diff --git a/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py b/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
index 111458e8d047ec611185215fe089aae613f405b7..c0aa1ae6fe11b2a57fbe9b332883361ea9477459 100644
--- a/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
+++ b/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
@@ -401,47 +401,13 @@ class TopLevelParse:
 	# TODO: remove first printing loop
 	def print_input_chunk(self, token, rows, start, end):
 		#print("print_input_chunk(): start: ", start, "end: ", end)
-		#h = min(rows, len(token.children))
-		tokenmap_values = list(self.input_token_map.values())
-		#tokenmap_val_list = [token for token in list(self.input_token_map.values()) if (token['start'] <= start and token['start'] <= end)]
 		tokenmap_val_list = [dict(token, addr=hex(key)) for key, token in self.input_token_map.items() if (token['start'] >= start and token['start'] <= end)]
 		numrows = min(rows, len(tokenmap_val_list))
-		#row_lengths_for_columns = [len([token for token in list(tokenmap_values) if (token['start'] <= x and x >= token['end'])]) for x in range(start,end+1)]
-		#numrows = min(rows, max(row_lengths_for_columns))
-		#print("numrows: ", numrows)
 		h = numrows
 		w = end-start
 		if w == 0:
 			print("all tokens passed to display are zero-width")
-		charbuf = [[' '] * w for i in range(0,h)]
-		#print("h=len(charbuf):", len(charbuf), "w :", w)
-		tokenmap_values_sorted = sorted(tokenmap_val_list, key=lambda token: (token['start'], token['end']))
-		#print("len(tokenmap_values_sorted):", len(tokenmap_values_sorted), "rows:", numrows)
-		hpr_strings = []
-		for i in range(0, numrows):
-			try: # try-block for debugging
-				token_length = tokenmap_values_sorted[i]['end'] - tokenmap_values_sorted[i]['start'] # TODO: save tokenmap_values_sorted[i]
-				start_col = max(tokenmap_values_sorted[i]['start'] - start, 0)
-				end_col = min(tokenmap_values_sorted[i]['end'] - start, w-1)
-				charbuf[i][start_col:end_col] = ['X'] * min(token_length, w) #TODO: this appends to the row in question -- charbuf[0] is input[start]
-				hparseresult_addr = tokenmap_values_sorted[i]['hparseresult']
-			except IndexError as ie: #DEBUG
-				print(hpr_strings)
-				print(i)
-				print(ie)
-			try:
-				hpr = HParseResult(int(hparseresult_addr, 16))
-				hpr_strings.append(hpr.str_no_deref())
-			except:
-				hpr_strings.append("invalid")
-		charbufrows_token_debug = [ "".join(row) + "\n" + " ".join([hpr_strings[index], str(tokenmap_values_sorted[index])]) for index, row in enumerate(charbuf)]
-		charbufrows = ["".join(row) for row in charbuf]
-		#charbuf_final = "\n".join(charbufrows)
-		charbuf_final = "\n".join(charbufrows_token_debug)
-		#print(charbuf_final)
-		#print(hpr_strings)
-		#print(len(hpr_strings), len(charbuf), len(tokenmap_values_sorted))
 		# Print by getting a token, and recursively walking its children if applicable
 		charbuf = [[' '] * w for i in range(0,h)]
@@ -451,12 +417,10 @@ class TopLevelParse:
 		if not self.printing_tokens: # This ignores the passed-in token parameter if there are still tokens left to print
 			self.printing_tokens = [token]
 		while current_row < h and self.printing_tokens:
-			#print(self.printing_tokens)
 			token = self.printing_tokens[-1]
 			#token = self.printing_tokens.pop()
 			tokenmap_entry = self.input_token_map[int(token.address)]
 			if tokenmap_entry['start'] > end: # Next token won't fit on the screen
-				#print("Token start past chunk end, break, tokenmap_entry['start']:", tokenmap_entry['start'], "end:", end)
 			token_length = tokenmap_entry['end'] - tokenmap_entry['start'] # TODO: save tokenmap_values_sorted[i]