq_work(k, g, &ws, s);
+  } while(!workset_equal(ws, bak));
+  assert(ret != NULL);
+  return ret;
 static bool is_singleton_epsilon(const HStringMap *m)
   return ( m->epsilon_branch
@@ -620,13 +700,25 @@ static void remove_all_shorter(size_t k, HStringMap *m)
 // h_follow adapted to the signature of StringSetFun
-static inline
-const HStringMap *h_follow_(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HCFChoice **s)
+static const HStringMap *
+h_follow_(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, HCFChoice **s)
+  assert(pws == NULL);
   return h_follow(k, g, *s);
-const HStringMap *h_follow(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *x)
+static const HStringMap *
+h_follow_work(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, const HCFChoice *x);
+// h_follow_work adapted to the signature of StringSetFun
+static const HStringMap *
+h_follow_work_(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, HCFChoice **s)
+  return h_follow_work(k, g, pws, *s);
+static const HStringMap *
+h_follow_work(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, const HCFChoice *x)
   // consider all occurances of X in g
   // the follow set of X is the union of:
@@ -638,28 +730,45 @@ const HStringMap *h_follow(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *x)
   //   { a b | a <- first_k(tail), b <- follow_l(A), l=k-|a| }
   HStringMap *ret;
+  HHashTable *ws = *pws;
+  struct k_nt kx = {k,x};
+  struct k_nt *pkx;
+  bool taint = false;
   // shortcut: follow_0(X) is always {""}
   if (k==0) {
     return g->singleton_epsilon;
-  // memoize via g->follow
-  ensure_k(g, k);
-  ret = h_hashtable_get(g->follow[k], x);
+  // check memoization and workset
+  ret = h_hashtable_get(g->follow, &kx);
+  if (ret == NULL && ws != NULL)
+    ret = h_hashtable_get(ws, &kx);
   if (ret != NULL) {
     return ret;
+  // not found, create result
   ret = h_stringmap_new(g->arena);
   assert(ret != NULL);
-  h_hashtable_put(g->follow[k], x, ret);
+  // to avoid recursive loops, taint ret and place it in workset
+  ret->taint = true;
+  if (ws == NULL)
+    ws = *pws = h_hashtable_new(g->arena, eq_k_nt, hash_k_nt);
+  pkx = h_arena_malloc(g->arena, sizeof kx);
+  *pkx = kx;
+  h_hashtable_put(ws, pkx, ret);
   // if X is the start symbol, the end token is in its follow set
   if (x == g->start) {
     h_stringmap_put_end(ret, INSET);
-  // iterate over g->nts
+  // iterate over g->nts, looking for X
   size_t i;
   HHashTableEntry *hte;
+  int x_found=0;
   for (i=0; i < g->nts->capacity; i++) {
     for (hte = &g->nts->contents[i]; hte; hte = hte->next) {
       if (hte->key == NULL) {
@@ -674,22 +783,49 @@ const HStringMap *h_follow(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *x)
         HCFChoice **s = (*p)->items;        // production's right-hand side
         for (; *s; s++) {
-          if (*s == x) { // occurance found
+          if (*s == x) { // occurrence found
+            x_found=1;
             HCFChoice **tail = s+1;
             const HStringMap *first_tail = h_first_seq(k, g, tail);
             // extend the elems of first_k(tail) up to length k from follow(A)
-            stringset_extend(g, ret, k, first_tail, h_follow_, &a);
+            taint |= stringset_extend(g, pws, ret, k,
+                                      first_tail, h_follow_work_, &a);
+  assert(x_found || x == g->start);        // no orphan non-terminals
+  // immediately memoize ret and remove it from ws if untainted by recursion
+  if (!taint) {
+    ret->taint = false;
+    h_hashtable_del(ws, pkx);
+    h_hashtable_put(g->follow, pkx, ret);
+  }
   return ret;
+const HStringMap *h_follow(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *x)
+  HHashTable *ws, *bak;
+  const HStringMap *ret;
+  // fixpoint iteration on workset
+  ws = NULL;
+  do {
+    bak = ws;
+    ws = NULL;
+    ret = h_follow_work(k, g, &ws, x);
+  } while(!workset_equal(ws, bak));
+  assert(ret != NULL);
+  return ret;
 HStringMap *h_predict(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g,
                         const HCFChoice *A, const HCFSequence *rhs)
@@ -703,7 +839,7 @@ HStringMap *h_predict(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g,
   // casting the const off of A below. note: stringset_extend does
   // not touch this argument, only passes it through to h_follow
   // in this case, which accepts it, once again, as const.
