diff --git a/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py b/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
index 17a0bce342f75a0d5ea2e511a88fe5ab8278d854..ab973413e7fb8fa0101f341ebdb8e9d1d2bc4cf4 100644
--- a/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
+++ b/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
@@ -450,43 +450,6 @@ class TopLevelParse:
 		#charbuf_final = "\n".join(charbufrows)
 		charbuf_final = "\n".join(charbufrows_token_debug)
-		# Print by getting a token, and recursively walking its children if applicable
-		charbuf = [[' '] * w for i in range(0,h)]
-		charbuf_dynamic = []
-		current_row = 0
-		info_strings = []
-		if not self.printing_tokens: # This ignores the passed-in token parameter if there are still tokens left to print
-			self.printing_tokens = [token]
-		while current_row < h and self.printing_tokens:
-			token = self.printing_tokens[-1]
-			#token = self.printing_tokens.pop()
-			tokenmap_entry = self.input_token_map[int(token.address)]
-			if tokenmap_entry['start'] > end: # Next token won't fit on the screen
-				break
-			self.printing_tokens.pop()
-			token_length = tokenmap_entry['end'] - tokenmap_entry['start'] # TODO: save tokenmap_values_sorted[i]
-			start_col = max(tokenmap_entry['start'] - start, 0)
-			end_col = min(tokenmap_entry['end'] - start, w)
-			charbuf_dynamic.append([' '] * w)
-			charbuf_dynamic[current_row][start_col:end_col] = ['X'] * min(token_length, end_col-start_col)
-			hparseresult_addr = tokenmap_entry['hparseresult']
-			current_row += 1
-			if token.token_type == HParsedToken.TT_SEQUENCE:
-				self.printing_tokens.extend(token.children[::-1])
-			try:
-				hpr = HParseResult(int(hparseresult_addr, 16))
-				info_strings.append(" ".join([hpr.str_no_deref(), str(tokenmap_entry)]))
-			except:
-				info_strings.append(" ".join(["invalid", str(tokenmap_entry)]))
-		info_dict = dict(enumerate(info_strings))
-		charbufrows_token_debug = [ "".join(row) + "\ntokeninfo: " + info_dict.get(index, "no token here") for index, row in enumerate(charbuf_dynamic)]
-		#charbufrows = ["".join(row) for row in charbuf_dynamic]
-		#charbuf_final = "\n".join(charbufrows)
-		charbuf_final = "\n".join(charbufrows_token_debug)
-		#print(charbuf_final)
 	def print_input_map(self, token, parent_bounds=None):
 		w = gdb.parameter("width")