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  • pesco/pdf
  • andrea/pdf
  • letitiali/pdf
  • denleylam/pdf
  • xentrac/pdf
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......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2019, 2020 Sven M. Hallberg <>
Copyright (c) 2020 pompolic <>
Copyright (c) 2019 - 2022 Sven M. Hallberg <>
Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022 pompolic <>
Copyright (c) 2020 Paul Vines <>
Copyright (c) 2020, 2021 Kragen Sitaker <>
Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Sumit Ray <>
Copyright (c) 2022 Meg Gordon <>
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
CFLAGS += -std=c99 -Wall -Werror -DLOG
CFLAGS += -std=c99 -Wall -Werror -DLOG -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=2
# find our hammer build - adjust this to your needs
# i have, for instance, symlinks:
......@@ -8,18 +8,34 @@ HAMMER_INCLUDE = .
HAMMER_LIB = ./lib
SOURCES = pdf.c lzw-lib.c
.PHONY: all test clean
all: pdf
SOURCES = pdf.c lzw.c
DOCS = pdf.1.txt
.PHONY: all test clean doc
all: $(TARGETS)
doc: $(DOCS)
test: pdf
'for x in t/*.pdf; do ./pdf "$$x" >/dev/null && echo OK: "$$x"; done'
pdf: $(SOURCES)
$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(SOURCES) -lhammer -lz
rm -f pdf
rm -f $(TARGETS)
MANDOC ?= mandoc
MANDOCFLAGS += -Ios= -Wall
.SUFFIXES: .mdoc .txt .pdf .html
$(MANDOC) $(MANDOCFLAGS) -Tman $< > $@
$(MANDOC) $(MANDOCFLAGS) -Tascii $< | col -b > $@
$(MANDOC) $(MANDOCFLAGS) -Tpdf $< > $@
$(MANDOC) $(MANDOCFLAGS) -Thtml $< > $@
Beginnings of a PDF parser in Hammer
- Currently needs a custom Hammer branch. You'll need to build against this:
For detailed build instructions, see in that repository.
Simply call 'make' in the top level directory.
- Help the default Makefile find Hammer
$ make
$ ln -s ../hammer/src hammer # needed for building pdf, include files
$ ln -s ../hammer/build/opt/src lib # needed for running pdf, to locate
The environment variables CC, CFLAGS, and LDFLAGS can be used in the usual
way to control the compiler to use, compiler flags, and linker flags,
- Notes for 2020-04-27 release:
This program uses the Hammer parser combinator library. It needs a recent
version, which can be obtained from:
The release branch has been tested to build with the 2020-04-27_RELEASE` branch located at
- Build:
See the file in that repository for build/install instructions.
It is recommended to install Hammer as a system library. See also the
TROUBLESHOOTING section below.
$ pushd ../hammer; scons; popd # build Hammer
$ make pdf
- Usage:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib # see Troubleshooting section below to see if this is needed
$ ldd ./pdf | grep libhammer # verify that was found
$ ./pdf <filename>
./pdf [options] input.pdf [oid]
# place some test files in the t/ directory...
$ make test
The 'pdf' utility attempts to parse and validate the given PDF file. If
successful, it prints the resulting AST to stdout using a JSON format.
It exits 0 on success, 1 if the input file was found to be invalid, and >1
if an error occurs. The optional oid argument selects a specific object to
print instead of the whole document.
Refer to the supplied manual page 'pdf.1' for details.
<hammer/hammer.h> or not found:
- Troubleshooting:
If Hammer is not installed as a system library or in a nonstandard
location, cc and ld will fail to locate its headers and library. The
quick fix for this is to create symlinks called 'hammer' and 'lib'
pointing to Hammer's source and build output directories, respectively: not found:
$ ln -s ../hammer/src hammer
$ ln -s ../hammer/build/opt/src lib
$ make
If Hammer is not installed as a system library, ld may fail to locate The quick fix for this is altering LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running pdf:
Likewise, when running 'pdf' directly, will fail to locate The quick fix is to point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the 'lib' dir:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib
$ make test
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/lib
$ ./pdf <filename>
The second solution is executing "scons install" when building Hammer, which will install it in ld's usual search path:
$ pushd ../hammer; scons install; popd
# ... Update ldconfig cache if needed
$ make pdf
$ make test
- Evaluating test results:
A suite of example files is provided in the test/ directory. To run the
test suite:
$ make test
For every file in the t/ directory, the pdf parser is executed. On successful parse, a message of the following form is displayed:
For every file in the test/valid/ and test/invalid/ subdirectories, the pdf
parser is invoked.
