@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ Hammer is a parsing library. Like many modern parsing libraries, it provides a p
Hammer is written in C, but will provide bindings for other languages. If you don't see a language you're interested in on the list, just ask.
Hammer currently builds under Linux and OSX. (Windows is coming.)
Hammer currently builds under Linux. (Windows and OSX are coming.)
* Bit-oriented -- grammars can include single-bit flags or multi-bit constructs that span character boundaries, with no hassle
* Thread-safe, reentrant
* Benchmarking for parsing backends -- determine empirically which backend will be most time/space-efficient for your grammar
* Benchmarking for parsing backends -- determine empirically which backend will be most time-efficient for your grammar
* Parsing backends:
* Packrat parsing
* LL(k) (not yet implemented)
@@ -28,10 +28,14 @@ Features
### Prerequisites
* pkg-config
* glib-2.0 (for the test suite; everything else will build without glib)
* make
### Optional Dependencies
* doxygen (for `make doc`)
* pkg-config (for `make test`)
* glib-2.0 (for `make test`)
* glib-2.0-dev (for `make test`)
To install, type `make`. To run the built-in test suite, type `make test`.
There is not currently a `make install` target; to make Hammer available system-wide, copy `libhammer.a` to `/usr/lib/` (or `/usr/local/lib/`, or wherever ld will find it) and `hammer.h` to `/usr/include/`.