diff --git a/pdf.c b/pdf.c
index c824eba7deba8b3bd32eb57073b7d76ca959795c..c55c2cdbe6266be2128046e7c5df5bf34f4ba22f 100644
--- a/pdf.c
+++ b/pdf.c
@@ -1174,11 +1174,11 @@ act_rldstring(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
  * The counters are global across the document (but respect document structure,
  * e.g. parentheses in streams don't count, unless for some reason they're parsed with the lparen rule.)
- * The lparen, dopen, and array_begin validations make the parse fail if this nesting depth is exceeded.
+ * The sopen, dopen, and array_begin validations make the parse fail if this nesting depth is exceeded.
  * Because currently there are no diagnostic messages, this can probably result in unexpected parses.
  * validate_rparen, validate_array_end, and validate_dclose will make the parse fail if a respective closing token ( ')', ']', '>>' )
- * is encountered before an lparen, array_begin, or dopen (or there are more closing parentheses than opening ones.) This is not exactly
+ * is encountered before an sopen, array_begin, or dopen (or there are more closing parentheses than opening ones.) This is not exactly
  * the same as balanced parentheses: the order different types of parentheses appear in is not considered. Different brackets can be considered
  * independently because other H_RULEs already reject cases with interleaved opening/closing tokens such as "<< [ /Foo /Bar >> ]".
@@ -1186,14 +1186,14 @@ act_rldstring(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
-validate_lparen(HParseResult *p, void *u)
+validate_sopen(HParseResult *p, void *u)
 	struct Env *aux = (struct Env*) u;
 	return aux->paren_nest_depth < PAREN_MAX_NEST_DEPTH;
 HParsedToken *
-act_lparen(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
+act_sopen(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
 	struct Env *aux = (struct Env*) u;
 	aux->paren_nest_depth += 1;
@@ -1202,14 +1202,14 @@ act_lparen(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
-validate_rparen(HParseResult *p, void *u)
+validate_sclose(HParseResult *p, void *u)
 	struct Env *aux = (struct Env*) u;
 	return aux->paren_nest_depth > 0;
-act_rparen(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
+act_sclose(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
 	struct Env *aux = (struct Env*) u;
 	if(aux->paren_nest_depth > 0)
@@ -2491,8 +2491,8 @@ init_parser(struct Env *aux)
 	H_RULE(slash,	h_ch('/'));
 	H_RULE(hash,	h_ch('#'));
 	H_RULE(bslash,	h_ch('\\'));
-	H_AVDRULE(lparen,	h_ch('('), aux);
-	H_ADRULE(rparen,	h_ch(')'), aux);
+	H_RULE(lparen,	h_ch('('));
+	H_RULE(rparen,	h_ch(')'));
 	H_RULE(langle,	h_ch('<'));
 	H_RULE(rangle,	h_ch('>'));
 	H_RULE(lbrack,	h_ch('['));
@@ -2565,8 +2565,10 @@ init_parser(struct Env *aux)
 	H_RULE(sesc,	h_right(bslash, CHX(escape, octal, wrap, epsilon)));
 		/* NB: lone backslashes and escaped newlines are ignored */
 	H_ARULE(schars,	h_many(CHX(schar, snest, sesc, eol)));
-	H_RULE(snest_,	SEQ(lparen, schars, rparen));
-	H_RULE(litstr,	h_middle(lparen, schars, rparen));
+	H_AVDRULE(sopen, lparen, aux);
+	H_AVDRULE(sclose, rparen, aux);
+	H_RULE(snest_,	SEQ(sopen, schars, sclose));
+	H_RULE(litstr,	h_middle(sopen, schars, sclose));
 	H_RULE(hexstr,	h_middle(langle, MANY_WS(hdigit), rangle));
 	H_ARULE(string,	CHX(litstr, hexstr));
 	h_bind_indirect(snest, snest_);