diff --git a/gdb-port/parser.py b/gdb-port/parser.py
index 2d918407a4a483142ba8b832022e64a6e85f7cc3..1bb87dc58fc2aa549df5f36a9bbec1120611ff44 100644
--- a/gdb-port/parser.py
+++ b/gdb-port/parser.py
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class ParserStack:
 		self.p_stack = []
 		self.unclaimed_mem_use = 0
 		self.stack_events = []
-		self.pending_allocs = { self.arena_int : {} }
+		self.pending_allocs = { }
 		# Represents the index of a "waterline" on the stack_events for the purpose of counting allocations
 		# This is the index of the last event (stack push or pop) where the relevant allocations have been committed to TopLevelParse's memory stats.
 		# Due to the semantics of stack events, this means that if self.committed points to a push event, nothing in that "frame" has been committed yet. if it points to a pop event, everything in that "frame" has been committed
diff --git a/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py b/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
index d9e62fb596e53b6794cea857065e5c05b49d6e78..77e553f1982d80c145f73fc30d08896dcb175db7 100644
--- a/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
+++ b/gdb-port/top-level-parse.py
@@ -276,8 +276,6 @@ class TopLevelParse:
 		for ps in self.parser_stacks:
 			new_allocs_by_parser = ps.get_pending_allocations()
 			for parser, alloc in new_allocs_by_parser.items():
-				if not parser: # DEBUG
-					continue # DEBUG
 				pending_allocs = self.pending_allocs.get(parser, {})
 				pending_allocs[ps.arena_int] = pending_allocs.get(ps.arena_int, 0) + alloc.get(ps.arena_int, 0)
 				self.pending_allocs[parser] = pending_allocs