-  stringset_extend(g, ret, k, first_rhs, h_follow_, (HCFChoice **)&A);
+  stringset_extend(g, NULL, ret, k, first_rhs, h_follow_, (HCFChoice **)&A);
   // make sure there are only strings of length _exactly_ k
   remove_all_shorter(k, ret);
@@ -712,13 +848,17 @@ HStringMap *h_predict(size_t k, HCFGrammar *g,
 // add the set { a b | a <- as, b <- f_l(S), l=k-|a| } to ret
-static void stringset_extend(HCFGrammar *g, HStringMap *ret,
+static bool stringset_extend(HCFGrammar *g, HHashTable **pws, HStringMap *ret,
                              size_t k, const HStringMap *as,
                              StringSetFun f, HCFChoice **tail)
+  bool taint = false;
   if (as->epsilon_branch) {
     // for a="", add f_k(tail) to ret
-    h_stringmap_update(ret, f(k, g, tail));
+    const HStringMap *f_tail = f(k, g, pws, tail);
+    taint |= f_tail->taint;
+    h_stringmap_update(ret, f_tail);
   if (as->end_branch) {
@@ -745,9 +885,11 @@ static void stringset_extend(HCFGrammar *g, HStringMap *ret,
       HStringMap *ret_ = h_stringmap_new(g->arena);
       h_stringmap_put_after(ret, c, ret_);
-      stringset_extend(g, ret_, k-1, as_, f, tail);
+      taint |= stringset_extend(g, pws, ret_, k-1, as_, f, tail);
+  return taint;
@@ -892,13 +1034,15 @@ static void pprint_ntrules(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *nt,
   fputs(name, f);
   i += strlen(name);
   for(; i<column; i++) fputc(' ', f);
-  fputs(" ->", f);
   assert(nt->type == HCF_CHOICE);
   HCFSequence **p = nt->seq;
   if (*p == NULL) {
-    return;          // shouldn't happen
+    fputs(" -x\n", f);            // empty choice, e.g. h_nothing_p()
+    return;
+  fputs(" ->", f);
   pprint_sequence(f, g, *p++);    // print first production on the same line
   for(; *p; p++) {                // print the rest below with "or" bars
     for(i=0; i<column; i++) fputc(' ', f);    // indent
@@ -909,6 +1053,8 @@ static void pprint_ntrules(FILE *f, const HCFGrammar *g, const HCFChoice *nt,
 void h_pprint_grammar(FILE *file, const HCFGrammar *g, int indent)
+  HAllocator *mm__ = g->mm__;
   if (g->nts->used < 1) {
@@ -916,11 +1062,12 @@ void h_pprint_grammar(FILE *file, const HCFGrammar *g, int indent)
   // determine maximum string length of symbol names
   int len;
   size_t s;
-  for(len=1, s=26; s < g->nts->used; len++, s*=26); 
+  for(len=1, s=26; s < g->nts->used; len++, s*=26);
-  // iterate over g->nts
+  // iterate over g->nts and collect its entries in an ordered array
   size_t i;
   HHashTableEntry *hte;
+  const HCFChoice **arr = h_new(const HCFChoice *, g->nts->used);
   for(i=0; i < g->nts->capacity; i++) {
     for(hte = &g->nts->contents[i]; hte; hte = hte->next) {
       if (hte->key == NULL) {
@@ -929,9 +1076,16 @@ void h_pprint_grammar(FILE *file, const HCFGrammar *g, int indent)
       const HCFChoice *a = hte->key;        // production's left-hand symbol
       assert(a->type == HCF_CHOICE);
-      pprint_ntrules(file, g, a, indent, len);
+      size_t id = (uintptr_t)hte->value;    // nonterminal id
+      assert(id < g->nts->used);
+      arr[id] = a;
+  // print rules in alphabetical order
+  for(i=0; i < g->nts->used; i++)
+    pprint_ntrules(file, g, arr[i], indent, len);
+  h_free(arr);
 void h_pprint_symbolset(FILE *file, const HCFGrammar *g, const HHashSet *set, int indent)
diff --git a/src/cfgrammar.h b/src/cfgrammar.h
index 2e8ba83cee5c152baae1177ed7b99d45cf11042c..8945ecb97d0adc1aa1f69391f54726a156c91211 100644
--- a/src/cfgrammar.h
+++ b/src/cfgrammar.h
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ typedef struct HCFGrammar_ {
   HHashSet    *nts;     // HCFChoices, each representing the alternative
                         // productions for one nonterminal
   HHashSet    *geneps;  // set of NTs that can generate the empty string
-  HHashTable  **first;  // memoized first sets of the grammar's symbols
-  HHashTable  **follow; // memoized follow sets of the grammar's NTs
-  size_t      kmax;     // maximum lookahead depth allocated
+  HHashTable  *first;   // memoized first sets of the grammar's symbols
+  HHashTable  *follow;  // memoized follow sets of the grammar's NTs
   HArena      *arena;
   HAllocator  *mm__;
-  // constant set containing only the empty string.
