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  • pesco/pdf
  • andrea/pdf
  • letitiali/pdf
  • denleylam/pdf
  • xentrac/pdf
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......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2019, 2020 Sven M. Hallberg <>
Copyright (c) 2019 - 2022 Sven M. Hallberg <>
Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022 pompolic <>
Copyright (c) 2020 Paul Vines <>
Copyright (c) 2020, 2021 Kragen Sitaker <>
Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Sumit Ray <>
Copyright (c) 2022 Meg Gordon <>
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
CFLAGS += -std=c99 -Wall -Werror
CFLAGS += -std=c99 -Wall -Werror -DLOG -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=2
# find our hammer build - adjust this to your needs
# i have, for instance, symlinks:
......@@ -9,16 +9,33 @@ HAMMER_LIB = ./lib
.PHONY: all test clean
all: pdf
SOURCES = pdf.c lzw.c
DOCS = pdf.1.txt
.PHONY: all test clean doc
all: $(TARGETS)
doc: $(DOCS)
test: pdf
'for x in t/*.pdf; do ./pdf "$$x" >/dev/null && echo OK: "$$x"; done'
pdf: pdf.c
$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $< -lhammer -lz
pdf: $(SOURCES)
$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(SOURCES) -lhammer -lz
rm -f pdf
rm -f $(TARGETS)
MANDOC ?= mandoc
MANDOCFLAGS += -Ios= -Wall
.SUFFIXES: .mdoc .txt .pdf .html
$(MANDOC) $(MANDOCFLAGS) -Tman $< > $@
$(MANDOC) $(MANDOCFLAGS) -Tascii $< | col -b > $@
$(MANDOC) $(MANDOCFLAGS) -Tpdf $< > $@
$(MANDOC) $(MANDOCFLAGS) -Thtml $< > $@
Beginnings of a PDF parser in Hammer
- Currently needs a custom Hammer branch. You'll need to build against this:
- Help the default Makefile find Hammer
Simply call 'make' in the top level directory.
$ ln -s ../hammer/src hammer
$ ln -s ../hammer/build/opt/src lib
$ make
- Build/Usage:
The environment variables CC, CFLAGS, and LDFLAGS can be used in the usual
way to control the compiler to use, compiler flags, and linker flags,
$ make pdf
$ ./pdf test.pdf
This program uses the Hammer parser combinator library. It needs a recent
version, which can be obtained from:
See the file in that repository for build/install instructions.
It is recommended to install Hammer as a system library. See also the
TROUBLESHOOTING section below.
./pdf [options] input.pdf [oid]
The 'pdf' utility attempts to parse and validate the given PDF file. If
successful, it prints the resulting AST to stdout using a JSON format.
It exits 0 on success, 1 if the input file was found to be invalid, and >1
if an error occurs. The optional oid argument selects a specific object to
print instead of the whole document.
Refer to the supplied manual page 'pdf.1' for details.
<hammer/hammer.h> or not found:
If Hammer is not installed as a system library or in a nonstandard
location, cc and ld will fail to locate its headers and library. The
quick fix for this is to create symlinks called 'hammer' and 'lib'
pointing to Hammer's source and build output directories, respectively:
$ ln -s ../hammer/src hammer
$ ln -s ../hammer/build/opt/src lib
$ make
Likewise, when running 'pdf' directly, will fail to locate The quick fix is to point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the 'lib' dir:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/lib
$ ./pdf <filename>
A suite of example files is provided in the test/ directory. To run the
test suite:
# place some test files in the t/ directory...
$ make test
For every file in the test/valid/ and test/invalid/ subdirectories, the pdf
parser is invoked.
For the valid samples, a message of the following form is displayed on a
successful parse (exit code 0):
OK: test/valid/<filename>
Non-fatal messages may be displayed above it, but presence of the "OK"
indicates that the test passed. On any nonzero exit, i.e. if either the
file is deemed invalid or the program encountered an unexpected error,
error messages are displayed above an indication of the following form
that includes the exact exit code:
FAIL (exit <n>): test/valid/<filename>
For the invalid samples, messages about parse errors are suppressed and an
"OK" is displayed if and only if pdf exits with 1 ("invalid input"). An
exit code of 0 or abnormal termination will produce the "FAIL" message with
any program output appearing above it.
