diff --git a/src/bindings/jni/com/upstandinghackers/hammer/Hammer.java b/src/bindings/jni/com/upstandinghackers/hammer/Hammer.java
index 66ec1b5fdd6be0ff518e9309aa579a82f1907abb..2b77a564af480140a21b8d2aa992c49d6bf2bcf4 100644
--- a/src/bindings/jni/com/upstandinghackers/hammer/Hammer.java
+++ b/src/bindings/jni/com/upstandinghackers/hammer/Hammer.java
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ public class Hammer
     public static native Parser indirect();
 //    public static native Parser bindIndirect(Parser indirect, Parser inner);
     public static native Parser withEndianess(byte endianess, Parser p);
-//    public static native Parser bind(Parser p, HContinuation k, void *env); //would need to work out mappings
+//    public static native Parser bind(Parser p, HContinuation k, void *env);
     public static native Parser skip(int n);
-    public static native Parser seek(int n, int whence); //TODO double check mapping for int whence
+    public static native Parser seek(int n, int whence);
     public static native Parser tell();
diff --git a/src/bindings/jni/com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer.c b/src/bindings/jni/com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer.c
index b42a0dfa8ca6e31af42b0208ff570b60ebf7c7ce..7087792789092167c4c3a1adcfa4487bbaf01a5e 100644
--- a/src/bindings/jni/com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer.c
+++ b/src/bindings/jni/com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer.c
@@ -149,13 +149,6 @@ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_middle
     RETURNWRAP(env, h_middle(UNWRAP(env, p), UNWRAP(env, x), UNWRAP(env, q)));
- * Given another parser, p, and a function f, returns a parser that
- * applies p, then applies f to everything in the AST of p's result.
- *
- * Result token type: any
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(HParser*, h_action, const HParser* p, const HAction a, void* user_data);
 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_in
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jbyteArray charset, jint length)
@@ -240,31 +233,7 @@ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_choice
     RETURNWRAP(env, result);
- * Given a null-terminated list of parsers, match a permutation phrase of these
- * parsers, i.e. match all parsers exactly once in any order.
- *
- * If multiple orders would match, the lexically smallest permutation is used;
- * in other words, at any step the remaining available parsers are tried in
- * the order in which they appear in the arguments.
- *
- * As an exception, 'h_optional' parsers (actually those that return a result
- * of token type TT_NONE) are detected and the algorithm will try to match them
- * with a non-empty result. Specifically, a result of TT_NONE is treated as a
- * non-match as long as any other argument matches.
- *
- * Other parsers that succeed on any input (e.g. h_many), that match the same
- * input as others, or that match input which is a prefix of another match can
- * lead to unexpected results and should probably not be used as arguments.
- *
- * The result is a sequence of the same length as the argument list.
- * Each parser's result is placed at that parser's index in the arguments.
- * The permutation itself (the order in which the arguments were matched) is
- * not returned.
- *
- * Result token type: TT_SEQUENCE
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL_VARARGS_ATTR(H_GCC_ATTRIBUTE((sentinel)), HParser*, h_permutation, HParser* p);
 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_permutation
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jobjectArray permutation)
@@ -292,6 +261,7 @@ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_permutation
     RETURNWRAP(env, result);
 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_butNot
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jobject p, jobject q)
@@ -375,21 +345,6 @@ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_lengthValue
     RETURNWRAP(env, h_length_value(UNWRAP(env, length), UNWRAP(env, value)));
- * This parser attaches a predicate function, which returns true or
- * false, to a parser. The function is evaluated over the parser's
- * result.
- *
- * The parse only succeeds if the attribute function returns true.
- *
- * attr_bool will check whether p's result exists and whether p's
- * result AST exists; you do not need to check for this in your
- * predicate function.
- *
- * Result token type: p's result type if pred succeeded, NULL otherwise.
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(HParser*, h_attr_bool, const HParser* p, HPredicate pred, void* user_data);
 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_and
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jobject p)
@@ -412,27 +367,6 @@ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_indirect
- * Set the inner parser of an indirect. See comments on indirect for
- * details.
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(void, h_bind_indirect, HParser* indirect, const HParser* inner);
-//JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_bind_indirect
-//  (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jobject indirect, jobject inner)
-//    RETURNWRAP(env, h_bind_indirect(UNWRAP(env, indirect), UNWRAP(env, inner)));
- * This parser runs its argument parser with the given endianness setting.
- *
- * The value of 'endianness' should be a bit-wise or of the constants
- *
- * Result token type: p's result type.
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(HParser*, h_with_endianness, char endianness, const HParser* p);
 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_with_endianness
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jbyte endianess, jobject p)
@@ -440,77 +374,20 @@ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_with_endianne
- * The 'h_put_value' combinator stashes the result of the parser
- * it wraps in a symbol table in the parse state, so that non-
- * local actions and predicates can access this value.
- *
- * Try not to use this combinator if you can avoid it.
- *
- * Result token type: p's token type if name was not already in
- * the symbol table. It is an error, and thus a NULL result (and
- * parse failure), to attempt to rename a symbol.
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(HParser*, h_put_value, const HParser *p, const char* name);
- * The 'h_get_value' combinator retrieves a named HParseResult that
- * was previously stashed in the parse state.
- *
- * Try not to use this combinator if you can avoid it.
- *
- * Result token type: whatever the stashed HParseResult is, if
- * present. If absent, NULL (and thus parse failure).
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(HParser*, h_get_value, const char* name);
- * Monadic bind for HParsers, i.e.:
- * Sequencing where later parsers may depend on the result(s) of earlier ones.
- *
- * Run p and call the result x. Then run k(env,x).  Fail if p fails or if
- * k(env,x) fails or if k(env,x) is NULL.
- *
- * Result: the result of k(x,env).
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(HParser*, h_bind, const HParser *p, HContinuation k, void *env);
- * This parser skips 'n' bits of input.
- *
- * Result: None. The HParseResult exists but its AST is NULL.
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(HParser*, h_skip, size_t n);
 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_skip
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jint n)
     RETURNWRAP(env, h_skip((size_t) n));
- * The HParser equivalent of fseek(), 'h_seek' modifies the parser's input
- * position.  Note that contrary to 'fseek', offsets are in bits, not bytes.
- * The 'whence' argument uses the same values and semantics: SEEK_SET,
- *
- * Fails if the new input position would be negative or past the end of input.
- *
- * Result: TT_UINT. The new input position.
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL(HParser*, h_seek, ssize_t offset, int whence);
-//TODO double check mapping for int
 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_seek
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jint offset, jint whence)
     RETURNWRAP(env, h_seek((ssize_t) offset, (int) whence));
- * Report the current position in bits. Consumes no input.
- *
- * Result: TT_UINT. The current input position.
- */
-//HAMMER_FN_DECL_NOARG(HParser*, h_tell);
 JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_upstandinghackers_hammer_Hammer_tell
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass class)