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  • hammer/hammer
  • mlp/hammer
  • xentrac/hammer
  • pesco/hammer
  • letitiali/hammer
  • nobody/hammer
  • kia/hammer-sandbox
  • vyrus001/hammer
  • denleylam/hammer
9 results
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Commits on Source (185)
# generated files
# coverage and profiling stuff
# editor leftovers
# misc
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# and kick off a recursive make
# Also, "make src/all" turns into "make -C src all"
SUBDIRS = src examples jni
SUBDIRS = src examples src/bindings/jni
......@@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ Installing
* mono-devel and mono-mcs (>= 3.0.6) (for .NET bindings)
* [nunit]( (for testing .NET bindings)
To build, type `scons`. To run the built-in test suite, type `scons test`. For a debug build, add `--variant=debug`.
To build, type `scons`.
To run the built-in test suite, type `scons test`.
To avoid the test dependencies, add `--no-tests`.
For a debug build, add `--variant=debug`.
To build bindings, pass a "bindings" argument to scons, e.g. `scons bindings=python`. `scons bindings=python test` will build Python bindings and run tests for both C and Python. `--variant=debug` is valid here too. You can build more than one set of bindings at a time; just separate them with commas, e.g. `scons bindings=python,perl`.
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import os.path
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
......@@ -14,13 +15,24 @@ if platform.system() == 'Windows':
vars = Variables(None, ARGUMENTS)
vars.Add(PathVariable('DESTDIR', "Root directory to install in (useful for packaging scripts)", None, PathVariable.PathIsDirCreate))
vars.Add(PathVariable('prefix', "Where to install in the FHS", "/usr/local", PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(ListVariable('bindings', 'Language bindings to build', 'none', ['cpp', 'dotnet', 'perl', 'php', 'python', 'ruby']))
vars.Add(ListVariable('bindings', 'Language bindings to build', 'none', ['cpp', 'dotnet', 'jni', 'perl', 'php', 'python', 'ruby']))
vars.Add('python', 'Python interpreter', 'python')
tools = ['default', 'scanreplace']
if 'dotnet' in ARGUMENTS.get('bindings', []):
# add the clang tool if necessary
if os.getenv('CC') == 'clang' or platform.system() == 'Darwin':
# try to detect if cc happens to be clang by inspecting --version
cc = os.getenv('CC') or 'cc'
ver =[cc, '--version'], capture_output=True).stdout
if b'clang' in ver.split():
os.environ['CC'] = cc # make sure we call it as we saw it
envvars = {'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']}
if 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' in os.environ:
envvars['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH']
......@@ -73,24 +85,33 @@ AddOption('--coverage',
help='Build with coverage instrumentation')
help='Build with debug symbols, even in the opt variant')
help='Build with profiling instrumentation for gprof')
help='Build in-place, rather than in the build/<variant> tree')
default=env['PLATFORM'] != 'win32',
help='Build tests')
help='Do not build tests')
env['CC'] = os.getenv('CC') or env['CC']
env['CXX'] = os.getenv('CXX') or env['CXX']
if os.getenv('CC') == 'clang' or env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
env['CFLAGS'] = os.getenv('CFLAGS') or env['CFLAGS']
# Language standard and warnings
if env['CC'] == 'cl':
......@@ -106,7 +127,15 @@ if env['CC'] == 'cl':
env.MergeFlags('-std=c99 -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-attributes -Wno-unused-variable')
if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
# It's reported -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE breaks the Mac OS build; I think we
# may need _DARWIN_C_SOURCE instead/in addition to, but let's wait to
# have access to a Mac to test/repo
env.MergeFlags('-std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-attributes -Wno-unused-variable')
# Using -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L here, not on an ad-hoc basis when,
# #including, is important
env.MergeFlags('-std=c99 -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-attributes -Wno-unused-variable')
# Linker options
if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
......@@ -120,14 +149,31 @@ else:
if GetOption('coverage'):
if env['CC'] == 'gcc':
env.ParseConfig('llvm-config --ldflags')
if GetOption('force_debug'):
if env['CC'] == 'cl':
if GetOption('gprof'):
if env['CC'] == 'gcc' and env['CXX'] == 'g++':
env['GPROF'] = 1
print("Can only use gprof with gcc")
dbg = env.Clone(VARIANT='debug')
if env['CC'] == 'cl':
......@@ -3,7 +3,13 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
example = env.Clone()
example.Append(LIBS="hammer", LIBPATH="../src")
if 'GPROF' in env and env['GPROF'] == 1:
example.Append(LIBS=hammer_lib_name, LIBPATH="../src")
dns = example.Program('dns', ['dns.c', 'rr.c', 'dns_common.c'])
ttuser = example.Program('ttuser', 'ttuser.c')
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ HParser *
/* words */
#define W(X) h_whitespace(h_literal(#X))
#define W(X) h_whitespace(h_literal((const uint8_t *)(#X)))
H_RULE(art, h_choice(W(a), W(the), NULL));
H_RULE(noun, h_choice(W(cat), W(dog), W(fox), W(tiger), W(lion),
W(bear), W(fence), W(tree), W(car), W(cow), NULL));
......@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import os.path
Import('env testruns')
# Bump this if you break binary compatibility (e.g. renumber backends)
hammer_shlib_version = "1.0.0"
dist_headers = [
......@@ -21,7 +24,9 @@ parsers_headers = [
backends_headers = [
parsers = ['parsers/%s.c'%s for s in
......@@ -30,6 +35,7 @@ parsers = ['parsers/%s.c'%s for s in
......@@ -56,7 +62,7 @@ parsers = ['parsers/%s.c'%s for s in
backends = ['backends/%s.c' % s for s in
['packrat', 'llk', 'regex', 'glr', 'lalr', 'lr', 'lr0']]
['missing', 'packrat', 'llk', 'regex', 'glr', 'lalr', 'lr', 'lr0', 'params']]
misc_hammer_parts = [
......@@ -88,6 +94,7 @@ ctests = ['t_benchmark.c',
......@@ -99,9 +106,21 @@ if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32':
# prevent collision between .lib from dll and .lib for static lib
static_library_name = 'hammer_s'
libhammer_shared = env.SharedLibrary('hammer', parsers + backends + misc_hammer_parts)
libhammer_static = env.StaticLibrary(static_library_name, parsers + backends + misc_hammer_parts)
if 'GPROF' in env and env['GPROF'] == 1:
# Disable the shared library (it won't work with gprof) and rename the static one
static_library_name = 'hammer_pg'
# Markers for later
libhammer_static = None
libhammer_shared = None
if build_shared_library:
libhammer_shared = env.SharedLibrary('hammer', parsers + backends + misc_hammer_parts, \
libhammer_static = env.StaticLibrary(static_library_name, parsers + backends + misc_hammer_parts)
if libhammer_shared is not None:
Default(libhammer_shared, libhammer_static)
env.Install('$libpath', [libhammer_static, libhammer_shared])
......@@ -116,14 +135,20 @@ env.Install('$pkgconfigpath', '../../../libhammer.pc')
if GetOption('with_tests'):
testenv = env.Clone()
testenv.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0')
if libhammer_shared is not None:
ctestexec = testenv.Program('test_suite', ctests + ['test_suite.c'], LINKFLAGS='--coverage' if testenv.GetOption('coverage') else None)
ctest = Alias('testc', [ctestexec], ''.join(['env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=', os.path.dirname(ctestexec[0].path), ' ', ctestexec[0].path]))
Export('libhammer_static libhammer_shared')
if libhammer_shared is not None:
Export('libhammer_static libhammer_shared')
for b in env['bindings']:
env.SConscript(['bindings/%s/SConscript' % b])
......@@ -29,28 +29,46 @@ struct arena_link {
// For efficiency, we should probably allocate the arena links in
// their own slice, and link to a block directly. That can be
// implemented later, though, with no change in interface.