Various authors. Released under the terms of the ISC license.
See LICENSE for full copyright and licensing notice.
- move main routine(s) into separate source file.
- move filter implementation(s) into separate source file.
- fix the object stream parser to split input at logical boundaries, as
provided by the object index ("N pairs of integers") at the beginning of the
stream data.
this follows discussion with peter wyatt where he initially said that the
objects should be delimited by normal PDF token rules, but PDFA then came
to the conclusion that, in fact, this was a mistake and the logical
begin/end info should delimit things. i.e. if your index says that an object
begins at offset 0 and ends at offset 3, followed by one that ends at 6, and
the input is "123456", this parses as two numbers, 123 and 456.
currently the code follows the incorrect former approach, (re-) using the
"elemr" parser that is otherwise used with arrays. the above example would
parse as one element, the number 123456, in contradiction to the index
(which we parse but ignore).
we have to explicitly walk the index, run our "obj" parser on each
respective snippet of input, and wrap the results up in a parse result. we
should also validate conditions on the index beforehand. these are
thankfully sane (monotonic offsets etc.) and mentioned in the spec.
we'd like a combinator similar to our hand-rolled p_take(n,env) that works
on any input, not just the global input buffer passed from the environment.
as of feb 2023, h_bytes(n) which does just that is available in hammer.
- move main routine(s) and filter implementation(s) into separate source
files. e.g.:
- main.c: main function and helpers; starting from its include block
- pdf.c: parser proper; grammar and basic semantic actions
- filter.c: filters
- maybe another file just for xref or stream stuff?
- refactor / clean up the (ascii) filter implementations.
- rid VIOL() of the internal parser for getting at the severity parameter.
this is, i guess, an artefact of h_action() taking a single void pointer of
context, so it was not trivial to pass two arguments (message and severity)
to the action.
- just prefix the message string with a single digit or something.
this can be as simple as we need it to be.
- rework VIOL to produce a "violation" token in the AST (via h_action)?
- a validation (h_attr_bool) would let the parse fail if applicable
(severity vs. strictness).
- it is not clear how to externally store/retrieve information about fatal
violations, since they may occur in branches of the parse that may end
up being backed out of due to unrelated reasons.
- extract and print non-fatal violations after the parse?
- just leaving the violation tokens in the AST would mean that any
semantic could encounter them anywhere and would have to handle that
correctly. this seems ugly and prone to being forgotten.
- the current design mixes validation and semantic parsing ("is it valid? what
does it mean?") with diagnostic parsing ("what happened? what did you
- a strict division of the two jobs was originally intended, with the
pdf_dbg parser (pdf_diag would be a better name) only running after the
strictly validating parser proper failed.
- pdf_dbg was a quick and rough first stab that follows a more lenient
grammar to get at least an approximate location of whatever caused the
first parser to fail.
- running the parser twice (with all its memory allocation and so on) is not
efficient but seemed good enough for a first step. one could fold both
parsers into one at the very top and distinguish the results by token
type. this could probably reuse many objects from the packrat cache.
- working with parser combinators, we can use the full abstraction
facilities of our programming language. we should be able to use them to
factor out similarities between the two parsers (avoid code duplication).
- (maybe?) change stream parsing to just stop at "endstream endobj" when
/Length is indirect and the filter or postordinate parser doesn't delimit
itself. this is not strictly to-spec, but probably an OK restriction to make
in practice. a consistency checks can be made against the length after all
objects have been parsed.
note: the current design aims to follow the spec to the letter in that the
/Length entry of a stream determines its length, and nothing else. from this
it follows that we must find and parse these lengths in "island style".
thus, the current code is a hybrid of linear and island parsing. if the
reliance on /Length can be broken, the island-based resolver can go and we
can have a proper split between two separate parsers - one pure linear and
one pure island.
