diff --git a/src/backends/llk.c b/src/backends/llk.c
index 865c30e65f64f7c56802f6f486d5b421fa8fcfd6..0ab4610a29a1fcdefd1ca163ea2be8785b3ed0e6 100644
--- a/src/backends/llk.c
+++ b/src/backends/llk.c
@@ -438,13 +438,12 @@ static HCountedArray *llk_parse_chunk_(HLLkState *s, const HParser* parser,
     // the top of stack is such that there will be a result...
     tok = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HParsedToken));
-    tok->index = stream->pos + stream->index;
-    tok->bit_offset = stream->bit_offset;
     if(x == MARK) {
       // hit stack frame boundary...
       // wrap the accumulated parse result, this sequence is finished
       tok->token_type = TT_SEQUENCE;
       tok->seq = seq;
+      // XXX would have to set token pos but we've forgotten pos of seq
       // recover original nonterminal and result sequence
       x   = h_slist_pop(stack);
@@ -454,6 +453,9 @@ static HCountedArray *llk_parse_chunk_(HLLkState *s, const HParser* parser,
     else {
       // x is a terminal or simple charset; match against input
+      tok->index = stream->pos + stream->index;
+      tok->bit_offset = stream->bit_offset;
       // consume the input token
       uint8_t input = h_read_bits(stream, 8, false);
@@ -500,8 +502,16 @@ static HCountedArray *llk_parse_chunk_(HLLkState *s, const HParser* parser,
     // 'tok' has been parsed; process it
     // perform token reshape if indicated
-    if(x->reshape)
-      tok = (HParsedToken *)x->reshape(make_result(arena, tok), x->user_data);
+    if(x->reshape) {
+      HParsedToken *t = x->reshape(make_result(arena, tok), x->user_data);
+      if(t) {
+        t->index = tok->index;
+        t->bit_offset = tok->bit_offset;
+      } else {
+        h_arena_free(arena, tok);
+      }
+      tok = t;
+    }
     // call validation and semantic action, if present
     if(x->pred && !x->pred(make_result(tarena, tok), x->user_data))
diff --git a/src/t_parser.c b/src/t_parser.c
index 4268ee7984402805d5a8fb7e1a5702031445dd2b..c42eca91321c241a1987b99116c8c90deefbdf64 100644
--- a/src/t_parser.c
+++ b/src/t_parser.c
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ void register_parser_tests(void) {
   //g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/leftrec", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_leftrec);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/rightrec", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_rightrec);
  g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/result_length", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_result_length);
-  //XXX g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/token_position", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_token_position);
+  //g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/token_position", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_token_position);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/iterative", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_iterative);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/iterative/lookahead", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_iterative_lookahead);
   g_test_add_data_func("/core/parser/llk/iterative/result_length", GINT_TO_POINTER(PB_LLk), test_iterative_result_length);