struct arena_link *next; // It is crucial that this be the first item; so that
// any arena link can be casted to struct arena_link**.
struct arena_link *next;
size_t free;
size_t used;
uint8_t rest[];
} ;
struct HArena_ {
struct arena_link *head;
struct HAllocator_ *mm__;
/* does mm__ zero blocks for us? */
bool malloc_zeros;
size_t block_size;
size_t used;
size_t wasted;
size_t mm_malloc_count, mm_malloc_bytes;
size_t memset_count, memset_bytes;
size_t arena_malloc_count, arena_malloc_bytes;
size_t arena_su_malloc_count, arena_su_malloc_bytes;
size_t arena_si_malloc_count, arena_si_malloc_bytes;
size_t arena_lu_malloc_count, arena_lu_malloc_bytes;
size_t arena_li_malloc_count, arena_li_malloc_bytes;
jmp_buf *except;
static void * h_arena_malloc_raw(HArena *arena, size_t size, bool need_zero);
void* h_alloc(HAllocator* mm__, size_t size) {
void *p = mm__->alloc(mm__, size);
h_platform_errx(1, "memory allocation failed (%uB requested)\n", (unsigned int)size);
h_platform_errx(1, "memory allocation failed (%zuB requested)\n", size);
return p;
void* h_realloc(HAllocator* mm__, void* ptr, size_t size) {
void *p = mm__->realloc(mm__, ptr, size);
h_platform_errx(1, "memory reallocation failed (%zuB requested)\n", size);
return p;
......@@ -61,7 +79,6 @@ HArena *h_new_arena(HAllocator* mm__, size_t block_size) {
struct arena_link *link = (struct arena_link*)h_alloc(mm__, sizeof(struct arena_link) + block_size);
assert(ret != NULL);
assert(link != NULL);
memset(link, 0, sizeof(struct arena_link) + block_size);
link->free = block_size;
link->used = 0;
link->next = NULL;
......@@ -69,6 +86,19 @@ HArena *h_new_arena(HAllocator* mm__, size_t block_size) {
ret->block_size = block_size;
ret->used = 0;
ret->mm__ = mm__;
ret->mm_malloc_count = 2;
ret->mm_malloc_bytes = sizeof(*ret) + sizeof(struct arena_link) + block_size;
ret->memset_count = 0;
ret->memset_bytes = 0;
ret->arena_malloc_count = ret->arena_malloc_bytes = 0;
ret->arena_su_malloc_count = ret->arena_su_malloc_bytes = 0;
ret->arena_si_malloc_count = ret->arena_si_malloc_bytes = 0;
ret->arena_lu_malloc_count = ret->arena_lu_malloc_bytes = 0;
ret->arena_li_malloc_count = ret->arena_li_malloc_bytes = 0;
/* XXX provide a mechanism to indicate mm__ returns zeroed blocks */
ret->malloc_zeros = false;
ret->wasted = sizeof(struct arena_link) + sizeof(struct HArena_) + block_size;
ret->except = NULL;
return ret;
......@@ -90,39 +120,120 @@ static void *alloc_block(HArena *arena, size_t size)
return block;
void* h_arena_malloc(HArena *arena, size_t size) {
void * h_arena_malloc_noinit(HArena *arena, size_t size) {
return h_arena_malloc_raw(arena, size, false);
void * h_arena_malloc(HArena *arena, size_t size) {
return h_arena_malloc_raw(arena, size, true);
static void * h_arena_malloc_raw(HArena *arena, size_t size,
bool need_zero) {
struct arena_link *link = NULL;
void *ret = NULL;
if (size <= arena->head->free) {
// fast path..
void* ret = arena->head->rest + arena->head->used;
/* fast path.. */
ret = arena->head->rest + arena->head->used;
arena->used += size;
arena->wasted -= size;
arena->head->used += size;
arena->head->free -= size;
return ret;
arena->arena_malloc_bytes += size;
if (need_zero) {
arena->arena_si_malloc_bytes += size;
} else {
arena->arena_su_malloc_bytes += size;
} else if (size > arena->block_size) {
// We need a new, dedicated block for it, because it won't fit in a standard sized one.
// This involves some annoying casting...
arena->used += size;
arena->wasted += sizeof(struct arena_link*);
void* link = alloc_block(arena, size + sizeof(struct arena_link*));
* We need a new, dedicated block for it, because it won't fit in a
* standard sized one.
* We used to do a silly casting dance to treat blocks like this
* as special cases and make the used/free fields part of the allocated
* block, but the old code was not really proper portable C and depended
* on a bunch of implementation-specific behavior. We could have done it
* better with a union in struct arena_link, but the memory savings is
* only 0.39% for a 64-bit machine, a 4096-byte block size and all
* large allocations *only just one byte* over the block size, so I
* question the utility of it. We do still slip the large block in
* one position behind the list head so it doesn't cut off a partially
* filled list head.
