diff --git a/pdf.c b/pdf.c
index 63863af7537a76c35b77a584d345dc6165f0578f..72b33ef24ec6e203af931b86c77aab94c9282404 100644
--- a/pdf.c
+++ b/pdf.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * pesco 2019
-#include <string.h>	/* strncmp() */
+#include <string.h>	/* strncmp(), memset() */
 #include <hammer/hammer.h>
 #include <hammer/glue.h>
@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ init_parser(struct Env *aux)
 #include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>	/* INT_MAX */
 #include <zlib.h>
 #include <err.h>
@@ -530,13 +531,104 @@ validate_xrstm(HParseResult *p, void *u)
 	    bytes_eq(v->bytes, "XRef"));
-struct Predictor {
+struct predictor {
+	/* parameters */
 	int num;	/* default: 1 (no prediction) */
 	int colors;	/* default: 1 */
 	int bpc;	/* bits per component; default: 8 */
 	int columns;	/* default: 1 */
+	int rowsz;	/* bytes per row = ceil(colors * bpc * columns / 8) */
+	/* state */
+	HSuspendedParser *sp;
+	uint8_t	(*predfun)(int, int, int);
+	uint8_t	*buf;		/* previous row of input */
+	uint8_t	 c;		/* byte 'c' (upper left) */
+	int	 x;		/* current position */
+depred_none(struct predictor *pred, uint8_t *inp, size_t sz)
+	return h_parse_chunk(pred->sp, inp, sz);
+uint8_t pp_none(int a, int b, int c)	{ return 0; }
+uint8_t pp_sub(int a, int b, int c)	{ return a; }
+uint8_t pp_up(int a, int b, int c)	{ return b; }
+uint8_t pp_avg(int a, int b, int c)	{ return (a + b) / 2; }
+#include <stdlib.h>	/* abs() */
+pp_paeth(int a, int b, int c)
+	int p	= a + b - c;
+	int pa	= abs(p - a);
+	int pb	= abs(p - b);
+	int pc	= abs(p - c);
+	if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) return a;
+	if (pb <= pc) return b;
+	return c;
+depred_png(struct predictor *pred, uint8_t *inp, size_t sz)
+	/* NB:
+	 * at this point, the specific value of pred->num no longer matters.
+	 * the PNG predictor tags each row with the function used for that row
+	 * and decoding always follows the tag.
+	 */
+	static uint8_t (*predfuns[])(int, int, int) =
+	    {pp_none, pp_sub, pp_up, pp_avg, pp_paeth};
+	bool done = false;
+	int bpp;
+	bpp = (pred->colors * pred->bpc + 7) / 8;	/* bytes per pixel */
+	assert (bpp > 0);
+	for (size_t i=0; i < sz && !done; i++) {
+		int x = pred->x;
+		int a = x<bpp ? 0 : pred->buf[x-bpp];	/* left */
+		int b = pred->buf[x];			/* up */
+		int c = pred->c;			/* up left */
+		if (pred->predfun == NULL) {	/* we are before a new row */
+			/* select predictor function */
+			if (inp[i] > 4) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "unknown PNG predictor %d\n",
+				    (int)inp[i]);
+				return -1;
+			}
+			pred->predfun = predfuns[inp[i]];
+			/* consume the tag */
+			if (++i == sz)
+				break;
+		}
+		/* undo the prediction and save the decoded value */
+		pred->buf[x] = inp[i] + pred->predfun(a, b, c);
+		/* advance to the right */
+		pred->c = b;
+		pred->x = ++x;
+		/* when row complete, pass it to parser and start a new row */
+		if (x == pred->rowsz) {
+			done = h_parse_chunk(pred->sp, pred->buf, pred->rowsz);
+			pred->c = pred->x = 0;
+			pred->predfun = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	return done;
 HParseResult *
 FlateDecode(HAllocator *mm__, HCountedArray *parms, HBytes b, HParser *p)
@@ -546,12 +638,13 @@ FlateDecode(HAllocator *mm__, HCountedArray *parms, HBytes b, HParser *p)
 	HParseResult *res;
 	const HParsedToken *v;
 	size_t sz;
-	bool done;
+	int done;
 	z_stream strm = {0};
 	int ret;
-	struct Predictor pred = {1, 1, 8, 1};
+	struct predictor pred = {1, 1, 8, 1};
+	int (*depredict)(struct predictor *, uint8_t *, size_t);
