diff --git a/gdb-port/parser.py b/gdb-port/parser.py
index 34d8e29c97cb06c28453473f22c0a674a9790a7c..ff10bceb79fe8bbc320ea409907dac2acedc8f9c 100644
--- a/gdb-port/parser.py
+++ b/gdb-port/parser.py
@@ -92,9 +92,6 @@ class ParserStack:
 		self.p_stack = []
 		self.unclaimed_mem_use = 0
 		self.partial_alloc_counts = []
-		self.bytes_at_enter = []
-		self.cumulative_byte_differences = []
-		self.total_byte_differences = []
 		self.stack_events = []
 		# Represents the index of a "waterline" on the stack_events for the purpose of counting allocations
 		# This is the index of the last event (stack push or pop) where the relevant allocations have been committed to TopLevelParse's memory stats.
@@ -136,13 +133,9 @@ class ParserStack:
 		if self.top_level_parse.memory_stat_method == HammerMemoryStatisticsMethod.DETAILED_ARENA_STATS:
 			#TODO: check that self.arena is same as gdb.selected_frame()'s arena
-			self.bytes_at_enter.append(int(self.arena_gdbval['arena_malloc_bytes']))
 			self.cumulative_byte_differences = []
 			self.stack_events.append((StackEvent.PUSH, int(self.arena_gdbval['arena_malloc_bytes']), parser))
 			prev = 0
-			if len(self.bytes_at_enter) > 1:
-				prev = self.bytes_at_enter[-2]
-			thusfar = self.bytes_at_enter[-1] - prev
 			#print("Bytes allocated since last h_do_parse:", thusfar, ", parser:", str(parser)) # DEBUG
 			#import code; code.interact(local=locals()) # DEBUG
 			#breakpoint() # DEBUG
@@ -165,10 +158,6 @@ class ParserStack:
 			#import code; code.interact(local=locals()) # DEBUG
 			newbytes = int(self.parse_state_gdbval['arena']['arena_malloc_bytes'])
 			self.stack_events.append((StackEvent.POP, int(self.parse_state_gdbval['arena']['arena_malloc_bytes']), parser_obj))
-			# TODO: index expression with len() seems unnecessary
-			self.cumulative_byte_differences.insert(0, newbytes - self.bytes_at_enter[-(len(self.cumulative_byte_differences)+1)]) # TODO: consistency. this is the third way of answering the question, "how deep are we in the stack"
-			allocated_bytes = self.cumulative_byte_differences[-len(self.cumulative_byte_differences)] - self.cumulative_byte_differences[-(len(self.cumulative_byte_differences)-1)]  # NB: len(self.cumulative_byte_differences) changed since the last line
-			self.total_byte_differences.insert(-len(self.cumulative_byte_differences), allocated_bytes)
 			allocs = self.commit_at_pop()
 			#print("adding mem use: parser:", str(parser_obj), "arena:", hex(int(self.arena)), "bytes:", allocated_bytes) # DEBUG