* -- andrea
link = alloc_block(arena, size + sizeof(struct arena_link));
assert(link != NULL);
memset(link, 0, size + sizeof(struct arena_link*));
*(struct arena_link**)link = arena->head->next;
arena->head->next = (struct arena_link*)link;
return (void*)(((uint8_t*)link) + sizeof(struct arena_link*));
arena->used += size;
arena->wasted += sizeof(struct arena_link);
link->used = size;
link->free = 0;
link->next = arena->head->next;
arena->head->next = link;
ret = link->rest;
arena->arena_malloc_bytes += size;
if (need_zero) {
arena->arena_li_malloc_bytes += size;
} else {
arena->arena_lu_malloc_bytes += size;
} else {
// we just need to allocate an ordinary new block.
struct arena_link *link = alloc_block(arena, sizeof(struct arena_link) + arena->block_size);
/* we just need to allocate an ordinary new block. */
link = alloc_block(arena, sizeof(struct arena_link) + arena->block_size);
assert(link != NULL);
memset(link, 0, sizeof(struct arena_link) + arena->block_size);
arena->mm_malloc_bytes += sizeof(struct arena_link) + arena->block_size;
link->free = arena->block_size - size;
link->used = size;
link->next = arena->head;
arena->head = link;
arena->used += size;
arena->wasted += sizeof(struct arena_link) + arena->block_size - size;
return link->rest;
ret = link->rest;
arena->arena_malloc_bytes += size;
if (need_zero) {
arena->arena_si_malloc_bytes += size;
} else {
arena->arena_su_malloc_bytes += size;
* Zeroize if necessary
if (need_zero && !(arena->malloc_zeros)) {
memset(ret, 0, size);
arena->memset_bytes += size;
return ret;
void h_arena_free(HArena *arena, void* ptr) {
......@@ -146,4 +257,49 @@ void h_delete_arena(HArena *arena) {
void h_allocator_stats(HArena *arena, HArenaStats *stats) {
stats->used = arena->used;
stats->wasted = arena->wasted;
stats->mm_malloc_count = arena->mm_malloc_count;
stats->mm_malloc_bytes = arena->mm_malloc_bytes;
stats->memset_count = arena->memset_count;
stats->memset_bytes = arena->memset_bytes;
stats->arena_malloc_count = arena->arena_malloc_count;
stats->arena_malloc_bytes = arena->arena_malloc_bytes;
stats->arena_su_malloc_count = arena->arena_su_malloc_count;
stats->arena_su_malloc_bytes = arena->arena_su_malloc_bytes;
stats->arena_si_malloc_count = arena->arena_si_malloc_count;
stats->arena_si_malloc_bytes = arena->arena_si_malloc_bytes;
stats->arena_lu_malloc_count = arena->arena_lu_malloc_count;
stats->arena_lu_malloc_bytes = arena->arena_lu_malloc_bytes;
stats->arena_li_malloc_count = arena->arena_li_malloc_count;
stats->arena_li_malloc_bytes = arena->arena_li_malloc_bytes;
void* h_arena_realloc(HArena *arena, void* ptr, size_t n) {
struct arena_link *link;
void* ret;
size_t ncopy;
// XXX this is really wasteful, but maybe better than nothing?
// first, we walk the blocks to find our ptr. since we don't know how large
// the original allocation was, we must always make a new one and copy as
// much data from the old block as there could have been.
for (link = arena->head; link; link = link->next) {
if (ptr >= (void *)link->rest && ptr <= (void *)link->rest + link->used)
break; /* found it */
assert(link != NULL);
ncopy = (void *)link->rest + link->used - ptr;
if (n < ncopy)
ncopy = n;
ret = h_arena_malloc_noinit(arena, n);
assert(ret != NULL);
memcpy(ret, ptr, ncopy);
h_arena_free(arena, ptr);
return ret;
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ extern "C" {
# define ATTR_MALLOC(n)
// TODO(thequux): Turn this into an "HAllocatorVtable", and add a wrapper that also takes an environment pointer.
typedef struct HAllocator_ {
void* (*alloc)(struct HAllocator_* allocator, size_t size);
......@@ -46,12 +48,15 @@ typedef struct HAllocator_ {
} HAllocator;
void* h_alloc(HAllocator* allocator, size_t size) ATTR_MALLOC(2);
void* h_realloc(HAllocator* allocator, void* ptr, size_t size);
typedef struct HArena_ HArena ; // hidden implementation
HArena *h_new_arena(HAllocator* allocator, size_t block_size); // pass 0 for default...
void* h_arena_malloc_noinit(HArena *arena, size_t count) ATTR_MALLOC(2);
void* h_arena_malloc(HArena *arena, size_t count) ATTR_MALLOC(2);
void* h_arena_realloc(HArena *arena, void* ptr, size_t count);
void h_arena_free(HArena *arena, void* ptr); // For future expansion, with alternate memory managers.
void h_delete_arena(HArena *arena);
void h_arena_set_except(HArena *arena, jmp_buf *except);
......@@ -59,6 +64,26 @@ void h_arena_set_except(HArena *arena, jmp_buf *except);
typedef struct {
size_t used;
size_t wasted;
size_t mm_malloc_count;
size_t mm_malloc_bytes;
size_t memset_count;
size_t memset_bytes;
size_t arena_malloc_count;
size_t arena_malloc_bytes;
/* small, uninited */
size_t arena_su_malloc_count;
size_t arena_su_malloc_bytes;
/* small, inited */
size_t arena_si_malloc_count;
size_t arena_si_malloc_bytes;
/* large, uninited */
size_t arena_lu_malloc_count;
size_t arena_lu_malloc_bytes;
/* large, inited */
size_t arena_li_malloc_count;
size_t arena_li_malloc_bytes;
} HArenaStats;
void h_allocator_stats(HArena *arena, HArenaStats *stats);
#include <assert.h>
#include "lr.h"
#include "params.h"
static bool glr_step(HParseResult **result, HSlist *engines,
HLREngine *engine, const HLRAction *action);
......@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ int h_glr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
int result = h_lalr_compile(mm__, parser, params);
if(result == -1 && parser->backend_data) {
if(result == -2 && parser->backend_data) {
// table is there, just has conflicts? nevermind, that's okay.
