diff --git a/gdb-port/breakpoint-manager.py b/gdb-port/breakpoint-manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc4314f164f7431880615ddc0afc59799857e7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/breakpoint-manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+class BreakpointManager:
+	def __init__(self, h_rule_functions):
+		self.hammer_retq_breakpoints = []
+		self.h_rule_breakpoints = []
+		self.H_RULE_FUNCTIONS = h_rule_functions
+		self.h_do_parse = None
+		self.h_packrat_parse = None
+		self.perform_lowlevel_parse = None
+		self.h_arena_malloc_raw = None
+		self.init_parser_retq = None
+		self.parse_action = None
+		self.parse_choice = None
+		self.parse_sequence = None
+		self.parse_difference = None
+		self.parse_many = None
+		self.parse_and = None
+		self.parse_attr_bool = None
+		self.parse_bind = None
+		self.parse_bits = None
+		self.parse_butnot = None
+		self.parse_charset = None
+		self.parse_ch = None
+		self.parse_end = None
+		self.parse_endianness = None
+		self.parse_epsilon = None
+		self.parse_ignore = None
+		self.parse_ignoreseq = None
+		self.parse_indirect = None
+		self.parse_int_range = None
+		self.parse_not = None
+		self.parse_nothing = None
+		self.parse_optional = None
+		self.parse_permutation = None
+		self.parse_skip = None
+		self.parse_seek = None
+		self.parse_tell = None
+		self.parse_token = None
+		self.parse_unimplemented = None
+		self.parse_put = None
+		self.parse_get = None
+		self.parse_whitespace = None
+		self.parse_xor = None
+	def set_h_rule_breakpoints(self):
+		for func in self.H_RULE_FUNCTIONS:
+			func_retq = self.locate_retq(func)
+			self.h_rule_breakpoints.append(HRuleBreakpoint("*" + hex(func_retq)))
+	def set_hammer_retq_breakpoints(self):
+		plp_retq = self.locate_retq("perform_lowlevel_parse")
+		perform_lowlevel_parse_ret = PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint("*" + hex(plp_retq))
+		self.hammer_retq_breakpoints.append(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret)
+		hpp_retq = self.locate_retq("h_packrat_parse")
+		h_packrat_parse_ret = HPackratParseRetBreakpoint("*" + hex(hpp_retq))
+		self.hammer_retq_breakpoints.append(h_packrat_parse_ret)
+		return self.hammer_retq_breakpoints
+	def del_hammer_retq_breakpoints(self):
+		for bp in self.hammer_retq_breakpoints:
+			bp.delete()
+	# Helper functions for finding the return instructions of particular functions of interest
+	#TODO: rename "symbol" to "fn_name"
+	def locate_retqs(self, symbol):
+		arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
+		sym = gdb.lookup_symbol(symbol)[0]
+		sym_address = int(sym.value().address)
+		sym_block = sym.symtab.objfile.progspace.block_for_pc(sym_address)
+		instructions = arch.disassemble(sym_address, sym_block.end)
+		results = [ ins["addr"] for ins in instructions if ins["asm"].startswith("ret") ]
+		return results
+	def locate_retq(self, symbol):
+		results = self.locate_retqs(symbol)
+		return results[0]
+	def set_parser_virtual_breakpoints(self):
+		self.parse_action = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_action")
+		self.parse_choice = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_choice")
+		self.parse_sequence = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_sequence")
+		self.parse_difference = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_difference")
+		self.parse_many = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_many")
+		self.parse_and = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_and")
+		self.parse_attr_bool = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_attr_bool")
+		self.parse_bind = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_bind")
+		self.parse_bits = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_bits")
+		self.parse_butnot = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_butnot")
+		self.parse_charset = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_charset")
+		self.parse_ch = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ch")
+		self.parse_end = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_end")
+		self.parse_endianness = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_endianness")
+		self.parse_epsilon = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_epsilon")
+		self.parse_ignore = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ignore")
+		self.parse_ignoreseq = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ignoreseq")
+		self.parse_indirect = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_indirect")
+		self.parse_int_range = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_int_range")
+		self.parse_not = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_not")
+		self.parse_nothing = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_nothing")
+		self.parse_optional = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_optional")
+		self.parse_permutation = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_permutation")
+		self.parse_skip = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_skip")
+		self.parse_seek = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_seek")
+		self.parse_tell = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_tell")
+		self.parse_token = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_token")
+		self.parse_unimplemented = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_unimplemented")
+		self.parse_put = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_put")
+		self.parse_get = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_get")
+		self.parse_whitespace = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_whitespace")
+		self.parse_xor = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_xor")
+	def del_parser_virtual_breakpoints(self):
+		self.parse_action.delete()
+		self.parse_choice.delete()
+		self.parse_sequence.delete()
+		self.parse_difference.delete()
+		self.parse_many.delete()
+		self.parse_and.delete()
+		self.parse_attr_bool.delete()
+		self.parse_bind.delete()
+		self.parse_bits.delete()
+		self.parse_butnot.delete()
+		self.parse_charset.delete()
+		self.parse_ch.delete()
+		self.parse_end.delete()
+		self.parse_endianness.delete()
+		self.parse_epsilon.delete()
+		self.parse_ignore.delete()
+		self.parse_ignoreseq.delete()
+		self.parse_indirect.delete()
+		self.parse_int_range.delete()
+		self.parse_not.delete()
+		self.parse_nothing.delete()
+		self.parse_optional.delete()
+		self.parse_permutation.delete()
+		self.parse_skip.delete()
+		self.parse_seek.delete()
+		self.parse_tell.delete()
+		self.parse_token.delete()
+		self.parse_unimplemented.delete()
+		self.parse_put.delete()
+		self.parse_get.delete()
+		self.parse_whitespace.delete()
+		self.parse_xor.delete()
+	def set_init_parser_breakpoint(self):
+		i_p_retq = self.locate_retq("init_parser")
+		self.init_parser_retq = InitParserBreakpoint("*"+hex(i_p_retq))
+	def del_init_parser_breakpoint(self):
+		self.init_parser_retq.delete()
+	def set_hammer_breakpoints(self):
+		self.h_do_parse = HDoParseBreakpoint("h_do_parse")
+		self.h_packrat_parse = HPackratParseBreakpoint("h_packrat_parse")
+		self.perform_lowlevel_parse = PerformLowLevelParseBreakpoint("perform_lowlevel_parse")
+		self.h_arena_malloc_raw = HArenaMallocRawBreakpoint("h_arena_malloc_raw")
+	def del_hammer_breakpoints(self):
+		self.h_do_parse.delete()
+		self.h_packrat_parse.delete()
+		self.perform_lowlevel_parse.delete()
+		self.h_arena_malloc_raw.delete()
diff --git a/gdb-port/commands.py b/gdb-port/commands.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c78fd57be880fd58532a8d58f7ef31f877c761a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/commands.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+class HammerParserBacktrace(gdb.Command):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(HammerParserBacktrace, self).__init__ ("hammer-parser-backtrace", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+		parserstack = top_level_parse.peek_parserstack().p_stack
+		args = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+		if len(args) < 1:
+			maxsize = len(parserstack)
+		else:
+			try:
+				maxsize = int(args[0])
+				if maxsize < 1:
+					raise ValueError
+			except ValueError:
+				maxsize = len(parserstack)
+				print("Argument must be a positive integer")
+		print("[" + str(hex(top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser.address)) + "] " + top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser.name + " [current]") #TODO: GUI widget should reflect this
+		print(" ")
+		depth = min(len(parserstack), maxsize)
+		if depth > 0: # if stack not empty
+			# unsure what the idiomatic python is for handling negative indices starting with -1,
+			# but this addition is to avoid off-by-one errors
+			index = -(depth+1)
+			for p in parserstack[-1:index:-1]:
+				print("[" + str(hex(p.address)) + "] " + p.name) # TODO: errors in perform_lowlevel_parse, if p.name is None
+			if depth < len(parserstack):
+				print("[...]")