-  // this is only a member of HCFGrammar because it needs a pointer to arena.
+  // constant sets containing only the empty string or end symbol.
+  // these are only members of HCFGrammar because they need a pointer to arena.
   const struct HStringMap_ *singleton_epsilon;
+  const struct HStringMap_ *singleton_end;
 } HCFGrammar;
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ typedef struct HStringMap_ {
   void *end_branch;             // points to leaf value
   HHashTable *char_branches;    // maps to inner nodes (HStringMaps)
   HArena *arena;
+  bool taint;                   // for use by h_follow() and h_first()
 } HStringMap;
 HStringMap *h_stringmap_new(HArena *a);
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ void *h_stringmap_get_lookahead(const HStringMap *m, HInputStream lookahead);
 bool h_stringmap_present(const HStringMap *m, const uint8_t *str, size_t n, bool end);
 bool h_stringmap_present_epsilon(const HStringMap *m);
 bool h_stringmap_empty(const HStringMap *m);
+bool h_stringmap_equal(const HStringMap *a, const HStringMap *b);
 static inline HStringMap *h_stringmap_get_char(const HStringMap *m, const uint8_t c)
  { return h_hashtable_get(m->char_branches, (void *)char_key(c)); }
diff --git a/src/datastructures.c b/src/datastructures.c
index 6971e0e0bee2fc8bbc644a0c6d9f9967d4ab6a01..8a09b5ce755e8880542f02c82b3b3e0db4f2fa48 100644
--- a/src/datastructures.c
+++ b/src/datastructures.c
@@ -387,16 +387,18 @@ static bool hte_same_length(HHashTableEntry *xs, HHashTableEntry *ys) {
 // helper for hte_equal: are all elements of xs present in ys?
-static bool hte_subset(HEqualFunc eq, HHashTableEntry *xs, HHashTableEntry *ys)
+static bool hte_subset(HEqualFunc eq, HEqualFunc value_eq,
+                       HHashTableEntry *xs, HHashTableEntry *ys)
   for(; xs; xs=xs->next) {
     if(xs->key == NULL) continue;   // element not present
     HHashTableEntry *hte;
     for(hte=ys; hte; hte=hte->next) {
-      if(hte->key == xs->key) break; // assume an element is equal to itself
+      // assume an element is equal to itself
+      if(hte->key == xs->key && hte->value == xs->value) break;
       if(hte->hashval != xs->hashval) continue; // shortcut
-      if(eq(hte->key, xs->key)) break;
+      if(eq(hte->key, xs->key) && value_eq(hte->value, xs->value)) break;
     if(hte == NULL) return false;   // element not found
@@ -404,19 +406,20 @@ static bool hte_subset(HEqualFunc eq, HHashTableEntry *xs, HHashTableEntry *ys)
 // compare two lists of HHashTableEntries
-static inline bool hte_equal(HEqualFunc eq, HHashTableEntry *xs, HHashTableEntry *ys) {
-  return (hte_same_length(xs, ys) && hte_subset(eq, xs, ys));
+static inline bool hte_equal(HEqualFunc eq, HEqualFunc value_eq,
+                             HHashTableEntry *xs, HHashTableEntry *ys) {
+  return (hte_same_length(xs, ys) && hte_subset(eq, value_eq, xs, ys));
-/* Set equality of HHashSets.
+/* Equality of HHashTables.
  * Obviously, 'a' and 'b' must use the same equality function.
  * Not strictly necessary, but we also assume the same hash function.
-bool h_hashset_equal(const HHashSet *a, const HHashSet *b) {
+bool h_hashtable_equal(const HHashSet *a, const HHashSet *b, HEqualFunc value_eq) {
   if(a->capacity == b->capacity) {
     // iterate over the buckets in parallel
     for(size_t i=0; i < a->capacity; i++) {
-      if(!hte_equal(a->equalFunc, &a->contents[i], &b->contents[i]))
+      if(!hte_equal(a->equalFunc, value_eq, &a->contents[i], &b->contents[i]))
         return false;
   } else {
@@ -426,6 +429,18 @@ bool h_hashset_equal(const HHashSet *a, const HHashSet *b) {
   return true;
+static bool eq_dontcare(const void *p, const void *q) {
+  return true;
+/* Set equality of HHashSets.
