From 10c123f31c9a70c05de7afd19d70d25e88ed5463 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pompolic <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 14:28:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Cleanup

 gdb-port/ | 20 --------------------
 1 file changed, 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gdb-port/ b/gdb-port/
index 52b3a4a..111458e 100644
--- a/gdb-port/
+++ b/gdb-port/
@@ -435,26 +435,6 @@ class TopLevelParse:
-#		for i in range(0, w):
-#			active_tokens_unsorted = [token for token in tokenmap_values if (token['start'] <= i and i <= token['end'])]
-#			# TODO: sorting this on each column seems like a lot of wasted effort
-#			active_tokens = sorted(active_tokens_unsorted, key=lambda token: token['start'])
-#			#print(tokenmap_values)
-#			#print("len(active_tokens): ", len(active_tokens), "i: ", i)
-#			#print(active_tokens)
-#			for j in range(0,len(active_tokens)):
-#				#print("j:", j, "j-1:", j-1)
-#				#print("token_start:", active_tokens[j-1]["start"], "token_end:", active_tokens[j-1]["end"])
-#				#print("i,j:", i, ",", j)
-#				charbuf[j][i] = 'X'
-					#try:
-					#	charbuf[j-1][i] = '_'
-					#except IndexError as ie:
-					#	print("len(charbuf):", len(charbuf), "j: ", j)
-					#	print("len(charbuf[0]):", len(charbuf[0]), "i: ", i)
-					#	print("end: ", end, "start+w", start+w)
-					#	print("w:", w, "h=rows:", h)
-					#	raise ie
 		charbufrows_token_debug = [ "".join(row) + "\n" + " ".join([hpr_strings[index], str(tokenmap_values_sorted[index])]) for index, row in enumerate(charbuf)]
 		charbufrows = ["".join(row) for row in charbuf]
 		#charbuf_final = "\n".join(charbufrows)