diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/.gitignore b/src/bindings/ruby/.gitignore
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f57d62539dd624381fa38ab40fb63dc08bd9fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f6178dcff53168c8722dc4f5c18f30f26d05f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+source 'https://rubygems.org'
+gem 'rake'
+group :test do
+  # ...
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/README.md b/src/bindings/ruby/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ed26aebf351da13b7687480d784ce2e7d6843fe
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+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# hammer-parser
+Ruby bindings for [hammer](https://github.com/UpstandingHackers/hammer), a parsing library.
+## Notes
+* I called the gem `hammer-parser`, since there already is a [gem named `hammer`](https://rubygems.org/gems/hammer).
+* C extension not really needed at the moment, if we don't mind hardcoding the token types in the ruby code.
+## Development
+1. `cd src/bindings/ruby`.
+2. Run `bundle install` to install dependencies.
+3. Run `rake compile` to compile the C extension.
+4. Run `irb -I ./lib -r hammer` to open `irb` with hammer loaded.
+## Installation
+## Examples
+### Building a parser
+parser = Hammer::Parser.build {
+  token 'Hello '
+  choice {
+    token 'Mom'
+    token 'Dad'
+  }
+  token '!'
+Also possible:
+parser = Hammer::ParserBuilder.new
+  .token('Hello ')
+  .choice(Hammer::Parser::Token.new('Mom'), Hammer::Parser::Token.new('Dad'))
+  .token('!')
+  .build
+More like hammer in C:
+h = Hammer::Parser
+parser = h.sequence(h.token('Hello'), h.choice(h.token('Mom'), h.token('Dad')), h.token('!'))
+### Parsing
+parser.parse 'Hello Mom!'
+=> true
+parser.parse 'Hello Someone!'
+=> false
+Currently you only get `true` or `false` depending on whether the parse succeeded or failed.
+There's no way to access the parsed data yet.
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/Rakefile b/src/bindings/ruby/Rakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..646654da332297cb1a8db844ee513da41f85ebb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'rake/extensiontask'
+#spec = Gem::Specification.load('hammer-parser-ruby.gemspec')
+#Rake::ExtensionTask.new('hammer_ext', spec)
+Rake::ExtensionTask.new 'hammer_ext' do |ext|
+  ext.lib_dir = 'lib/hammer'
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/extconf.rb b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5158a70c8c41ed748bde99f9d9f74555e1625e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require 'mkmf'
+extension_name = 'hammer_ext'
+dir_config extension_name
+abort 'ERROR: missing hammer library' unless have_library 'hammer'
+abort 'ERROR: missing hammer.h' unless have_header 'hammer.h'
+create_makefile extension_name
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/hammer_ext.c b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/hammer_ext.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b461c6eda08b397c6a3082be856dc4fb6f9e1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/hammer_ext.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#include "token_type.h"
+void Init_hammer_ext(void)
+  Init_token_type();
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/hammer_ext.h b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/hammer_ext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98fc2dad30c6c8e8e204fef159fe1bc5285a3068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/hammer_ext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef HAMMER_EXT__H
+#define HAMMER_EXT__H
+// ...
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/token_type.c b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/token_type.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a154d7ed8313b5b0a7aed876b319277de25438d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/token_type.c
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include <ruby.h>
+#include <hammer.h>
+#include "token_type.h"
+#define DefineHammerInternalConst(name) rb_define_const(mHammerInternal, #name, INT2FIX(name));
+void Init_token_type(void)
+  VALUE mHammer = rb_define_module("Hammer");
+  VALUE mHammerInternal = rb_define_module_under(mHammer, "Internal");
+  DefineHammerInternalConst(TT_NONE);
+  DefineHammerInternalConst(TT_BYTES);
+  DefineHammerInternalConst(TT_SINT);
+  DefineHammerInternalConst(TT_UINT);
+  DefineHammerInternalConst(TT_SEQUENCE);
+  DefineHammerInternalConst(TT_ERR);
+  DefineHammerInternalConst(TT_USER);
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/token_type.h b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/token_type.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5652ce6b5fd2a5e295c6da137013a649d6ac59fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/ext/hammer_ext/token_type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+void Init_token_type(void);
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/hammer-parser.gemspec b/src/bindings/ruby/hammer-parser.gemspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80b7529065fa99fc4b8e192c055c05d29662583c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/hammer-parser.gemspec
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#encoding: UTF-8
+Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+  s.name          = 'hammer-parser'
+  s.version       = '0.1.0'
+  s.summary       = 'Ruby bindings to the hammer parsing library.'