For the valid samples, a message of the following form is displayed on a
successful parse (exit code 0):
OK: test/valid/<filename>
Non-fatal messages may be displayed above it, but presence of the "OK"
indicates that the test passed. On any nonzero exit, i.e. if either the
file is deemed invalid or the program encountered an unexpected error,
error messages are displayed above an indication of the following form
that includes the exact exit code:
OK: t/<filename>
FAIL (exit <n>): test/valid/<filename>
In case of a non-fatal parse error, error messages may be displayed, but presence of the "OK" indicates pdf exited successfully. On a failed test run, only parse error messages are displayed.
For the invalid samples, messages about parse errors are suppressed and an
"OK" is displayed if and only if pdf exits with 1 ("invalid input"). An
exit code of 0 or abnormal termination will produce the "FAIL" message with
any program output appearing above it.
- Copyright:
- pesco 2019,2020
- pompolic 2020
- Paul Vines 2020
- David Bryant (modified lzw-ab code)
See LICENSE and lzw-ab-license.txt for full copyright and licensing notice.
Various authors. Released under the terms of the ISC license.
See LICENSE for full copyright and licensing notice.
......@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
should also validate conditions on the index beforehand. these are
thankfully sane (monotonic offsets etc.) and mentioned in the spec.
we'd like a combinator similar to our hand-rolled p_take(n,env) that works
on any input, not just the global input buffer passed from the environment.
as of feb 2023, h_bytes(n) which does just that is available in hammer.
- move main routine(s) and filter implementation(s) into separate source
files. e.g.:
- main.c: main function and helpers; starting from its include block
......@@ -28,14 +32,38 @@
- refactor / clean up the (ascii) filter implementations.
- rework VIOL to produce a "violation" token in the AST (via h_action). then,
a validation (h_attr_bool) should let the parse fail if applicable (severity
vs. strictness). non-fatal violations should be extracted and printed to
stderr after the parse.
- somehow rid VIOL() of the internal parser for getting at the severity
parameter. this is, i guess, an artefact of h_action() taking a single void
pointer of context, so it was not trivial to pass two arguments (message and
severity) to the action.
- rid VIOL() of the internal parser for getting at the severity parameter.
this is, i guess, an artefact of h_action() taking a single void pointer of
context, so it was not trivial to pass two arguments (message and severity)
to the action.
- just prefix the message string with a single digit or something.
this can be as simple as we need it to be.
- rework VIOL to produce a "violation" token in the AST (via h_action)?
- a validation (h_attr_bool) would let the parse fail if applicable
(severity vs. strictness).
- it is not clear how to externally store/retrieve information about fatal
violations, since they may occur in branches of the parse that may end
up being backed out of due to unrelated reasons.
- extract and print non-fatal violations after the parse?
- just leaving the violation tokens in the AST would mean that any
semantic could encounter them anywhere and would have to handle that
correctly. this seems ugly and prone to being forgotten.
- the current design mixes validation and semantic parsing ("is it valid? what
does it mean?") with diagnostic parsing ("what happened? what did you
- a strict division of the two jobs was originally intended, with the
pdf_dbg parser (pdf_diag would be a better name) only running after the
strictly validating parser proper failed.
- pdf_dbg was a quick and rough first stab that follows a more lenient
grammar to get at least an approximate location of whatever caused the
first parser to fail.
- running the parser twice (with all its memory allocation and so on) is not
efficient but seemed good enough for a first step. one could fold both
parsers into one at the very top and distinguish the results by token
type. this could probably reuse many objects from the packrat cache.
- working with parser combinators, we can use the full abstraction
facilities of our programming language. we should be able to use them to
factor out similarities between the two parsers (avoid code duplication).