+class HammerParserMemUse(gdb.Command):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(HammerParserMemUse, self).__init__("hammer-parser-mem-use", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+		args = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+		if len(args) < 1:
+			print("Usage: hammer-parser-mem-use <address>")
+			return
+		parser_addr = args[0]
+		try:
+			parser_addr_int = int(parser_addr, 16)
+			parser_obj = top_level_parse.parser_by_address(parser_addr_int)
+			if parser_obj is not None:
+				print(parser_obj.bytes_used)
+		except ValueError:
+			print("Address needs to be a hexadecimal number")
+class HammerParserMemUseName(gdb.Command):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(HammerParserMemUseName, self).__init__("hammer-parser-mem-use-name", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+		args = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+		if len(args) < 1:
+			print("Usage: hammer-parser-mem-use-name <name>")
+			return
+		parser_name = args[0]
+		parser_objs = top_level_parse.parsers_by_name(parser_name)
+		if parser_objs is not None:
+			for p in parser_objs:
+				print((p.name, hex(p.address), p.bytes_used))
+class HammerParserTopSingleArenaMem(gdb.Command):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(HammerParserTopSingleArenaMem, self).__init__("hammer-parser-top-single-arena-mem", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+		args = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+		p = top_level_parse.get_parser_top_per_arena_mem()
+		print((p.name, hex(p.address), p.bytes_used))
+class HammerParserTopTotalArenaMem(gdb.Command):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(HammerParserTopTotalArenaMem, self).__init__("hammer-parser-top-total-arena-mem", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+		args = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+		p = top_level_parse.get_parser_top_total_arena_mem()
+		print((p.name, hex(p.address), p.bytes_used))
+		total_mem_use = p.get_arenasum()
+		print("Total: " + str(total_mem_use) + " bytes")
+# TODO: average memory use, per arena and total
+class HammerParserPreviewInput(gdb.Command):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(HammerParserPreviewInput, self).__init__("hammer-parser-preview-input", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+		args = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+		print(top_level_parse.input_chunk)
+class HammerParserAverageMem(gdb.Command):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(HammerParserAverageMem, self).__init__("hammer-parser-average-mem", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+		args = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+		mem = top_level_parse.get_avg_mem_use_per_arena()
+		print("Bytes used on average in each arena:")
+		print(mem)
+class HammerParserCurrentEnv(gdb.Command):
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(HammerParserCurrentEnv, self).__init__("hammer-parser-current-env", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+		p = top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser
+		p_env = top_level_parse.parser_decombinator.decompose_parser(p, top_level_parse) #TODO: parser -> env mapping function in top_level_parse
+		print(type(p_env).__name__ + " - " + str(p_env)) # TODO: consistency with GUI
diff --git a/gdb-port/hammer-breakpoints.py b/gdb-port/hammer-breakpoints.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2990bb4da70a2d7d95841a9e76a077a332b4eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/hammer-breakpoints.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+class HPackratParseBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
+		block = frame.block()
+		for val in block: # GDB, why did you take away [] for gdb.Block?
+			if val.name == 'parser':
+				parser = int(val.value(frame))
+		top_level_parse.enter_h_packrat_parse(parser)
+		return False
+class HPackratParseRetBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		top_level_parse.return_from_h_packrat_parse()
+		return False
+# TODO: frame.older() allows accessing the caller frame. decision logic about whether to call first_h_do_parse_after_packrat_parse()
+# could be moved here
+class HDoParseBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
+		block = frame.block()
+		retval = False
+		for val in block:
+			if val.name == 'parser':
+				parser = int(val.value(frame))
+			if val.name == 'state':
+				#TODO: rename these variables to make it clear they're pointers
+				state = int(val.value(frame))
+				state_obj = val.value(frame)
+				index = val.value(frame).dereference()['input_stream']['index']
+				input_ptr = val.value(frame).dereference()['input_stream']['input']
+				# If you want to printf debug the parse state
+				#print(val.value(frame).dereference())
+			if val.name == 'arena':
+				arena = int(val.value(frame))
+		top_level_parse.enter_h_do_parse(state, None, parser)
+		input_chunk = input_ptr + index
+		#print(input_chunk.string('ascii','backslashreplace',10))
+		if int(input_ptr) != 0: # XXX: checking gdb values for 0
+			top_level_parse.set_input_chunk(input_chunk.string('UTF-8','replace',32)) # XXX: breaks after a filter fails to execute
+		# Check if we need to stop after a number of steps
+		step_counter = gdb.convenience_variable("hammer_step_counter")
+		if step_counter is not None and step_counter > 0:
+			step_counter -= 1
+			if step_counter == 0:
+				gdb.set_convenience_variable("hammer_step_counter", None) # unset step counter
+				retval = True
+			else:
+				gdb.set_convenience_variable("hammer_step_counter", step_counter)
+		#else:
+			# retval remains False
+		# Check if we need to stop at a position
+		stop_pos = gdb.convenience_variable("hammer_stop_pos")
+		if stop_pos is not None and stop_pos <= index:
+			retval = True
+			gdb.set_convenience_variable("hammer_stop_pos", None)
+			print("Requested stop position: " + str(stop_pos) + " Stopped at: " + str(index))
+		#return False
+		return retval
+class PerformLowLevelParseBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
+		block = frame.block()
+		#retval = False
+		for val in block:
+			if val.name == 'parser':
+				parser = int(val.value(frame))
+		top_level_parse.enter_perform_lowlevel_parse(parser)
+		#return retval
+		return False
+class PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		top_level_parse.return_from_perform_lowlevel_parse()
+		return False
+class ParserVirtualBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
+		block = frame.block()
+		# function name is parse_*
+		# we extract the second part
+		# This is pretty much the same as naming it based on which parse_* function is called, so long as foo_vt contains parse_foo , and not e.g. parse_bar
+		parser_type = frame.function().name.split("_")[1]
+		parser_name = "(Unnamed " + parser_type + ")"
+		top_level_parse.parse_virtual(parser_name)
+		return False
+class HArenaMallocRawBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
+		block = frame.block()
+		for val in block:
+			if val.name == 'size':
+				alloc_size = int(val.value(frame))
+		top_level_parse.enter_h_arena_malloc_raw(alloc_size)
+		return False
+class HRuleBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
+		block = frame.block()
+		parser_type = gdb.lookup_type("HParser").pointer()
+		for p in block:
+			# GDB (Debian 10.1-2) with python 3.9 crashes when trying to compare these two, but doing this would filter out locals that aren't parsers
+			#if p.type == parser_type:
+			top_level_parse.parser_objs[int(p.value(frame))] = Parser(p.name, int(p.value(frame)))
diff --git a/gdb-port/parser-name-instrumentation-gdb.py b/gdb-port/parser-name-instrumentation-gdb.py
index fcfe6902db13b9447d88012d32cdbe35ef1f38fa..0eba78aefa289febd8babd3cf0a3f82dd83394ad 100644
--- a/gdb-port/parser-name-instrumentation-gdb.py
+++ b/gdb-port/parser-name-instrumentation-gdb.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 # TODO: The parameter given to h_do_parse is not shown in the backtrace, which is confusing
-# Tuples of symbol name, length in bytes
-H_RULE_FUNCTIONS = [ ("init_runlengthdecode_parser", 314), ("init_LZW_parser", 1221) ]
+# List of names of functions with H_RULEs declared, used by BreakpointManager
+H_RULE_FUNCTIONS = [ "init_runlengthdecode_parser", "init_LZW_parser" ]
 class Parser:
 	def __init__(self, name, address):
@@ -33,14 +33,15 @@ class Parser:
 	def get_mem_use(self, state=None):
 		if state is None:
-			return bytes_used
+			return self.bytes_used
-			return bytes_used.setdefault(state, 0)
+			return self.bytes_used.setdefault(state, 0)
 	def __str__(self):
 		return "(" + str(self.name) + ", " + hex(self.address) + ")"
 	# Return the highest per-arena allocation count
+	# TODO: disambiguate "parse state" and "arena", possibly tracking both
 	def get_arenamax(self):
 		res = 0
 		if self.bytes_used:
@@ -299,99 +300,6 @@ class TopLevelParse:
 top_level_parse = TopLevelParse()
 # Approach 1: load the application, set breakpoints, execute stack commands on breakpoint hit, continue
-class HPackratParseBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
-	def stop(self):
-		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
-		block = frame.block()
-		for val in block: # GDB, why did you take away [] for gdb.Block?
