Note that `-ex "hammer-parse-stop-at-pos 50"` is not strictly necessary, but by default the tool will print memory stats and exit.
To enable the GUI, in the gdb console:
To enable the GUI, in the gdb console:
@@ -118,6 +120,12 @@ hammer-parser-average-mem
@@ -118,6 +120,12 @@ hammer-parser-average-mem
Prints the average number of bytes used separately for each HArena.
Prints the average number of bytes used separately for each HArena.
Prints memory usage statistics for all parsers encountered up to that point. (If a HParser is not explicitly named in an H_RULE in one of the parser initializing functions, and has not been applied on the input yet, it will not appear in the statistics. For example: given the `H_RULE(foo, h_choice(h_uint8(), h_uint16(), NULL))`, `foo` will appear in the statistics if it's been declared in `init_parser()`, but the unnamed `h_uint8()` will only appear if it's been applied at least once.)
# Limitations
# Limitations
This tool is currently built and tested against the pdf parser. It makes a few assumptions:
This tool is currently built and tested against the pdf parser. It makes a few assumptions:
print("["+str(hex(top_level_parse.h_do_parse_parser.address))+"] "" [current]")#TODO: GUI widget should reflect this
ifdepth>0:# if stack not empty
# unsure what the idiomatic python is for handling negative indices starting with -1,
# but this addition is to avoid off-by-one errors
print("["+str(hex(p.address))+"] " TODO: errors in perform_lowlevel_parse, if is None