diff --git a/README b/README
index 90a1c5830f247cfe0e07143bf3b7c1958ede3834..7182866d58a128f7c44a39de75e7ca7cc70253c7 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,72 +1,75 @@
 Beginnings of a PDF parser in Hammer
- - Currently needs a custom Hammer branch. You'll need to build against this:
+ - Needs a recent Hammer build:
-   https://gitlab.special-circumstanc.es/pesco/hammer/tree/pdf
+   https://gitlab.special-circumstanc.es/hammer/hammer/
-   For detailed build instructions, see README.md in that repository.
- - Help the default Makefile find Hammer
-       $ ln -s ../hammer/src hammer         # needed for building pdf, include files
-       $ ln -s ../hammer/build/opt/src lib  # needed for running pdf, to locate libhammer.so
- - Notes for 2020-04-27 release:
-    The release branch has been tested to build with the 2020-04-27_RELEASE` branch located at https://gitlab.special-circumstanc.es/pesco/hammer/tree/2020-04-27_RELEASE
+   For detailed build/install instructions, see README.md in that repository.
  - Build environment:
-        pdf, if successfully extracting text, creates two output files per input file. These have the ".psectxt" and ".strtxt" extension with the file name of the input file. The compile-time variable KUDU_OUTDIR controls the default output folder.
-        If this variable is unset, the output files will be put in the "/tmp/" folder. To select another folder, add -DKUDU_OUTDIR="/path/to/output/folder" to CFLAGS in the Makefile.
+   pdf, if successfully extracting text, creates two output files per input
+   file. These have the ".psectxt" and ".strtxt" extension with the file name
+   of the input file. The compile-time variable KUDU_OUTDIR controls the
+   default output folder. If this variable is unset, the output files will be
+   put in the "/tmp/" folder. To select another folder, add
+   -DKUDU_OUTDIR="/path/to/output/folder" to CFLAGS.
  - Build:
-       $ pushd ../hammer; scons; popd       # build Hammer
-       $ make pdf
+       $ make
  - Usage:
-       $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib       # see Troubleshooting section below to see if this is needed
-       $ ldd ./pdf | grep libhammer         # verify that libhammer.so was found
        $ ./pdf <filename>
        # place some test files in the t/ directory...
        $ make test
-       # There are two optional parameters to specify strictness of the parser, and the lowest severity violation to output to stderr:
+   There are two optional parameters to specify strictness of the parser, and
+   the lowest severity violation to output to stderr:
        $ ./pdf <filename> 0 9
-       # At the time of writing, severity ratings of VIOL()s range between 1-9
-       # To silence (almost) all error messages, pass a number equal to or greater than 99999 as the fourth parameter:
+   At the time of writing, severity ratings of VIOL()s range between 1-9.
+   To silence (almost) all error messages, pass a number equal to or greater
+   than 99999 as the fourth parameter:
        $ ./pdf <filename> 0 99999
  - Troubleshooting:
-       libhammer.so not found:
+   - <hammer/hammer.h> or libhammer.so not found:
-           If Hammer is not installed as a system library, ld may fail to locate libhammer.so. The quick fix for this is altering LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running pdf:
+     If Hammer is not installed as a system library or in a nonstandard
+     location, cc and ld will fail to locate its headers and library. The
+     quick fix for this is to create symlinks called 'hammer' and 'lib'
+     pointing to Hammer's source and build output directories, respectively:
-           $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib
-           $ make test
+         $ ln -s ../hammer/src hammer
+         $ ln -s ../hammer/build/opt/src lib
+         $ make
-           The second solution is executing "scons install" when building Hammer, which will install it in ld's usual search path:
+     Likewise, when running 'pdf' directly, ld.so will fail to locate
+     libhammer.so. The quick fix is to point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the 'lib' dir:
-           $ pushd ../hammer; scons install; popd
-           # ... Update ldconfig cache if needed
-           $ make pdf
-           $ make test
+         $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/lib
+         $ ./pdf <filename>
  - Evaluating test results:
-   For every file in the t/ directory, the pdf parser is executed. On successful parse, a message of the following form is displayed:
+   For every file in the t/ directory, the pdf parser is executed. On
+   successful parse, a message of the following form is displayed:
-   OK: t/<filename>
+       OK: t/<filename>
-   In case of a non-fatal parse error, error messages may be displayed, but presence of the "OK" indicates pdf exited successfully. On a failed test run, only parse error messages are displayed.
+   In case of a non-fatal parse error, error messages may be displayed, but
+   presence of the "OK" indicates pdf exited successfully. On a failed test
+   run, only parse error messages are displayed.
  - Copyright:
    Various authors. Released under the terms of the ISC license.
    See LICENSE for full copyright and licensing notice.