result = 0;
......@@ -174,9 +175,9 @@ static bool glr_step(HParseResult **result, HSlist *engines,
HSlistNode *x;
for(x=engines->head; x; x=x->next) {
HLREngine *eng = x->elem;
if(eng->state == engine->state) {
x->elem = lrengine_merge(eng, engine);
if(eng->state == engine->state && eng->input.index == engine->input.index) {
x->elem = lrengine_merge(eng, engine);
if(!x) // no merge happened
......@@ -225,6 +226,8 @@ HParseResult *h_glr_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream*
HLREngine *engine = h_slist_pop(engines);
const HLRAction *action = h_lrengine_action(engine);
glr_step(&result, engback, engine, action);
// XXX detect ambiguous results - two engines terminating at the same pos
// -> kill both engines, i.e. ignore if there is a later unamb. success
// swap the lists
......@@ -239,12 +242,54 @@ HParseResult *h_glr_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream*
return result;
char * h_glr_get_description(HAllocator *mm__,
HParserBackend be, void *param) {
const char *backend_name = "GLR";
size_t k;
char *descr = NULL;
k = h_get_param_k(param);
descr = h_format_description_with_param_k(mm__, backend_name, k);
return descr;
char * h_glr_get_short_name(HAllocator *mm__,
HParserBackend be, void *param) {
const char *backend_name = "GLR";
size_t k;
char *name = NULL;
k = h_get_param_k(param);
name = h_format_name_with_param_k(mm__, backend_name, k);
return name;
int h_glr_extract_params(HParserBackendWithParams * be_with_params, backend_with_params_t * be_with_params_t) {
return h_extract_param_k(be_with_params, be_with_params_t);
HParserBackendVTable h__glr_backend_vtable = {
.compile = h_glr_compile,
.parse = h_glr_parse,
.free = h_glr_free
.free = h_glr_free,
.copy_params = h_copy_numeric_param,
/* No free_param needed, since it's not actually allocated */
/* Name/param resolution functions */
.backend_short_name = "glr",
.backend_description = "GLR(k) parser backend",
.get_description_with_params = h_glr_get_description,
.get_short_name_with_params = h_glr_get_short_name,
.extract_params = h_glr_extract_params
#include <assert.h>
#include "contextfree.h"
#include "lr.h"
#include "params.h"
/* LALR-via-SLR grammar transformation */
......@@ -31,18 +31,24 @@ static size_t follow_transition(const HLRTable *table, size_t x, HCFChoice *A)
HLRAction *action = lrtable_lookup(table, x, A);
assert(action != NULL);
// we are interested in a transition out of state x, i.e. a shift action.
// while there could also be reduce actions associated with A in state x,
// those are not what we are here for. so if action is a conflict, search it
// for the shift. there will only be one and it will be the bottom element.
if(action->type == HLR_CONFLICT) {
HSlistNode *x;
for(x=action->branches->head; x; x=x->next) {
action = x->elem;
assert(action->type != HLR_CONFLICT); // no nesting of conflicts
if(action->type == HLR_SHIFT)
assert(x != NULL && x->next == NULL); // shift found at the bottom
assert(action->type == HLR_SHIFT);
return action->nextstate;
static inline HLRTransition *transition(HArena *arena,
size_t x, const HCFChoice *A, size_t y)
HLRTransition *t = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRTransition));
t->from = x;
t->symbol = A;
t->to = y;
return t;
return action->nextstate;
// no-op on terminal symbols
......@@ -69,8 +75,8 @@ static void transform_productions(const HLRTable *table, HLREnhGrammar *eg,
HCFChoice **iBj = items;
for(; *B; B++, iBj++) {
size_t j = follow_transition(table, i, *B);
HLRTransition *i_B_j = transition(arena, i, *B, j);
*iBj = h_hashtable_get(eg->tmap, i_B_j);
HLRTransition i_B_j = {i, *B, j};
*iBj = h_hashtable_get(eg->tmap, &i_B_j);
assert(*iBj != NULL);
i = j;
......@@ -269,6 +275,7 @@ HCFChoice *h_desugar_augmented(HAllocator *mm__, HParser *parser)
int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
size_t k = params? (uintptr_t)params : DEFAULT_KMAX;
// generate (augmented) CFG from parser
// construct LR(0) DFA
// build LR(0) table
......@@ -279,18 +286,18 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
HCFGrammar *g = h_cfgrammar_(mm__, h_desugar_augmented(mm__, parser));
if(g == NULL) // backend not suitable (language not context-free)
return -1;
return 2;
HLRDFA *dfa = h_lr0_dfa(g);
if (dfa == NULL) { // this should normally not happen
return -1;
return 3;
HLRTable *table = h_lr0_table(g, dfa);
if (table == NULL) { // this should normally not happen
return -1;
return 4;
if(has_conflicts(table)) {
......@@ -300,7 +307,7 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
if(eg == NULL) { // this should normally not happen
return -1;
return 5;
// go through the inadequate states; replace inadeq with a new list
......@@ -329,10 +336,14 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
if(match_any_production(table, eg, lhs, item->rhs, state)) {
// the left-hand symbol's follow set is this production's
// contribution to the lookahead
const HStringMap *fs = h_follow(1, eg->grammar, lhs);
const HStringMap *fs = h_follow(k, eg->grammar, lhs);
assert(fs != NULL);
assert(fs->epsilon_branch == NULL);
// NB: there is a case where fs can be empty: when reducing by lhs
// would lead to certain parse failure, by means of h_nothing_p()
// for instance. in that case, the below code correctly adds no
// reduce action.
assert(!h_stringmap_empty(fs)); // XXX
// for each lookahead symbol, put action into table cell
if(terminals_put(table->tmap[state], fs, action) < 0)
......@@ -345,11 +356,13 @@ int h_lalr_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
h_slist_push(table->inadeq, (void *)(uintptr_t)state);
parser->backend_data = table;
return has_conflicts(table)? -1 : 0;
return has_conflicts(table)? -2 : 0;
void h_lalr_free(HParser *parser)
......@@ -357,22 +370,62 @@ void h_lalr_free(HParser *parser)
HLRTable *table = parser->backend_data;
parser->backend_data = NULL;
parser->backend = PB_PACKRAT;
parser->backend_vtable = h_get_default_backend_vtable();
parser->backend = h_get_default_backend();
char * h_lalr_get_description(HAllocator *mm__,
HParserBackend be, void *param) {
const char *backend_name = "LALR";
size_t k;
char *descr = NULL;
k = h_get_param_k(param);
descr = h_format_description_with_param_k(mm__, backend_name, k);
return descr;
char * h_lalr_get_short_name(HAllocator *mm__,
HParserBackend be, void *param) {
const char *backend_name = "LALR";
size_t k;
char *name = NULL;
k = h_get_param_k(param);
name = h_format_name_with_param_k(mm__, backend_name, k);
return name;
int h_lalr_extract_params(HParserBackendWithParams * be_with_params, backend_with_params_t * be_with_params_t) {
return h_extract_param_k(be_with_params, be_with_params_t);
HParserBackendVTable h__lalr_backend_vtable = {
.compile = h_lalr_compile,
.parse = h_lr_parse,
.free = h_lalr_free,
.parse_start = h_lr_parse_start,
.parse_chunk = h_lr_parse_chunk,
.parse_finish = h_lr_parse_finish
.parse_finish = h_lr_parse_finish,
.copy_params = h_copy_numeric_param,
/* No free_param needed, since it's not actually allocated */
/* Name/param resolution functions */
.backend_short_name = "lalr",
.backend_description = "LALR(k) parser backend",
.get_description_with_params = h_lalr_get_description,
.get_short_name_with_params = h_lalr_get_short_name,
.extract_params = h_lalr_extract_params
// dummy!