+  s.description   = s.summary # TODO: longer description?
+  s.authors       = ['Meredith L. Patterson', 'TQ Hirsch', 'Jakob Rath']
+  # TODO:
+  # s.email = ...
+  # s.homepage = ...
+  files = []
+  files << 'README.md'
+  files << Dir['{lib,test}/**/*.rb']
+  s.files = files
+  s.test_files = s.files.select { |path| path =~ /^test\/.*_test.rb/ }
+  s.require_paths = %w[lib]
+  s.add_dependency 'ffi', '~> 1.9'
+  s.add_dependency 'docile', '~> 1.1' # TODO: Find a way to make this optional
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer.rb b/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2699d96f982a5f1e3dccf078d0567963f3e24ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+require 'hammer/hammer_ext'
+require 'hammer/internal'
+require 'hammer/parser'
+require 'hammer/parser_builder'
+# TODO:
+# Probably need to rename this file to 'hammer-parser.rb', so
+# people can use "require 'hammer-parser'" in their code.
+# TODO: Put tests in test/ directory.
+parser = Hammer::Parser.build do
+  token 'blah'
+  ch 'a'
+  choice {
+    sequence {
+      token 'abc'
+    }
+    token 'def'
+  }
+p parser
+if parser
+  p parser.parse 'blahaabcd'
+  p parser.parse 'blahadefd'
+  p parser.parse 'blahablad'
+  p parser.parse 'blaha'
+  p parser.parse 'blah'
+parser = Hammer::Parser::Sequence.new(
+  Hammer::Parser::Token.new('Hello '),
+  Hammer::Parser::Choice.new(
+    Hammer::Parser::Token.new('Mom'),
+    Hammer::Parser::Token.new('Dad')
+  ),
+  Hammer::Parser::Token.new('!')
+p parser.parse 'Hello Mom!'
+parser = Hammer::Parser.build {
+  token 'Hello '
+  choice {
+    token 'Mom'
+    token 'Dad'
+  }
+  token '!'
+p parser.parse 'Hello Mom!'
+parser = Hammer::ParserBuilder.new
+  .token('Hello ')
+  .choice(Hammer::Parser::Token.new('Mom'), Hammer::Parser::Token.new('Dad'))
+  .token('!')
+  .build
+p parser.parse 'Hello Mom!'
+# not yet working
+#h = Hammer::Parser
+#parser = h.sequence(h.token('Hello'), h.choice(h.token('Mom'), h.token('Dad')), h.token('!'))
+#p parser.parse 'Hello Mom!'
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/internal.rb b/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/internal.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0083ebd916a6012125286b3221369665589abea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/internal.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+require 'ffi'
+module Hammer
+  module Internal
+    extend FFI::Library
+    ffi_lib 'libhammer.dylib'
+    # run a parser
+    attach_function :h_parse, [:pointer, :string, :size_t], :pointer
+    # build a parser
+    attach_function :h_token, [:string, :size_t], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_ch, [:uint8], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_ch_range, [:uint8, :uint8], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_int_range, [:int64, :int64], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_bits, [:size_t, :bool], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_int64, [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_int32, [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_int16, [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_int8,  [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_uint64, [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_uint32, [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_uint16, [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_uint8,  [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_whitespace, [:pointer], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_left,   [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_right,  [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_middle, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer
+    # h_action
+    # h_in
+    # h_not_in
+    attach_function :h_end_p, [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_nothing_p, [], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_sequence, [:varargs], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_choice, [:varargs], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_butnot, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_difference, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_xor, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_many, [:pointer], :pointer
+    attach_function :h_many1, [:pointer], :pointer
+    # h_repeat_n
+    # h_optional
+    # h_ignore
+    # h_sepBy
+    # h_sepBy1
+    # h_epsilon_p
+    # h_length_value
+    # h_attr_bool
+    # h_and
+    # h_not
+    # h_indirect
+    # h_bind_indirect
+    # free the parse result
+    # h_parse_result_free
+    # TODO: Does the HParser* need to be freed?