- parse and print content streams.
- parse/validate additional stream types/filters (images...).
- implement random-access ("island") parser (walking objects from /Root).
i'm not sure how much we need to know about the "DOM" for this. maybe
nothing? since everything is built out of basic objects and we can just
blindly follow references?
- check linear and random-access parses for consistency.
- investigate memory use on big documents (millions of objects).
- replace disparate parsing routines (applied to different pieces of input)
with one big HParser that uses h_seek() to move around. this will enable
......@@ -11,19 +97,10 @@
- parse stream objects without reference to their /Length entry by simply
trying all possible ways and consistency-checking them against the xref
table in the end, via h_attr_bool().
XXX is this actually possible (without unreasonable complications)?
- include position information, at least for objects, in the (JSON) output.
- format warnings/errors (stderr) as JSON, too.
- make custom token types for all appropriate parts of the parse result.
- parse content streams.
- implement random-access parser (walking objects from /Root).
- check linear and random-access parses for consistency.
- handle garbage before %PDF- and after %%EOF
- handle garbage at other points in the input?
- investigate memory use on big documents (millions of objects).
- add ASCII filter types.
- add LZW filter.
- make custom token types for all appropriate parts of the parse result so
that they can be properly distinguished in the output.
- include position information, at least for objects, in the (JSON) output.
#include <hammer/hammer.h>
#include <hammer/glue.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy */
#include "lzw.h"
struct context {
* Storing byte sequences represented by each LZW code.
* Codes 0-255 are predefined representing literals.
* Codes 256 and 267 are the special clear and eod (end of data) codes.
* Codes >257 are dynamically defined by the input.
* Each dynamically defined code is an extension of a previously
* defined code. We therefore need only store the code being extended
* and the byte being added.
* Thus the entries of this array form linked lists. To terminate the
* lists while making our memory allocation easy, we store the length
* of each code's output sequence.
* Finally, we redundantly store the first byte of the sequence so we
* don't have to walk the list during updates (see act_output).
struct {
size_t len; /* length of the sequence */
int prefix; /* code representing the seq's prefix (len-1) */
uint8_t last; /* final byte of the sequence */
uint8_t first; /* first byte of the sequence */
} table[4097]; /* 4096 codes + one dummy (see act_output) */
* The next code to be assigned, i.e. the current size of the table.
int next;
* earlychange = 1 means the bit size is increased "one code early".
* earlychange = 0 is "code length increases shall be postponed as
* long as possible".
int earlychange;
* Helpers for working with the table:
static void
lzw_clear_table(struct context *ctx)
ctx->next = 258;
* Update the dictionary with a new entry that extends the given code by one
* byte to be filled in later.
static void
lzw_table_extend(struct context *ctx, int code)
ctx->table[ctx->next].prefix = code;
ctx->table[ctx->next].first = ctx->table[code].first;
ctx->table[ctx->next].len = ctx->table[code].len + 1;
ctx->table[ctx->next].last = 0xFF;
* Assemble the output sequence represented by the given code word.
* The given buffer must have the appropriate size.
* Returns the number of bytes written.
static size_t
lzw_code_string(struct context *ctx, int code, uint8_t *buf)
size_t i, n;
/* traverse the list, filling buf from last to first byte */
n = ctx->table[code].len;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
buf[n - 1 - i] = ctx->table[code].last;
code = ctx->table[code].prefix;
assert(code == -1); /* reached the end */
return n;
* Global variables:
HParser *p_lzwdata;
static struct context *context;
* Semantic actions and validations:
static HParsedToken *
act_clear(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
struct context *ctx = u;
return NULL;
static bool
validate_clear(HParseResult *p, void *u)
uint64_t code = H_CAST_UINT(p->ast);
return (code == 256);
static bool
validate_eod(HParseResult *p, void *u)
uint64_t code = H_CAST_UINT(p->ast);
return (code == 257);
static bool
validate_output(HParseResult *p, void *u)
uint64_t code = H_CAST_UINT(p->ast);
struct context *ctx = u;
return (code != 256 && code != 257 && code < ctx->next);
static HParsedToken *
act_output(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
uint64_t code = H_CAST_UINT(p->ast);
struct context *ctx = u;
assert(ctx->next >= 258);
assert(ctx->next <= 4097);
assert(code < ctx->next);
assert(code != 256);
assert(code != 257);
/* Fill in the missing last byte of the last assigned code, if any. */
if (ctx->next > 258)
ctx->table[ctx->next - 1].last = ctx->table[code].first;
* Update the dictionary with a new entry that is missing the last
* byte which we will only learn when we process the next code.
