From 9196b5c2b80d606f09cde523b1931d6c9c921692 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Sven M. Hallberg" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 13:40:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] drop use of h_seek in parse_xrefs

Now that we are validating the offset ourselves, we no longer need
h_seek() to do our bounds checking. But add a defensive assert just
in case.
 pdf.c | 6 ++----
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pdf.c b/pdf.c
index 4e159a3..c1652fb 100644
--- a/pdf.c
+++ b/pdf.c
@@ -4986,10 +4986,8 @@ parse_xrefs(const uint8_t *input, size_t sz, size_t *nxrefs)
 	// XXX try formulating this loop as one parser using h_seek and h_bind
 	for (;;) {
-		//res = h_parse(p_xref, input + offset, sz - offset);
-		HParser *p = h_right(h_seek(offset * 8, SEEK_SET), p_xref);
-			// XXX ^ creating any number of parsers we never free
-		res = h_parse(p, input, sz);
+		assert(offset <= sz);
+		res = h_parse(p_xref, input + offset, sz - offset);
 		if (res == NULL || res->ast == NULL || H_INDEX_TOKEN(res->ast, 0) == NULL) {
 			log_message(5, "VIOLATION[5]: error parsing xref section at "
 			    "position %zu (%#zx)\n", offset, offset);