-			if val.name == 'parser':
-				parser = int(val.value(frame))
-		top_level_parse.enter_h_packrat_parse(parser)
-		return False
-class HPackratParseRetBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
-	def stop(self):
-		top_level_parse.return_from_h_packrat_parse()
-		return False
-# TODO: frame.older() allows accessing the caller frame. decision logic about whether to call first_h_do_parse_after_packrat_parse()
-# could be moved here
-class HDoParseBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
-	def stop(self):
-		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
-		block = frame.block()
-		retval = False
-		for val in block:
-			if val.name == 'parser':
-				parser = int(val.value(frame))
-			if val.name == 'state':
-				#TODO: rename these variables to make it clear they're pointers
-				state = int(val.value(frame))
-				state_obj = val.value(frame)
-				index = val.value(frame).dereference()['input_stream']['index']
-				input_ptr = val.value(frame).dereference()['input_stream']['input']
-				# If you want to printf debug the parse state
-				#print(val.value(frame).dereference())
-			if val.name == 'arena':
-				arena = int(val.value(frame))
-		top_level_parse.enter_h_do_parse(state, None, parser)
-		input_chunk = input_ptr + index
-		#print(input_chunk.string('ascii','backslashreplace',10))
-		if int(input_ptr) != 0: # XXX: checking gdb values for 0
-			top_level_parse.set_input_chunk(input_chunk.string('UTF-8','replace',32)) # XXX: breaks after a filter fails to execute
-		# Check if we need to stop after a number of steps
-		step_counter = gdb.convenience_variable("hammer_step_counter")
-		if step_counter is not None and step_counter > 0:
-			step_counter -= 1
-			if step_counter == 0:
-				gdb.set_convenience_variable("hammer_step_counter", None) # unset step counter
-				retval = True
-			else:
-				gdb.set_convenience_variable("hammer_step_counter", step_counter)
-		#else:
-			# retval remains False
-		# Check if we need to stop at a position
-		stop_pos = gdb.convenience_variable("hammer_stop_pos")
-		if stop_pos is not None and stop_pos <= index:
-			retval = True
-			gdb.set_convenience_variable("hammer_stop_pos", None)
-			print("Requested stop position: " + str(stop_pos) + " Stopped at: " + str(index))
-		#return False
-		return retval
-class PerformLowLevelParseBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
-	def stop(self):
-		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
-		block = frame.block()
-		#retval = False
-		for val in block:
-			if val.name == 'parser':
-				parser = int(val.value(frame))
-		top_level_parse.enter_perform_lowlevel_parse(parser)
-		#return retval
-		return False
-class PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
-	def stop(self):
-		top_level_parse.return_from_perform_lowlevel_parse()
-		return False
-class ParserVirtualBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
-	def stop(self):
-		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
-		block = frame.block()
-		# function name is parse_*
-		# we extract the second part
-		# This is pretty much the same as naming it based on which parse_* function is called, so long as foo_vt contains parse_foo , and not e.g. parse_bar
-		parser_type = frame.function().name.split("_")[1]
-		parser_name = "(Unnamed " + parser_type + ")"
-		top_level_parse.parse_virtual(parser_name)
-		return False
 class InitParserBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
 	def stop(self):
 		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
@@ -406,13 +314,14 @@ class InitParserBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
 		return False
-class HRuleBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
-	def stop(self):
-		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
-		block = frame.block()
-		for p in block:
-			top_level_parse.parser_objs[int(p.value(frame))] = Parser(p.name, int(p.value(frame)))
+# TODO: refactored to breakpoint-manager.py , remove
+#class HRuleBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+#	def stop(self):
+#		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
+#		block = frame.block()
+#		for p in block:
+#			top_level_parse.parser_objs[int(p.value(frame))] = Parser(p.name, int(p.value(frame)))
 class HArenaMallocRawBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
 	def stop(self):
@@ -429,72 +338,63 @@ class HArenaMallocRawBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
 hammer_retq_breakpoints = []
-class BreakpointManager():
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.hammer_retq_breakpoints = []
-		self.h_rule_breakpoints = []
-		self.h_do_parse = None
-		self.h_packrat_parse = None
-		self.perform_lowlevel_parse = None
-		self.h_arena_malloc_raw = None
-		self.parse_action = None
-		self.parse_choice = None
-		self.parse_sequence = None
-		self.parse_difference = None
-		self.parse_many = None
-		self.parse_and = None
-		self.parse_attr_bool = None
-		self.parse_bind = None
-		self.parse_bits = None
-		self.parse_butnot = None
-		self.parse_charset = None
-		self.parse_ch = None
-		self.parse_end = None
-		self.parse_endianness = None
-		self.parse_epsilon = None
-		self.parse_ignore = None
-		self.parse_ignoreseq = None
-		self.parse_indirect = None
-		self.parse_int_range = None
-		self.parse_not = None
-		self.parse_nothing = None
-		self.parse_optional = None
-		self.parse_permutation = None
-		self.parse_skip = None
-		self.parse_seek = None
-		self.parse_tell = None
-		self.parse_token = None
-		self.parse_unimplemented = None
-		self.parse_put = None
-		self.parse_get = None
-		self.parse_whitespace = None
-		self.parse_xor = None
-	def set_h_rule_breakpoints(self):
-		for func in H_RULE_FUNCTIONS:
-			func_retq = locate_retq(func[0], func[1])
-			self.h_rule_breakpoints[func] = HRuleBreakpoint("*" + hex(func_retq))
-breakpoint_manager = BreakpointManager()
+#class BreakpointManager():
+#	def __init__(self, h_rule_functions):
+#		self.hammer_retq_breakpoints = []
+#		self.h_rule_breakpoints = []
+#		self.h_do_parse = None
+#		self.h_packrat_parse = None
+#		self.perform_lowlevel_parse = None
+#		self.h_arena_malloc_raw = None
+#		self.parse_action = None
+#		self.parse_choice = None
+#		self.parse_sequence = None
+#		self.parse_difference = None
+#		self.parse_many = None
+#		self.parse_and = None
+#		self.parse_attr_bool = None
+#		self.parse_bind = None
+#		self.parse_bits = None
+#		self.parse_butnot = None
+#		self.parse_charset = None
+#		self.parse_ch = None
+#		self.parse_end = None
+#		self.parse_endianness = None
+#		self.parse_epsilon = None
+#		self.parse_ignore = None
+#		self.parse_ignoreseq = None
+#		self.parse_indirect = None
+#		self.parse_int_range = None
+#		self.parse_not = None
+#		self.parse_nothing = None
+#		self.parse_optional = None
+#		self.parse_permutation = None
+#		self.parse_skip = None
+#		self.parse_seek = None
+#		self.parse_tell = None
+#		self.parse_token = None
+#		self.parse_unimplemented = None
+#		self.parse_put = None
+#		self.parse_get = None
+#		self.parse_whitespace = None
+#		self.parse_xor = None
+#	def set_h_rule_breakpoints(self):
+#		for func in H_RULE_FUNCTIONS:
+#			func_retq = locate_retq(func[0], func[1])
+#			self.h_rule_breakpoints[func] = HRuleBreakpoint("*" + hex(func_retq))
+breakpoint_manager = BreakpointManager(H_RULE_FUNCTIONS)
 class PDFMainBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
 	def stop(self):
-		breakpoints = self.set_hammer_retq_breakpoints()
-		breakpoint_manager.hammer_retq_breakpoints = breakpoints
+		breakpoints = breakpoint_manager.set_hammer_retq_breakpoints()
+		#breakpoint_manager.hammer_retq_breakpoints = breakpoints
 		return True
-	def set_hammer_retq_breakpoints(self):
-		breakpoints = []
-		plp_retq = locate_perform_lowlevel_parse_retq()
-		perform_lowlevel_parse_ret = PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint("*" + hex(plp_retq))
-		breakpoints.append(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret)
-		hpp_retq = locate_h_packrat_parse_retq()
-		h_packrat_parse_ret = HPackratParseRetBreakpoint("*" + hex(hpp_retq))
-		breakpoints.append(h_packrat_parse_ret)
-		return breakpoints
 # GDB parameters
 # TODO: hammer parameter prefix
@@ -647,63 +547,16 @@ class HammerParserCurrentEnv(gdb.Command):
-#TODO: move all this to BreakpointManager?
