diff --git a/HACKING b/HACKING
index d923217e8007694f45de5f99802321ac6f9b37c0..970a2491e9bcc03b39cc7e3fd18b74c2da136d0a 100644
@@ -52,3 +52,11 @@ documented), assume that
 In other words, don't let the (memory manager) streams cross.
+Language-independent test suite
+There is a language-independent representation of the Hammer test
+suite in `lib/test-suite`.  This is intended to be used with the
+tsparser.pl prolog library, along with a language-specific frontend.
+No language-specific frontends have been written yet.
diff --git a/lib/test-suite b/lib/test-suite
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..207ece4054fabb0c31041e8c394cbe28b60c33ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/test-suite
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+# This file is to be processed with testgen.pl to produce test suites
+# for bindings.  The only escape code that is valid is \x
+# The only type that may change between bindings is "char", which gets
+# converted into the most convenient representation of a character in
+# a given language.  In C, this is a TT_UINT; in P*, it's a
+# single-character string.  In this file, a character is wrapped with
+# single quotes.
+# Strings may be given in C syntax, with no escapes other than \xHH or
+# in hex syntax, like <31.32.33> for "123".
+# indirect/bind_indirect can be used via subparsers.  A subparser is
+# introduced with a "subparser $<name> = <definition()>;" command.
+# First, all subparsers are declared with h_indirect().  Then, they
+# are all bound.  Inside a definition, all subparsers can be
+# referenced by $<name>.
+token {
+  parser token("95\xa2");
+  test "95\xa2" --> "95\xa2";
+  test "95\xa2" --> fail;
+ch {
+  parser ch(0xA2);
+  test "\xa2" --> '\xa2';
+  test "\xa3" --> fail;
+ch_range {
+  parser ch_range(0x61,0x63);
+  test "b" --> 'b';
+  test "d" --> fail;
+int64 {
+  parser int64();
+  test <ff.ff.ff.fe.> --> s-0x200000000;
+  test <ff.ff.ff.fe.00.00.00> --> fail;
+int32 {
+  parser int32();
+  test <ff.fe.00.00> --> s-0x20000;
+  test <ff.fe.00> --> fail;
+  test <> --> s0x20000;
+  test <00.02.00> --> fail;
+int16 {
+  parser int16();
+  test <fe.00> --> s-0x200;
+  test <fe> --> fail;
+  test <02.00> --> s0x200;
+  test <02> --> fail;
+int8 {
+  parser int8();
+  test <88> --> s-0x78;
+  test <> --> fail;
+uint64 {
+  parser uint64();
+  test <> --> u0x200000000;
+  test <> --> fail;
+uint32 {
+  parser uint32();
+  test <> --> u0x20000;
+  test <00.02.00> --> fail;
+uint16 {
+  parser uint16();
+  test <02.00> --> u0x200;
+  test <02> --> fail;
+uint8 {
+  parser uint8();
+  test <78> --> u0x78;
+  test <> --> fail;
+int_range {
+  parser int_range(uint8(), 0x3, 0x10);
+  test <05> --> u0x05;
+  test <0b> --> fail;
+whitespace {
+  parser whitespace(ch(0x61));
+  test "a" --> 'a';
+  test " a" --> 'a';
+  test "  a" --> 'a';
+  test "\x09a" --> 'a';
+  test "_a" --> fail;
+  parser whitespace(end_p());
+  test "" --> none;
+  test "  " --> none;
+  test "  x" --> fail;
+left {
+  parser left(ch(0x61), ch(0x20));