-	/* determine the predictor algorithm to use (if any) */
+	/* set up the predictor (if any) */
 	#define SETPARM(VAR,STR) do {					\
 		v = dictentry(parms, (STR));				\
 		if (v != NULL) {					\
@@ -559,26 +652,46 @@ FlateDecode(HAllocator *mm__, HCountedArray *parms, HBytes b, HParser *p)
 				return NULL;				\
 			VAR = v->sint;					\
 		} } while(0)
-	SETPARM(pred.num, "Predictor");
-	SETPARM(pred.colors, "Colors");
-	SETPARM(pred.bpc, "BitsPerComponent");
-	SETPARM(pred.columns, "Columns");
+	SETPARM(pred.num,	"Predictor");
+	SETPARM(pred.colors,	"Colors");
+	SETPARM(pred.bpc,	"BitsPerComponent");
+	SETPARM(pred.columns,	"Columns");
 	#undef SETPARM
-	if (pred.num != 1) {	// XXX
-		fprintf(stderr, "FlateDecode: /Predictor %d unimplemented\n",
-		    pred.num);
-		return NULL;
+	if (pred.num == 1)
+		depredict = depred_none;
+	else {
+		// XXX add TIFF predictor
+		if (pred.num >= 10 && pred.num <= 15)
+			depredict = depred_png;
+		else {
+			fprintf(stderr, "FlateDecode: /Predictor %d"
+			    " not supported\n", pred.num);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		/* allocate row buffer */
+		if (pred.columns > (INT_MAX - 7) / pred.colors / pred.bpc) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "FlateDecode: overflow\n");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		pred.rowsz = (pred.colors * pred.bpc * pred.columns + 7) / 8;
+		pred.buf = h_alloc(mm__, pred.rowsz);
+		memset(pred.buf, 0, pred.rowsz);
+	/* set up zlib */
 	// XXX pass our allocator to zlib
 	ret = inflateInit(&strm);
 	if (ret != Z_OK)
 		errx(1, "inflateInit: %s (%d)", strm.msg, ret);
 	buf = h_alloc(mm__, BUFSIZE);
+	/* initialize target parser */
 	sp = h_parse_start__m(mm__, p);
 	assert(sp != NULL);
+	pred.sp = sp;
-	done = false;
+	done = 0;
 	strm.avail_in = b.len;
 	strm.next_in = (unsigned char *)b.token;
 	do {
@@ -592,13 +705,17 @@ FlateDecode(HAllocator *mm__, HCountedArray *parms, HBytes b, HParser *p)
 		sz = BUFSIZE - strm.avail_out;
-		done = h_parse_chunk(sp, buf, sz);
-	} while (!done && ret == Z_OK);
+		done = depredict(&pred, buf, sz);
+	} while (done == 0 && ret == Z_OK);
 	res = h_parse_finish(sp);
 		// XXX always return NULL on error?
+	mm__->free(mm__, pred.buf);
 	mm__->free(mm__, buf);
+	if (done == -1)
+		return NULL;
 	return res;
@@ -646,13 +763,13 @@ parse_stream(HAllocator  *mm__, HCountedArray *d, HBytes b, HParser *p)
 HParsedToken *
 act_xrstm(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
-	HParsedToken *bytes, *dict, *result;
+	HParsedToken *xrefs, *dict, *result;
 	dict = H_INDEX_TOKEN(p->ast, 2, 0);
-	bytes = H_INDEX_TOKEN(p->ast, 2, 1);
+	xrefs = H_INDEX_TOKEN(p->ast, 2, 1);
 	result = H_MAKE_SEQN(2);
-	result->seq->elements[0] = bytes;
+	result->seq->elements[0] = xrefs;
 	result->seq->elements[1] = dict;
 	result->seq->used = 2;
 	return result;
@@ -926,10 +1043,6 @@ parse_xrefs(const char *input, size_t sz, size_t *nxrefs)
 		offset = (size_t)tok->sint;
-	// XXX debug
-	//fprintf(stderr, "%s: %zu xref sections parsed\n", infile, n);
-	//for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	//	h_pprintln(stderr, xrefs[i]);
 	*nxrefs = n;
@@ -970,6 +1083,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	/* parse all cross-reference sections and trailer dictionaries */
 	xrefs = parse_xrefs(input, sz, &nxrefs);
+	// XXX debug
+	//fprintf(stderr, "%s: %zu xref sections parsed\n", infile, nxrefs);
+	//for (size_t i = 0; i < nxrefs; i++)
+	//	h_pprintln(stderr, xrefs[i]);
 	(void)xrefs;	// shut up, gcc
 	/* run the main parser */