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Commit 318b594b authored by Meredith L. Patterson's avatar Meredith L. Patterson
Browse files

Parser combinators are well underway. Ones that are now finished are:

 * token: matches a sequence of bytes (with length)
 * ch: matches a single byte
 * range: matches any byte within the range [lower, upper] (inclusive)
 * join_action: joins the results of another parser with a separator
 * negate: matches the opposite of any single-character parser
 * end_p: succeeds if there's no input left to parse
 * nothing_p: always fails

One other big change: the AST is now a GSequence of parsed_token_t's. WARNING: This is not actually enforced, because C.

Also tweaked the makefile a little (which will get clobbered in TQ's next commit) and added some documentary comments to hammer.h.
parent dfd8cf2a
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CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0) -std=c99
CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0) -std=gnu99
LDFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --libs glib-2.0)
CC := gcc
-include ../
OUTPUTS := bitreader.o \
hammer.o \
libhammer.a \
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#include "hammer.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
/* TODO(thequux): rewrite to follow new parse_state_t layout
parse_state_t* from(parse_state_t *ps, const size_t index) {
......@@ -84,16 +86,196 @@ int put_cached(parse_state_t *ps, const parser_t *p, parse_result_t *cached) {
const parser_t* token(const uint8_t *s) { return NULL; }
const parser_t* ch(const uint8_t c) { return NULL; }
const parser_t* range(const uint8_t lower, const uint8_t upper) { return NULL; }
parse_result_t* do_parse(const parser_t* parser, parse_state_t *state);
/* Helper function, since these lines appear in every parser */
inline parse_result_t* make_result(GSequence *ast) {
parse_result_t *ret = g_new(parse_result_t, 1);
ret->ast = ast;
return ret;
typedef struct {
uint8_t *str;
uint8_t len;
} token_t;
static parse_result_t* parse_token(void *env, parse_state_t *state) {
token_t *t = (token_t*)env;
for (int i=0; i<t->len; ++i) {
uint8_t chr = (uint8_t)read_bits(&state->input_stream, 8, false);
if (t->str[i] != chr) {
return NULL;
parsed_token_t *tok = g_new(parsed_token_t, 1);
tok->token = t->str; tok->len = t->len;
GSequence *ast = g_sequence_new(NULL);
g_sequence_append(ast, tok);
return make_result(ast);
const parser_t* token(const uint8_t *str, const size_t len) {
token_t *t = g_new(token_t, 1);
t->str = (uint8_t*)str, t->len = len;
parser_t *ret = g_new(parser_t, 1);
ret->fn = parse_token; ret->env = t;
return (const parser_t*)ret;
static parse_result_t* parse_ch(void* env, parse_state_t *state) {
uint8_t c = (uint8_t)env;
uint8_t r = (uint8_t)read_bits(&state->input_stream, 8, false);
if (c == r) {
parsed_token_t *tok = g_new(parsed_token_t, 1);
tok->token = GUINT_TO_POINTER(c); tok->len = 1;
GSequence *ast = g_sequence_new(NULL);
g_sequence_append(ast, tok);
return make_result(ast);
} else {
return NULL;
const parser_t* ch(const uint8_t c) {
parser_t *ret = g_new(parser_t, 1);
ret->fn = parse_ch; ret->env = (void*)c;
return (const parser_t*)ret;
typedef struct {
uint8_t lower;
uint8_t upper;
} range_t;
static parse_result_t* parse_range(void* env, parse_state_t *state) {
range_t *range = (range_t*)env;
uint8_t r = (uint8_t)read_bits(&state->input_stream, 8, false);
if (range->lower <= r && range->upper >= r) {
parsed_token_t *tok = g_new(parsed_token_t, 1);
tok->token = GUINT_TO_POINTER(r); tok->len = 1;
GSequence *ast = g_sequence_new(NULL);
g_sequence_append(ast, tok);
return make_result(ast);
} else {
return NULL;
const parser_t* range(const uint8_t lower, const uint8_t upper) {
range_t *r = g_new(range_t, 1);
r->lower = lower; r->upper = upper;
parser_t *ret = g_new(parser_t, 1);
ret->fn = parse_range; ret->env = (void*)r;
return (const parser_t*)ret;
const parser_t* whitespace(const parser_t* p) { return NULL; }
//const parser_t* action(const parser_t* p, /* fptr to action on AST */) { return NULL; }
const parser_t* join_action(const parser_t* p, const uint8_t *sep) { return NULL; }
const parser_t* left_faction_action(const parser_t* p) { return NULL; }
const parser_t* negate(const parser_t* p) { return NULL; }
const parser_t* end_p() { return NULL; }
const parser_t* nothing_p() { return NULL; }
typedef struct {
parser_t *parser;
uint8_t *sep;
size_t len;
} join_t;
void join_collect(gpointer tok, gpointer ret) {
size_t sz = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE(ret);
sz += ((parsed_token_t*)tok)->len;
static parse_result_t* parse_join(void *env, parse_state_t *state) {
join_t *j = (join_t*)env;
parse_result_t *result = do_parse(j->parser, state);
size_t num_tokens = g_sequence_get_length((GSequence*)result->ast);
if (0 < num_tokens) {
gpointer sz = GSIZE_TO_POINTER(0);
// aggregate length of tokens in AST
g_sequence_foreach((GSequence*)result->ast, join_collect, sz);
// plus aggregate length of all separators
size_t ret_len = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE(sz) + (num_tokens - 1) * j->len;