int test_lalr(void)
......@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
#include "../internal.h"
#include "../cfgrammar.h"
#include "../parsers/parser_internal.h"
static const size_t DEFAULT_KMAX = 1;
#include "params.h"
/* Generating the LL(k) parse table */
......@@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ int h_llk_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
// the table was ambiguous
return -1;
return -2;
parser->backend_data = table;
......@@ -254,7 +253,8 @@ void h_llk_free(HParser *parser)
HLLkTable *table = parser->backend_data;
parser->backend_data = NULL;
parser->backend = PB_PACKRAT;
parser->backend_vtable = h_get_default_backend_vtable();
parser->backend = h_get_default_backend();
......@@ -606,6 +606,38 @@ HParseResult *h_llk_parse_finish(HSuspendedParser *s)
return llk_parse_finish_(s->mm__, s->backend_state);
char * h_llk_get_description(HAllocator *mm__,
HParserBackend be, void *param) {
const char *backend_name = "LL";
size_t k, len;
char *descr = NULL;
k = h_get_param_k(param);
descr = h_format_description_with_param_k(mm__, backend_name, k);
return descr;
char * h_llk_get_short_name(HAllocator *mm__,
HParserBackend be, void *param) {
const char *backend_name = "LL";
size_t k;
char *name = NULL;
k = h_get_param_k(param);
name = h_format_name_with_param_k(mm__, backend_name, k);
return name;
int h_llk_extract_params(HParserBackendWithParams * be_with_params, backend_with_params_t *be_with_params_t) {
return h_extract_param_k(be_with_params, be_with_params_t);
HParserBackendVTable h__llk_backend_vtable = {
.compile = h_llk_compile,
......@@ -614,7 +646,19 @@ HParserBackendVTable h__llk_backend_vtable = {
.parse_start = h_llk_parse_start,
.parse_chunk = h_llk_parse_chunk,
.parse_finish = h_llk_parse_finish
.parse_finish = h_llk_parse_finish,
.copy_params = h_copy_numeric_param,
/* No free_param needed, since it's not actually allocated */
/* Name/param resolution functions */
.backend_short_name = "llk",
.backend_description = "LL(k) parser backend",
.get_description_with_params = h_llk_get_description,
.get_short_name_with_params = h_llk_get_short_name,
/*extraction of params from string*/
.extract_params = h_llk_extract_params
#include "missing.h"
/* Placeholder backend that always fails */
int h_missing_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params) {
/* Always fail */
return -1;
HParseResult *h_missing_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream* stream) {
/* Always fail */
return NULL;
void h_missing_free(HParser *parser) {
/* No-op */
HParserBackendVTable h__missing_backend_vtable = {
.compile = h_missing_compile,
.parse = h_missing_parse,
.free = h_missing_free,
#include "../hammer.h"
#include "../internal.h"
#endif /* !defined(HAMMER_BACKENDS_MISSING__H) */
......@@ -3,6 +3,17 @@
#include "../internal.h"
#include "../parsers/parser_internal.h"
static size_t packrat_hash_count = 0;
static size_t packrat_hash_bytes = 0;
static size_t packrat_cmp_count = 0;
static size_t packrat_cmp_bytes = 0;
static uint32_t cache_key_hash(const void* key);
// short-hand for creating lowlevel parse cache values (parse result case)
HParserCacheValue * cached_result(HParseState *state, HParseResult *result) {
......@@ -23,64 +34,73 @@ HParserCacheValue *cached_lr(HParseState *state, HLeftRec *lr) {
return ret;
// Really library-internal tool to perform an uncached parse, and handle any common error-handling.
static inline HParseResult* perform_lowlevel_parse(HParseState *state, const HParser *parser) {
// TODO(thequux): these nested conditions are ugly. Factor this appropriately, so that it is clear which codes is executed when.
HParseResult *tmp_res;
if (parser) {
HInputStream bak = state->input_stream;
tmp_res = parser->vtable->parse(parser->env, state);
if (tmp_res) {
tmp_res->arena = state->arena;
if (!state->input_stream.overrun) {
size_t bit_length = h_input_stream_pos(&state->input_stream) - h_input_stream_pos(&bak);
if (tmp_res->bit_length == 0) { // Don't modify if forwarding.
tmp_res->bit_length = bit_length;
if (tmp_res->ast && tmp_res->ast->bit_length != 0) {
((HParsedToken*)(tmp_res->ast))->bit_length = bit_length;
} else
tmp_res->bit_length = 0;
} else
tmp_res = NULL;
if (state->input_stream.overrun)
return NULL; // overrun is always failure.
if (!tmp_res) {
state->input_stream = INVALID;
state->input_stream.input = key->input_pos.input;
// internal helper to perform an uncached parse and common error-handling
static inline
HParseResult *perform_lowlevel_parse(HParseState *state, const HParser *parser)
HParseResult *res;
HInputStream bak;
size_t len;
if (!parser)
return NULL;
bak = state->input_stream;
res = parser->vtable->parse(parser->env, state);
if (!res)
return NULL; // NB: input position is considered invalid on failure
// combinators' parse functions by design do not have to check for overrun.
// turn such bogus successes into parse failure.
if (state->input_stream.overrun) {
res->bit_length = 0;
return NULL;
return tmp_res;
// update result length
res->arena = state->arena;
len = h_input_stream_pos(&state->input_stream) - h_input_stream_pos(&bak);
if (res->bit_length == 0) // Don't modify if forwarding.
res->bit_length = len;
if (res->ast && res->ast->bit_length != 0)
((HParsedToken *)(res->ast))->bit_length = len;
return res;
HParserCacheValue* recall(HParserCacheKey *k, HParseState *state) {
HParserCacheValue *cached = h_hashtable_get(state->cache, k);
HParserCacheValue* recall(HParserCacheKey *k, HParseState *state, HHashValue keyhash) {
HParserCacheValue *cached = h_hashtable_get_precomp(state->cache, k, keyhash);
HRecursionHead *head = h_hashtable_get(state->recursion_heads, &k->input_pos);
if (!head) { // No heads found
if (!head) {
/* No heads found */
return cached;
} else { // Some heads found
} else {
/* Some heads found */
if (!cached && head->head_parser != k->parser && !h_slist_find(head->involved_set, k->parser)) {
// Nothing in the cache, and the key parser is not involved
/* Nothing in the cache, and the key parser is not involved */
cached = cached_result(state, NULL);
cached->input_stream = k->input_pos;
if (h_slist_find(head->eval_set, k->parser)) {
// Something is in the cache, and the key parser is in the eval set. Remove the key parser from the eval set of the head.