+  end
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/parser.rb b/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7b75e273a820963ce0132270b8ad049f67f2e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+module Hammer
+  class Parser
+    # Don't create new instances with Hammer::Parser.new,
+    # use the constructor methods instead (i.e. Hammer::Parser.int64 etc.)
+    def initialize
+    end
+    def parse(data)
+      raise RuntimeError, '@h_parser is nil' if @h_parser.nil?
+      raise ArgumentError, 'expecting a String' unless data.is_a? String # TODO: Not needed, FFI checks that.
+      result = Hammer::Internal.h_parse(@h_parser, data, data.length);
+      # TODO: Do something with the data
+      !result.null?
+    end
+    class Token < Parser
+      def initialize(string)
+        @h_parser = Hammer::Internal.h_token(string, string.length)
+      end
+    end
+    class Ch < Parser
+      def initialize(char)
+        # TODO: Really? Should probably accept Fixnum in appropriate range
+        # Also, char.ord gives unexptected results if you pass e.g. Japanese characters: '今'.ord == 20170; Hammer::Parser::Ch.new('今').parse(202.chr) == true
+        # Not really unexpected though, since 20170 & 255 == 202.
+        # But probably it's better to use Ch for Fixnum in 0..255 only, and only Token for strings.
+        raise ArgumentError, 'expecting a one-character String' unless char.is_a?(String) && char.length == 1
+        @h_parser = Hammer::Internal.h_ch(char.ord)
+      end
+    end
+    class Sequence < Parser
+      def initialize(*parsers)
+        #args = []
+        #parsers.each { |p| args += [:pointer, p.h_parser] }
+        args = parsers.flat_map { |p| [:pointer, p.h_parser] }
+        @h_parser = Hammer::Internal.h_sequence(*args, :pointer, nil)
+        @sub_parsers = parsers # store them so they don't get garbage-collected (probably not needed, though)
+        # TODO: Use (managed?) FFI struct instead of void pointers
+      end
+    end
+    class Choice < Parser
+      def initialize(*parsers)
+        #args = []
+        #parsers.each { |p| args += [:pointer, p.h_parser] }
+        args = parsers.flat_map { |p| [:pointer, p.h_parser] }
+        @h_parser = Hammer::Internal.h_choice(*args, :pointer, nil)
+        @sub_parsers = parsers # store them so they don't get garbage-collected (probably not needed, though)
+        # TODO: Use (managed?) FFI struct instead of void pointers
+      end
+    end
+    # Define parsers that take some number of other parsers
+    # TODO: Maybe use -1 for variable number, and use this for Sequence and Choice too
+    # TODO: Refactor this code as a method? And call it like: define_parser :Int64, :h_int64, 0
+    [
+      [:Int64,      :h_int64,       0],
+      [:Int32,      :h_int32,       0],
+      [:Int16,      :h_int16,       0],
+      [:Int8,       :h_int8,        0],
+      [:UInt64,     :h_uint64,      0],
+      [:UInt32,     :h_uint32,      0],
+      [:UInt16,     :h_uint16,      0],
+      [:UInt8,      :h_uint8,       0],
+      [:Whitespace, :h_whitespace,  1],
+      [:Left,       :h_left,        2],
+      [:Right,      :h_right,       2],
+      [:Middle,     :h_middle,      3],
+      [:End,        :h_end_p,       0],
+      [:Nothing,    :h_nothing_p,   0],
+      [:ButNot,     :h_butnot,      2],
+      [:Difference, :h_difference,  2],
+      [:Xor,        :h_xor,         2],
+      [:Many,       :h_many,        1],
+      [:Many1,      :h_many1,       1]
+    ].each do |class_name, h_function_name, parameter_count|
+      # Create new subclass of Hammer::Parser
+      klass = Class.new(Hammer::Parser) do
+        # Need to use define_method instead of def to be able to access h_function_name in the method's body
+        define_method :initialize do |*parsers|
+          # Checking parameter_count is not really needed, since the h_* methods will complain anyways
+          @h_parser = Hammer::Internal.send(h_function_name, *parsers.map(&:h_parser))
+          # TODO: Do we need to store sub-parsers to prevent them from getting garbage-collected?