-# Call when execution stopped at breakpoint in main
-def locate_perform_lowlevel_parse_retq():
-	arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
-	p_l_p_sym = gdb.lookup_symbol("perform_lowlevel_parse")[0]
-	p_l_p_address = int(p_l_p_sym.value().address)
-	# The choice of disassembling only 800 instructions from the start is arbitrary. (This function is 310 bytes long on this particular machine.) There is probably a way to find out where a function ends.
-	instructions = arch.disassemble(p_l_p_address, p_l_p_address+800)
-	results = [ ins["addr"] for ins in instructions if ins["asm"].startswith("ret") ]
-	return results[0]
-def locate_h_packrat_parse_retq():
-	arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
-	h_p_p_sym = gdb.lookup_symbol("h_packrat_parse")[0]
-	h_p_p_address = int(h_p_p_sym.value().address)
-	# Same as with perform_lowlevel_parse, +900 is arbitrary
-	instructions = arch.disassemble(h_p_p_address, h_p_p_address+900)
-	results = [ ins["addr"] for ins in instructions if ins["asm"].startswith("ret") ]
-	return results[0]
-def locate_init_parser_retq():
-	arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
-	i_p_sym = gdb.lookup_symbol("init_parser")[0]
-	i_p_address = int(i_p_sym.value().address)
-	# Same as with perform_lowlevel_parse, +16000 is arbitrary
-	instructions = arch.disassemble(i_p_address, i_p_address+16000)
-	results = [ ins["addr"] for ins in instructions if ins["asm"].startswith("ret") ]
-	return results[0]
-def locate_retqs(symbol, length):
-	arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
-	sym = gdb.lookup_symbol(symbol)[0]
-	sym_address = int(sym.value().address)
-	instructions = arch.disassemble(sym_address, sym_address+length)
-	results = [ ins["addr"] for ins in instructions if ins["asm"].startswith("ret") ]
-	return results
-def locate_retq(symbol, length):
-	results = locate_retqs(symbol, length)
-	return results[0]
-def del_hammer_retq_breakpoints(breakpoints):
-	for bp in breakpoints:
-		bp.delete()
 # Clean up by-address breakpoints in hammer when inferior exits.
 # Caveat: Assumes there's a single inferior, the debugged parser, so no checking is done
 # TODO: where to store breakpoints? TopLevelParse? A BreakpointManager class?i
 def exit_handler(event):
 	#breakpoints = [ perform_lowlevel_parse_ret, h_packrat_parse_ret ]
-	del_hammer_retq_breakpoints(breakpoint_manager.hammer_retq_breakpoints)
+	breakpoint_manager.del_hammer_retq_breakpoints()
-#TODO: regex match retq, ret, etc
 # Break on main so that libhammer.so gets to load
 main = PDFMainBreakpoint("main")
@@ -711,44 +564,47 @@ main = PDFMainBreakpoint("main")
 #init_parser = InitParserBreakpoint("pdf.c:1223")
-h_do_parse = HDoParseBreakpoint("h_do_parse")
-h_packrat_parse = HPackratParseBreakpoint("h_packrat_parse")
-perform_lowlevel_parse = PerformLowLevelParseBreakpoint("perform_lowlevel_parse")
-h_arena_malloc_raw = HArenaMallocRawBreakpoint("h_arena_malloc_raw")
-# todo: investigate GDB frame filters for rendering backtraces
-parse_action = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_action")
-parse_choice = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_choice")
-parse_sequence = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_sequence")
-parse_difference = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_difference")
-parse_many = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_many")
-parse_and = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_and")
-parse_attr_bool = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_attr_bool")
-parse_bind = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_bind")
-parse_bits = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_bits")
-parse_butnot = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_butnot")
-parse_charset = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_charset")
-parse_ch = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ch")
-parse_end = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_end")
-parse_endianness = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_endianness")
-parse_epsilon = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_epsilon")
-parse_ignore = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ignore")
-parse_ignoreseq = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ignoreseq")
-parse_indirect = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_indirect")
-parse_int_range = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_int_range")
-parse_not = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_not")
-parse_nothing = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_nothing")
-parse_optional = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_optional")
-parse_permutation = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_permutation")
-parse_skip = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_skip")
-parse_seek = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_seek")
-parse_tell = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_tell")
-parse_token = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_token")
-parse_unimplemented = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_unimplemented")
-parse_put = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_put")
-parse_get = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_get")
-parse_whitespace = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_whitespace")
-parse_xor = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_xor")
+#h_do_parse = HDoParseBreakpoint("h_do_parse")
+#h_packrat_parse = HPackratParseBreakpoint("h_packrat_parse")
+#perform_lowlevel_parse = PerformLowLevelParseBreakpoint("perform_lowlevel_parse")
+#h_arena_malloc_raw = HArenaMallocRawBreakpoint("h_arena_malloc_raw")
+# TODO: investigate GDB frame filters for rendering backtraces
+#parse_action = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_action")
+#parse_choice = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_choice")
+#parse_sequence = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_sequence")
+#parse_difference = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_difference")
+#parse_many = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_many")
+#parse_and = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_and")
+#parse_attr_bool = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_attr_bool")
+#parse_bind = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_bind")
+#parse_bits = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_bits")
+#parse_butnot = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_butnot")
+#parse_charset = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_charset")
+#parse_ch = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ch")
+#parse_end = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_end")
+#parse_endianness = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_endianness")
+#parse_epsilon = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_epsilon")
+#parse_ignore = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ignore")
+#parse_ignoreseq = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_ignoreseq")
+#parse_indirect = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_indirect")
+#parse_int_range = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_int_range")
+#parse_not = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_not")
+#parse_nothing = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_nothing")
+#parse_optional = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_optional")
+#parse_permutation = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_permutation")
+#parse_skip = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_skip")
+#parse_seek = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_seek")
+#parse_tell = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_tell")
+#parse_token = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_token")
+#parse_unimplemented = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_unimplemented")
+#parse_put = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_put")
+#parse_get = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_get")
+#parse_whitespace = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_whitespace")
+#parse_xor = ParserVirtualBreakpoint("parse_xor")
 # Commandline:
 # $ gdb -ex "source /path/to/parser-name-instrumentation-gdb.py" --args /path/to/pdf /path/to/input.pdf
@@ -760,15 +616,20 @@ gdb.execute("run")
 #perform_lowlevel_parse_ret = PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint("*" + hex(plp_retq))
 #hpp_retq = locate_h_packrat_parse_retq()
 #h_packrat_parse_ret = HPackratParseRetBreakpoint("*" + hex(hpp_retq))
-i_p_retq = locate_init_parser_retq()
-init_parser = InitParserBreakpoint("*" + hex(i_p_retq))
+#i_p_retq = breakpoint_manager.locate_retq("init_parser")
+#init_parser = InitParserBreakpoint("*" + hex(i_p_retq))
 #hammer_retq_breakpoints = [perform_lowlevel_parse_ret, h_packrat_parse_ret]
-h_rule_breakpoints = {}
+#h_rule_breakpoints = {}
+#for func in H_RULE_FUNCTIONS:
+#	func_retq = locate_retq(func[0], func[1])
+#	h_rule_breakpoints[func] = HRuleBreakpoint("*" + hex(func_retq))
-for func in H_RULE_FUNCTIONS:
-	func_retq = locate_retq(func[0], func[1])
-	h_rule_breakpoints[func] = HRuleBreakpoint("*" + hex(func_retq))
 # TODO: the RET breakpoints in hammer break when "run" is executed again. figure out a way to automatically replace these
diff --git a/gdb-port/parser.py b/gdb-port/parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb07193f9cdff510b5d4738b9bc784db26184255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+class Parser:
+	def __init__(self, name, address):
+		self.name = name
+		self.address = address
+		self.bytes_used = {}
+	def name_parser(self, name):
+		self.name = name
+	# TODO: remove
+	def get_name_or_placeholder(self):
+		if self.name is None:
+			return "Wait for it... (if you're reading this, you found a bug)"
+		else:
+			return self.name
+	def add_mem_use(self, state, size):
+		if self.bytes_used.setdefault(state, None) is None:
+			self.bytes_used[state] = size
+		else:
+			self.bytes_used[state] += size
+	def get_mem_use(self, state=None):
+		if state is None:
+			return self.bytes_used
+		else:
+			return self.bytes_used.setdefault(state, 0)
+	def __str__(self):
+		return "(" + str(self.name) + ", " + hex(self.address) + ")"
+	# Return the highest per-arena allocation count
+	# TODO: disambiguate "parse state" and "arena", possibly tracking both
+	def get_arenamax(self):
+		res = 0
+		if self.bytes_used:
+			res = max(self.bytes_used.values())
+		return res
+	def get_arenasum(self):
+		res = 0
+		if self.bytes_used:
+			res = sum(self.bytes_used.values())
+		return res
+class ParserStack:
+	def __init__(self, parse_state, arena):
+		self.parse_state = parse_state
+		self.arena = arena
+		self.p_stack = []
+		self.unclaimed_mem_use = 0
+	def push(self, parser):
+		self.p_stack.append(parser)
+	def pop(self):
+		return self.p_stack.pop()
+	def peek(self):
+		try:
+			retval = self.p_stack[-1]
+		except IndexError:
+			retval = None
+		return retval
+	def set_state(self, state):
+		self.parse_state = state
+	# Shortcut for setting the name property of the parser on the top of stack
+	# In terms of tracing, *most* calls to a parser look something like this with the packrat backend:
+	# h_do_parse()
+	#	parse_foo()
+	#		perform_lowlevel_parse()
+	# perform_lowlevel_parse() is called when the memo table at that position is not filled in yet.