* Something is in the cache, and the key parser is in the eval set.
* Remove the key parser from the eval set of the head.
head->eval_set = h_slist_remove_all(head->eval_set, k->parser);
HParseResult *tmp_res = perform_lowlevel_parse(state, k->parser);
// update the cache
/* update the cache */
if (!cached) {
cached = cached_result(state, tmp_res);
h_hashtable_put(state->cache, k, cached);
cached = cached_result(state, tmp_res);
h_hashtable_put_precomp(state->cache, k, cached, keyhash);
} else {
cached->value_type = PC_RIGHT;
cached->right = tmp_res;
cached->input_stream = state->input_stream;
cached->value_type = PC_RIGHT;
cached->right = tmp_res;
cached->input_stream = state->input_stream;
return cached;
......@@ -180,36 +200,52 @@ HParseResult* lr_answer(HParserCacheKey *k, HParseState *state, HLeftRec *growab
/* Warth's recursion. Hi Alessandro! */
HParseResult* h_do_parse(const HParser* parser, HParseState *state) {
HParserCacheKey *key = a_new(HParserCacheKey, 1);
HHashValue keyhash;
HLeftRec *base = NULL;
HParserCacheValue *m = NULL, *cached = NULL;
key->input_pos = state->input_stream; key->parser = parser;
HParserCacheValue *m = NULL;
keyhash = cache_key_hash(key);
if (parser->vtable->higher) {
m = recall(key, state);
m = recall(key, state, keyhash);
// check to see if there is already a result for this object...
/* check to see if there is already a result for this object... */
if (!m) {
// It doesn't exist, so create a dummy result to cache
HLeftRec *base = NULL;
// But only cache it now if there's some chance it could grow; primitive parsers can't
* But only cache it now if there's some chance it could grow; primitive
* parsers can't
if (parser->vtable->higher) {
base = a_new(HLeftRec, 1);
base->seed = NULL; base->rule = parser; base->head = NULL;
h_slist_push(state->lr_stack, base);
// cache it
h_hashtable_put(state->cache, key, cached_lr(state, base));
// parse the input
/* cache it */
h_hashtable_put_precomp(state->cache, key,
cached_lr(state, base), keyhash);
/* parse the input */
HParseResult *tmp_res = perform_lowlevel_parse(state, parser);
if (parser->vtable->higher) {
// the base variable has passed equality tests with the cache
/* the base variable has passed equality tests with the cache */
// update the cached value to our new position
HParserCacheValue *cached = h_hashtable_get(state->cache, key);
/* update the cached value to our new position */
cached = h_hashtable_get_precomp(state->cache, key, keyhash);
assert(cached != NULL);
cached->input_stream = state->input_stream;
// setupLR, used below, mutates the LR to have a head if appropriate, so we check to see if we have one
* setupLR, used below, mutates the LR to have a head if appropriate,
* so we check to see if we have one
if (!base || NULL == base->head) {
h_hashtable_put(state->cache, key, cached_result(state, tmp_res));
if (parser->vtable->higher) {
h_hashtable_put_precomp(state->cache, key,
cached_result(state, tmp_res), keyhash);
return tmp_res;
} else {
base->seed = tmp_res;
......@@ -217,7 +253,7 @@ HParseResult* h_do_parse(const HParser* parser, HParseState *state) {
return res;
} else {
// it exists!
/* it exists! */
state->input_stream = m->input_stream;
if (PC_LEFT == m->value_type) {
setupLR(parser, state, m->left);
......@@ -229,27 +265,46 @@ HParseResult* h_do_parse(const HParser* parser, HParseState *state) {
int h_packrat_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params) {
parser->backend_vtable = &h__packrat_backend_vtable;
parser->backend = PB_PACKRAT;
return 0; // No compilation necessary, and everything should work
// out of the box.
void h_packrat_free(HParser *parser) {
parser->backend = PB_PACKRAT; // revert to default, oh that's us
parser->backend_vtable = h_get_default_backend_vtable();
parser->backend = h_get_default_backend();
static uint32_t cache_key_hash(const void* key) {
packrat_hash_bytes += sizeof(HParserCacheKey);
return h_djbhash(key, sizeof(HParserCacheKey));
static bool cache_key_equal(const void* key1, const void* key2) {
packrat_cmp_bytes += sizeof(HParserCacheKey);
return memcmp(key1, key2, sizeof(HParserCacheKey)) == 0;
static uint32_t pos_hash(const void* key) {
packrat_hash_bytes += sizeof(HInputStream);
return h_djbhash(key, sizeof(HInputStream));
static bool pos_equal(const void* key1, const void* key2) {
packrat_cmp_bytes += sizeof(HInputStream);
return memcmp(key1, key2, sizeof(HInputStream)) == 0;
......@@ -271,7 +326,9 @@ HParseResult *h_packrat_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStr
parse_state->lr_stack = h_slist_new(arena);
parse_state->recursion_heads = h_hashtable_new(arena, pos_equal, pos_hash);
parse_state->arena = arena;
parse_state->symbol_table = NULL;
HParseResult *res = h_do_parse(parser, parse_state);
*input_stream = parse_state->input_stream;
// tear down the parse state
......@@ -282,8 +339,121 @@ HParseResult *h_packrat_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStr
return res;
// The following naive implementation of the iterative (chunked) parsing API
// concatenates chunks and blindly re-runs the full parse on every call to
// h_packrat_parse_chunk.
// NB: A full implementation will still have to concatenate the chunks to
// support arbitrary backtracking, but should be able save much, if not all, of
// the HParseState between calls.
// Cutting unneeded past input should also be possible but is complicated by
// the fact that only higher-order combinators are saved to the packrat cache,
// so former input to bare primitive combinators must remain available.