gpointer ret_str = g_malloc(ret_len);
// first the first token ...
GSequenceIter *it = g_sequence_get_begin_iter((GSequence*)result->ast);
parsed_token_t *tok = g_sequence_get(it);
memcpy(ret_str, tok->token, tok->len);
ret_str += tok->len;
// if there was only one token, don't enter the while loop
it = g_sequence_iter_next(it);
while (!g_sequence_iter_is_end(it)) {
// add a separator
memcpy(ret_str, j->sep, j->len);
ret_str += j->len;
// then the next token
tok = g_sequence_get(it);
memcpy(ret_str, tok->token, tok->len);
// finally, advance the pointer and the iterator
ret_str += tok->len;
it = g_sequence_iter_next(it);
// reset the return pointer and construct the return parse_result_t
ret_str -= ret_len;
parsed_token_t *ret_tok = g_new(parsed_token_t, 1);
ret_tok->token = ret_str; ret_tok->len = ret_len;
GSequence *ast = g_sequence_new(NULL);
g_sequence_append(ast, tok);
return make_result(ast);
} else {
return NULL;
const parser_t* join_action(const parser_t* p, const uint8_t *sep, const size_t len) {
join_t *j = g_new(join_t, 1);
j->parser = (parser_t*)p; j->sep = (uint8_t*)sep; j->len = len;
parser_t *ret = g_new(parser_t, 1);
ret->fn = parse_join; ret->env = (void*)j;
return (const parser_t*)ret;
const parser_t* left_factor_action(const parser_t* p) { return NULL; }
static parse_result_t* parse_negate(void *env, parse_state_t *state) {
parser_t *p = (parser_t*)env;
parse_result_t *result = do_parse(p, state);
if (NULL == result) {
uint8_t r = (uint8_t)read_bits(&state->input_stream, 8, false);
parsed_token_t *tok = g_new(parsed_token_t, 1);
tok->token = GUINT_TO_POINTER(r); tok->len = 1;
GSequence *ast = g_sequence_new(NULL);
g_sequence_append(ast, tok);
return make_result(ast);
} else {
return NULL;
const parser_t* negate(const parser_t* p) {
assert(parse_ch == p->fn || parse_range == p->fn);
parser_t *ret = g_new(parser_t, 1);
ret->fn = parse_negate; ret->env = (void*)p;
return (const parser_t*)ret;
static parse_result_t* parse_end(void *env, parse_state_t *state) {
if (state->input_stream.index == state->input_stream.length) {
parse_result_t *ret = g_new(parse_result_t, 1);
ret->ast = NULL;
return ret;
} else {
return NULL;
const parser_t* end_p() {
parser_t *ret = g_new(parser_t, 1);
ret->fn = parse_end; ret->env = NULL;
return (const parser_t*)ret;
const parser_t* nothing_p() {
// not a mistake, this parser always fails
return NULL;
const parser_t* sequence(const parser_t* p_array[]) { return NULL; }
const parser_t* choice(const parser_t* p_array[]) { return NULL; }
const parser_t* butnot(const parser_t* p1, const parser_t* p2) { return NULL; }
......@@ -54,28 +54,49 @@ typedef struct parse_state {
input_stream_t input_stream;
} parse_state_t;
typedef struct parsed_token {
const uint8_t *token;
size_t len;
} parsed_token_t;
typedef struct parse_result {
const uint8_t *remaining;
const uint8_t *matched;
const GSequence *ast;
} parse_result_t;
typedef struct parser {
parse_result_t* (*fn)(void* env, parse_state_t *state);
void* env;
parse_result_t* (*fn)(void *env, parse_state_t *state);
void *env;
} parser_t;
parse_result_t* parse(const parser_t* parser, const uint8_t* input);
const parser_t* token(const uint8_t *s);
/* Given a string, returns a parser that parses that string value. */
const parser_t* token(const uint8_t *str, const size_t len);
/* Given a single character, returns a parser that parses that character. */
const parser_t* ch(const uint8_t c);
/* Given two single-character bounds, lower and upper, returns a parser that parses a single character within the range [lower, upper] (inclusive). */
const parser_t* range(const uint8_t lower, const uint8_t upper);
/* Given another parser, p, returns a parser that skips any whitespace and then applies p. */
const parser_t* whitespace(const parser_t* p);
/* Given another parser, p, and a function f, returns a parser that applies p, then applies f to everything in the AST of p's result. */
//const parser_t* action(const parser_t* p, /* fptr to action on AST */);
const parser_t* join_action(const parser_t* p, const uint8_t *sep);
const parser_t* left_faction_action(const parser_t* p);
/* Given another parser, p, and a separator, sep, returns a parser that applies p, then joins everything in the AST of p's result with sep. For example, if the AST of p's result is {"dog", "cat", "hedgehog"} and sep is "|", the AST of this parser's result will be {"dog|cat|hedgehog"}. */
const parser_t* join_action(const parser_t* p, const uint8_t *sep, const size_t len);
const parser_t* left_factor_action(const parser_t* p);
/* Given a single-character parser, p, returns a single-character parser that will parse any character *other* than the character p would parse. */
const parser_t* negate(const parser_t* p);
/* A no-argument parser that succeeds if there is no more input to parse. */
const parser_t* end_p();
/* This parser always fails. */
const parser_t* nothing_p();
const parser_t* sequence(const parser_t* p_array[]);
const parser_t* choice(const parser_t* p_array[]);
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