+	# it calls the corresponding parse_* virtual function via the vtable, but other than that does not have type information
+	# it's probably possible to extract type information, by comparing vtable addresses, but that seems painful
+	# parse_foo() is the parser's corresponding virtual function in the frontend, which does not have the equivalent of a "this" pointer
+	# So what we do to keep track of parsers is incrementally filling in the details for both
+	# h_do_parse() is the backend's "actually run the parser" function, but does not get called for some parsers
+	# (apparently mostly it's for higher-order parsers)
+	# also contains the decision logic about whether to call perform_lowlevel_parse()
+	# possible scenarios:
+	# h_do_parse()
+	#	perform_lowlevel_parse()
+	#		parse_foo()
+	# h_do_parse()
+	#	perform_lowlevel_parse()
+	# h_do_parse()
+	def name_top_parser(self, name):
+		self.p_stack[-1].name_parser(name)
+	def add_mem_use_each(self, size):
+		for p in self.p_stack:
+			p.bytes_used += size
+	def add_mem_use_top(self, size):
+		self.p_stack[-1].bytes_used += size
+	def show_stack(self):
+		print("stack would be printed here. Depth:", len(self.p_stack))
+		#print([(p.get_name_or_placeholder(), hex(p.address)) for p in self.p_stack])
+	def depth(self):
+		return len(self.p_stack)
diff --git a/gdb-port/pdf-breakpoints.py b/gdb-port/pdf-breakpoints.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b20a4307f5b905c6575356bd0f0b72b625fbe940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/pdf-breakpoints.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+class InitParserBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		frame = gdb.selected_frame()
+		block = frame.block()
+		top_level_parse.init_parser()
+		# This will also catch locals that aren't parsers, but it's not a problem in practice,
+		# since h_parse() will never be called on them
+		# If it becomes a problem after all, gdb.parse_and_eval() might be used to filter them out
+		for p in block:
+			top_level_parse.parser_objs[int(p.value(frame))] = Parser(p.name, int(p.value(frame)))
+		return False
+class PDFMainBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
+	def stop(self):
+		breakpoints = breakpoint_manager.set_hammer_retq_breakpoints()
+		#breakpoint_manager.hammer_retq_breakpoints = breakpoints
+		return True
+	def set_hammer_retq_breakpoints(self):
+		breakpoints = []
+		plp_retq = locate_perform_lowlevel_parse_retq()
+		perform_lowlevel_parse_ret = PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint("*" + hex(plp_retq))
+		breakpoints.append(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret)
+		hpp_retq = locate_h_packrat_parse_retq()
+		h_packrat_parse_ret = HPackratParseRetBreakpoint("*" + hex(hpp_retq))
+		breakpoints.append(h_packrat_parse_ret)
+		return breakpoints
diff --git a/gdb-port/tests/run_unittest_main_noexit.py b/gdb-port/tests/run_unittest_main_noexit.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..decab90a023e4f8078aa262cc743f66ad39382f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/tests/run_unittest_main_noexit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import unittest
diff --git a/gdb-port/tests/unit/breakpoint-manager.py b/gdb-port/tests/unit/breakpoint-manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..446de0bf29aaafaf67972e16b28c132b03e2d56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/tests/unit/breakpoint-manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import unittest
+import unittest.mock
+class BreakpointManagerCreated(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		test_breakpoints = [ "init_runlengthdecode_parser", "init_LZW_parser" ]
+		self.bpm = BreakpointManager(test_breakpoints)
+		self.arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
+	def test_locate_retqs(self):
+		retqs = self.bpm.locate_retqs("init_runlengthdecode_parser")
+		addr = retqs[0]
+		instr = self.arch.disassemble(addr, addr+8, 1)[0]
+		self.assertTrue(instr['asm'].startswith("ret"))
+	def test_locate_retq(self):
+		retq = self.bpm.locate_retq("init_runlengthdecode_parser")
+		instr = self.arch.disassemble(retq, retq+8, 1)[0]
+		self.assertTrue(instr['asm'].startswith("ret"))
+class BreakpointManagerSettingBreakpoints(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		#TODO: make these tests independent of the pdf parser
+		test_breakpoints = [ "init_runlengthdecode_parser", "init_LZW_parser" ]
+		# "constants" like rld_retq below could be moved to setUpClass (possibly better performance)
+		self.bpm = BreakpointManager(test_breakpoints)
+		self.arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
+		self.rld_retq = self.bpm.locate_retq(test_breakpoints[0])
+		self.lzw_retq = self.bpm.locate_retq(test_breakpoints[1])
+		self.hrbp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch('__main__.HRuleBreakpoint')
+		self.hrbp_mock_object = self.hrbp_patcher.start()
+		self.plprbp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch('__main__.PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint')
+		self.plprbp_mock_object = self.plprbp_patcher.start()
+		self.hpprbp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch('__main__.HPackratParseRetBreakpoint')
+		self.hpprbp_mock_object = self.hpprbp_patcher.start()
+	def tearDown(self):
+		self.hpprbp_patcher.stop()
+		self.plprbp_patcher.stop()
+		self.hrbp_patcher.stop()
+# TODO: mock breakpoints, assert on arguments to constructor
+	def test_set_h_rule_breakpoints(self):
+		self.bpm.set_h_rule_breakpoints()
+		self.assertTrue(self.hrbp_mock_object.call_count == 2)
+		#bps_valid = [ bp.is_valid() for bp in self.bpm.h_rule_breakpoints]
+		# Assert that we have as many breakpoints as h_rule_function and is_valid() returns true for all of them
+		#self.assertEqual(bps_valid, len(self.bpm.H_RULE_FUNCTIONS) * [True])
+		# Cleanup
+		#for bp in self.bpm.h_rule_breakpoints:
+		#	bp.delete()
+	def test_set_hammer_retq_breakpoints(self):
+		self.bpm.set_hammer_retq_breakpoints()
+		self.assertTrue(self.plprbp_mock_object.called)
+		self.assertTrue(self.hpprbp_mock_object.called)
+		#bps_valid = [ bp.is_valid() for bp in self.bpm.hammer_retq_breakpoints]
+		#self.assertEqual(bps_valid, 2 * [True])
+		#Cleanup
+		#for bp in self.bpm.hammer_retq_breakpoints:
+		#	bp.delete()
+	def test_del_hammer_retq_breakpoints(self):
+		self.bpm.set_hammer_retq_breakpoints()
+		bps = self.bpm.hammer_retq_breakpoints
+		self.bpm.del_hammer_retq_breakpoints()
+		for bp in bps:
+			self.assertTrue(bp.delete.called)
+		#self.assertTrue(self.plprbp_mock_object.delete.called)
+		#self.assertTrue(self.hpprbp_mock_object.delete.called)
+		#bps_valid = [ bp.is_valid() for bp in bps]
+		#self.assertEqual(bps_valid, 2 * [False])
+	# TODO
+	#def tearDown(self):
+		#self.bpm.delete
+#TODO: tests for PDFMainBreakpoint
diff --git a/gdb-port/tests/unit/breakpoints_hammer.py b/gdb-port/tests/unit/breakpoints_hammer.py
index 6d51f9d869f8d1239d88f9f4acc5996be4bf1a1e..08d20df143cc9d83bf9901a6c2ee5fe29c946f03 100644
--- a/gdb-port/tests/unit/breakpoints_hammer.py
+++ b/gdb-port/tests/unit/breakpoints_hammer.py
@@ -1,26 +1,39 @@
 import unittest
+import unittest.mock
+#class PerformLowlevelParseRetBreakpointCreated(unittest.TestCase):
+#	def test_breakpoint_is_at_ret(self):