// Note: The iterative API expects us to always consume an entire input chunk
// when we suspend, even if packrat later backtracks into it. We will produce
// the correct parse result and accurately consume from a final chunk, but all
// earlier chunks will be reported as fully consumed and as being part of the
// HParseResult in terms of its bit_length field.
void h_packrat_parse_start(HSuspendedParser *s)
// nothing to do here, we allocate lazily below
bool h_packrat_parse_chunk(HSuspendedParser *s, HInputStream *input)
HAllocator *mm__ = s->mm__;
HParseResult *res;
HInputStream *cat;
size_t newlen;
if (s->backend_state == NULL) { // this is the first chunk
// attempt to finish the parse on just the given input.
res = h_packrat_parse(mm__, s->parser, input);
if (input->last_chunk || !input->overrun) {
s->backend_state = res; // pass on the result
return true; // and signal we're done
// we ran out of input and are expecting more
// allocate and initialize an input stream to concatenate the chunks
cat = h_new(HInputStream, 1);
*cat = *input;
cat->input = h_alloc(mm__, input->length);
memcpy((void *)cat->input, input->input, input->length);
s->backend_state = cat;
goto suspend;
// we have received additional input - append it to the saved stream
cat = s->backend_state;
assert(input->pos == cat->length);
if (input->length > SIZE_MAX - cat->length)
h_platform_errx(1, "input length would overflow");
newlen = cat->length + input->length;
cat->input = h_realloc(mm__, (void *)cat->input, newlen);
memcpy((void *)cat->input + cat->length, input->input, input->length);
cat->length = newlen;
cat->last_chunk = input->last_chunk;
// reset our input stream and call the parser on it (again)
cat->index = 0;
cat->bit_offset = 0;
cat->margin = 0;
cat->endianness = DEFAULT_ENDIANNESS;
cat->overrun = false;
res = h_packrat_parse(mm__, s->parser, cat);
assert(cat->index <= cat->length);
input->overrun = cat->overrun;
// suspend if the parser still needs more input
if (input->overrun && !input->last_chunk)
goto suspend;
// otherwise the parse is finished...
// report final input position
if (cat->index < input->pos) { // parser just needed some lookahead
input->index = 0; // don't consume this last chunk
input->bit_offset = 0;
input->margin = 0;
} else {
input->index = cat->index - input->pos;
input->bit_offset = cat->bit_offset;
input->margin = cat->margin;
input->endianness = cat->endianness;
// clean up and return the result
h_free((void *)cat->input);
s->backend_state = res;
return true; // don't call me again.
input->index = input->length; // consume the entire chunk on suspend
input->margin = 0;
input->bit_offset = 0;
return false; // come back with more input.
HParseResult *h_packrat_parse_finish(HSuspendedParser *s)
return s->backend_state;
HParserBackendVTable h__packrat_backend_vtable = {
.compile = h_packrat_compile,
.parse = h_packrat_parse,
.free = h_packrat_free
.free = h_packrat_free,
.parse_start = h_packrat_parse_start,
.parse_chunk = h_packrat_parse_chunk,
.parse_finish = h_packrat_parse_finish,
/* Name/param resolution functions */
.backend_short_name = "packrat",
.backend_description = "Packrat parser with Warth's recursion",
.get_description_with_params = h_get_description_with_no_params,
.get_short_name_with_params = h_get_short_name_with_no_params
#include "params.h"
size_t h_get_param_k(void *param) {
uintptr_t params_int;
params_int = (uintptr_t)param;
return (size_t)params_int;
char * h_format_description_with_param_k(HAllocator *mm__, const char *backend_name, size_t k){
const char *format_str = "%s(%zu) parser backend";
const char *generic_descr_format_str =
"%s(k) parser backend (default k is %zu)";
size_t len;
char *descr = NULL;
if (k > 0) {
/* A specific k was given */
/* Measure how big a buffer we need */
len = snprintf(NULL, 0, format_str, backend_name, k);
/* Allocate it and do the real snprintf */
descr = h_new(char, len + 1);
if (descr) {
snprintf(descr, len + 1, format_str, backend_name, k);
} else {
* No specific k, would use DEFAULT_KMAX. We say what DEFAULT_KMAX
* was compiled in in the description.
len = snprintf(NULL, 0, generic_descr_format_str, backend_name, DEFAULT_KMAX);
/* Allocate and do the real snprintf */
descr = h_new(char, len + 1);
if (descr) {
snprintf(descr, len + 1, generic_descr_format_str, backend_name, DEFAULT_KMAX);
return descr;
char * h_format_name_with_param_k(HAllocator *mm__, const char *backend_name, size_t k){
const char *format_str = "%s(%zu)", *generic_name = "%s(k)";
size_t len;
char *name = NULL;
if (k > 0) {
/* A specific k was given */
/* Measure how big a buffer we need */
len = snprintf(NULL, 0, format_str, backend_name, k);
/* Allocate it and do the real snprintf */
name = h_new(char, len + 1);
if (name) {
snprintf(name, len + 1, format_str, backend_name, k);
} else {
/* No specific k */
len = snprintf(NULL, 0, generic_name, backend_name, k);
name = h_new(char, len + 1);
if (name) {
snprintf(name, len + 1, generic_name, backend_name);
return name;
/*TODO better error handling*/
int h_extract_param_k(HParserBackendWithParams * be_with_params, backend_with_params_t * be_with_params_t) {
be_with_params->params = NULL;
int param_0 = -1;
int success = 0;
uintptr_t param;
size_t expected_params_len = 1;
backend_params_t params_t = be_with_params_t->params;
size_t actual_params_len = params_t.len;
if(actual_params_len >= expected_params_len) {
backend_param_with_name_t param_t = params_t.params[0];
success = sscanf((char*)param_t.param.param, "%d", &param_0);
if(success) {
param = (uintptr_t) param_0;
be_with_params->params = (void *)param;
return success;
#include "../hammer.h"
#include "../internal.h"
static const size_t DEFAULT_KMAX = 1;
size_t h_get_param_k(void *param);
char * h_format_description_with_param_k(HAllocator *mm__, const char *backend_name, size_t k);
char * h_format_name_with_param_k(HAllocator *mm__, const char *backend_name, size_t k);
int h_extract_param_k(HParserBackendWithParams * be_with_params, backend_with_params_t * be_with_params_t);
#endif /* !defined(HAMMER_BACKENDS_PARAMS__H) */
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#undef a_new
#define a_new(typ, count) a_new_(arena, typ, count)
#undef a_new0
#define a_new0(typ, count) a_new0_(arena, typ, count)
// Stack VM
typedef enum HSVMOp_ {
SVM_PUSH, // Push a mark. There is no VM insn to push an object.