+  test "a " --> 'a';
+  test "a" --> fail;
+  test " " --> fail;
+  test "ba" --> fail;
+middle {
+  parser middle(ch(' '), ch('a'), ch(' '));
+  test " a " --> 'a';
+  test "a" --> fail;
+  test " a" --> fail;
+  test "a " --> fail;
+  test " b " --> fail;
+  test "ba " --> fail;
+  test " ab" --> fail;
+# TODO: action
+in {
+  parser in("abc");
+  test "b" --> 'b';
+  test "d" --> fail;
+not_in {
+  parser not_in("abc");
+  test "d" --> 'd';
+  test "a" --> fail;
+end_p {
+  parser sequence(ch('a'), end_p());
+  test "a" --> ['a'];
+  test "aa" --> fail;
+nothing_p {
+  parser nothing_p();
+  test "a" --> fail;
+sequence {
+  parser sequence(ch('a'), ch('b'));
+  test "ab" --> ['a', 'b'];
+  test "a" --> fail;
+  test "b" --> fail;
+  parser sequence(ch('a'), whitespace(ch('b')));
+  test "ab" --> ['a','b'];
+  test "a b" --> ['a','b'];
+  test "a  b" --> ['a','b'];
+choice {
+  parser choice(ch('a'), ch('b'));
+  test "a" --> 'a';
+  test "b" --> 'b';
+  test "ab" --> 'a';
+  test "c" --> fail;
+butnot {
+  parser butnot(ch('a'), token("ab"));
+  test "a" --> 'a';
+  test "ab" --> fail;
+  test "aa" --> 'a';
+  parser butnot(ch_range('0','9'), ch('6'));
+  test "5" --> '5';
+  test "6" --> fail;
+difference {
+  # Not sure this actually tests anything
+  parser difference(token("ab"), ch('a'));
+  test "ab" --> "ab";
+  test "a" --> fail;
+xor {
+  parser xor(ch_range('0','6'), ch_range('5','9'));
+  test "0" --> '0';
+  test "9" --> '9';
+  test "5" --> fail;
+  test "a" --> fail;
+many {
+  # TODO: Some of the parsers in the original were commented out.
+  parser many(choice(ch('a'), ch('b')));
+  test "" --> [];
+  test "a" --> ['a'];
+  test "b" --> ['b'];
+  test "aabbaba" --> ['a','a','b','b','a','b','a'];
+many1 {
+  # TODO: Some of the checks in the original were commented out.
+  parser many1(choice(ch('a'),ch('b')));
+  test "" --> fail;
+  test "a" --> ['a'];
+  test "b" --> ['b'];
+  test "aabbaba" --> ['a','a','b','b','a','b','a'];
+  test "daabbabadef" --> fail;
+repeat-n {
+  parser repeat_n(choice(ch('a'),ch('b')),0x2);
+  test "adef" --> fail;
+  test "abdef" --> ['a','b'];
+  test "dabdef" --> fail;
+optional {
+  parser sequence(ch('a'), optional(choice(ch('b'),ch('c'))), ch('d'));
+  test "abd" --> ['a','b','d'];
+  test "acd" --> ['a','c','d'];
+  test "ad" --> ['a',none,'d'];
+  test "aed" --> fail;
+  test "ab" --> fail;
+  test "ac" --> fail;
+ignore {
+  parser sequence(ch('a'), ignore(ch('b')), ch('c'));
+  test "abc" --> ['a','c'];
+  test "ac" --> fail;
+sepBy {
+  parser sepBy(choice(ch('1'), ch('2'), ch('3')), ch(','));
+  test "1,2,3" --> ['1','2','3'];
+  test "1,3,2" --> ['1','3','2'];
+  test "1,3" --> ['1','3'];
+  test "3" --> ['3'];
+  test "" --> [];
+sepBy1 {
+  parser sepBy1(choice(ch('1'), ch('2'), ch('3')), ch(','));
+  test "1,2,3" --> ['1','2','3'];
+  test "1,3,2" --> ['1','3','2'];
+  test "1,3" --> ['1','3'];
+  test "3" --> ['3'];
+  test "" --> fail;
+# TODO: attr_bool;
+and {
+  parser sequence(and(ch('0')), ch('0'));
+  test "0" --> ['0'];
+  test "1" --> fail;