- (maybe?) change stream parsing to just stop at "endstream endobj" when
/Length is indirect and the filter or postordinate parser doesn't delimit
......@@ -54,31 +82,6 @@
- parse and print content streams.
- parse/validate additional stream types/filters (images...).
- consider reviving the effort to get "obj" to parse with LALR. the messy
grammar for arrays with "elemd", "elemr", etc. still stems from project, as
does the explicit handling of whitespace -- note that TOK() is only used in
KW() and that no instances of KW() remain under "obj".
alternatively, consider fully reverting the grammar to its clearer PEG form.
i would probably keep the explicit whitespace, though.
what stopped me before was the difficulty to resolve some things without
precedence rules; specifically line endings in string literals.
is <CR><LF> a "crlf" or a "cr" followed by an "lf"? LALR cannot decide
unless you encode that anything following a "cr" doesn't start with <LF>.
string literals are currently defined differently. the best way to do it,
AFAICS, would be to match (in string literals) all subsequent line endings
in one nonterminal and to encode there that a plain "cr" is never followed
by "lf".
FWIW, the motivation for LALR parsing of "obj" was the prospect of parsing
an object stream incrementally, as chunks come in from the decompressor
(or an arbitrary filter chain).
NB: the reason why we must distinguish "crlf" from "cr" "lf" at all is of
course that in a string literal, the former means "\n" and the latter means
- implement random-access ("island") parser (walking objects from /Root).
i'm not sure how much we need to know about the "DOM" for this. maybe
nothing? since everything is built out of basic objects and we can just
Copyright (c) David Bryant
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Conifer Software nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
// **** LZW-AB **** //
// Adjusted Binary LZW Compressor/Decompressor //
// Copyright (c) 2016 David Bryant //
// All Rights Reserved //
// Distributed under the BSD Software License (see license.txt) //
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lzw-lib.h"
/* This library implements the LZW general-purpose data compression algorithm.
* The algorithm was originally described as a hardware implementation by
* Terry Welsh here:
* Welch, T.A. “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression.”
* IEEE Computer 17,6 (June 1984), pp. 8-19.
* Since then there have been enumerable refinements and variations on the
* basic technique, and this implementation is no different. The target of
* the present implementation is embedded systems, and so emphasis was placed
* on simplicity, fast execution, and minimal RAM usage.
* The symbols are stored in adjusted binary, which provides considerably
* better compression performance with virtually no speed penalty compared to
* the fixed sizes normally used. To ensure good performance on data with
* varying characteristics (like executable images) the encoder resets as
* soon as the dictionary is full. Also, worst-case performance is limited
* to about 8% inflation by catching poor performance and forcing an early
* reset before longer symbols are sent.
* The maximum symbol size is configurable on the encode side (from 9 bits
* to 12 bits) and determines the RAM footprint required by both sides and,
* to a large extent, the compression performance. This information is
* communicated to the decoder in the first stream byte so that it can
* allocate accordingly. The RAM requirements are as follows:
* maximum encoder RAM decoder RAM
* symbol size requirement requirement
* -----------------------------------------
* 9-bit 1792 bytes 1024 bytes
* 10-bit 4352 bytes 3072 bytes
* 11-bit 9472 bytes 7168 bytes
* 12-bit 19712 bytes 15360 bytes
* This implementation uses malloc(), but obviously an embedded version could
* use static arrays instead if desired (assuming that the maxbits was
* controlled outside).
#define NULL_CODE -1 // indicates a NULL prefix
#define CLEAR_CODE 256 // code to flush dictionary and restart decoder
#define EOD_CODE 257 // used in PDF's LZWDecode to signal end of data
#define FIRST_STRING 258 // code of first dictionary string, PDF edition
/* This macro writes the adjusted-binary symbol "code" given the maximum
* symbol "maxcode". A macro is used here just to avoid the duplication in
* the lzw_compress() function. The idea is that if "maxcode" is not one
* less than a power of two (which it rarely will be) then this code can
* often send fewer bits that would be required with a fixed-sized code.
* For example, the first code we send will have a "maxcode" of 257, so
* every "code" would normally consume 9 bits. But with adjusted binary we
* can actually represent any code from 0 to 253 with just 8 bits -- only
* the 4 codes from 254 to 257 take 9 bits.