* Note that the value 4097 is intentional here. Rather than going
* through the effort of ensuring that the last code is only updated
* once, we simply assign one more code as a dummy.
if (ctx->next < 4097)
lzw_table_extend(ctx, code);
/* Pass the code through. Output is generated in act_lzwblock below. */
return (HParsedToken *)p->ast; // XXX casting away the const OK?
* Assemble the string represented by a block of code words under a given
* table. The incoming HParsedToken is a sequence of code words (TT_UINT).
static HParsedToken *
act_lzwblock(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
HCountedArray *seq = H_CAST_SEQ(p->ast);
struct context *ctx = u;
uint8_t *buf, *cur;
size_t sz, i;
int code;
/* determine total output size, alloc buffer */
sz = 0;
for (i = 0; i < seq->used; i++) {
code = (int) H_CAST_UINT(seq->elements[i]);
sz += ctx->table[code].len;
buf = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, sz);
/* go through sequence, merge output bytes into buf */
cur = buf;
for (i = 0; i < seq->used; i++) {
code = (int) H_CAST_UINT(seq->elements[i]);
cur += lzw_code_string(ctx, code, cur);
assert(cur == buf + sz);
return H_MAKE_BYTES(buf, sz);
* Concatenate blocks to form the final output string.
* The incoming HParsedToken is a sequence of HBytes.
static HParsedToken *
act_lzwdata(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
HCountedArray *seq = H_CAST_SEQ(p->ast);
HBytes bs;
uint8_t *buf, *cur;
size_t sz, i;
/* fast path: single element? nothing to do */
if (seq->used == 1)
return seq->elements[0];
/* determine total output size, alloc buffer */
sz = 0;
for (i = 0; i < seq->used; i++)
sz += H_CAST_BYTES(seq->elements[i]).len;
buf = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, sz);
/* go through sequence, copying bytes into buf */
cur = buf;
for (i = 0; i < seq->used; i++) {
bs = H_CAST_BYTES(seq->elements[i]);
memcpy(cur, bs.token, bs.len);
cur += bs.len;
assert(cur == buf + sz);
return H_MAKE_BYTES(buf, sz);
* Continuation for h_bind() in the 'codeword' grammar rule. It inspects the
* lzw context passed as 'env' and returns the parser of the correct size.
* NB: We create the returned parsers statically in init_LZW_parser() to avoid
* allocation during the parse.
static HParser *p_code9, *p_code10, *p_code11, *p_code12;
static HParser *
kcodeword(HAllocator *mm__, const HParsedToken *x, void *env)
struct context *ctx = env;
if (ctx->next <= 512 - ctx->earlychange)
return p_code9;
else if (ctx->next <= 1024 - ctx->earlychange)
return p_code10;
else if (ctx->next <= 2048 - ctx->earlychange)
return p_code11;
return p_code12;
* Exposed interface:
int i;
/* initialize global context variable, incl. static table entries */
context = malloc(sizeof *context);
assert(context != NULL);
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
context->table[i].len = 1;
context->table[i].prefix = -1; /* none */
context->table[i].first = i;
context->table[i].last = i;
/* static parsers for code words of all possible sizes */
p_code9 = h_bits(9, false);
p_code10 = h_bits(10, false);
p_code11 = h_bits(11, false);
p_code12 = h_bits(12, false);
/* kcodeword() selects the appropriate parser based on context */
H_RULE (codeword, h_bind(h_epsilon_p(), kcodeword, context));
H_VRULE (eod, codeword);
H_AVDRULE(clear, codeword, context);
H_AVDRULE(output, codeword, context);
H_ADRULE(lzwblock, h_right(clear, h_many(output)), context);
H_ARULE (lzwdata, h_left(h_many1(lzwblock), eod));
// XXX validate that the last byte is zero-padded?