+  parser sequence(and(ch('0')), ch('1'));
+  test "0" --> fail;
+  test "1" --> fail;
+  parser sequence(ch('1'), and(ch('2')));
+  test "12" --> ['1'];
+  test "13" --> fail;
+not {
+  parser sequence(ch('a'), choice(token('+'), token("++")), ch('b'));
+  test "a+b" --> ['a',"+",'b'];
+  test "a++b" --> fail;
+  parser sequence(ch('a'), choice(sequence(token('+'), not(ch('+'))),
+                                  token("++")),
+                  ch('b'));
+  test "a+b" --> ['a', ["+"], 'b'];
+  test "a++b" --> ['a', "++", 'b'];
+leftrec {
+  subparser $lr = choice(sequence($lr, ch('a')), epsilon_p());
+  parser $lr;
+  test "a" --> ['a'];
+  test "aa" --> [['a'],'a'];
+  test "aaa" --> [[['a'],'a'],'a'];
+rightrec {
+  subparser $rr = choice(sequence(ch('a'), $rr), epsilon_p());
+  parser $rr;
+  test "a" --> ['a'];
+  test "aa" --> ['a',['a']];
+  test "aaa" --> ['a',['a',['a']]];
+ambiguous {
+  subparser $d = ch('d');
+  subparser $p = ch('+');
+  subparser $e = choice(sequence($e, $p, $e), $d);
+  # TODO: implement action/h_act_flatten
+  parser $e;
+  test "d" --> 'd';
+  test "d+d" --> ['d','+','d'];
+  test "d+d+d" --> [['d','+','d'],'+','d'];
diff --git a/lib/testgen.pl b/lib/testgen.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8ff7e0888f08ab0be5af405e70b934ab1b825f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/testgen.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+% -*- prolog -*-
+% test suite grammar
+:- module(tsparser,
+          [read_tc/1]).
+:- expects_dialect(swi).
+:- use_module(library(pure_input)).
+nl --> "\r", !.
+nl --> "\n", !.
+ws --> " ", !.
+ws --> "\t", !.
+ws --> nl, !.
+nonws --> ws, !, {fail}.
+nonws --> [_]. % any character other than whitespace
+tilEOL --> nl, !.
+tilEOL --> [_], tilEOL.
+comment --> "#", tilEOL.
+layout1 --> ws, !; comment.
+layout --> layout1, !, layout.
+layout --> [].
+idChar(Chr) -->
+    [Chr],
+    {memberchk(Chr, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")}.
+idTailChar(Chr) --> idChar(Chr), !.
+idTailChar(Chr) -->
+    [Chr],
+    {memberchk(Chr, "1234567890-_")}.
+id(Name) --> % toplevel lexical token
+    idChar(Chr),
+    idTail(Rest),
+    {atom_codes(Name, [Chr|Rest])}.
+idTail([Chr|Rest]) -->
+    idTailChar(Chr), !,
+    idTail(Rest).
+idTail([]) --> [].
+string(Str) --> "\"", qstring(Str), "\"", !.
+string(Str) --> "<", hexstring(Str), ">".
+qchar(C) --> "\\x", !, hexbyte(C).
+qchar(C) --> [C], {C >= 0x20, C < 0x7F}.
+qstring([], [34|R], [34|R]) :- !.
+qstring([C|Rest]) -->
+    qchar(C), qstring(Rest).
+hexstring([C|Rest]) -->
+    hexbyte(C), !,
+    hexstring_post(Rest).
+hexstring([]) -->
+    [].
+hexstring_post([C|Rest]) -->
+    ".", !,
+    hexbyte(C),
+    hexstring_post(Rest).
+hexstring_post([]) --> [].
+hexchr(C) --> [C0], {memberchk(C0, "0123456789"), C is C0 - 0x30}, !.
+hexchr(C) --> [C0], {memberchk(C0, "abcdef"), C is C0 - 0x61 + 10}, !.
+hexchr(C) --> [C0], {memberchk(C0, "ABCDEF"), C is C0 - 0x41 + 10}, !.
+hexbyte(C) -->
+    hexchr(C0),
+    hexchr(C1),
+    {C is C0 * 16 + C1}.