#define WRITE_CODE(code,maxcode) do { \
int code_bits = (maxcode) < 1024 ? \
((maxcode) < 512 ? 8 : 9) : \
((maxcode) < 2048 ? 10 : 11); \
int extras = (1 << (code_bits + 1)) - (maxcode) - 1; \
if ((code) < extras) { \
shifter |= ((long)(code) << bits); \
bits += code_bits; \
} \
else { \
shifter |= ((long)(((code) + extras) >> 1) << bits); \
bits += code_bits; \
shifter |= ((long)(((code) + extras) & 1) << bits++); \
} \
do { (*dst)(shifter); shifter >>= 8; output_bytes++; \
} while ((bits -= 8) >= 8); \
} while (0)
/* LZW compression function. Bytes (8-bit) are read and written through callbacks and the
* "maxbits" parameter specifies the maximum symbol size (9-12), which in turn determines
* the RAM requirement and, to a large extent, the level of compression achievable. A return
* value of EOF from the "src" callback terminates the compression process. A non-zero return
* value indicates one of the two possible errors -- bad "maxbits" param or failed malloc().
int lzw_compress (void (*dst)(int), int (*src)(void), int maxbits)
int next = FIRST_STRING, prefix = NULL_CODE, bits = 0, total_codes, c;
unsigned long input_bytes = 0, output_bytes = 0;
short *first_references, *next_references;
unsigned char *terminators;
unsigned long shifter = 0;
if (maxbits < 9 || maxbits > 12) // check for valid "maxbits" setting
return 1;
// based on the "maxbits" parameter, compute total codes and allocate dictionary storage
total_codes = 1 << maxbits;
first_references = malloc (total_codes * sizeof (first_references [0]));
next_references = malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (next_references [0]));
terminators = malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
if (!first_references || !next_references || !terminators)
return 1; // failed malloc()
// clear the dictionary
memset (first_references, 0, total_codes * sizeof (first_references [0]));
memset (next_references, 0, (total_codes - 256) * sizeof (next_references [0]));
memset (terminators, 0, (total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
(*dst)(maxbits - 9); // first byte in output stream indicates the maximum symbol bits
// This is the main loop where we read input bytes and compress them. We always keep track of the
// "prefix", which represents a pending byte (if < 256) or string entry (if >= FIRST_STRING) that
// has not been sent to the decoder yet. The output symbols are kept in the "shifter" and "bits"
// variables and are sent to the output every time 8 bits are available (done in the macro).
while ((c = (*src)()) != EOF) {
int cti; // coding table index
if (prefix == NULL_CODE) { // this only happens the very first byte when we don't yet have a prefix
prefix = c;
if ((cti = first_references [prefix])) { // if any longer strings are built on the current prefix...
while (1)
if (terminators [cti - 256] == c) { // we found a matching string, so we just update the prefix
prefix = cti; // to that string and continue without sending anything
else if (!next_references [cti - 256]) { // this string did not match the new character and
next_references [cti - 256] = next; // there aren't any more, so we'll add a new string
cti = 0; // and point to it with "next_reference"
cti = next_references [cti - 256]; // there are more possible matches to check, so loop back
else // no longer strings are based on the current prefix, so now
first_references [prefix] = next; // the current prefix plus the new byte will be the next string
// If "cti" is zero, we could not simply extend our "prefix" to a longer string because we did not find a
// dictionary match, so we send the symbol representing the current "prefix" and add the new string to the
// dictionary. Since the current byte "c" was not included in the prefix, that now becomes our new prefix.
if (!cti) {
WRITE_CODE (prefix, next); // send symbol for current prefix (0 to next-1)
terminators [next - 256] = c; // newly created string has current byte as the terminator
prefix = c; // current byte also becomes new prefix for next string
// This is where we bump the next string index and decide whether to clear the dictionary and start over.
