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Draft: ASCII85 rework

Sven M. Hallberg requested to merge cleanup into master

a bit of a tangent, but as good as anything to get back into the meat of things:

reworking the convoluted/buggy ASCII85 implementation...

also includes:

  • some new test files
  • filter output in the AST for otherwise uninterpreted streams
  • elimination of a duplicated function (act_bytestream)
  • removal of KUDU_OUTDIR from Makefile => that stuff goes to /tmp by default


  • validation of the "f <= UINT32_MAX" conditions
  • unify act_a85group with act_a85partialgroup
  • more test files (negative cases, especially)?
  • are there any "impossible" encodings that we don't validate against, yet?!
  • ...?
Edited by Sven M. Hallberg

Merge request reports