+ * Obviously, 'a' and 'b' must use the same equality function.
+ * Not strictly necessary, but we also assume the same hash function.
+ */
+bool h_hashset_equal(const HHashSet *a, const HHashSet *b) {
+  return h_hashtable_equal(a, b, eq_dontcare);
 bool h_eq_ptr(const void *p, const void *q) {
   return (p==q);
diff --git a/src/internal.h b/src/internal.h
index 07420681275a989925a08f6c596e3bc4a59202c1..f25d18ba4d1f42df96f77f79b53115be302c0490 100644
--- a/src/internal.h
+++ b/src/internal.h
@@ -382,6 +382,7 @@ int   h_hashtable_present(const HHashTable *ht, const void *key);
 void  h_hashtable_del(HHashTable *ht, const void *key);
 void  h_hashtable_free(HHashTable *ht);
 static inline bool h_hashtable_empty(const HHashTable *ht) { return (ht->used == 0); }
+bool h_hashtable_equal(const HHashTable *a, const HHashTable *b, HEqualFunc value_eq);
 typedef HHashTable HHashSet;
 #define h_hashset_new(a,eq,hash) h_hashtable_new(a,eq,hash)
diff --git a/src/t_regression.c b/src/t_regression.c
index b276f320f6dc83118d049dff3293640c52b64552..4ff3f96263e28ad4002cd2bfc00c58be7effc1dd 100644
--- a/src/t_regression.c
+++ b/src/t_regression.c
@@ -384,6 +384,60 @@ static void test_issue91() {
   g_check_cmp_int(r, ==, -2);
+static void test_issue92() {
+  HParser *a = h_ch('a');
+  HParser *b = h_ch('b');
+  HParser *str_a  = h_indirect();
+  HParser *str_b  = h_choice(h_sequence(b, str_a, NULL), str_a, NULL);
+                    //h_sequence(h_optional(b), str_a, NULL);  // this works
+  HParser *str_a_ = h_optional(h_sequence(a, str_b, NULL));
+  HParser *str    = str_a;
+  h_bind_indirect(str_a, str_a_);
+  /*
+   * grammar generated from the above:
+   *
+   *   A -> B           -- "augmented" with a fresh start symbol
+   *   B -> C           -- B = str_a
+   *      | ""
+   *   C -> "a" D       -- C = h_sequence(a, str_b)
+   *   D -> E           -- D = str_b
+   *      | B
+   *   E -> "b" B       -- E = h_sequence(b, str_a)
+   *
+   * transformed to the following "enhanced grammar":
+   *
+   *    S  -> 0B3
+   *   0B3 -> 0C2
+   *        | ""
+   *   1B4 -> 1C2
+   *        | ""
+   *   6B8 -> 6C2
+   *        | ""           (*) here
+   *   0C2 -> "a" 1D7
+   *   1C2 -> "a" 1D7
+   *   6C2 -> "a" 1D7
+   *   1D7 -> 1E5
+   *        | 1B4
+   *   1E5 -> "b" 6B8
+   */
+  /*
+   * the following call would cause an assertion failure.
+   *
+   * assertion "!h_stringmap_empty(fs)" failed: file
+   * "src/backends/lalr.c", line 341, function "h_lalr_compile"
+   *
+   * the bug happens when trying to compute h_follow() for 6B8 in state 6,
+   * production "" (*). intermediate results could end up in the memoization
+   * table and be treated as final by later calls to h_follow(). the problem
+   * could appear or not depending on the order of nonterminals (i.e. pointers)
+   * in a hashtable.
+   */
+  int r = h_compile(str, PB_LALR, NULL);
+  g_check_cmp_int(r, ==, 0);
 static void test_issue83() {
   HParser *p = h_sequence(h_sequence(NULL, NULL), h_nothing_p(), NULL);
@@ -421,5 +475,6 @@ void register_regression_tests(void) {
   g_test_add_func("/core/regression/flatten_null", test_flatten_null);
   //XXX g_test_add_func("/core/regression/ast_length_index", test_ast_length_index);
   g_test_add_func("/core/regression/issue91", test_issue91);
+  g_test_add_func("/core/regression/issue92", test_issue92);
   g_test_add_func("/core/regression/issue83", test_issue83);