// The triggers for that are either the dictionary is full or we've been outputting too many bytes and
// decide to cut our losses before the symbols get any larger. Note that for the dictionary full case we
// do NOT send the CLEAR_CODE because the decoder knows about this and we don't want to be redundant.
if (++next == total_codes || output_bytes > 8 + input_bytes + (input_bytes >> 4)) {
if (next < total_codes)
// clear the dictionary and reset the byte counters -- basically everything starts over
// except that we keep the last pending "prefix" (which, of course, was never sent)
memset (first_references, 0, total_codes * sizeof (first_references [0]));
memset (next_references, 0, (total_codes - 256) * sizeof (next_references [0]));
memset (terminators, 0, (total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
input_bytes = output_bytes = 0;
// we're done with input, so if we've received anything we still need to send that pesky pending prefix...
if (prefix != NULL_CODE) {
WRITE_CODE (prefix, next);
if (++next == total_codes) // watch for clearing to the first string to stay in step with the decoder!
next = FIRST_STRING; // (this was actually a corner-case bug that did not trigger often)
WRITE_CODE (next, next); // the maximum possible code is always reserved for our END_CODE
if (bits) // finally, flush any pending bits from the shifter
free (terminators); free (next_references); free (first_references);
return 0;
/* LZW decompression function. Bytes (8-bit) are read and written through callbacks.
* A return value of EOF from the "src" callback terminates the compression process
* (although this should not normally occur). A non-zero return value
* indicates an error, which in this case can be a
* failed malloc(), or if an EOF is read from the input stream before the compression
* terminates naturally with END_CODE.
int lzw_decompress (void (*dst)(int), int (*src)(void))
int read_byte, next = FIRST_STRING, prefix = CLEAR_CODE, bits = 0, total_codes;
unsigned char *terminators, *reverse_buffer;
unsigned long shifter = 0;
short *prefixes;
// PDF specific change: maxbits is not in the input stream
// we'll just be pessimistic and allocate the maximal size buffer
total_codes = 4096;
reverse_buffer = malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (reverse_buffer [0]));
prefixes = malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (prefixes [0]));
terminators = malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
if (!reverse_buffer || !prefixes || !terminators) // check for mallco() failure
return 1;
// This is the main loop where we read input symbols. The values range from 0 to the code value
// of the "next" string in the dictionary. Note that receiving an EOF from the input
// stream is actually an error because we should have gotten the END_CODE first.
while (1) {
int code_bits = next < 512 ? 9 : (next < 1024 ? 10 : (next < 2048 ? 11 : 12) ), code;
#define TOP_BITMASK (((1 << code_bits) - 1) << (bits - code_bits) )
#define BOTTOM_BITMASK ((1 << (bits - code_bits)) - 1)
do {
if ((read_byte = ((*src)())) == EOF) {
free (terminators); free (prefixes); free (reverse_buffer);
return 1;
/* shifter reworked: everything shifted left by a byte,
* and the byte we just read becomes the least significant
* byte */
// prepare to shift in next byte
shifter <<= 8;
/* the bitstrings forming the symbols are stored MSB first,
* so we can just OR in the next */
shifter |= (unsigned long) read_byte;
} while ((bits += 8) < code_bits);
/* for a 12-bit code, the shifter's bits now look like
* from MSB to LSB: 00...0cccccccccn...n
* where c are the bits of our code
* and n are the bits we're not yet interested in
* the number of times n is repeated is bits - code_bits
* ie. the number of bits read in minus the bits we're interested in */
// shift our code bits into thier proper place, and save it as the final code
code = (int) shifter >> (bits - code_bits);
/* we can now clear the shifter's top bits. the result looks like:
* 00...0n...n
* number of n is bits-code_bits
* */
shifter &= BOTTOM_BITMASK;
// update the count of bytes in the shifter
bits -= code_bits;
if (code == EOD_CODE) // In PDF, EOD is signalled by 257, rather than the max code
else if (code == CLEAR_CODE) // otherwise check for a CLEAR_CODE to start over early
else if (prefix == CLEAR_CODE) { // this only happens at the first symbol which is always sent
(*dst)(code); // literally and becomes our initial prefix
// Otherwise we have a valid prefix so we step through the string from end to beginning storing the
// bytes in the "reverse_buffer", and then we send them out in the proper order. One corner-case
// we have to handle here is that the string might be the same one that is actually being defined
// now (code == next-1). Also, the first 256 entries of "terminators" and "prefixes" are fixed and
// not allocated, so that messes things up a bit.
