diff --git a/pdf.c b/pdf.c
index 446699f97bb227cb4dbb35e3cd7814fdf98c6c79..50186a4098ee6e8d1ab54548c6611c1ea921e323 100644
--- a/pdf.c
+++ b/pdf.c
@@ -1618,6 +1618,215 @@ FlateDecode(const Dict *parms, HBytes b, HParser *p)
 	return res;
+/* LZW helpers */
+typedef struct
+	uint8_t *lzw_buf;
+	size_t total_buf_size;
+	size_t write_head;
+	size_t write_tail;
+	uint8_t write_checksum;
+	size_t eof_loc;
+	HBytes *input_stream;
+	size_t read_head;
+	size_t read_tail;
+	uint8_t read_checksum;
+} lzwspec;
+lzwspec *cur_lzw_spec;
+/* used by write_lzw_buffer to get more space for decoding if needed */
+grow_lzw_buffer(size_t amount)
+	uint8_t *ret_buf = realloc(cur_lzw_spec->lzw_buf, (cur_lzw_spec->total_buf_size+amount) * sizeof(uint8_t));
+	if(ret_buf != NULL)
+	{
+		cur_lzw_spec->total_buf_size += amount;
+		cur_lzw_spec->lzw_buf = ret_buf;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "LZWDecode: h_arena_realloc() failed");
+		return;
+	}
+lzwspec *
+new_lzw_spec(HBytes *bytes)
+	size_t const BUFSIZE = sizeof(uint8_t) * 1024;
+	lzwspec *ret = malloc(sizeof(lzwspec));
+	ret->input_stream = bytes;
+	ret->lzw_buf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
+	ret->total_buf_size = BUFSIZE;
+	return ret;
+delete_lzw_spec(lzwspec *spec)
+	free(spec->lzw_buf);
+	free(spec);
+bind_lzw_spec(lzwspec *spec)
+	cur_lzw_spec = spec;
+#include "lzw-lib.h"
+/* Buffer writer function for the lzw-ab implementation, with a fixed signature.
+ * Although the type is defined as int, it is expected to write one byte at a time.
+ * Modifies cur_lzw_spec. Set up the lzw spec to use with bind_lzw_spec() */
+write_lzw_buffer(int value)
+	size_t const BUFSIZE = sizeof(uint8_t) * 1024;
+	if(!cur_lzw_spec->lzw_buf)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "LZWDecode: lzw_buf is null!");
+		assert(cur_lzw_spec->lzw_buf != NULL);
+	}
+	assert(cur_lzw_spec->write_head <= cur_lzw_spec->total_buf_size);
+	if (value == EOF) {
+        cur_lzw_spec->lzw_buf[cur_lzw_spec->write_head] = (uint8_t) value;
+        cur_lzw_spec->eof_loc = cur_lzw_spec->write_head;
+        cur_lzw_spec->write_head++;
+        return;
+    }
+	/* We can get away with this cast due to writing single bytes. */
+    cur_lzw_spec->lzw_buf[cur_lzw_spec->write_head++] = (uint8_t) value;
+	/* If you looked at lzw-ab's code, the write head is reset here
+	 * This function uses write_head as the offset of the last written item */
+    if (cur_lzw_spec->write_head >= cur_lzw_spec->total_buf_size)
+    {
+        grow_lzw_buffer(BUFSIZE);
+    }
+    cur_lzw_spec->write_checksum = cur_lzw_spec->write_checksum * 3 + (uint8_t) value;
+/* Fixed signature function for reading bytes. Modifies cur_lzw_spec. Set cur_lzw_spec
+ * with bind_lzw_spec() */
+int read_lzw_buffer(void)
+	uint8_t byte_read;
+	int ret_value;
+	/* Input data is already waiting in the buffer */
+    if (cur_lzw_spec->read_head == cur_lzw_spec->read_tail)
+        cur_lzw_spec->read_tail = cur_lzw_spec->input_stream->len;
+    if (cur_lzw_spec->read_head < cur_lzw_spec->read_tail)
+    {
+        byte_read = cur_lzw_spec->input_stream->token[cur_lzw_spec->read_head++];
+        cur_lzw_spec->read_checksum = cur_lzw_spec->read_checksum * 3 + byte_read;
+        ret_value = byte_read;
+    }
+    else
+        ret_value = EOF;
+    return ret_value;
+HParseResult *
+LZWDecode(const Dict *parms, HBytes b, HParser *p)
+	struct predictor pred = {1, 1, 8, 1};
+	int (*depredict)(struct predictor *, uint8_t *, size_t);
+	HParseResult *res;
+	int done;
+	int ret;
+	const HParsedToken *v;
+	/* set up the predictor (if any) */
+	#define SETPARM(VAR,STR) do {					\
+		v = dictentry(parms, (STR));				\
+		if (v != NULL) {					\
+			if (v->token_type != TT_SINT || v->sint < 0)	\
+				return NULL;				\
+			VAR = v->sint;					\
+		} } while(0)
+	SETPARM(pred.num,	"Predictor");
+	SETPARM(pred.colors,	"Colors");
+	SETPARM(pred.bpc,	"BitsPerComponent");
+	SETPARM(pred.columns,	"Columns");
+	#undef SETPARM
+	if (pred.num == 1)
+		depredict = depred_none;
+	else {
+		if (pred.num >= 10 && pred.num <= 15)
+			depredict = depred_png;
+		else if (pred.num == 2) {
+			/* for 8-bpc TIFF pred. 2, we can reuse PNG Sub */
+			if (pred.bpc == 8) {
+				pred.predfun = pp_sub;	/* predict left */
+				depredict = depred_png;
+			} else {
+				// XXX add general TIFF predictor (bpc != 8)
+				fprintf(stderr, "LZWDecode: /Predictor %d "
+				    "not supported for /BitsPerComponent %d\n",
+				    pred.num, pred.bpc);
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		} else {
+			fprintf(stderr, "LZWDecode: /Predictor %d"
+			    " not supported\n", pred.num);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		/* allocate row buffer */
+		if (pred.columns > (INT_MAX - 7) / pred.colors / pred.bpc) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "LZWDecode: overflow\n");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		pred.rowsz = (pred.colors * pred.bpc * pred.columns + 7) / 8;
+		pred.buf = calloc(1, pred.rowsz);
+		if (pred.buf == NULL)
+			err(1, "LZWDecode");
+	}
+	lzwspec *lzw_spec = new_lzw_spec(&b);
+	bind_lzw_spec(lzw_spec);
+	ret = lzw_decompress(write_lzw_buffer, read_lzw_buffer);
+	if (ret) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "lzw_decompress: error (%d)\n", ret);
+		assert(!"LZWDecode: failed to decompress");
+	}
+	done = depredict(&pred, cur_lzw_spec->lzw_buf, cur_lzw_spec->write_head-1);
+	if(!done)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "LZWDecode: unexpected end of input (depred returns 0, but there are no more bytes");
+	}
+	res = h_parse(p, pred.out, pred.nout);
+	free(pred.out);
+	bind_lzw_spec(NULL);
+	delete_lzw_spec(lzw_spec);
+	assert(res->ast && res->ast->token_type == TT_BYTES);
+	res = h_parse(p, res->ast->bytes.token, res->ast->bytes.len);
+	return res;
 HParseResult *
 RunLengthDecode(const Dict *parms, HBytes b, HParser *p)