......@@ -67,13 +69,13 @@ void* h_rvm_run__m(HAllocator *mm__, HRVMProg *prog, const uint8_t* input, size_
goto end;
HSArray *heads_n = heads_a, *heads_p = heads_b;
uint8_t *insn_seen = a_new(uint8_t, prog->length); // 0 -> not seen, 1->processed, 2->queued
HRVMThread *ip_queue = a_new(HRVMThread, prog->length);
uint8_t *insn_seen = a_new0(uint8_t, prog->length); // 0 -> not seen, 1->processed, 2->queued
HRVMThread *ip_queue = a_new0(HRVMThread, prog->length);
size_t ipq_top;
#define THREAD ip_queue[ipq_top-1]
#define PUSH_SVM(op_, arg_) do { \
HRVMTrace *nt = a_new(HRVMTrace, 1); \
HRVMTrace *nt = a_new0(HRVMTrace, 1); \
nt->arg = (arg_); \
nt->opcode = (op_); \
nt->next = THREAD.trace; \
......@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ void* h_rvm_run__m(HAllocator *mm__, HRVMProg *prog, const uint8_t* input, size_
THREAD.trace = nt; \
} while(0)
((HRVMTrace*)h_sarray_set(heads_n, 0, a_new(HRVMTrace, 1)))->opcode = SVM_NOP; // Initial thread
((HRVMTrace*)h_sarray_set(heads_n, 0, a_new0(HRVMTrace, 1)))->opcode = SVM_NOP; // Initial thread
size_t off = 0;
int live_threads = 1; // May be redundant
......@@ -257,7 +259,7 @@ HParseResult *run_trace(HAllocator *mm__, HRVMProg *orig_prog, HRVMTrace *trace,
if (!svm_stack_ensure_cap(mm__, ctx, 1)) {
goto fail;
tmp_res = a_new(HParsedToken, 1);
tmp_res = a_new0(HParsedToken, 1);
tmp_res->token_type = TT_MARK;
tmp_res->index = cur->input_pos;
tmp_res->bit_offset = 0;
......@@ -288,7 +290,7 @@ HParseResult *run_trace(HAllocator *mm__, HRVMProg *orig_prog, HRVMTrace *trace,
assert(ctx->stack_count <= 1);
HParseResult *res = a_new(HParseResult, 1);
HParseResult *res = a_new0(HParseResult, 1);
if (ctx->stack_count == 1) {
res->ast = ctx->stack[0];
} else {
......@@ -415,7 +417,8 @@ static void h_regex_free(HParser *parser) {
parser->backend_data = NULL;
parser->backend = PB_PACKRAT;
parser->backend_vtable = h_get_default_backend_vtable();
parser->backend = h_get_default_backend();
static int h_regex_compile(HAllocator *mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params) {
......@@ -428,9 +431,10 @@ static int h_regex_compile(HAllocator *mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params
prog->actions = NULL;
prog->allocator = mm__;
if (setjmp(prog->except)) {
return false;
return 3;
if (!h_compile_regex(prog, parser)) {
// this shouldn't normally fail when isValidRegular() returned true
......@@ -449,7 +453,12 @@ static HParseResult *h_regex_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInp
HParserBackendVTable h__regex_backend_vtable = {
.compile = h_regex_compile,
.parse = h_regex_parse,
.free = h_regex_free
.free = h_regex_free,
/* Name/param resolution functions */
.backend_short_name = "regex",
.backend_description = "Regular expression matcher (broken)",
.get_description_with_params = h_get_description_with_no_params,
.get_short_name_with_params = h_get_short_name_with_no_params
#ifndef NDEBUG
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ HBenchmarkResults *h_benchmark__m(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, HParserTest
for (backend = PB_MIN; backend <= PB_MAX; backend++) {
ret->results[backend].backend = backend;
// Step 1: Compile grammar for given parser...
if (h_compile(parser, backend, NULL) == -1) {
if (h_compile(parser, backend, NULL)) {
// backend inappropriate for grammar...
fprintf(stderr, "Compiling for %s failed\n", HParserBackendNames[backend]);
ret->results[backend].compile_success = false;
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import sys
def walkDirs(path):
"""helper function to get a list of all subdirectories"""
def addDirs(pathlist, dirname, names):
"""internal function to pass to os.walk"""
print("in addDirs")
for n in names:
f = os.path.join(dirname, n)
if os.path.isdir(f):
pathlist = [path]
os.walk(path, addDirs, pathlist)
return pathlist
def ConfigureJNI(env):
"""Configure the given environment for compiling Java Native Interface
c or c++ language files."""
print( "Configuring JNI includes")
if not env.get('JAVAC'):
print( "The Java compiler must be installed and in the current path.")
return 0
# first look for a shell variable called JAVA_HOME
java_base = os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME')
if not java_base:
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# Apple's OS X has its own special java base directory
java_base = '/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework'
# Search for the java compiler
print ("JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set. Searching for java... ")
jcdir = os.path.dirname(env.WhereIs('javac'))
if not jcdir:
print( "not found.")
return 0
# assuming the compiler found is in some directory like
# /usr/jdkX.X/bin/javac, java's home directory is /usr/jdkX.X
java_base = os.path.join(jcdir, "..")
print( "found.")
if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
# Cygwin and Sun Java have different ideas of how path names
# are defined. Use cygpath to convert the windows path to
# a cygwin path. i.e. C:\jdkX.X to /cygdrive/c/jdkX.X
java_base = os.popen("cygpath -up '"+java_base+"'").read().replace( \
'\n', '')
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# Apple does not use Sun's naming convention
java_headers = [os.path.join(java_base, 'Headers')]
java_libs = [os.path.join(java_base, 'Libraries')]
# windows and linux
java_headers = [os.path.join(java_base, 'include')]
java_libs = [os.path.join(java_base, 'lib')]
# Sun's windows and linux JDKs keep system-specific header
# files in a sub-directory of include
if java_base == '/usr' or java_base == '/usr/local':
# too many possible subdirectories. Just use defaults
java_headers.append(os.path.join(java_headers[0], 'win32'))
java_headers.append(os.path.join(java_headers[0], 'linux'))
java_headers.append(os.path.join(java_headers[0], 'solaris'))
# add all subdirs of 'include'. The system specific headers
# should be in there somewhere
java_headers = walkDirs(java_headers[0])
if not any(os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'jni.h'))
for path in java_headers):
print("Can't find jni.h in %s" % java_headers)
return 0
# add Java's include and lib directory to the environment
java_headers.append(os.path.join(java_headers[0], 'linux'))
env.Append(CPPPATH = java_headers)
env.Append(LIBPATH = java_libs)
# add any special platform-specific compilation or linking flags
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
env.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = '-dynamiclib -framework JavaVM')
env['SHLIBSUFFIX'] = '.jnilib'
elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '-mno-cygwin')
env.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = '-mno-cygwin -Wl,--kill-at')
# Add extra potentially useful environment variables
env['JAVA_HOME'] = java_base
env['JNI_CPPPATH'] = java_headers
env['JNI_LIBPATH'] = java_libs
return 1
\ No newline at end of file