else {
int cti = (code == next-1) ? prefix : code;
unsigned char *rbp = reverse_buffer, c;
do *rbp++ = cti < 256 ? cti : terminators [cti - 256]; // step backward through string...
while ((cti = (cti < 256) ? NULL_CODE : prefixes [cti - 256]) != NULL_CODE);
c = *--rbp; // the first byte in this string is the terminator for the last string, which is
// the one that we'll create a new dictionary entry for this time
do (*dst)(*rbp); // send string in corrected order (except for the terminator
while (rbp-- != reverse_buffer); // which we don't know yet)
if (code == next-1)
prefixes [next - 1 - 256] = prefix; // now update the next dictionary entry with the new string
terminators [next - 1 - 256] = c; // (but we're always one behind, so it's not the string just sent)
if (++next == total_codes) // check for full dictionary, which forces a reset (and, BTW,
next = FIRST_STRING; // means we'll never use the dictionary entry we just wrote)
prefix = code; // the code we just received becomes the prefix for the next dictionary string entry
// (which we'll create once we find out the terminator)
free (terminators); free (prefixes); free (reverse_buffer);
return 0;
// **** LZW-AB **** //
// Adjusted Binary LZW Compressor/Decompressor //
// Copyright (c) 2016 David Bryant //
// All Rights Reserved //
// Distributed under the BSD Software License (see license.txt) //
#ifndef LZWLIB_H_
#define LZWLIB_H_
int lzw_compress (void (*dst)(int), int (*src)(void), int maxbits);
int lzw_decompress (void (*dst)(int), int (*src)(void));
#endif /* LZWLIB_H_ */
#include <hammer/hammer.h>
#include <hammer/glue.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy */
#include "lzw.h"
struct context {
* Storing byte sequences represented by each LZW code.
* Codes 0-255 are predefined representing literals.
* Codes 256 and 267 are the special clear and eod (end of data) codes.
* Codes >257 are dynamically defined by the input.
* Each dynamically defined code is an extension of a previously
* defined code. We therefore need only store the code being extended
* and the byte being added.
* Thus the entries of this array form linked lists. To terminate the
* lists while making our memory allocation easy, we store the length
* of each code's output sequence.
* Finally, we redundantly store the first byte of the sequence so we
* don't have to walk the list during updates (see act_output).
struct {
size_t len; /* length of the sequence */
int prefix; /* code representing the seq's prefix (len-1) */
uint8_t last; /* final byte of the sequence */
uint8_t first; /* first byte of the sequence */
} table[4097]; /* 4096 codes + one dummy (see act_output) */
* The next code to be assigned, i.e. the current size of the table.
int next;
* earlychange = 1 means the bit size is increased "one code early".
* earlychange = 0 is "code length increases shall be postponed as
* long as possible".
int earlychange;
* Helpers for working with the table:
static void
lzw_clear_table(struct context *ctx)
ctx->next = 258;
* Update the dictionary with a new entry that extends the given code by one
* byte to be filled in later.
static void
lzw_table_extend(struct context *ctx, int code)
ctx->table[ctx->next].prefix = code;
ctx->table[ctx->next].first = ctx->table[code].first;
ctx->table[ctx->next].len = ctx->table[code].len + 1;
ctx->table[ctx->next].last = 0xFF;
* Assemble the output sequence represented by the given code word.
* The given buffer must have the appropriate size.
* Returns the number of bytes written.