+hexnum(A) -->
+    hexchr(C0),
+    hexnum(A, C0).
+hexnum(A, Acc) -->
+    hexchr(C0), !,
+    {AccP is Acc * 16 + C0},
+    hexnum(A, AccP).
+hexnum(Acc, Acc) --> [].
+parse_result_seq([A|Ar]) -->
+    parse_result(A), layout,
+    parse_result_seq_tail(Ar).
+parse_result_seq([]) -->
+    layout.
+parse_result_seq_tail([]) --> [].
+parse_result_seq_tail([A|Ar]) -->
+    ",", layout,
+    parse_result(A), layout,
+    parse_result_seq_tail(Ar).
+parse_result(seq(A)) -->
+    "[", layout,
+    parse_result_seq(A), % eats trailing ws
+    "]", !.
+parse_result(char(A)) -->
+    "'", qchar(A), "'", !.
+parse_result(uint(A)) -->
+    "u0x", hexnum(A), !.
+parse_result(sint(A)) -->
+    "s0x", hexnum(A), !.
+parse_result(sint(A)) -->
+    "s-0x", hexnum(A0), {A is -A0}, !.
+parse_result(string(A)) -->
+    string(A), !.
+parse_result(none) --> "none".
+parser_arg(A) --> parser(A), !.
+parser_arg(string(A)) --> string(A), !.
+parser_arg(char(A)) --> "'", qchar(A), "'", !.
+parser_arg(num(A)) --> "0x", hexnum(A).
+parser_arglist_tail([A0|As]) -->
+    % eats leading whitespace
+    ",", !, layout,
+    parser_arg(A0), layout,
+    parser_arglist_tail(As).
+parser_arglist_tail([]) --> [].
+parser_arglist([]) --> [].
+parser_arglist([A0|As]) -->
+    parser_arg(A0),
+    layout,
+    parser_arglist_tail(As). % eats trailing whitespace
+parser(ref(Name)) -->
+    "$", !, id(Name).
+parser(parser(Name, Args)) -->
+    id(Name), layout,
+    "(", layout,
+    parser_arglist(Args), % eats trailing whitespace
+    ")".
+testcase_elem(subparser(Name,Value)) -->
+    "subparser", layout1, layout, !,
+    "$", id(Name), layout,
+    "=", layout,
+    parser(Value), layout,
+    ";".
+testcase_elem(parser(Value)) -->
+    "parser", layout1, layout, !,
+    parser(Value), layout,
+    ";".
+testcase_elem(testFail(Input)) -->
+    "test", layout1, layout,
+    string(Input), layout,
+    "-->", layout,
+    "fail", layout,
+    ";", !.
+testcase_elem(test(Input, Expected)) -->
+    "test", layout1, layout,
+    string(Input), layout,
+    "-->", layout,
+    parse_result(Expected), layout,
+    ";", !.
+testcase_body([Elem|Rest]) -->
+    testcase_elem(Elem), layout, !,
+    testcase_body(Rest).
+testcase_body([]) --> [].
+testcase(testcase(Name,Content)) -->
+    id(Name),
+    layout,
+    "{",
+    layout,
+    testcase_body(Content),
+    layout,
+    "}".
+testcases([]) -->
+    layout, eof, !.
+testcases([TC|Rest]) -->
+    layout,
+    testcase(TC),
+    testcases(Rest).
+testsuite(A) -->
+    testcases(A).
+%slurp(File, Lst) :-
+%    get_code(File, C),
+%    (C == -1 ->
+%        Lst = [];
+%     slurp(File, Rest),
+%     Lst = [C|Rest]), !.
+read_tc(A) :-
+    phrase_from_file(testsuite(A), 'test-suite').
+%read_tc(A) :-
+%    read_tc('test-suite', A).
+%read_tc(Name, A) :-
+%    open(Name, read, File),
+%    slurp(File, Contents),
+%    close(File), !,
+%    phrase(testsuite(A), Contents).