+#		breakpoint_loc = int(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret.location.lstrip("*"), 16)
+#		arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
+#		disassembled_ins = arch.disassemble(breakpoint_loc)
+#		ins = disassembled_ins[0]['asm'].split(" ")[0]
-class PerformLowlevelParseRetBreakpointCreated(unittest.TestCase):
-	def test_breakpoint_is_at_ret(self):
-		breakpoint_loc = int(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret.location.lstrip("*"), 16)
-		arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
-		disassembled_ins = arch.disassemble(breakpoint_loc)
-		ins = disassembled_ins[0]['asm'].split(" ")[0]
+#		self.assertIn(ins, ["ret", "retq"])
-		self.assertIn(ins, ["ret", "retq"])
+#	def test_not_pending(self):
+#		self.assertFalse(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret.pending)
-	def test_not_pending(self):
-		self.assertFalse(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret.pending)
+class PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpointStop(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.patcher = unittest.mock.patch('__main__.top_level_parse')
+		self.mock_class = self.patcher.start()
+		self.plbp = PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint("main")
-class HPackratParseRetBreakpointCreated(unittest.TestCase):
-	def test_breakpoint_is_at_ret(self):
-		breakpoint_loc = int(h_packrat_parse_ret.location.lstrip("*"), 16)
-		arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
-		disassembled_ins = arch.disassemble(breakpoint_loc)
-		ins = disassembled_ins[0]['asm'].split(" ")[0]
+	def tearDown(self):
+		self.patcher.stop() #TODO: make sure we unpatch even if exceptions
-		self.assertIn(ins, ["ret", "retq"])
+	def test_stop(self):
+		self.plbp.stop()
+		self.assertTrue(self.mock_class.return_from_perform_lowlevel_parse.called)
-	def test_not_pending(self):
-		self.assertFalse(h_packrat_parse_ret.pending)
+#class HPackratParseRetBreakpointCreated(unittest.TestCase):
+#	def test_breakpoint_is_at_ret(self):
+#		breakpoint_loc = int(h_packrat_parse_ret.location.lstrip("*"), 16)
+#		arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
+#		disassembled_ins = arch.disassemble(breakpoint_loc)
+#		ins = disassembled_ins[0]['asm'].split(" ")[0]
+#		self.assertIn(ins, ["ret", "retq"])
+#	def test_not_pending(self):
+#		self.assertFalse(h_packrat_parse_ret.pending)
diff --git a/gdb-port/tests/unit/hammer-breakpoints.py b/gdb-port/tests/unit/hammer-breakpoints.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c9604945935d35efd46f7c123a2601ee354b547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/tests/unit/hammer-breakpoints.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import unittest
+import unittest.mock
+class HPackratParseBreakpointStop(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.tlp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch('__main__.top_level_parse')
+		self.tlp_mock_class = self.tlp_patcher.start()
+		self.bp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch.object(HPackratParseBreakpoint, '__init__', return_value=None )
+		self.bp_mock_class = self.bp_patcher.start()
+		self.hppbp = HPackratParseBreakpoint('main')
+	def tearDown(self):
+		self.bp_patcher.stop()
+		self.tlp_patcher.stop()
+	def test_stop(self):
+		self.hppbp.stop()
+		self.assertTrue(self.tlp_mock_class.enter_h_packrat_parse.called)
+#TODO: move to BreakpointManager, mock out breakpoint
+#class PerformLowlevelParseRetBreakpointCreated(unittest.TestCase):
+#	def test_breakpoint_is_at_ret(self):
+#		breakpoint_loc = int(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret.location.lstrip("*"), 16)
+#		arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
+#		disassembled_ins = arch.disassemble(breakpoint_loc)
+#		ins = disassembled_ins[0]['asm'].split(" ")[0]
+#		self.assertIn(ins, ["ret", "retq"])
+#	def test_not_pending(self):
+#		self.assertFalse(perform_lowlevel_parse_ret.pending)
+class PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpointStop(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.tlp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch('__main__.top_level_parse')
+		self.tlp_mock_class = self.tlp_patcher.start()
+		self.bp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch.object(PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint, '__init__', return_value=None )
+		self.bp_mock_class = self.bp_patcher.start()
+		self.plrbp = PerformLowLevelParseRetBreakpoint("main")
+	def tearDown(self):
+		self.bp_patcher.stop()
+		self.tlp_patcher.stop() #TODO: make sure we unpatch even if exceptions
+	def test_stop(self):
+		self.plrbp.stop()
+		self.assertTrue(self.tlp_mock_class.return_from_perform_lowlevel_parse.called)
+#class HPackratParseRetBreakpointCreated(unittest.TestCase):
+#	def test_breakpoint_is_at_ret(self):
+#		breakpoint_loc = int(h_packrat_parse_ret.location.lstrip("*"), 16)
+#		arch = gdb.selected_frame().architecture()
+#		disassembled_ins = arch.disassemble(breakpoint_loc)
+#		ins = disassembled_ins[0]['asm'].split(" ")[0]
+#		self.assertIn(ins, ["ret", "retq"])
+#	def test_not_pending(self):
+#		self.assertFalse(h_packrat_parse_ret.pending)
+class HPackratParseRetBreakpointStop(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.tlp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch('__main__.top_level_parse')
+		self.tlp_mock_class = self.tlp_patcher.start()
+		self.bp_patcher = unittest.mock.patch.object(HPackratParseRetBreakpoint, '__init__', return_value=None )
+		self.bp_mock_class = self.bp_patcher.start()
+		self.hpprbp = HPackratParseRetBreakpoint("main")
+	def tearDown(self):
+		self.bp_patcher.stop()
+		self.tlp_patcher.stop()
+	def test_stop(self):
+		self.hpprbp.stop()
+		self.assertTrue(self.tlp_mock_class.return_from_h_packrat_parse.called)
diff --git a/gdb-port/tests/unit/parser-stack.py b/gdb-port/tests/unit/parser-stack.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e734bdd70e85210e2dade60b36321bb36798160d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/tests/unit/parser-stack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import unittest
+class ParserStackPushPop(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.parser1 = Parser("foo", 1234)
+		self.parser2 = Parser("bar", 1242)
+		self.parser_stack = ParserStack(16, 32) # Made-up addresses
+	def test_push(self):
+		self.parser_stack.push(self.parser1)
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser_stack.p_stack, [self.parser1])
+	def test_pop(self):
+		self.parser_stack.push(self.parser1)
+		self.parser_stack.push(self.parser2)
+		self.parser_stack.pop()
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser_stack.p_stack, [self.parser1])
+class ParserStackNaming(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.parser1 = Parser("foo", 1234)
+		self.parser2 = Parser("bar", 1242)
+		self.parser_stack = ParserStack(16, 32)
+		self.parser_stack.push(self.parser1)
+		self.parser_stack.push(self.parser2)
+	def test_name_top_parser(self):
+		parser3 = Parser(None, 1250)
+		self.parser_stack.push(parser3)
+		self.parser_stack.name_top_parser("foo2")
+		parser3 = self.parser_stack.peek()
+		self.assertEqual(parser3.name, "foo2")
+	# TODO: should parsers be allowed to name only once?