static size_t
lzw_code_string(struct context *ctx, int code, uint8_t *buf)
size_t i, n;
/* traverse the list, filling buf from last to first byte */
n = ctx->table[code].len;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
buf[n - 1 - i] = ctx->table[code].last;
code = ctx->table[code].prefix;
assert(code == -1); /* reached the end */
return n;
* Global variables:
HParser *p_lzwdata;
static struct context *context;
* Semantic actions and validations:
static HParsedToken *
act_clear(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
struct context *ctx = u;
return NULL;
static bool
validate_clear(HParseResult *p, void *u)
uint64_t code = H_CAST_UINT(p->ast);
return (code == 256);
static bool
validate_eod(HParseResult *p, void *u)
uint64_t code = H_CAST_UINT(p->ast);
return (code == 257);
static bool
validate_output(HParseResult *p, void *u)
uint64_t code = H_CAST_UINT(p->ast);
struct context *ctx = u;
return (code != 256 && code != 257 && code < ctx->next);
static HParsedToken *
act_output(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
uint64_t code = H_CAST_UINT(p->ast);
struct context *ctx = u;
assert(ctx->next >= 258);
assert(ctx->next <= 4097);
assert(code < ctx->next);
assert(code != 256);
assert(code != 257);
/* Fill in the missing last byte of the last assigned code, if any. */
if (ctx->next > 258)
ctx->table[ctx->next - 1].last = ctx->table[code].first;
* Update the dictionary with a new entry that is missing the last
* byte which we will only learn when we process the next code.
* Note that the value 4097 is intentional here. Rather than going
* through the effort of ensuring that the last code is only updated
* once, we simply assign one more code as a dummy.
if (ctx->next < 4097)
lzw_table_extend(ctx, code);
/* Pass the code through. Output is generated in act_lzwblock below. */
return (HParsedToken *)p->ast; // XXX casting away the const OK?
* Assemble the string represented by a block of code words under a given
* table. The incoming HParsedToken is a sequence of code words (TT_UINT).
static HParsedToken *
act_lzwblock(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
HCountedArray *seq = H_CAST_SEQ(p->ast);
struct context *ctx = u;
uint8_t *buf, *cur;
size_t sz, i;
int code;
/* determine total output size, alloc buffer */
sz = 0;
for (i = 0; i < seq->used; i++) {
code = (int) H_CAST_UINT(seq->elements[i]);
sz += ctx->table[code].len;
buf = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, sz);
/* go through sequence, merge output bytes into buf */
cur = buf;
for (i = 0; i < seq->used; i++) {
code = (int) H_CAST_UINT(seq->elements[i]);
cur += lzw_code_string(ctx, code, cur);
assert(cur == buf + sz);
return H_MAKE_BYTES(buf, sz);
* Concatenate blocks to form the final output string.
* The incoming HParsedToken is a sequence of HBytes.
static HParsedToken *
act_lzwdata(const HParseResult *p, void *u)
HCountedArray *seq = H_CAST_SEQ(p->ast);
HBytes bs;
uint8_t *buf, *cur;
size_t sz, i;
/* fast path: single element? nothing to do */
if (seq->used == 1)
return seq->elements[0];
/* determine total output size, alloc buffer */
sz = 0;
for (i = 0; i < seq->used; i++)
sz += H_CAST_BYTES(seq->elements[i]).len;
buf = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, sz);
/* go through sequence, copying bytes into buf */
cur = buf;
for (i = 0; i < seq->used; i++) {
bs = H_CAST_BYTES(seq->elements[i]);
memcpy(cur, bs.token, bs.len);
cur += bs.len;
assert(cur == buf + sz);
return H_MAKE_BYTES(buf, sz);
* Continuation for h_bind() in the 'codeword' grammar rule. It inspects the
* lzw context passed as 'env' and returns the parser of the correct size.
* NB: We create the returned parsers statically in init_LZW_parser() to avoid
* allocation during the parse.
static HParser *p_code9, *p_code10, *p_code11, *p_code12;
static HParser *
kcodeword(HAllocator *mm__, const HParsedToken *x, void *env)
struct context *ctx = env;
if (ctx->next <= 512 - ctx->earlychange)
return p_code9;
else if (ctx->next <= 1024 - ctx->earlychange)
return p_code10;
else if (ctx->next <= 2048 - ctx->earlychange)
return p_code11;
return p_code12;
* Exposed interface:
int i;
/* initialize global context variable, incl. static table entries */
context = malloc(sizeof *context);
assert(context != NULL);
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
context->table[i].len = 1;
context->table[i].prefix = -1; /* none */
context->table[i].first = i;
context->table[i].last = i;
/* static parsers for code words of all possible sizes */
p_code9 = h_bits(9, false);
p_code10 = h_bits(10, false);
p_code11 = h_bits(11, false);
p_code12 = h_bits(12, false);
/* kcodeword() selects the appropriate parser based on context */
H_RULE (codeword, h_bind(h_epsilon_p(), kcodeword, context));
H_VRULE (eod, codeword);
H_AVDRULE(clear, codeword, context);
H_AVDRULE(output, codeword, context);
H_ADRULE(lzwblock, h_right(clear, h_many(output)), context);
H_ARULE (lzwdata, h_left(h_many1(lzwblock), eod));
// XXX validate that the last byte is zero-padded?
