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from nmigen import *
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from nmigen.hdl.rec import *
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from nmigen.asserts import *
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from nmigen.cli import main
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from pipe_stage import PipeStage
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# get the testbenches working and model checking done
# formal proof (k-induction and/or ABC-PDR)
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# figure out how the Altera gearbox design works (number of pipeline stages and what each does)

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class GearboxBusLayout(Layout):
    def __init__(self, *, upstream_width, downstream_width): # the * forces keyword args
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            # DATA
            ("data_in",        unsigned(upstream_width)),      # FROM SOURCE
            ("data_out",       unsigned(downstream_width)),     # TO DEST
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            # CONTROL
            ("upstream_valid_in",       1),                       # FROM SOURCE
            ("upstream_ready_out",      1),                       # TO SOURCE
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            ("downstream_ready_in",       1),                       # FROM DEST
            ("downstream_valid_out",      1),                       # TO DEST
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class GearboxBus(Record):
    def __init__(self, *, upstream_width, downstream_width):
        super().__init__(GearboxBusLayout(upstream_width=upstream_width, downstream_width=downstream_width))
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class ArbitraryGearbox(Elaboratable):
        def __init__(self, *, upstream_width, downstream_width):
            self.upstream_width = upstream_width
            self.downstream_width = downstream_width
            self.bus = GearboxBus(upstream_width=upstream_width, downstream_width=downstream_width)
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        def elaborate(self, platform):
            m = Module()
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            upstream_width = self.upstream_width
            downstream_width = self.downstream_width
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            shift_reg_len        = upstream_width + downstream_width
            shift_reg            = Signal(shift_reg_len)
            valid_bit_count = Signal(range(shift_reg_len))
            upstream_transaction = Signal(1)
            downstream_transaction = Signal(1)
            m.d.comb += upstream_transaction.eq(  self.bus.upstream_ready_out  & self.bus.upstream_valid_in)
            m.d.comb += downstream_transaction.eq(self.bus.downstream_ready_in & self.bus.downstream_valid_out)
            m.d.comb += self.bus.upstream_ready_out.eq(  shift_reg_len - valid_bit_count >= upstream_width)
            m.d.comb += self.bus.downstream_valid_out.eq(shift_reg_len                   >= downstream_width)
            m.d.comb += self.bus.data_out.eq(shift_reg[0:downstream_width])
            with m.If(upstream_transaction == 1):
                with m.If(downstream_transaction == 1): # upstream and downstream
                    # the simultaneous transaction is hard, but updating the valid count isn't
                    m.d.sync += valid_bit_count.eq(valid_bit_count + upstream_width - downstream_width)
                    # the updated shift register is composed of two parts, one from the old bits,
                    # and one from the new bits.
                    # First, we shift out downstream_width bits from the bottom of the register
                    # What remains is (shift_reg >> downstream_width)
                    # To fit the new bits in, we must shift them at the correct location so no valid
                    # bit is overwritten and no junk bits are left:
                    # (self.bus.data_in << (valid_bit_count - downstream_width))
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                    m.d.sync += shift_reg.eq((self.bus.data_in << (valid_bit_count - downstream_width))| (shift_reg >> downstream_width))
                with m.Else():                          # upstream, no downstream
                    m.d.sync += valid_bit_count.eq(valid_bit_count + upstream_width)
                    # we shift in bits on the high side of the shift register
                    m.d.sync += shift_reg.eq((self.bus.data_in << valid_bit_count) | shift_reg)
            with m.Else():
                with m.If(downstream_transaction == 1): # no upstream, downstream
                    m.d.sync += valid_bit_count.eq(valid_bit_count - downstream_width)
                    # we get rid of the low bits that go out the bus during this transaction
                    m.d.sync += shift_reg.eq(shift_reg[downstream_width:])
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class IdempotentGearbox(Elaboratable):
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        def __init__(self, *, width):
            self.width = width
            self.bus = GearboxBus(upstream_width=width, downstream_width=width)
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        def elaborate(self, platform):
            m = Module()

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            m.submodules.pipe = pipe = PipeStage(width=self.width, registered_ready=True)
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            m.d.comb += pipe.upstream_valid_in.eq(self.bus.valid_in)
            m.d.comb += pipe.downstream_ready_in.eq(self.bus.ready_in)
            m.d.comb += pipe.upstream_data_in.eq(self.bus.data_in)
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            m.d.comb += self.bus.valid_out.eq(pipe.downstream_valid_out)
            m.d.comb += self.bus.data_out.eq(pipe.downstream_data_out)
            m.d.comb += self.bus.ready_out.eq(pipe.upstream_ready_out)
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            return m
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# This is non-synthesizable but is intended to provide a model for non-unitary ratio gearbox
# in order to do formal verification and model-checking against both the unitary-ratio gearbox
# and also the arbitrary ratio gearbox.

class GoldenGearboxModel(Elaboratable):
        def __init__(self, *, upstream_width, downstream_width, sim_memory_size):
            self.upstream_width = upstream_width
            self.downstream_width = downstream_width
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            self.sim_memory_size = sim_memory_size
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            self.memory = Signal(sim_memory_size)

            self.bus = GearboxBus(upstream_width=upstream_width, downstream_width=downstream_width)
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        def elaborate(self, platform):
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            m = Module()
            write_ptr = Signal(range(self.sim_memory_size))
            read_ptr = Signal(range(self.sim_memory_size))
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            with m.If(self.bus.valid_in == 1):
                m.d.sync += write_ptr.eq(write_ptr + self.upstream_width)
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                with m.Switch(write_ptr):
                        for cand_wptr in range(0, self.sim_memory_size):
                            with m.Case(cand_wptr):
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                                m.d.sync += self.memory.eq(

                                    Cat(self.memory.bit_select(0, cand_wptr),
            with m.If(self.bus.ready_in == 1):
                m.d.comb += self.bus.data_out.eq(self.memory.bit_select(read_ptr,self.downstream_width))
                m.d.sync += read_ptr.eq(read_ptr + self.downstream_width)
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            return m
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class DummyPlug(Elaboratable):

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    #def __init__(self):
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    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

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        #m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.data_in.eq(AnySeq(3))
        #m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.ready_in.eq(AnySeq(1))
        #m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.valid_in.eq(AnySeq(1))

        m.submodules.gearbox = gearbox = ArbitraryGearbox(upstream_width=4, downstream_width=2) #, sim_memory_size=16)
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        counter = Signal(8)
        m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter+1)
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        #with m.If(counter%4 = ):
        m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.downstream_ready_in.eq(1)

        m.d.comb += gearbox.bus.upstream_valid_in.eq(1)
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if __name__ == '__main__':
    baka =DummyPlug()
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