+        end
+      end
+      # Register class with name Hammer::Parser::ClassName
+      Hammer::Parser.const_set class_name, klass
+    end
+    # TODO:
+    # Hammer::Parser::Token.new('...') is a bit too long. Find a shorter way to use the parsers.
+    # Maybe:
+    #   class Hammer::Parser
+    #     def self.token(*args)
+    #       Hammer::Parser::Token.new(*args)
+    #     end
+    #   end
+    # Can create functions like that automatically. Usage:
+    #   h = Hammer::Parser
+    #   parser = h.sequence(h.token('blah'), h.token('other_token'))
+    # Looks almost like hammer in C!
+    # Defines a parser constructor with the given name.
+    # Options:
+    #   hammer_function: name of the hammer function to call (default: 'h_'+name)
+    def self.define_parser(name, options = {})
+      hammer_function = options[:hammer_function] || ('h_' + name.to_s)
+      # Define a new class method
+      define_singleton_method name do |*parsers|
+        #args = parsers.map { |p| p.instance_variable_get :@h_parser }
+        h_parser = Hammer::Internal.send hammer_function, *parsers.map(&:h_parser)
+        parser = Hammer::Parser.new
+        parser.instance_variable_set :@h_parser, h_parser
+        return parser
+      end
+    end
+    private_class_method :define_parser
+    define_parser :int64
+    define_parser :int32
+    define_parser :int16
+    define_parser :int8
+    define_parser :uint64
+    define_parser :uint32
+    define_parser :uint16
+    define_parser :uint8
+    define_parser :whitespace
+    define_parser :left
+    define_parser :right
+    define_parser :middle
+    define_parser :end
+    define_parser :nothing
+    define_parser :butnot
+    define_parser :difference
+    define_parser :xor
+    define_parser :many
+    define_parser :many1
+    attr_reader :h_parser
+  end
diff --git a/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/parser_builder.rb b/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/parser_builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f36c844dea5ed1ebc36a89d9cee06ff56a598af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bindings/ruby/lib/hammer/parser_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# TODO: Find a way to make docile an optional dependency
+# (autoload for this file? and throw some informative error when docile isn't available.
+# should also check gem version with a 'gem' call and appropriate version specifier.)
+require 'docile'
+module Hammer
+  class Parser
+    def self.build(&block)
+      ParserBuilder.new.sequence(&block).build
+    end
+  end
+  # TODO: Is this even useful for "real" usage?
+  class ParserBuilder
+    attr_reader :parsers
+    def initialize
+      @parsers = []
+      # TODO: Store an aggregator, e.g.:
+      # @aggregator = Hammer::Parser::Sequence
+      # Sequence is the default, set to Hammer::Parser::Choice for choice() calls
+      # In the build method, use @aggregator.new(*@parsers) to build the final parser.
+    end
+    def build
+      if @parsers.length > 1
+        Hammer::Parser::Sequence.new(*@parsers)
+      else
+        @parsers.first
+      end
+    end
+    # TODO: Need to check if that's really needed
+    def call(parser)
+      @parsers << parser
+      return self
+    end
+    def token(str)
+      #@h_parsers << Hammer::Internal.h_token(str, str.length)
+      @parsers << Hammer::Parser::Token.new(str)
+      return self
+    end
+    def ch(char)
+      #@h_parsers << Hammer::Internal.h_ch(char.ord)
+      @parsers << Hammer::Parser::Ch.new(char)
+      return self
+    end
+    # can call it either as ParserBuiler.new.sequence(parser1, parser2, parser3)
+    # or as Parser.build { sequence { call parser1; call parser2; call parser3 } }
+    def sequence(*parsers, &block)
+      @parsers += parsers
+      @parsers << Docile.dsl_eval(ParserBuilder.new, &block).build if block_given?
+      return self
+      #builder = Hammer::ParserBuilder.new
+      #builder.instance_eval &block
+      #@parsers << Hammer::Parser::Sequence.new(*builder.parsers)
+      ## TODO: Save original receiver and redirect missing methods!
+    end
+    def choice(*parsers, &block)
+      if block_given?
+        parsers += Docile.dsl_eval(ParserBuilder.new, &block).parsers
+      end
+      @parsers << Hammer::Parser::Choice.new(*parsers)
+      return self
+    end
+  end