// XXX require h_end_p()?
p_lzwdata = lzwdata;
HParseResult *
parse_LZW_data(const uint8_t *input, size_t length)
HParseResult *res = h_parse(p_lzwdata, input, length);
return res;
init_LZW_context(int earlychange)
context->earlychange = !!earlychange;
#ifndef PDF_LZW_H
#define PDF_LZW_H
#include <hammer/hammer.h>
void init_LZW_parser();
HParseResult * parse_LZW_data(const uint8_t* input, size_t length);
void init_LZW_context(int earlychange);
#endif // PDF_LZW_H
.Dd $Mdocdate$
.Dt PDF 1
.Nm pdf
.Nd validation and inspection of PDF files
.Nm pdf
.Op Fl qsv
.Op Fl d Ar what
.Op Fl x Ar txtfile
.Ar input.pdf
.Op Ar oid
utility attempts to parse and validate the given PDF file.
It prints the resulting AST to standard output using a JSON format.
The optional
.Ar oid
argument selects a specific object to be printed instead of the whole document.
It is expected to be of the form
.Dq Va n . Ns Va g
.Va n
.Va g
are object and generation numbers, respectively.
The generation number may be omitted to select the latest object matching
.Va n .
The options are as follows:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Fl d Cm s
Dump the body data, after filter decoding, of a given stream object.
.Ar oid
argument is required.
.It Fl q
Query/quiet mode.
Do not print to standard output and suppress any messages about parse errors.
Just indicate success or failure via the exit status.
.It Fl s
Strict mode.
Treat most
.Dq benign
format violations as parse errors.
.It Fl v
Verbose mode.
Show additional informational messages.
.It Fl x Ar txtfile
Extract the text content of the input document and write it as plain
text to
.Ar txtfile .
The program exits 0 on successful execution with valid (conforming) input.
An exit code of 1 indicates that the parser identified the input file as
invalid but otherwise executed normally.
Exit codes >1 indicate abnormal termination, i.e. program failure with
indeterminate parse result.
.%R ISO 32000-1
.%T Document management \(em Portable document format \(em \
Part 1: PDF 1.7
.%D 2008
.%R ISO 32000-2
.%T Document management \(em Portable document format \(em \
Part 2: PDF 2.0
.%D 2020
PDF(1) General Commands Manual PDF(1)
pdf - validation and inspection of PDF files
pdf [-qsv] [-d what] [-x txtfile] input.pdf [oid]
The pdf utility attempts to parse and validate the given PDF file. It
prints the resulting AST to standard output using a JSON format.
The optional oid argument selects a specific object to be printed instead
of the whole document. It is expected to be of the form "n.g" where n
and g are object and generation numbers, respectively. The generation
number may be omitted to select the latest object matching n.
The options are as follows:
-d s Dump the body data, after filter decoding, of a given stream
object. An oid argument is required.
-q Query/quiet mode. Do not print to standard output and suppress
any messages about parse errors. Just indicate success or
failure via the exit status.
-s Strict mode. Treat most "benign" format violations as parse
-v Verbose mode. Show additional informational messages.
-x txtfile
Extract the text content of the input document and write it as
plain text to txtfile.
The program exits 0 on successful execution with valid (conforming)
input. An exit code of 1 indicates that the parser identified the input
file as invalid but otherwise executed normally. Exit codes >1 indicate
abnormal termination, i.e. program failure with indeterminate parse
Document management -- Portable document format -- Part 1: PDF 1.7, ISO
32000-1, 2008.
Document management -- Portable document format -- Part 2: PDF 2.0, ISO
32000-2, 2020.
January 6, 2023
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