// XXX require h_end_p()?
p_lzwdata = lzwdata;
HParseResult *
parse_LZW_data(const uint8_t *input, size_t length)
HParseResult *res = h_parse(p_lzwdata, input, length);
return res;
init_LZW_context(int earlychange)
context->earlychange = !!earlychange;
#ifndef PDF_LZW_H
#define PDF_LZW_H
#include <hammer/hammer.h>
void init_LZW_parser();
HParseResult * parse_LZW_data(const uint8_t* input, size_t length);
void init_LZW_context(int earlychange);
#endif // PDF_LZW_H
.Dd $Mdocdate$
.Dt PDF 1
.Nm pdf
.Nd validation and inspection of PDF files
.Nm pdf
.Op Fl qsv
.Op Fl d Ar what
.Op Fl x Ar txtfile
.Ar input.pdf
.Op Ar oid
utility attempts to parse and validate the given PDF file.
It prints the resulting AST to standard output using a JSON format.
The optional
.Ar oid
argument selects a specific object to be printed instead of the whole document.
It is expected to be of the form
.Dq Va n . Ns Va g
.Va n
.Va g
are object and generation numbers, respectively.
The generation number may be omitted to select the latest object matching
.Va n .
The options are as follows:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Fl d Cm s
Dump the body data, after filter decoding, of a given stream object.
.Ar oid
argument is required.
.It Fl q
Query/quiet mode.
Do not print to standard output and suppress any messages about parse errors.
Just indicate success or failure via the exit status.
.It Fl s
Strict mode.
Treat most
.Dq benign
format violations as parse errors.
.It Fl v
Verbose mode.
Show additional informational messages.
.It Fl x Ar txtfile
Extract the text content of the input document and write it as plain
text to
.Ar txtfile .
The program exits 0 on successful execution with valid (conforming) input.
An exit code of 1 indicates that the parser identified the input file as
invalid but otherwise executed normally.
Exit codes >1 indicate abnormal termination, i.e. program failure with
indeterminate parse result.
.%R ISO 32000-1
.%T Document management \(em Portable document format \(em \
Part 1: PDF 1.7
.%D 2008
.%R ISO 32000-2
.%T Document management \(em Portable document format \(em \
Part 2: PDF 2.0
.%D 2020
PDF(1) General Commands Manual PDF(1)
pdf - validation and inspection of PDF files
pdf [-qsv] [-d what] [-x txtfile] input.pdf [oid]
The pdf utility attempts to parse and validate the given PDF file. It
prints the resulting AST to standard output using a JSON format.
The optional oid argument selects a specific object to be printed instead
of the whole document. It is expected to be of the form "n.g" where n
and g are object and generation numbers, respectively. The generation
number may be omitted to select the latest object matching n.
The options are as follows:
-d s Dump the body data, after filter decoding, of a given stream
object. An oid argument is required.
-q Query/quiet mode. Do not print to standard output and suppress
any messages about parse errors. Just indicate success or
failure via the exit status.
-s Strict mode. Treat most "benign" format violations as parse
-v Verbose mode. Show additional informational messages.
-x txtfile
Extract the text content of the input document and write it as
plain text to txtfile.
The program exits 0 on successful execution with valid (conforming)
input. An exit code of 1 indicates that the parser identified the input
file as invalid but otherwise executed normally. Exit codes >1 indicate
abnormal termination, i.e. program failure with indeterminate parse
Document management -- Portable document format -- Part 1: PDF 1.7, ISO
32000-1, 2008.
Document management -- Portable document format -- Part 2: PDF 2.0, ISO
32000-2, 2020.
January 6, 2023
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