+	# TODO: parser unit test
+	@unittest.expectedFailure
+	def test_name_top_parser_twice(self):
+		self.parser_stack.name_top_parser("something else")
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser2.name, "something else")
diff --git a/gdb-port/tests/unit/parser.py b/gdb-port/tests/unit/parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b525c675efb0049a1c091fd395a98efb82cd8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/tests/unit/parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import unittest
+class ParserCreation(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.parser_address = 12345
+		self.parser_name = "foo"
+	def test_parser_creation_with_address(self):
+		test_parser = Parser(None, self.parser_address)
+		self.assertIsInstance(test_parser.address, int)
+		self.assertEqual(test_parser.address, 12345)
+		self.assertIsNone(test_parser.name)
+	def test_parser_creation_with_name(self):
+		test_parser = Parser(self.parser_name, None)
+		self.assertIsInstance(test_parser.name, str)
+		self.assertEqual(test_parser.name, "foo")
+		self.assertIsNone(test_parser.address)
+	def test_parser_creation_with_name_and_address(self):
+		test_parser = Parser(self.parser_name, self.parser_address)
+		self.assertIsInstance(test_parser.name, str)
+		self.assertEqual(test_parser.name, "foo")
+		self.assertIsInstance(test_parser.address, int)
+		self.assertEqual(test_parser.address, 12345)
+class ParserMemUse(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.parser = Parser("foo", 12345)
+	def test_add_mem_use(self):
+		self.parser.add_mem_use(1, 50)
+		self.parser.add_mem_use(1, 60)
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_mem_use(1), 110)
+	def test_get_mem_use(self):
+		self.parser.add_mem_use(1, 50)
+		self.parser.add_mem_use(2, 60)
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_mem_use(1), 50)
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_mem_use(2), 60)
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_mem_use(), {1: 50, 2: 60})
+	def test_arenamax(self):
+		self.parser.add_mem_use(1, 50)
+		self.parser.add_mem_use(2, 60)
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_arenamax(), 60)
+	def test_arenasum(self):
+		self.parser.add_mem_use(1, 50)
+		self.parser.add_mem_use(2, 60)
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_arenasum(), 110)
+class ParserNaming(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.parser = Parser(None, 12345)
+	def test_name_parser_method(self):
+		self.parser.name_parser("foo")
+		self.assertEqual(self.parser.name, "foo")
+	# This is enforced by TopLevelParse instead
+	#@unittest.expectedFailure
+	#def test_parser_cannot_be_named_twice(self):
+	#	self.parser.name_parser("foo")
+	#	self.parser.name_parser("bar")
+	#	self.assertEqual(self.parser.name, "bar")
+	#def test_first_parser_name_stays(self):
+	#	self.parser.name_parser("foo")
+	#	self.parser.name_parser("bar")
+	#	self.assertEqual(self.parser.name, "foo")
+class ParserStringRepresentation(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.parser = Parser("foo", 12345)
+	def test_parser_string_rep(self):
+		self.assertEqual(str(self.parser), "(foo, 0x3039)")
diff --git a/gdb-port/tests/unit/top-level-parse.py b/gdb-port/tests/unit/top-level-parse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0872e51319b25a19e3fcced41973aa02db4e6773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/tests/unit/top-level-parse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import unittest
+class TopLevelParseStateManagement(unittest.TestCase):
+	def setUp(self):
+		self.top_level_parse = TopLevelParse()
+		self.ps1 = ParserStack(16, 40)
+		self.parser1 = Parser("foo", 32)
+	def test_enter_h_packrat_parse(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_packrat_parse(32)
+		self.assertIsInstance(self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks[0], ParserStack)
+	def test_enter_h_do_parse_new_parser(self):
+		ps1 = ParserStack(16, 40)
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_packrat_parse(32)
+		#simulating effects of enter_h_packrat_parse
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_do_parse(16, 40, 32)
+		parser1 = self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32]
+		self.assertIs(self.top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser, self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32])
+		self.assertIsNone(parser1.name)
+		self.assertEqual(parser1.address, 32)
+	def test_enter_h_do_parse_known_parser(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_packrat_parse(32)
+		parser1 = Parser("foo", 32)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = parser1 # Add the parser into the db by hand
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_do_parse(16, 40, 32)
+		self.assertIs(self.top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser, parser1)
+		self.assertIs(self.top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser, self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32])
+		self.assertEqual(self.top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser.name, "foo")
+		self.assertEqual(self.top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser.address, 32)
+	def test_ehd_calls_first_h_do_parse_after_packrat_parse(self):
+		parser1 = Parser("foo", 32)
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_packrat_parse(parser1.address)
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_do_parse(16, 40, parser1.address)
+		ps1 = self.top_level_parse.peek_parserstack()
+		self.assertEqual(ps1.parse_state, 16)
+	def test_first_h_do_parse_after_packrat_parse(self):
+		ps1 = ParserStack(None, 40)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.first_h_do_parse_after_packrat_parse(16, 40)
+		self.assertEqual(ps1.parse_state, 16)
+	def test_return_from_h_packrat_parse(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.return_from_h_packrat_parse()
+		self.assertEqual(self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks, [])
+	def test_enter_perform_lowlevel_parse_known_parser(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_perform_lowlevel_parse(32)
+		self.assertIs(self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks[-1].p_stack[-1], self.parser1)
+	def test_enter_perform_lowlevel_parse_new_parser(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_perform_lowlevel_parse(32)
+		parser1 = self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks[-1].p_stack[-1]
+		self.assertIsNone(parser1.name)
+		self.assertEqual(parser1.address, 32)
+	def test_return_from_perform_lowlevel_parse(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks[-1].p_stack.append(self.parser1)
+		self.top_level_parse.return_from_perform_lowlevel_parse()
+		self.assertEqual(self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks[-1].p_stack, [])
+	def test_enter_h_arena_malloc_raw(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.ps1.push(self.parser1)
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_arena_malloc_raw(256)
+		self.assertEqual(self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks[-1].p_stack[-1].bytes_used[16], 256)
+	def test_enter_h_arena_malloc_raw_no_parser(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_arena_malloc_raw(256)
+		self.assertEqual(self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks[-1].unclaimed_mem_use, 256)
+	def test_enter_h_arena_malloc_raw_no_stack(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.enter_h_arena_malloc_raw(256)
+		self.assertEqual(self.top_level_parse.unclaimed_mem_use, 256)
+	def test_parse_virtual(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		parser2 = Parser(None, 32)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks[-1].push(parser2)
+		self.top_level_parse.parse_virtual("foo")
+		self.assertEqual(parser2.name, "foo")
+	def test_peek_parserstack(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		ps1 = self.top_level_parse.peek_parserstack()
+		self.assertIs(ps1, self.ps1)
+	def test_peek_parser(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.ps1.push(self.parser1)
+		parser1 = self.top_level_parse.peek_parser()
+		self.assertIs(parser1, self.parser1)
+	def test_parser_by_address(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.ps1.push(self.parser1)
+		parser1 = self.top_level_parse.parser_by_address(32)
+	def test_parsers_by_name(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.ps1.push(self.parser1)
+		parser2 = Parser("foo", 48)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[48] = parser2
+		self.ps1.push(parser2)
+		parserlist = self.top_level_parse.parsers_by_name("foo")
+		self.assertEqual(parserlist, [self.parser1, parser2])
+	def test_add_or_get_parser_add(self):
+		parser2 = self.top_level_parse.add_or_get_parser(32)
+		self.assertIsNone(parser2.name)
+		self.assertEqual(parser2.address, 32)
+		self.assertIs(self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32], parser2)
+	def test_add_or_get_parser_get(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		parser1 = self.top_level_parse.add_or_get_parser(32)
+		self.assertIs(parser1, self.parser1)
+	def test_get_parser_top_per_arena_mem(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.ps1.push(self.parser1)
+		parser2 = Parser("bar", 48)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[48] = parser2
+		self.ps1.push(parser2)
+		self.parser1.add_mem_use(16, 50)
+		parser2.add_mem_use(16, 60)
+		self.assertIs(self.top_level_parse.get_parser_top_per_arena_mem(), parser2)
+	def test_get_parser_top_total_arena_mem(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.ps1.push(self.parser1)
+		parser2 = Parser("bar", 48)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[48] = parser2
+		self.ps1.push(parser2)
+		self.parser1.add_mem_use(16, 50)
+		self.parser1.add_mem_use(128, 50)
+		parser2.add_mem_use(16, 60)
+		self.assertIs(self.top_level_parse.get_parser_top_total_arena_mem(), self.parser1)
+	def test_get_avg_mem_use_per_arena(self):
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_stacks.append(self.ps1)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[32] = self.parser1
+		self.ps1.push(self.parser1)
+		parser2 = Parser("bar", 48)
+		self.top_level_parse.parser_objs[48] = parser2
+		self.ps1.push(parser2)
+		self.parser1.add_mem_use(16, 50)
+		self.parser1.add_mem_use(128, 50)
+		parser2.add_mem_use(16, 60)
+		self.assertEqual(self.top_level_parse.get_avg_mem_use_per_arena(), {16: 55, 128: 50})
diff --git a/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py b/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f7b2c13d18232910163720a0d36258b72356099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+class TopLevelParse:
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.parser_stacks = []
+		self.parser_objs = {}
+		self.unclaimed_mem_use = 0
+		# Holds 32 characters starting at state->input_stream[index], used by the GUI
+		self.current_input_chunk = ''
+		self.current_parser_env = ''
+		# We save/push in perform_lowlevel_parse, but this is used to display them ahead of time
+		self.h_do_parse_parser = None
+		self.vt_types = None
+		self.parser_decombinator = None
+	def init_parser(self):
+		self.vt_types = VTTypes()
+		self.parser_decombinator = ParserDecombinator(self.vt_types)
+	# Called from h_packrat_parse()'s handler, where the parse state and arena get initialized
+	def enter_h_packrat_parse(self, parser):
+		# TODO: add a parser stack or something?
