diff --git a/src/backends/lalr.c b/src/backends/lalr.c
index 22cd3890ded111238ba9c3bbff5b1fbebf6d5548..b7b127da618c40a507c466b2937e9992c55071e3 100644
--- a/src/backends/lalr.c
+++ b/src/backends/lalr.c
@@ -4,22 +4,134 @@
 #include "../parsers/parser_internal.h"
+// PLAN:
+// data structures:
+//  - LR table is an array of hashtables that map grammar symbols (HCFChoice)
+//    to LRActions.
+// build LR(0) DFA
+// extend with lookahead information by either:
+//  - reworking algorithm to propagate lookahead ("simple LALR generation")
+//  - follow sets of enhanced grammar ("conversion to SLR")
+/* Constructing the characteristic automaton (handle recognizer) */
+//  - DFA is a hashset containing states (mapped to numbers)
+//  - states are hashsets containing LRItems
+//  - LRItems contain an optional lookahead set (HStringMap)
+//  - states (hashsets) get hash and comparison functions that ignore the lookahead
+typedef struct HLRDFA_ {
+  HHashSet *states;
+  HSlist *transitions;
+typedef struct HLRTransition_ {
+  HLRState *from;
+  HCFChoice *symbol;
+  HLRState *to;
+} HLRTransition;
+typedef struct HLRItem_ {
+  HCFChoice *lhs;
+  HCFChoice **rhs;
+  size_t len;               // number of elements in rhs
+  size_t mark;
+  HStringMap *lookahead;    // optional
+} HLRItem;
+// compare LALR items - ignores lookahead
+static bool eq_lalr_item(const void *p, const void *q)
+  const HLRItem *a=p, *b=q;
-void h_lalr_free(HParser *parser)
+  if(a->lhs != b->lhs) return false;
+  if(a->mark != b->mark) return false;
+  if(a->len != b->len) return false;
+  for(size_t i=0; i<a->len; i++)
+    if(a->rhs[i] != b->rhs[i]) return false;
+  return true;
+// compare LALR item sets (DFA states)
+static inline bool eq_lalr_itemset(const void *p, const void *q)
-  // XXX free data structures
-  parser->backend_data = NULL;
-  parser->backend = PB_PACKRAT;
+  return h_hashset_equal(p, q);
+// hash LALR items
+static inline HHashValue hash_lalr_item(const HLRItem *x)
+  return (h_hash_ptr(x->lhs)
+          + h_djbhash((uint8_t *)x->rhs, x->len*sizeof(HCFChoice *))
+          + x->mark);   // XXX is it okay to just add mark?
+// hash LALR item sets (DFA states) - hash the elements and sum
+static HHashValue hash_lalr_itemset(const void *p)
+  HHashValue hash = 0;
+  const HHashTable *ht = p;
+  for(size_t i=0; i < ht->capacity; i++) {
+    for(HHashTableEntry *hte = &ht->contents[i]; hte; hte = hte->next) {
+      if(hte->key == NULL)
+        continue;
+      hash += hash_lalr_item(hte->key);
+    }
+  }
+  return hash;
+static HHashSet *closure(const HHashSet *items);
+HLRDFA *h_lalr_dfa(HCFGrammar *g)
+  HHashSet *states = h_hashset_new(g->arena, eq_lalr_itemset, hash_lalr_itemset);
+  // make initial state (kernel)
+  // while work to do (on some state)
+  //   compute closure
+  //   determine edge symbols
+  //   for each edge symbol:
+  //     advance respective items -> destination state (kernel)
+  //     if destination is a new state:
+  //       add it to state set
+  //       add transition to it
+  //       add it to the work list
 /* LALR table generation */
 int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
+  // generate grammar
+  // construct dfa / determine lookahead
+  // extract table
+  //   create an array of hashtables, one per state
+  //   for each transition a--S-->b:
+  //     add "shift, goto b" to table entry (a,S)
+  //   for each state:
+  //     add reduce entries for its accepting items
   return -1;
+void h_lalr_free(HParser *parser)
+  // XXX free data structures
+  parser->backend_data = NULL;
+  parser->backend = PB_PACKRAT;
 /* LR driver */