+		parser_stack = ParserStack(None, None)
+		self.parser_stacks.append(parser_stack)
+		return 0
+	# TODO: arena parameter is useless
+	def enter_h_do_parse(self, parse_state, arena, parser):
+		parser_stack = self.peek_parserstack()
+		try:
+			parser_obj = self.parser_objs[parser]
+		except KeyError:
+			parser_obj = Parser(None, parser)
+			self.parser_objs[parser] = parser_obj
+		self.h_do_parse_parser = parser_obj # TODO: current_parser_env should be set here instead too
+		if parser_stack.parse_state is None and parser_stack.parse_state != parse_state:
+			self.first_h_do_parse_after_packrat_parse(parse_state, arena)
+	# Called from h_do_parse()'s handler, at which point we know the addresses of the state and arena
+	def first_h_do_parse_after_packrat_parse(self, parse_state, arena):
+		parser_stack = self.peek_parserstack()
+		parser_stack.set_state(parse_state)
+	# Popping the stack of stack of parsers
+	def return_from_h_packrat_parse(self):
+		old_stack = self.parser_stacks.pop()
+		if old_stack.depth() > 0:
+			print("Warning: parser stack not empty but parse is successful?")
+	# Memoize the parser object for this particular address, then push it on the stack
+	# Returns the parser object we just initalized (or the one already existing)
+	#TODO: memoize_parser method
+	def enter_perform_lowlevel_parse(self, parser_addr):
+		try:
+			parser_obj = self.parser_objs[parser_addr]
+		except KeyError:
+			# Create a parser object with no name and the address of the parser
+			parser_obj = Parser(None, parser_addr)
+			self.parser_objs[parser_addr] = parser_obj
+		parser_stack = self.peek_parserstack()
+		parser_stack.push(parser_obj)
+		if self.parser_decombinator:
+			p_env = self.parser_decombinator.decompose_parser(parser_obj, self)
+			self.set_parser_env(type(p_env).__name__ + " - " + str(p_env)) # TODO: pass this as data structure to frontend
+		return parser_obj
+	def return_from_perform_lowlevel_parse(self):
+		parser_stack = self.peek_parserstack()
+		parser_obj = parser_stack.pop()
+		# debug print here
+	def enter_h_arena_malloc_raw(self, alloc_size):
+		parser_obj = self.peek_parser()
+		parser_stack = self.peek_parserstack()
+		# This is probably the slowest part of the code, or maybe the overhead adds up over many calls to h_arena_malloc_raw()
+		if parser_obj is not None:
+			# Caveat: parser_stack is assumed not to be None if we could get a parser_obj
+			parser_obj.add_mem_use(parser_stack.parse_state, alloc_size)
+		elif parser_stack is not None:
+			#print("Allocation of " + str(alloc_size) + " bytes without a parser on the stack. (Happens before first call perform_lowlevel_parse to or after return from that call)")
+			parser_stack.unclaimed_mem_use += alloc_size
+		else:
+			#print("Allocation of " + str(alloc_size) + " bytes without a parser stack. (This happens before and after parse)")
+			self.unclaimed_mem_use += alloc_size
+	def parse_virtual(self, parser_name):
+		parser_obj = self.peek_parser()
+		if parser_obj.name is None:
+			parser_obj.name_parser(parser_name)
+		#else:
+			#print("Warning: parser already named! This is a bug. old name: %s, new name: %s" % (parser_obj.name, parser_name))
+	def peek_parserstack(self):
+		try:
+			retval = self.parser_stacks[-1]
+		except IndexError:
+			retval = None
+		return retval
+	def peek_parser(self):
+		try:
+			retval = self.peek_parserstack().peek()
+		except AttributeError:
+			# print("Parser stack of stacks empty!")
+			retval = None
+		# retval will also be None when parser stack is empty (while parser stack of stacks isn't)
+		return retval
+	def parser_by_address(self, parser_addr):
+		try:
+			return self.parser_objs[int(parser_addr)]
+		except KeyError:
+			print("Parser with address " + str(hex(parser_addr)) + " not found!")
+	def parsers_by_name(self, parser_name):
+		results = [v for k,v in self.parser_objs.items() if v.name == parser_name]
+		if len(results) > 0:
+			return results
+		else:
+			return None
+	def set_input_chunk(self, chunk):
+		self.input_chunk = chunk
+	def get_input_chunk(self):
+		return self.input_chunk
+	def set_parser_env(self, parser_env):
+		self.current_parser_env = parser_env
+	def get_parser_env(self):
+		return self.current_parser_env
+	def add_or_get_parser(self, parser_addr):
+		try:
+			parser_obj = self.parser_objs[int(parser_addr)]
+		except KeyError:
+			# Create a parser object with no name and the address of the parser
+			parser_obj = Parser(None, int(parser_addr))
+			self.parser_objs[int(parser_addr)] = parser_obj
+		return parser_obj
+	def get_parser_top_per_arena_mem(self):
+		return sorted(self.parser_objs.values(), key=Parser.get_arenamax, reverse=True)[0]
+	def get_parser_top_total_arena_mem(self):
+		return sorted(self.parser_objs.values(), key=Parser.get_arenasum, reverse=True)[0]
+	def get_avg_mem_use_per_arena(self):
+		avg_mem_use = {}
+		arena_counts = {}
+		# Accumulate byte counts and counts of parsers using that arena
+		for p in self.parser_objs.values():
+			for arena,mem in p.bytes_used.items():
+				if arena in arena_counts.keys():
+					arena_counts[arena] += 1
+				else:
+					arena_counts[arena] = 1
+				if arena in avg_mem_use.keys():
+					avg_mem_use[arena] += mem
+				else:
+					avg_mem_use[arena] = mem
+		averages = {arena: mem/arena_counts[arena] for arena,mem in avg_mem_use.items()}
+		return averages
+	# TODO: get_avg_mem_use_all_arenas, get_total_mem_use
+top_level_parse = TopLevelParse()